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Nityananda Avadhuta - Prabhu

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>Krsna Talk Issue 29: Nityananda Avadhuta - Prabhu

>Sun, 7 Jul 2002 18:11:24 -0400


>Nityananda Avadhuta




>Sripada Bhakti Gaurava Narasingha Maharaja


> _____


> Devotee: It has been stated by some persons who claim to follow the

>pure line of devotion presented by Srila Prabhupada Sarasvati Thakura,

>that Sri Nityananda Prabhu was a sannyasi who later gave up His sannyasa

>and married the two daughters of Surya Vipra. Is this a fact?


>Narasingha Maharaja: No, this is not a fact. This is an idea that is

>commonly put forth by the sahajiya and babaji communities, but it is not

>so. This concocted idea has not been accepted by Srila Sarasvati Thakura

>or his followers. One who says that Sri Nityananda Prabhu gave up

>sannyasa is an offender to the Supreme Lord. At least it must be

>concluded that such a person is a victim of a poor fund of knowledge.


>An attempt has been made to substantiate that Sri Nityananda Prabhu was

>formerly a sannyasi by quoting from Srila Vrndavana Dasa Thakura's Sri

>Caitanya-bhagavata, wherein the following verses are found.


>kothaya thakila danda kotha kamandalu

>kotha va vasana gela nahi adi-mula


>Where was His danda, where was His water-pot, and where were His

>clothes? Nothing remained with Him.

>(CB. Madhya 5.62)


>katho ratre nityananda hunkara kariya

>nija-danda-kamandalu phelila bhangiya


> In the dead of night, Nityananda suddenly roared

>loudly and broke His danda and water-pot.

> (CB. Madhya 5.67)


>The references here to danda and kamandalu are enough to convince the

>sahajiyas that Sri Nityananda Prabhu was previously an initiated

>sannyasi. Some sahajiyas are even of the opinion that Sri Nityananda

>Prabhu was a sannyasi-disciple of Sri Laksmipati Tirtha, but there is no

>evidence for this whatsoever. In this regard, Srila Sarasvati Thakura

>has stated in his purports to the above verses that the danda and

>kamandalu are not only symbols of the sannyasa-asrama, they are also

>used by brahmacaris. The brahmacari danda is made from either khadira,

>palasa or bamboo and when an upakurvana-brahmacari decides toÊ enter

>householder life, he discards the danda. This is exactly what Lord

>Nityananda did.


>Some persons are of the opinion that Sri Nityananda Prabhu held the

>sannyasa title Ananda, but according to the Sattvata-samhita, Ananda is

>not one of the 108 names of a sannyasi. Ananda is sometimes used by the

>Advaitin section as a name (such as Prakasananda, Svarupananda,

>Brahmananda etc), but their actual sannyasa title is one of the

>dasa-nami; Tirtha, Asrama, Vana, Aranya, Parvata, Giri, Sagara,

>Sarasvati, Bharati and Puri.


>Further evidence to suggest that Sri Nityananda Prabhu was a brahmacari

>and not a sannyasi is given in Srila Sarasvati Thakura's commentary to

>verse 9 of the fifth chapter in the Madhya-khanda of Caitanya-bhagavata

>as follows:


> Jagad-guru Sri Nityananda Prabhu was a brahmcari

>disciple of Parivrajakacarya Sri Laksmipati Tirtha, who enacted the

>pastimes of subordination to the Sri Madhva sampradaya. We find His

>brahmacari name was Sri Nityananda Svarupa. From ancient times

>brahmacari disciples of Tirtha and Asrama sannyasis have been addressed

>as Svarupa.


>Again, Srila Prabhupada Sarasvati Thakura writes:


> The brahmacari name of Nityananda Prabhu was Svarupa.

>Since Svarupa is the brahmacari name of a Tirtha sannyasi'sÊ disciple,

>some people consider Him to be a follower of Laksmipati Tirtha rather

>than a follower of Madhavendra Puri. (Purport to CB. Madhya 5.67)


>The revered Guardian of Devotion Om Visnupada Srimad Bhakti Raksaka

>Sridhara Deva Gosvami Maharaja has commented on this topic thus.


> ÊNityananda was not a sannyasi, he was a brahmacari. He

>performed Vyasa-puja in Srivasa Angana. There some say that He was a

>sannyasi, but there He had no special garment either for sannyasi or

>brahmacari. He was a very independent spirit. (SSM 81.09.23)


>That Nityananda was a sannyasi, it is not a proven fact. The Nityananda,

>this is Ananda, this indicates the affix added to brahmacari. Ananda,

>Svarupa, Prakasa, all these types of brahmacari. Ananda, a name also in

>the sannyasi we find, but no other title. Ananda is a part of the name

>but title, no title of Nityananda. And also no mention who was the

>sannyasa-guru of Nityananda. But diksa-guru of Nityananda is Madhavendra

>Puri, it is known. Avadhuta does not mean who is sannyasi. Avadhuta

>means who is not very particular of his external practices and sometimes

>commits something wrong which should not be committed, should not be

>practiced. When lower practices are seen in connection with the

>high-leveled person then they are considered as avadhuta. He is above

>that but his practices are of lower nature. Ava means lower; dhuta -

>that also he can either remove or he can purify. (SSM 82.02.06)


>Furthermore, Srila Vrndavana Dasa Thakura himself is of the opinion that

>Nityananda was not a sannyasi and has written:


>kiba yati nityananda kiba bhakta jnani

>ya'ra yena mata iccha na bolaye keni


> Some may consider Nityananda to be a sannyasi. Others

>may consider Him to be a devotee or a jnani. They may say whatever they

>like. (CB. Adi 9.223)


>Another so-called evidence that the sahajiyas present to establish their

>concocted idea that Sri Nityananda Prabhu took sannyasa is found in

>Caitanya-bhagavata, Madhya 13.15. 19:


>ajna sire kari nityananda-haridasa

>tataksane calilena pathe asi hasa

>dohana sannyasi-vesa-yana yara ghare

>athevyathe asi bhiksa-nimatrana kare


> Taking the order of Sri Caitanya upon their heads,

>Nityananda and Haridasa immediately went out, laughing together in a

>happy mood. Wherever they went to beg, the householders would extend

>invitations to them as they were both dressed in the robes of sannyasis.


>If we are to take it that the above verse proves that Nitai was a

>sannyasi, then following such logic we must also believe that Thakura

>Haridasa was a sannyasi! Actually neither were sannyasis.


>Due to the social etiquette of that time, it would have been unthinkable

>for a Muslim such as Haridasa to take the vows of sannyasa since only

>those born in brahmanaÊ families could formally take to the formal

>renounced order of life. Simply because they were dressed as mendicants

>does not necessarily mean that they had actually accepted sannyasa. This

>type of unorthodox behavior was common with Sri Nityananda Avadhuta and

>on that day he had dragged Haridasa Thakura into His plot.


>If indeed Sri Nityananda Prabhu had formally taken sannyasa, why is

>there no mention of such an important event in any Gaudiya literature?

>Why is there no mention of his sannyasa-guru?


>Apart from the fact that the idea for the sannyasa of Sri Nityananda

>Prabhu is not supported by any bona-fide acarya in the Gaudiya

>sampradaya, it is also not in line with the divine character of Sri

>Caitanya Mahaprabhu that He would have permitted Sri Nityananda Prabhu

>to give up his sannyasa or associated with Him if He had done so.


>It is well known that Sri Caitanyadeva strictly adhered to the

>principles of sannyasa-dharma. His strictness as a sannyasi was

>exhibited in the pastime of His chastisement of Chota Haridasa who thus

>committed suicide because of a small breach of sannyasa-dharma. So why

>then would Mahaprabhu turn around and associate with Sri Nityananda

>Prabhu if he was a fallen sannyasi? Mahaprabhu Himself has stated the



>prabhuÊ kahe- vairagi kare prakrt i sambhasana

>dekhite na paron ami taharaÊ vadana


> The Lord said, I cannot tolerate seeing the face of a

>person who has accepted the renounced order of life but who still talks

>intimately with a woman. (Cc. Antya 2.117)


>ksudra-jivaÊ saba markata-vairagyaÊ kariya

>indriyaÊ caranaÊ buleÊ prakrt i sambhasiya


> There are many persons with little in their possession

>who accept the renounced order of life like monkeys. They go here and

>there engaging in sense gratification and speaking intimately with

>women. (Cc. Antya 2.120)


>prabhuÊ kahe mora vasa nahe moraÊ mana

>prakrti-sambhasiÊ vairagiÊ na kare darsana


> The Lord said, My mind is not under My control. It does

>not like to see anyone in the renounced order who talks intimately with


> (Cc. Antya 2.124)


>Claiming to be a follower of Sri Caitanyadeva or a follower of Srila

>Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, and in the same breath, claim that

>Sri Nityananda Prabhu was a fallen sannyasi is totally absurd.


>Srila Sarasvati Thakura came to re-establish the system of

>daivi-varnasrama, in particular to re-introduce tridandi-sannyasa in the

>Gaudiya line for the purpose of preaching love of God. But those persons

>who oppose Saraswati Thakura have tried to minimize his contribution by

>creating false stories to show that even Sri Nityananda Prabhu gave up

>His sannyasa. One important point that the sahajiyas conveniently

>overlook is that in order to preach love of God, Sri Caitanyadeva

>Himself accepted sannyasa.


>In order to attain the mercy of Sri Caitanyadeva, one must first beg for

>the mercy of Sri Nityananda Prabhu. If one's crippled mind, however,

>concocts imaginary proofs that simply degrade the position of the Sri

>Nityananda Prabhu then such a person is truly most unfortunate.


> _____


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