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[world-vedic] Digest Number 368

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Tue, 25 Jun 2002 16:38:23 -0000

"anand19822001" <smunje

Message for Dean De Lucia


I have been following you essays on Hollow Earth. You can do a search

on http://www.dogpile.com. Key words I used are Hollow earth, Inner

earth, Agartha/agarthi, Shambhalla. Spellings may very.


1) http://www2.eu.spiritweb.org/Spirit/hollow-earth.html

2) http://www2.eu.spiritweb.org/Spirit/agartha.html


Second article above says that Agartha (or is it Ayodhya?) is the

name of kingdom of about 100 inner earth cities and Shambhalla is the

capital city. These cities exist in 4th dimention and can not be seen

with naked eyes unless one raises their spiritual vibrations.


* Anand,


* Why on Earth should I believe a statement like this? Who said so? A

maharishi? Why should there be a physical plane on the outer surface, but as

you go walking inwards, it all evaporates into some kind of ethereal

atmosphere? Polar explorers who have gone close to the opening in the Arctic

have reported animal migration migrating inwards/Northwards during the

winter! Do they change to some higher " vibration " at some point? How about

the mammoth which float out, encased in ice? They are physical, not




people speak many languages and all are dilects of Solar language.

Sanskrit is one of them.


* Olaf Jansen was a Norwegian boy who wandered into the hollow earth with

his father in their fishing sloop. He claimed, when he got back out, that

the inhabitants spoke Sanskrit or a language close to it. What is the source

for your statement about the innerinhabitants speaking Solar dialects?


* Olaf: http://skywebsite.com/hollow/Vedic-Hollow-Earth/id10.html


a language No wonder Sanskrit is called language of

Gods. Not all races are white. There are a number of openings on

surface of earth where inner earth people can come through. These

inner cities also have surface representations.




4) http://www.bharatvani.org/books/rig/


"Historical Analysis of RgVeda" by Shrikant Telgheri. This an

excellent book on historical analysis of RgVeda. It shows that vedic

people migrated from Ganga basin towards SaptaSindhu area. From this

area they further migrate towards West. This shows a movement from

east to west.


* Bal Gangadhar Tilak's notions about the Arctic being the home of Vedic

culture, and the existence Indo-European culture along the Arctic coasts

suggests a migration from the North towards the South. As I mentioned in

Hollow Earth in the Puranas, a cloud mantle such as Venus has, would have

spread warmer temperatures around the globe and made the Arctic areas quite



* Hollow Earth in the Puranas: http://www.hiddenmysteries.com/delucia/


Since there are several protected openings to inner cities and Vedic

culture emerges from all these openings, it is posible that the

ancestors of Vedic people in India came from tarim basin or the

civilization in Gobi and settled in India. There are also protected

openings in the Himalayas. They do not necessarily have to come from

North pole. Those who did probably settled in Northern Europe.



is also possible that inner earth people also simultaneously emerged

in North and south Americas to establish culture.



* All right, in Hollow Earth andthe Aryan Invasion Revised, I left open the

possibility of various migrations from various points, even from Antartica:



Since Vedic culture is so encient and for lack of evidence, I would

strongly suggest that several channeling sessions be carried out.

Channeling will point to the direction where one can carry out

further research. I feel very comfortable with channeled info.


* Anand, I find it difficult to trust such sources.


One thing I noticed in your essays. You seem to think that Aryan (It

should be Arya)is a race.


* No, if you were to read more of my writings, you would find that this

isn't so. I correspond a Vedic, hollow Earth origin to the Aborigines on

this page:




* I just wish that some of you would allow yourselves to consider that the

Earth is hollow and that Shambhala and Vedic civilization exists there, that

several Puranic histories take place there, and that we on the surface

havesimply been underthe guidance of the asuras fora long time. In Kali

Yuga, the good guys do not dominate. It is a matter of investigating, and

getting over the conceptual shocks that will arise.


* Don't let it pass you by.


* Dharmapada/Dean


No, it is not a race. These are the

qualities of a spiritualy noble being and has nothing to do with

color of skin, eyes, hair or even the language. In encient days even

chines, Persians, Allinas (Hellenes?) were considered as Arya.

However they stoped being spiritually noble. Read the book by

Telgheri (above).


Finaly, author of second article is Sharula Dux. She was born in

Telos and is over 270 years old. She has gone through some molecular

alterations before she surfaced. Molecular alterations were necessary

so that she fits in this society. She lives in SantaFe, NM and you

may find her address and phone # at the bottom of her article.


Also try http://www.onelight.com and















Message: 5

Tue, 25 Jun 2002 08:01:32 -0400 (EDT)

"" <amritasyaputra

Global Satellite TV News Conference: Maharishi Declares the

Military of Every Country a "Fraud", Urges Prevention






The Military of Every Country a "Fraud" - Urgent Need of Prevention


New Nation to Adopt Maharishi's Vedic System of Defense, New Global

Development Currency




Wed., June 26, 11:00 AM (U.S.-EDT)

Live Via Satellite, Webcast, and Telephone Conference Call


"I am alerting every government that their military and destructive weapons

are absolutely useless to save their nations. Only peaceful measures to

prevent the birth of an enemy will work."

-His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi



His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi today declared the military in every

country to be "useless against an enemy that does not show its face," and

urged government leaders to adopt a new defense policy based on "peaceful

measures of prevention." Maharishi also announced that the world's newest

nation, the "Country of Peace"-Rika Shanti Rashtra-in the mountains of Costa

Rica-would be adopting his Vedic System of Defense and utilizing the global

development currency of Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace.


Acknowledging that the military "may have had a role in the past," Maharishi

said that in the twenty-first century, "prevention is the only means of

protection. If a nation does not know how to prevent the birth of an enemy,

that nation-no matter how large a military, no matter how many destructive

weapons, no matter how many alliances it has with other nations-will be

turned to ashes when the missiles fall on it."


Maharishi described Rika Shanti Rashtra as a "model nation." He said that

the new country will soon have a group of "Vedic Scientists"-specially

trained experts in the science and technology of reducing social stress and

creating coherence and peace in national consciousness. He said that these

experts will "perform their Vedic procedures, including Transcendental

Meditation, Yogic Flying, and Yagyas, and very naturally they will create

indomitable coherence and a shield of invincibility for the whole region."


Maharishi said that the key to permanent peace is ideal administration

through education-his Vedic approach to education which develops an

individual's full potential. "Education must enliven the total field of

Intelligence in human awareness-the cosmic potential within the individual.

We will soon have a world inhabited by such cosmic individuals. They will

create coherent national consciousness, eliminate negative trends throughout

society, and facilitate the success of the government. Then laws will

improve and there will be a better system of justice-there will be peace and

prosperity for all to enjoy."


Maharishi will discuss the founding of Rika Shanti Rashtra and will answer

questions about his Vedic System of Defense during a global address and

press conference from Meru (Vlodrop), the Netherlands, on Wednesday, June

26, to be broadcast live via satellite, streaming video and audio on the

Internet, and telephone conference call. (See details below.)


He will be joined by His Excellency Dr. John Hagelin, Minister of Science

and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace and world-renowned

quantum physicist; His Excellency Dr. Bevan Morris, Minister of

Enlightenment of the Global Country of World Peace, who will provide an

enlightened commentary on world events and report live from Rika Shanti

Rashtra; and His Excellency Dr. Benjamin Feldman, Minister of Finance and

Planning of the Global Country of World Peace, who will discuss the "Raam,"

the global development currency of the Global Country of World Peace.


How to Participate in Maharishi's News Conference

Live via Satellite in the USA and Canada, Central America, and the Caribbean

* Telstar 5 at 97 degrees W

* Transponder 27

* Frequency 12177 MHz

* Polarity vertical

* Symbol rate 23000

* FEC 2/3


Live via Internet: Maharishi's address will be webcast live around the world

in both streaming video and streaming audio on http://www.globalcountry.org

and at http://www.mou.org.

Live via Telephone: To connect to the conference call that is originating in

the U.S., dial 512-305-4600 and then enter the code 55689, followed by the #

key (the cost is the same as a regular long-distance phone call to this U.S.

number). You can connect up to 15 minutes before the call begins. Replays:

All of Maharishi's press conferences will be available online at any time at

http://www.globalcountry.org and http://www.mou.org/wp/index.html#calls. You

can hear a telephone replay of Maharishi's most recent address by dialing

the U.S. number 512-404-1289, 24 hours a day.




Station 24, 6063 NP Meru, The Netherlands

U.S. Office: Tel: 641-470-1344

Email: WorldPeace





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