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Today´s military solutions are a fraud - Adopt the Constitution of the Universe (Rik Ved)

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Global Country of World Peace



Station 24, 6063 NP Meru, The Netherlands, Tel: 475-539-569, Email:






-Maharishi Praises World's Newest Nation for Adopting

"Constitution of the Universe"

-Calls Man-made Constitutions "Utter Failures, Source of All Problems"

-Reveals "Secret" to Successful Government


His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi offered an answer to any government leader

searching for solutions to the problems gripping his nation: Adopt the

Constitution of the Universe as the national constitution, and the country's

administration will enjoy the same problem-free effectiveness and efficiency

with which Nature administers the universe.


Maharishi's comments came during a wide-ranging, two-and-a-half hour news

conference with the international press on 26 June, broadcast live via satellite

and webcast over the Internet. The news conference also showcased the historic

developments in Rika Shanti Rashtra, the worlds newest nation in the mountains

of Costa Rica. The country has established a special "brotherhood of friendship"

with Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace, which is providing

organizational and economic support to the new country.


Maharishi praised the newly crowned king of Rika Shanti Rashtra, His Majesty Epe

de Awapa Lissandro, for adopting the Constitution of the Universe as the

country's national constitution, because it will ensure the "perpetual peace and

prosperity" of the new nation.


"It is clear that humanly conceived constitutions, which are an expression of

human weaknesses and failings, have utterly failed to administer society

successfully," Maharishi said, citing as examples, the need for a government to

punish its citizens for committing crimes and the need for offensive policies of



"At its basis, this is the failure of education, which does not develop the

full, cosmic potential of the individual so that he does not make mistakes-so

that he does not commit crimes."


Maharishi said the solution will only be found at the deepest level of Nature's

functioning-the Unified Field of Natural Law as discovered by modern science,

which is the Constitution of the Universe, Rik Ved, the Will of God.


"Humanly conceived constitutions are not perfect," Maharishi said. "The

administration of Natural Law is perfect, the administration of the Will of God

is perfect, because it promotes the evolution of everything, from point to

infinity, in the ever-expanding universe."


Maharishi said that the emergence of Rika Shanti Rashtra, with the Constitution

of the Universe as its constitution, is "a sign of the rising purity of world

consciousness." He invited all governments, "if they want to survive," to adopt

the Constitution of the Universe and become invincible.


"Prime ministers and presidents hear the call from the war-mongering nations:

'If you don't support us in our war, then we will kill you.' To this I say,

'There are peaceful people in the world and there are destructive people. You

must decide whether to go with the killers or to come with the saviors,'"

Maharishi said.


"After centuries of military invasions, weapons and rule, has any government

created an ideal nation? No! Has any military safeguarded the nation? No! The

military has the power to kill and to die, but can it save the nation? No!

Today, a single missile can bring everything to ashes."


However, Maharishi added, the world is now in the midst of a phase transition

from destruction to peace and invincibility. "It has been a time of darkness so

far, but now it is the dawn. Hopefully, the leader of the most powerful

war-mongering nation on earth is the last one to reign destruction on the world,

and from now there will be a purifying wave of world peace for everyone and

every nation to enjoy."


Maharishi again pointed to Rika Shanti Rashtra; "The example set forth by the

new, small country of Rika Shanti Rashtra, and the big country of the Global

Country of World Peace, will create a model of an ideal government on the basis

of Natural Law, which is the ultimate authority for ideal administration."


Maharishi then revealed the "secret" of the success of government-Vedic

Administration through education. He said that if students from the age of six

to twenty years of age are able to practice Transcendental Meditation during one

period every day in school, the entire national consciousness will remain



"Vedic administration through education will maintain a very high level of

coherence in the country, so that no negativity will emerge in society and the

government will not be required to punish anyone. Ninety percent of the goals of

the government will be realized if Transcendental Meditation, its advanced

techniques, and Yogic Flying are taught to the students," Maharishi said, citing

the hundreds of published scientific research studies that validate this effect.


Maharishi concluded the news conference by returning to the theme of

constitutions, saying that the practice of Transcendental Meditation by the

citizens of any country will "fulfill every clause and every laudable goal of

that nation's constitution," but he said that there is nothing he can do if

government leaders do not respond.


"I am not responsible if a president or prime minister does not adopt these

procedures. I am not responsible if the people don't bask in the sun but instead

choose to remain in the darkness. I am only responsible for bringing the

knowledge," Maharishi said. "If they don't take it then my Global Country of

World Peace itself will create peace for the world."






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