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Predictions on the Times Ahead

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>Chebiji (AT) aol (DOT) com >undisclosed-recipients:; >Predictions on

the Times Ahead >Tue, 2 Jul 2002 16:23:57 EDT > >Predictions on the Times

Ahead >by Chakrapani Ullal >Written in the week before July 1st 2002 > >The

whole cosmos, all the animate and inanimate elements, exist as one big >family.

Therefore, what happens to one part of the cosmos has an impact on >another part

of the cosmos. Just as an earthquake off the coast of South >America will send a

tidal wave to the shores of Japan, what happens in the >economy of Thailand

sends shockwaves throughout the global market. Imagine >what happens here in

our US markets, when these shockwaves are felt worldwide >. What I am trying to

say is, the whole cosmos is interdependent and >interconnected. What happens in

the sky, because of the movements of the >planets, has definite implications on

the happenings on Earth. > >When we look at the movement of the planets in the

sky, we observe the major >planets like Jupiter and Saturn creating impressions

and impact on the world. >Jupiter is the planet of growth and optimism. Saturn

is the planet of >pragmatism, practicality, and realism. Their influences blend

for creating a >world of new visions and ideas. If we look back, Saturn and

Jupiter were >conjunct in 1960/1961 in Capricorn. There was rebelliousness of

the >establishment and the so-called “hippy†movement which was the

searching for >peace and harmony. In 1980/1981, Saturn and Jupiter again became

conjunct in >Virgo. You could see the computer era taking over the whole world.

In >1999/2000 when the two planets are again conjunct, this time in Aries, we

>have the era of creative intelligence, intellectual growth, Bio Technology,

>and interest in healthy living. Striving for excellence and leadership etc. >

>Both Jupiter and Saturn are the indicators of future trends in the world

>which may influence us for decades to come. Saturn and Jupiter, when they

>come in contact by association or aspect, depending on the time and the signs

>involved, create new ideas and new dimensions of creative possibilities which

>in due course can become a reality. Saturn and Jupiter indicate three areas

>which will be more active in the coming years: >1. Philosophy, Spirituality,

Seeking of Truth as it conflicts with >scientific logic and analysis. In some

ways, old traditions which cannot be >logically understood, will lose their

importance in the consciousness of the >people. They will be looking for

further validation of the truth of our >existence on this planet. This will

cause a polarization between people who >continue to hold to traditional values

and the newer generations who are able >to bring forward new thinking. > >2.

Creativity. Creative intelligence, activity, new inventions, far reaching

>advancement in new technologies, may become more apparent in the next two

>decades; which may change the style of living on this planet. Sophisticated

>communication systems in the technology field will change the typical

>functions of government as well as the techniques in warfare. Due to a higher

>intelligence and awareness, people will want to make use of their physical

>bodies more intensely to sustain new challenges. In this context, there will

>be new findings in Biotechnology. This will help to assist in providing a

>longer life span with increased health for those who are willing to maintain

>their physical body. So one can expect leaps and bounds in the biotechnology

>industry in the coming years. Don’t be surprised if 21st century generations

>are able to live with good health beyond 100 to 120 years in the next 50

>years. > >3. People will be very conscious and cautious of economic progress

and >prosperity. They will be looking for security and stability. Therefore

they >are more eager to learn and train themselves to be better in their

skills. >Further, there will be an increased intent on connecting with the

earth, >dealing with ecology, environment, etc. thereby placing greater

importance on >these issues. > >Beginning from 1997/1998, Jupiter was following

Saturn until they became >conjunct in Aries in 1999. This brought about much

soul searching, evolution, >and awareness; socially, politically and

economically. In 1999, the impact >of Jupiter and Saturn in Aries until June

2000 created intense awareness of >new ideas and visions, expansion, and

enthusiasm which overrode any sense of >caution. This lack of caution was due

to Saturn’s debilitation in Aries. >Since 1999 Saturn and Jupiter have

traveled close to each other, crossing >each other until June 2001, when

Jupiter moved away from Saturn into Gemini. >When these two planets went into

Taurus, they created a major impact on the >economic world between June 2000

and June 2001 since Taurus is the sign of >the zodiac indicating economic

activity. Saturn continues to be in Taurus >until July 2002, extending economic

instability into the latter part of the >month. > >Currently Saturn is on its

way out of Taurus and will enter Gemini at the end >of July. It will stay in

Gemini until May of 2005. This will promote >education, innovation and

technology as well as create intelligent and >scientifically minded people. So

you will see during the next decade, an >increase in the upsurge of

implementing research and development in all areas >of life representing

progress towards better standards of living. > >However, Saturn’s transit of

Gemini will be indicative of the continuation of >unfolding scandals in

business and the streamlining of management. Therefore, >the current trend of

dealing with scandals in business and church will >continue to unfold and

spread into other areas of activity (education, trade, >religion, etc.) through

Saturn’s transit in Gemini (the next two and a half >years). > >In an

immediate visible way, we have already experienced the impact of the >movements

of Saturn and Jupiter while they traveled the signs of Pisces, >Aries, and

Taurus. On a deeper level, these planets alter history by changing >in the

consciousness of people, and bringing new awareness, thereby affecting >how

people view and interact with the world. The cultural, societal, and >economic

values as well as global interests are changed on a very subtle >level to where

future generations are affected. > >What I am trying to point out is, not only

when these two planets interact >with each other but when they interact with

other planets as well, they >create a reaction of consequences. But also in a

subtle way, they release >forces which gradually change the global

consciousness thereby recreating and >modifying the culture and history. >

>Recently, I was speaking to my good friend and a scholar of culture, history,

>philosophy, and astrology, Dr. David Frawley. He was reminding me that the

>planets, when they are moving in the sky and coming into certain intense

>associations with other planets that create immediate impacts, we cannot

>overlook the far-reaching influences they create in the consciousness of the

>people. These subtle influences create an impact for decades to come. >

>Jupiter which has been transiting Gemini for the last 12 months, will begin

>to transit Cancer in the first week of July 2002 until the end of July 2003.

>Jupiter’s transit of Cancer, where it is exalted, is extolled as the planet

>of peace, prosperity, education, family, home, property, ease and comfort,

>and general progress in life. However, don’t be surprised if peace-loving

>Jupiter initiates warlike situations because the nature of Jupiter is to look

>for peace at any cost, including the enforcement of this through war. Hence,

>there could be serious warlike possibilities in which the US may be involved.

>For the coming year, I would not be surprised if there is an intensification

>of religious fanaticism. > >We have recently seen Jupiter coming in contact

with Rahu, the northern node, >in Gemini as well as Rahu coming in contact with

Saturn in Taurus. The >impact of these two planets on the immediate future is

unbelievable. We have >seen so many scandals and public exposures, in the

financial world and the >spiritual/religious world. There is a certain kind of

a house cleaning >taking place at this time. This trend may continue. > >The

current transit of Rahu/Ketu axis through Taurus/Scorpio will continue >until

August 2003. Rahu is a poisonous substance especially when it comes in >contact

with other malefic planets like Saturn and Mars. Sun, Mercury, Venus, >Mars,

Saturn all came in contact with Rahu recently. The current transit of >Rahu,

beginning in February 2002, until it leaves in August 2003, will be >full of

scandals of all types. Rahu’s transit of Taurus supports the >continuation of

scandals. Whether it is religious, economic, or social, it >will abound.

Political scandals will begin to appear around and after August >2003. > >The

Rahu/Ketu axis is considered especially negative when all the planets are >on

one side of this axis (between Rahu and Ketu). This configuration is >called

Kala Sarpa Yoga. From the 9th of June until the end of November 2002, >this

configuration will exist; except when the moon will go in and out of >this axis

during 15 days of each month.. Kala Sarpa Yoga is commonly >understood as

creating catastrophic events. This Kala Sarpa Yoga may have >some warlike

energy operating which might result in a military conflict >between July and

November 2002. This will happen in the Middle East or in the >Asian sector of

the planet. The USA may be involved in this war. If this war >does not take

place in 2002, it may happen between July and November 2003. > >In regards to

the overall influence of the Kala Sarpa Yoga, I would like to >quote from a

book of Dr. B.V. Raman (perhaps the greatest Astrologer in the >last 300-400

years): > >"Kala Sarpa Yoga has its bright shades. It makes one industrious,

>hardworking, aware of one’s own ability- despite mental restlessness. It

>raises the natives to top positions in their respective fields provided of

>course other Raja Yogas are present. Rahu-Ketu axis favors rise in mundane

>life while Ketu-Rahu axis indicates elevation in spiritual matters. It is

>also found that Kala Sarpa Yoga natives get betrayed by trusted friends and

>even relatives. Suffering due to developments in life strengthens the mind

>and mellows one’s outlook. This is a blessing of Kala Sarpa Yoga. > >"It

occurs to me that undue importance need not be given to Kala Sarpa Yoga. >The

view held by some astrologers that Kala Sarpa Yoga affects longevity and

>adversely affects the operation of other yogas favoring a rise in life,

>achievement, and accomplishment is not tenable. The overall assessment of the

>horoscope is important. No single yoga, including Kala Sarpa Yoga, is capable

>or marring or making a horoscope. In our view, Kala Sarpa Yoga plays an

>important role in mundane astrology [assessment of world events] and is not

>of much importance in individual charts." > >As a matter of interest, perhaps

some of the following dates are to be noted >as to having some potency and

potential for significant events to occur in >the mundane area: > >July 8th >

>August 4th > >August 31st > >Sept 28th > >Oct 25th > >Nov. 21st > >Dec 18th >

>Even though we are currently experiencing a period of economic hardships and

>conflicts, we have entered a period which is full of enthusiasm, intuition,

>invention and positive growth for the whole planet which will unfold in the

>next decade or so. No doubt in this process of fast growth in all directions,

>it is bound to create a certain amount of conflict of interest which is just

>normal among people and among countries in the next two decades, which may

>result in trade wars. The purpose of trade wars is to seek progress and

>prosperity for the people who are affected by such conflicts. Of course all

>of us in all countries are seeking peace and happiness. > >~Chakrapani Ullal

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