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If You Love Visiting Navadvip, Thank India's Patriots

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Dear __________,

I never had a chance to respond to some points you made and got caught up traveling and working.

I just remember two things you said that I want to respond to...not in a

critical way, but in a way that recognises and defends the correctness of the

work the RSS is involved in. As someone obviously involved in networking with

many Vedic individuals and groups, it is important that you do not misrepresent

some very dedicated and spiritualy advanced souls.

You say that the RSS are Nationalists using Religion for political purposes.

Ironically, it is actually the other way around. They are a Vedic Cultural

organization that is using political methodologies to revive Sanatana

Dharma. They are involving a valid aspect of Vedic society ie. the art

of governance and nation building. When this is solely a nationalistic

endeavour, of course it is mundane, but when it is done in order to preserve,

sustain, revive, and facilitate the ancient Vedic ways of worshiping God and

the protection of its people, animals and environment, it becomes a sacred duty

given by God Himself. When that nation is India, than it is a vital neccesity.

Who do you suggest should be responsible for preserving India's functional

integrity? George W? Crown Prince Abdullah? Maybe the Queen of England?

I mean there has to be some leadership, right? Why not the only people worthy of the role?

I say there is none more worthy than the Indian people themselves, who are

dedicated to preserving the Vedic traditions, values and ethos. Who else is

worthy to administer the sacred lands of Rama, Krshna, Buddha, Caitanya? Only

 those imbued with a deep respect ,love  and understanding for India's needs,

both spiritual and material. The RSS leadership is composed of such individuals

and is thus worthy of the mantle of leadership.

One of Srila Prabhupad's disciples once said to Prabhupad that he understands

that Prabhupad was ONLY BUILDING TEMPLES IN INDIA because India is the most

important place on Earth.

Srila Prabhupad replied,"No. India is not just the most important place on


Actually, in 1947, the British decided to give all of Bengal=Mayapur/Navadvip to

Pakistan because there were more Muslims than Hindus. It was through the efforts

of the RSS and others like them that India managed to get West Bengal. While the

British partitioned India, the Hindu leadership partitioned Pakistan and thus

today thousands of devotees of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai can visit, live and worship

in the Divine Realms of Mayapur, Navadvip etc.As those dedicated to sharing the

mercy of Gaura Lila, we have a great debt of gratitude towards those Indian

Patriots who gave their lives to preserve India.

So to classify the RSS as cynical users of religion is highly unjust and it is

the very label given to the RSS by those dedicated to the destruction of Vedic

Culture and India itself.

The RSS is engaged in their Dharma and its pursuit is their service to Krishna.

The RSS has ingeniously dovetailed the political social consciousness of

millions of people and thus reignited India's dedication to Vedic culture. This

is a Divine Sacred task unworthy of belittlement. The RSS, as admirers and

active supporters of Srila Prabhupada's legacy, are worthy to be respected and

honored by all Krishna devotees.

The next point you made  must have been in jest but I will address it anyway.

You stated that the Hindus can worship Durga all they want and thus go to Durga

Loka. Thus there will be more Krishna Prasad for you.

First of all, no one has ever been lost by worshiping the great and powerful

devotees of Krishna such as Durga and Shiva. Fortunate is that person who

develops devotion to such glorious Divine Beings. Prabhupad and Caitanya

Mahaprabhu both worship and honored both Lord Shiva and Durga. Of course there

is a recommended process whereby the devotee worships Durga in order to achieve

Krsna's grace. But even if one sincerely worshiped Durga or Shiva as God, out of

love and compassion, They will bring the devotee to Krsna.

As far as Durga devotees going to Durga loka and missing out on the Krsna Prasad


ALMOST ANYWHERE. Mayapura was named after Mother Durga because she did

austerities there in order to bring Sri Caitanya .

So, I hope you don't take offense, but I saw it as an offense on your part and

according to Vedic Culture it is my duty to defend the righteous.

At Your Service,

Vrin Parker




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Janardan jdb

Re: Fwd: If You Love Visiting Navadvip, Thank India's Patriots

Mon, 1 Jul 2002 20:27:29 -0700

Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatah


Dear India's Patriots,

Thank you.

Janardan das Brahmacari

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