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Statement of R.S.S Joint Spokesman, Shri Ram Madhav

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Indraprastha Vishwa Samvad Kendra, Delhi

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Statement of Joint Spokesman of R.S.S., Shri Ram Madhav.


The resolutions of the recently concluded AICC session leave a very

bad taste. We wonder if these resolutio=s are made at the AICC head

quarters or at the breakfast tables of those Left=st leaders who

have of late become the floor coordinators and media managers f=r

the beleaguered Congress party. The glee with which the CPM wrapped

up the=20 resolutions and the extraordinary enthusiasm they betrayed

in joining a coalition with Congress party to form the next

Government at the Centre whe= ever the chance comes, only

strengthens the feeling that the Congress party=of the day, for the

sake of political power without which it is always like a =ish out

of the pond, is ready to stoop to any levels.


The political resolution p=ssed at its AICC session speaks volumes

about their incredulous political pettiness=and ravenous hunger for

power. There was a time when political pundits used to =ake the

resolutions of the Congress party with utmost seriousness. Gone are

tho=e days with no towering leadership of statesmen left in the

ranks of that par=y today. The leadership of the Congress party

today, sadly, is a mixture of unabashed sycophants called Sonia-

loyalists and spineless underdogs. The B-=eam ever ready to jump on

to the bandwagon are the Indian Communists who are da= dreaming

about barging into the portals of power through backdoor,

piggybac=ing the Congress party. Never mind if it was the enemy

number one till yesterda= and still is, at least in Bengal and

Kerala. The Congress party, on its part, i= also too eager to wrap

up these very elements who were once upon a time cal=ing Gandhiji,

Netaji and all other great national leaders names and were the mo=t

vocal opponents of India's freedom movement.


How else can we interpret =he shockingly presumptuous stand of the

Congress party on the issue of war on=20 terrorism? At a time when

the entire country is rallying behind the Governm=nt seeking a

lasting and effective solution to the vexed problem of cross-bord=r

terrorism and our armed forces are prepared to sacrifice their

utmost for t=e security and honour of the country, and at a time

when the Prime Minister i= assuring the nation of a "decisive

victory" over terrorism, here is the so-called principal opposition

party, playing with words which have been described by the media

variedly as `trying to burst the war bubble=17;. They should

remember that in their gamble and scramble for political one-

upmanship they=are jeopardising the security and honour of the

entire nation, which is tantamo=nt to treachery. It is a well-known

fact that the Leftists have always been fi=th columnists when it

came to national security and interests. But it is horre=dous to

imagine the influence of those people on the Congress party today,

whose=20 language almost echoes the language of Pakistan. Had the

Congress party bee= serious about combating terrorism and its

support to the Government on that=20 issue, it should have come out

with concrete suggestions as to what in its=20 opinion should the

Government do. In stead it resorts to polemics and polit=cal

vendetta calling the efforts of the Government as a failure etc. It

is noth=ng short of irresponsibility.


The criticism of the RSS b= the Congress party is nothing new. It

started as early as in 1932. The RSS has =ever taken any serious

note of it because the criticism was essentially politica= in nature

and it did not deserve our attention. Even the criticism this time

r=und was also not any different. In fact it is more of a street

talk than any ma=ure political commentary. Lest people get an

impression that we do not have voi=es to rise against this

cacophony, we would like to comment on a couple of thi=gs that drew

our attention in the AICC political resolution.


The resolution speaks of t=e RSS running the Government by proxy

while the BJP, according to it, is only a "front". Forming, running

and destabilising governments by proxy has always=been the favourite

pastime of the Congress party. It is in everybody's kno=ledge that

the Congress party had played this fetid political play on several

occasion= in the last 50 years, both at the Centre and in States. It

would be better if =he Congress party stops looking at others

through their own tainted goggles.


The RSS believes that the =eople at the helm running the Government

today are quite capable and credible states=en who can not, by any

wildest imagination, be accused of being run by proxy. =lso it is

never our practise to interfere in the functioning of the



Reference to the resolutio= passed at the Bangalore summit of the

RSS and quoting certain sections of it out of context clearly

suggests the bankruptcy of the Congress party leadership. A= has

been clarified by us the RSS was not the first to express the

sentiment tha= the minority should learn to live in peace with the

majority. Many eminent statesmen, including Smt. Indira Gandhi, had

expressed similar sentiments o= different occasions and the RSS

merely echoed the same in its resolution. I= stead of going through

the clarification issued by the RSS immediately afte= certain

sections of the media tried to rake up a controversy over the

resolution, the Congress chooses to harp on the same old lies, in

perfect Goeblesian dictum. It is pathetic to see their dependence on

master decepto=s and verbal terrorists in the Leftist camp for such

imprudent comments thus=20 lowering the prestige of their own



One thing that comes out conspicuously from the Congress party's

resolution is that the party =as no words of solace to offer to the

Hindu victims of Gujarat or elsewhere while=it has so many crocodile

tears to shed for the minorities in the country. It appears as if

the Hindu community doesn't exist for them at all. When=they speak

of Godhra, they will be so circumspect and dismissive to only say

that thos= who were killed were just `people', not innocent and

hapless Hindus= And when it comes to violence in Gujarat, they would

project as if all the victims were=only minorities while not less

than a couple of hundreds of Hindus have also bee= killed in that



We are sure that the Hindu=society is taking note of this blatantly

communal and minority-centred approach of the=20 Congress party, as

usual in the name of secularism, which has become a pseu=onym for

mynorityism in this country.


( Dr. Balram Misra )


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