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RSS Resolutions on J&K and Dsiplaced People

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Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh


Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal Baithak


Yugabda 5104 June 29-30, 2002



Resolution No. : 01 : Resolution on J & K


The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKM) expresses its grave

concern over the fast deteriorating situation in recent years in the

J & K state due to the separatist and terrorist activities. This

situation has been aggravated by the slogan of autonomy for the

state. Behind this development lies the deplorable story of

ineptitude, short sightedness and minorityism of the political

leadership of our country. The day the Maharaja of J & K, signed the

Instrument of Accession, without any conditions whatsoever, the

problem ought to have ceased for good. But our then Prime Minister

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru halted the victorious onward march of our

armed forces and took the matter to the U.N.O. and thus paved the way

for internationalizing a problem which would have been solved by us

on our own strength.

Insistence on appointing Sheikh Mohammed Abdulla as 'Prime

Minister' of the state was yet another blunder. The induction of

Article 370 in our Constitution for J & K, though in a chapter of

transitory provisions, was taken advantage of by separatist elements.

Our short sighted Govt., while talking of complete integration,

provided sanction to an independent constitution, a different flag,

and different citizenship and different nomenclatures for the 'Chief

Minister' and the 'Governor' for this state. This double-speak soon

backfired and the Sheikh had to be put behind bars; and then only

could the Center appoint a Governor, give jurisdiction to the Supreme

Court, the Election Commission and the Comptroller and Auditor

General (C.A.G.).

Whereas the need was progress towards more integration, it was

again halted from 1975 when Sheikh Abdulla was again installed as

Chief Minister under Indira Gandhi-Abdulla agreement. He pursued his

anti-Hindu and anti-Bharat policies which his son, the present Chief

Minister Dr. Farooq Abdulla is assiduously carrying forward reducing

the Kashmir valley practically devoid of Hindu population. The law

for Resettlement of those who had opted for Pakistani citizenship is

yet another dangerous move towards a marked demographic change.

About two lakh Hindu adults are voters for the Parliamentary

elections but not for the State Assembly; the duration of the State

Assembly is six years and not five as in other States, a

discriminating law that makes a woman marrying a man outside the

States of J&K, in other parts of the country, lose her right in her

father's property and status of a state subject whereas a woman

marrying a man hailing from Pakistan getting the right to make her

husband its citizen, and harassment of Hindu citizens by asking them

proof of their citizenship of the State while conferring it on the

known foreign terrorists and settling them in and around Jammu speak

volumes of sinister motives of the present National Conference Govt.

under Dr. Farooq Abdulla.

However, the ABKM notes that there is a reassuring ray of hope

also in the midst of this dismal situation. There are saner people in

the state who do not want the cover of Article 370, who are against

any sort of autonomy and who want full integration with Bharat. So

there are two streams of thought and feeling in the State - one

wanting complete integration and the other comprising of separatist

and terrorist forces under different names and banners.

In this context, the ABKM has taken into consideration the

blatantly discriminatory attitude of the State Govt., towards Jammu

and Ladakh regions, and the consequent acute dissatisfaction among

the people of Jammu and Ladakh regions, causing them to demand a

separate statehood for Jammu and a Union Territory status for Ladakh.

The report of the fact-finding three member committee appointed

by the Sarkarvah of the RSS under the chairmanship of Justice

(Retd.) Jitendra Veer Gupta has also corroborated the discrimination

indulged in by the state Govt.

The ABKM, therefore, resolves as under :

I) The people of Jammu think that the solution of their problems

lies in the separate statehood for Jammu region. This has been

demonstrated by the agitation spearheaded by the Jammu-Kashmir

National Front and other organizations. The ABKM offers its support

to their demand. To brand this demand for a separate statehood for

Jammu region, which includes the Muslim majority districts of Poonch,

Rajauri & Doda as communal, is either crass ignorance or motivated


II) The ABKM supports the demand for UT status for Ladakh region.

III) ABKM offers all its support to the forces in the Kashmir

Valley that are for full integration with Bharat.

IV) Further, the ABKM feels deeply concerned about the fate of

Kashmiri Hindus who have been hounded out of their homes by the

Jehadi Muslim elements. It is now more than a decade that they have

been living as refugees in different parts of the country. The ABKM

calls upon the Govts., both Central and State, to have a dialogue

with these unfortunate people and find a way for their safe and

secure rehabilitation in the Kashmir Valley which has been their home

for thousands of years.

V) It is also very important that every precaution and arrangement

should be taken to ensure free and fair elections in J & K, which are

fast approaching. In view of the past experience the present N.C.

Govt. can not generate confidence that it will help conduct free and

fair elections.

The A.B.K.M. calls upon patriotic people from all over the

country to wholeheartedly support these legitimate demands in the

interest of national integrity and ensure that interests of people of

J & K will be protected hereafter and cry a halt to the dangerous

trend of separatism and terrorism overtaking the State. The Karyakari

Mandal urges the swayamsevaks to support the forces of integration

and defeat the machinations of anti-national

forces. •••

Notes : Attach a xls. file of "Details of discrimination in different

regions of the Jammu and Kashmir State.





Resolution No. : 02 The Displaced People of the Border


Our people living at the international border of Bharat and

Pakistan and at the LoC border in Jammu and Kashmir are exposed to

repeated shelling and as a result they had to shift to safer places

for shelter. The same situation persists even today. The Akhil

Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKM) expresses its deep concern to these

citizens at their current situation.

It is well known that nearly 30,000 uprooted people belonging to the

Akhnoor sector in the region of Jammu following the Kargil War are

till today found displaced and deserted. The troops of Bharat are

holding the frontier line steadfastly ever since the terrorist attack

on Bharat's Parliament on Dec. 13 2001. May 14,2002 saw the terrorist

attack on Kaluchak in Jammu where the members of the soldiers'

families were housed. The situation since then has become explosive.

In addition, heavy shelling from Pakistan side continues as a counter

measure Bharatiya army has planted explosive mines at the border. As

a result more than 2 lakhs of people belonging to nearly 250 villages

have abandoned their surroundings and are today homeless. Their crops

are destroyed and the cattle-wealth is in jeopardy. It has put a

question mark not only on their present but also on their future.

The ABKM urges the people and the Government - both Central as well

as the State - to initiate necessary measures and attend to the

problems of the people who are the most reliable sentinals of our

endangered borders.

The ABKM demands as under :

I) The army has put in explosive mines in an area of 17,000 acres.

Compensation to the displaced was determined on this basis. But the

ground reality is that the land area on which the farmers can hardly

move for any work is not less than 70,000 acres, so their total loss

is not adequately compensated. The army as well as the local

authorities are urged to recognize the anomaly with a view to provide

redressal before the rains. Help is also solicited for the cattle

welfare, house repair and compensation adequate enough to restart


II) Relief Camps be provided with necessary amenities including

schools to the children and medical aid to the needy. The life of the

wage earners calls for greater care.

III) The amount of compensation given to the displaced people of

the international borders near Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat, at

certain places, is less than the loss they had to face. This anomaly

needs immediate redressal.

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