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Correct and FULL transcript of Maharishis CNN interview w. Larry King May 2002

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>amritasyaputra (AT) excite (DOT) com >amritasyaputra (AT) excite (DOT) com >Subject:

Correct and FULL transcript of Maharishis CNN interview w. Larry King May 2002

>Mon, 20 May 2002 12:57:04 -0400 (EDT) > > >If you have been reading the

interview-transcript on/from the CNN website, then you have been reading a

mistakeful and incomplete version!!! The following is a direct transcript where

the mistakes are corrected and which includes ONE MORE answer ommited by the CNN

transcript website (after the question „Where, Maharishi, were you on September

11?“)!!! S. > > >CNN LARRY KING WEEKEND >Interview With Maharishi Mahesh Yogi >

>Aired May 12, 2002 - 21:00 ET > >LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, exclusive, he was

the Beatles' spiritual guru and he turned the world on to Transcendental

Meditation. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi gives his first TV interview in 25 years.

Next, on LARRY KING WEEKEND. > >It's a great pleasure to welcome to LARRY KING

LIVE, from Vlodrop, Holland, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He is the author of the

famous book, "Science of Being and Art of Living: Transcendental Meditation."

He has not done an interview in 25 years. The book has been newly revised and

updated and it's an honor to welcome him to this program. > >Is Maharishi a


I think, people begin to call significant or the characteristic of the word

Maharishi. Maha means great and rishi is a seer. The seer of reality. The seer,

that's what people called and it became a sort of name. > >KING: What is

Transcendental Meditation? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: Transcendental

Meditation is something that can be defined as a means to do what one wants to

do in a better way, in a right way, for maximum results. It's a program that

the mind begins to experience its own finer impressions - finer thoughts - and

then finally transcends the finest thought and gets to the level of what they

call self-referral pure consciousness which is the ultimate reality of life:

pure intelligence, from where the creation emerges; from where the

administration of life is maintained; from where physical expression of the

universe has its basis. > >So Transcendental Meditation brings about

Transcendental Consciousness which is self-referral consciousness. The source

of all intelligence. > >KING: Why ... > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: It´s that

level where intelligence becomes creative intelligence. > >KING: Why does it

sound so hard to learn? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: I've been teaching

Transcendental Meditation for 40, 50 years in the world and everyone who has

learned it knows how simple it is, how easy it is. Because one´s own

consciousness cannot be difficult to anyone. It's one's own life. It's one's

own intelligence. It's nothing difficult at all. > >KING: Is there a major

first step to take? Suppose I want to learn this completely. What's the first

thing, other than getting the re-release of your book, the first thing I should

do? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: Intend to have a better life. Just intention

to have a more successful life. Think better. Create better influence for

others and for oneself. Just the desire to be a better man. That's all. >

>KING: So we begin with the desire, which sounds very nice, but does this

require a change of personality? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: Change of

personality will be for good as a result of it. But the intention is wherever

one is, one makes a plunge into the transcendence. That's all. There is nothing

difficult. There is nothing complicated. Only one has to have a desire to have a

better quality of life. And for that, one has so much of scientific research

now. Hundreds of scientific researches, volumes full of volumes there are. >

>And that you have mentioned that book, "Science of Being and Art of Living,"

that was the first book that I wrote about 40 years ago. And now, dozens of

books are there. Hundreds of books. Thousands of these videotapes are there for

the world. > >KING: Why have you been quiet for some time now? Why have you not

-- have we not seen you much? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: No, I was not

quiet. Only, I got into creating the effect. I was teaching Transcendental

Meditation for 30, 40 years but I found that the world is not yet to the extent

of possibility in the field of good. > >So I've realized that talking about like

this...no, no... I have realized that talking is not too much important.

Creating the effect in the world, and now I am engaged in creating the effect

in the world. > >KING: What you have to say is very important. One would hope

that for now on, we'll be hearing more of you. > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI:

People know enough good but they are not able to do it because the effect from

outside -- the influence from outside his own society, other countries, other

cultures, even sun, moon, stars, galaxies... so many, many influences from all

over the world make the mind of a man, make his intellect to decide this, and

this and this. > >So, if people do what they know to be good - the knowledge of

Good is enough in the world for them to be really happy and really peaceful and

really remarkably friendly and supportive to everyone. > >KING: Does it also

improve you from a health standpoint? A physical health standpoint? > >H.H.

MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: Great amount of scientific research is there to show

that health is better because Transcendental Meditation deals with

consciousness and consciousness is the basic value of all the physical

expressions. The entire creation is the expression of consciousness. So when we

handle consciousness through our attention, the consciousness becomes awake.

More awake. So more healthy. > >So it seems this Transcendental Meditation has

very good effect on health. It's like the gardener watering the root of life

and supplying nourishment to all the leaves and all the branches and

everything. > >KING: Let me get a break and come right back with Maharishi

Mahesh Yogi on this edition of Larry King Live. One of the great spiritual

leaders in the world. Don't go away. > >(COMMERCIAL BREAK) > >KING: We're back

with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. His famous book of years ago "Science of Being and

Art of Living: Transcendental Meditation." He's the founder of TM. > >There has

been a new release and a newly revised version of that historic book. Everyone

got to know the Maharishi when the Beatles went to visit him. I ... by the way,

Maharishi, I send the best to you from Paul McCartney who I saw last week and I

told him I was going to be with you and he wanted to wish you the best. > >We

know that your good friends, George Harrison and John Lennon, are gone. What do

you believe happens upon death? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: Death is just a

-- it gives a new start for a new fresh journey. In the process of evolution

the body lasts for some time and then one takes other body and takes other body

and takes other body. Until the final redemption from diversity is transcended -

the totality is found. This is the potential of life, cosmic potential of life,

immortality in its field of... counting it in terms of time. Immortality. >

>KING: Do we know what stage we're in? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI:

Absolutely! From the Vedic astrology point of view, Vedic astrology, the

Jyotishis calculate the whole of life from the past and they calculate the

whole of life in future. This is the field of yagya, and when they find some

wrong, negative influence from sun, moon, star or wherever then they make some

yagya. Yagya is a name for a Vedic performance which can avoid the danger. >

>The Vedic way of life rests on avoid the danger that has not come. Prevention.

It uses the knowledge to prevent problems from coming on. The yagya system is so

powerful that those who get the yagyas done by the Vedic pundits, they find the

obstacles don't have to be faced, sicknesses don't have to be faced, wrong

things don't have to faced. > >One can be the master of one's own destiny if

one follows the Vedic way of life, which is life according to natural law which

can prevent disorder. > >KING: What about, Maharishi, those who are the victims

of evil who cannot determine their own life. They're in a building on September

11 and they're gone. They couldn't make any determination. TM didn't help them.

> >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: Everyone has to go sometime or the other. And

the basic principle about going or surviving is that no one, now listen to me,

no one is responsible for giving any difficulty or any pleasure to anyone. >

>Problems or successes, they all are the results of our own action. Karma. The

philosophy of action is that no one else is the giver of peace or happiness.

One's own karma. One's own actions are responsible to come to bring either

happiness or success or whatever. > >KING: If someone treats me harshly, if

someone shoots me or kills you or harms a baby, how is the victim a participant

in that other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time? > >H.H. MAHARISHI

MAHESH YOGI: He is the carrier of my own influence. As you sow, so shall you

reap. It's a very old proverb of mankind. As you sow, so shall you reap.

Sometime you may have killed that man and then sometime now he comes to you. >

>KING: Ah. > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: What we have done, the result of that

comes to us whenever it comes. Either today, tomorrow, hundred years later,

hundred lives later, whatever, whatever... it's our karma. > >That is why there

is that philosophy in every religion: killing is sin. Killing is sin in every

religion. Whoever sins. Whoever kills. It doesn't matter. > >It's a sin. And

sin, in the will of God, is a punishable offense. Because when you sin, when

you kill some man, what you are killing? You are killing the cosmic potential

within the individual. > >Individual is cosmic. Individual potential of life is

cosmic potential. Individual is divine deep inside transcendental experience

awakens that divinity in man. And when you kill a man you deprive him of that

birth right of it. > >It is the right of everyone to rule the world. To

dominate in whole nature of the universe. Master of the universe is every man's

potential inside, cosmic potential. When you kill a man like that you deprive

him from getting to his human right. It´s a human right ... > >KING: What a

wonderful way to look at it. > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: ...to live

divinity. > >KING: Where, Maharishi, were you on September 11? > >H.H.

MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: I heard about it wherever I was, I don't remember now.

Because I don't look back in time. I have no time to look back. I have only

look forward... forward... and now I´ve come to a level of creating a world

free of problems. > >There have been always wars, there have been always

this... this negativity and all that - throughout one´s history! It´s not one

instance. It´s not one instance. So many Hitlers were born, so many Alexanders

were born, all those things. And so many will continue to be born on Earth. But

now I have come to create a situation in the world through about 40,000 Yogic

Flyers in the world and Vedic performers, perfomers of Yagya in the world, and

I am collecting them in India. And I invite everyone to send their donations

for this purpose which will deprive the world of negative trends in life. I

want to eliminate the basis of problems, and basis of crime, and basis of

terrorism. That is my message now – now! > >KING: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is our

special guest on this edition of Larry King Live. We´ll be right back! >

>(COMMERCIAL BREAK) > >KING: We´re back with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder

of Transcendental Meditation, the author of „Science of Being and Art of Living“

which explaines Transcendental Meditation. That book released many years ago has

been newly revised and updated. > >How do you deal, personally, with sadness?

George Harrison just died. I know he was a friend of yours. How do you deal

when someone you loved or liked is gone? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: It's

human nature to like those whom you like and when they go it's natural to be

sad about them, but it is inevitable. It's inevitable. > >When I found

Transcendental Meditation has done good for so many, so many, then now I'm

thinking... for the last two, three years I'm thinking of nations as a whole.

Want to make the destiny of every nation to be free from problems. To be free

from suffering. To be free from sin. > >I'm establishing a government in the

world which will disallow the sprouting of negativity in any country, in any

country. Governments are a failure today. Absolutely every government is a

failure because problems exist everywhere and every government is sovereign. >

>The word sovereign is a misnomer. Their sovereignty lies in not able to give a

problem-free administration to the people. I'm establishing a problem-free

administration on the basis of the constitution of the universe. > >The

constitution of the universe is total natural law. 'Natural Law' we say from

the field of science, 'Will of God' we say from the field of religion. It's the

same thing. > >Natural Law administers the infinite diversity of the universe

and I'm going to establish the government on the basis of this cosmic

constitution of the universe. Cosmic constitution is a stable constitution.

Man-made constitution requires change every four years, five years. Election of

the people. The whole thing is a fraudulent thing. Administration is a matter of

expert intelligence. > >KING: But how ... > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: It

shouldn't be exposed to the voters on the street. > >KING: How do you change a

system of governments and nations and people who are opposed to one another and

presidents and kings and emperors and dictators, how do you change that? > >H.H.

MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: I'll be establishing groups of people practicing Yogic

Flying and Vedic pundits performing the yagya which will eliminate the negative

influence on life on Earth. This is how my plan is to improve the quality of

life of the world by minimizing the negative influences from the sun, moon,

stars, and from everywhere. So those groups we will be establishing in every

country. > >I have already this... our organization teaching TM in all the

countries, and all the governments like it because it helps a better quality of

life. Only we have to concentrate now with the help of each government because

no government wants chaos and problems and difficulties and crime in the

country. > >That is a very good thing, but because every government is governed

by manmade constitutions and manmade constitutions are full of human weaknesses

and human failings. That is why I'm adopting the constitution of the universe,

which is the Will of God, high above everything, merciful nature of God, total

value of Natural Law, which is profusely narrated and detailed in the Vedic

Literature. Ancient Vedic Literature with all this total knowledge of natural

law and the programs to eliminate any difficulty or problem that may be coming

from anywhere. > >We don't allow the problems. We create that shield. Protect

ourselves. That is the Vedic way of life. > >KING: Do you believe in

perfection? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: I'm bringing perfection in life.

It's not a matter of belief. I have the positive program and the concrete

program to create perfection in life. > >I want to create every government to

be free from military. Military is a defeatist feature of a government.

Government is not able to protect the nation. And therefore they engage the

people, give them food '...that you will die for other people'. The whole thing

is absurd and inhuman. > >I want to create a global government. A global

government. I have created a country of global -- Global Country of World

Peace. Where no one would harm anyone. Where no one would do any wrong to

anyone. The government will not need a military to protect itself because the

principle is that any military is a big sinner. And the sin must come to the

whole population. > >KING: We'll take a break and come right back. The

Maharishi's movement has its own political party called the Natural Law Party.

It's in many, many countries. > >We'll be right back. > >(COMMERCIAL BREAK) >

>KING: We're back with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. > >How can you be so optimistic

based on all the things you see wrong in the world? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH

YOGI: Optimism comes from so many scientific researches to prove that

Transcendental Meditation, which I have taught for 40, 50 years in the world,

works to create a better man. > >In Fairfield, we have that management

university. And the professors of the management university have found that the

world is being managed badly. Governments are not competent to prevent problems,

and therefore, higher intelligence is needed to enrich and support the present

situation of every government. > >Every government, as I said already, has a

manmade constitution. And manmade constitution has the value of human failings

and human weaknesses. That is why constitutions are there and the government is

there, and the people are there, and the laws are there. But those laws are

futile. They are not able to prevent wrong. > >The corruption has been there.

All those... crime has been there throughout the ages. > >KING: What ... >

>H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: Punishment has been there by government throughout

the ages. But punishment and fear of death, hanging them in the jails and all

that -- that has been there. But crime continues. > >Therefore, something else

has to be done. And that something else I am going to do from the level of the

Vedic wisdom of life, which proclaims man is divine. Man is all competent.

Human potential is universal potential, universal capability. > >So the concept

of government has to be raised to that merciful fatherly treatment of the

population by the governments. > >KING: Do you weep -- do you cry when someone

you love dies? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: There is no reason to cry,

because I know the... everyone has to go on and on on the path of the progress,

path of progress, path of progress. There is nothing to cry about something. >

>When the sun sets in the end of the day, one doesn't cry for the sun. It's

happening, it's happening. The same sun that is setting is going to rise again

and again set and again rise and again set. > >So one knows the progression of

life. Now I am working on the possibility of collective destiny of the nation

towards all good. > >KING: What do you make of other modern conveniences? What

do you make of television? Cell phones? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: I'm

using the television to have my message reach the people, and that is all. >

>KING: So you accept that progress goes on, and that we make progress in things

like prescription drugs. Life gets better. We extend life. All that is good, is

it not? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: Right. When anything that is helpful to

life, anything that will save life from pains and suffering and all those

difficulties, that is -- that is our intention, to have a better world created.

> >And for that, I am now working from the administrative level. I'm creating an

ideal of administration where people will not make mistakes. And when they don't

make mistakes, they don't create the reason for suffering for themselves. > >The

people should be safe from sinning, from killing each other, from this. This is

our teaching. Help thy neighbor is a very old axiom of mankind. Help thy

neighbor. > >KING: The Golden Rule -- do unto others as you would have them do

unto you -- is probably the only law you need. Every other law fits it. Why has

mankind never done -- I mean, what you say makes sense, but mankind has never

done it, never. > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: If man is told he is divine, he

is almighty, powerful, when he is trained to have his thought come to

materialization without much effort, everyone would go for it. > >It's the

education. It's the education. If a man is a criminal, that is the defective

administration that he has been raised in. It's a defective administration --

cruel administration away from the real potential of life, which is, in the

will of God, evolution, evolution, evolution. > >KING: What part in all of

this, Maharishi, does money play? There have been stories that you're the --

you're -- that you have started what is a multi-billion dollar business. >

>H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: I lack only $1 billion to make a world a better

world. > >So, many months ago, I had publicized in the American papers that $1

billion endowment fund will raise enough for these Vedic pundits to fly about.

We want to engage 40,000 people on a permanent basis, and they will have enough

intense influence of coherence in the world consciousness. And anybody who wants

to have peace, and everyone wants to peace, they were invited to donate. > >But

I realized later that I was talking to the... this... capitalist country. And

capitalist country in their own fog... unless they get something privately

themselves, they'll not indulge into it. So money has become prominent in a

world of capitalism. That I realized when nobody sponsored for world peace, and

everybody wants world peace. But they will not ... > >KING: Take part. > >H.H.

MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: ... part with some of their huge billions and millions

in the bank. And so I said, all right... > >KING: Let me get a break and we'll

come right back. We have two more segments left with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, his

original book, "Science of Being and Art of Living -- Transcendental Meditation"

- he's the founder of that movement - has just been republished and newly

revised and updated. We'll be right back. > >(COMMERCIAL BREAK) > >KING: We're

back with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He's coming to us from Vlodrop, Holland. What

is Yogic flying? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: Yogic Flying is that level of

creative intelligence in the self-referral consciousness that will materialize

the intention. Whatever the intention, materialize the intention. > >And what

is this thing? This is the same creative intelligence from natural law that

makes huge galactic universe float in the empty space. Every galaxy is huge

weight galaxy. They are all flying in empty space. And what is that? It is the

creative intelligence at the level of pure intelligence when pure intelligence

in its self-referral unified state assumes the role of fluctuations of waves,

like that, like that, like that. > >So the same law of nature is captured in

the transcendental field of one's consciousness. And then with the thought that

'I should be in the air', the body lifts up, body lifts up. > >KING: Are you

saying, then, that man is capable of... every man could fly if he had obtained

this consciousness? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: That has been proved -- how

many times? -- as many times as people are flying. Four, five million people

are flying in their private venues. Now we want to have bigger groups. And

bigger groups have been found to create that worldwide influence. They

influence the whole world consciousness, towards positivity, towards harmony,

towards higher values of intelligence. > >That is why we have a proof. We have

enough proof in the Vedic Literature, and we have enough proof from the modern

science, that our teaching has that influence which will create a better world,

means a positive world, a harmonious world. That is why we want to have a global

administration of natural law. > >KING: Now, ... > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI:

But we will not disturb the existing administration by manmade laws in any

country. We are creating of our government, which is utilizing natural law,

which we have from modern science and which we have for effective Vedic

Science. > >So we have enough ammunition to win the race. > >KING: How do they

learn more about this? They could buy the book, and the revised update of it.

Is there someplace they can contact direct to get more information? > >H.H.

MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: I have hundreds of centers for teaching Transcendental

Meditation everywhere. > >KING: Do you believe in a god? > >H.H. MAHARISHI

MAHESH YOGI: I believe in God. And I believe in the custody of God vested in

kings. And I'm very happy to have your name as King. Is it King? > >KING: I'm a

King. > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: I want to establish a government in every

country that will support life in the country. This drama of four years, five

years, change the government, change the government is only useful to the

foreign powers. > >This thing 'democracy' -- I used to say 'damn the

democracy', because it's not a stable government. It's only useful for foreign

powers. It's a bad thing for any nation to change the -- a man comes for four

years. Now he is the president. And then he goes to jail tomorrow -- yes,

there. Such inefficacy in the field of administration must create a very

chaotic population in every country. And that is the situation in the world. >

>The whole field of education is very inadequate. It doesn't make the human

physiology totally function. The medicine -- the field of medicine is very

poisonous. It's full of inadequacies, and full of those what we call... all

these negative things -- the side effects of modern medicine, ... > >KING:

Yeah, but ... > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: ... huge. I have in my room -- I

have in my room the whole height of a floor full of about 8,000 or 10,000 bad

articles on modern medicine. But, modern medicine continues, continues. Those

who are producing medicine, they are only producing because they get money. It

doesn't matter if people die or suffer from any more diseases. And the

governments support it. Your own government, in D.C., I was hearing, is subject

to so much of corruption. > >All this is because life is not taught to the boys

in the younger age. Education is very, very inadequate. > >The whole drama of

science is a big fraud, everywhere. Hiroshima was created in the name of

science. Peace cannot be created in the name of science. No. Hiroshima can be

created. Afghanistan can be created. And now Middle East can be created. This

is science. The whole thing is fraud. The whole thing is sinful. > >And the...

those who will get into that come to that realization: Sin... 'killing is sin'.

Whosoever kills, it is sin, and the sinner will go to hell. > >KING: We'll take

a break and come back with our remaining moments with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,

right after these words. > >(COMMERCIAL BREAK) > >KING: In our remaining

moments with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, let's talk about yourself. Do you have a

family? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: The world is my family, you know? I

count them ... > >KING: You have no children of your own? > >H.H. MAHARISHI

MAHESH YOGI: But that´s what a family means -- all the children of the world...

> >KING: I know, but I'm just asking if you have children from your loins. >

>H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: I am a single person. I'm a Purusha. I'm a -- what

you call it -- Sannyasin, if you understand the word. I'm a monk, if you

understand it... > >KING: You're a bachelor. > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: ...

monk. > >KING: Do you have special diets that you eat? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH

YOGI: I think that diet that I eat, everyone eats the same thing -- some rice,

some dal, some chapaties, something vegetable. But I like this organic. I

recommend to people organic agriculture -- Vedic organic agriculture. Huge

amount of scientific research has shown that with the Vedic hymns, that with

the Vedic melodies, the nutrients grow in the trees very much in the fruits, in

the crops, in the vegetables. So that is why, what I am promoting in the world.

> >KING: How old are you? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: I have almost

forgotten when I was born. I was told before. > >(LAUGHTER) > >H.H. MAHARISHI

MAHESH YOGI: I never look -- in my habit, I never looked back. I never looked

back. > >KING: Are you in good health? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: I am in

fairly good health. Yes, yes, fairly good health. > >KING: Do you go to

doctors? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: Doctors come to me even before calling

them. They like to see me year after year, the same way, like that, like that.

> >But the main thing is not so important what I am. What is important is my

program for the world, that the world will be a better world. It will be free

from sins. Governments will be preventive administrations in the world. That is

important. I'm not important for the world. I'm here for some time, gone. And

everyone will finish the whole story. But I have promoted a program which is

practical, positive and simple for every individual ... > >KING: Where ... >

>H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: ... and for every nation. > >KING: ... where did

you learn it? > >H.H. MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI: I learned it from my master. I

address him as His Divinity, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, in the Himalayas in

India. And that I hold to be the tradition of Vedic masters. And that I came to

teach in the world, and I felt successful results on the individual, and now I

am going to have a successful results on the basis of nations -- nations. >

>National governments everywhere, whatever they are now, I think they are

groping in darkness. And I have a lamp. I put the lamp, and the light from the

lamp will illuminate all their darknesses. > >My nature is not to fight. I give

the message. I give the experience, and people take it, and more people take it.

> >And now, I'll have a government. I've created a government, and created the

head of this government -- a great scientist, Dr. Nader Raja Raam. He is M.D.,

Ph.D. He has researched in the human physiology that the whole human physiology

is the expression of the underlying field of consciousness, the same way as

physics has discovered self-referral quantum field as the field of

consciousness -- self-referral. > >On that basis of the realization or the

discovery of the ultimate field, I'm going to create a world of that profundity

of perfection which belongs to the perfection of the government of nature. >

>KING: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi from Vlodrop, Holland. His book has been newly

revised and updated --the version of the original book of many years ago --

"Science of Being and Art of Living: Transcendental Meditation." > >Optimistic?

You bet. > >Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Good night. > >TO ORDER A VIDEO OF THIS


LOCATED AT www.fdch.com > > > >

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