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NZHKnet Newsletter # 81

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>Jaya Tirtha Charan dasan

>Undisclosed Receivers

>NZHKnet Newsletter # 81 - TIME Magazine - Vegetarian article issue

>Thu, 11 Jul 2002 11:15:21 +1200 > >New Zealand Hare Krishna Spiritual

Resource Network >Newsletter Number #81 - TIME Magazine - Vegetarian article

issue >(Winter 2002 A.D.) > >This ASCII newsletter is best viewed using Courier

New 9 font >(small) or View with Fixed Width Font.


>¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø¤º°¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø¤º°¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ >)<>(|)<>(|)<>(

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>----------------------< ISKCON ki jaya >----------------------- > >_0/\, >

>Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances & Best Wishes To All > >_0____, All

Glories To Srila Prabhupad. > >\o/ >(_) >/ \ All Glories to Sri Guru and

Gauranga. > >Welcome to this latest edition of the HKSRNewsletter, and our

humble >attempt to render some service. This newsletter now goes out to way

>over 2028 receivers. I trust that all is well with everyone by the >Mercy of

the Lord. However, as this is a SPECIAL newsletter going >out to a few who I

thought might be interested in this special >content, if anyone would like to

be removed or excluded from future >mailouts of anykind please just send me a

message requesting me to >do so, and I will do it promptly. If you are

receiving this from a >friend, and or, would like to be added directly to the

mailout for >future issues (usually twice monthly, just a few days before each

>ekadasi) please also let me know and I will do the needful there >too. >Hare

Krishna. =>B-) JTCd



>)<>(|)<>(|)<>( The Nectar in this Issue: )<>(|)<>(|)<>(|)


>------------------------------ >IN THIS

SPECIAL ISSUE: > >Vegetarianism & Beyond: >...Should We All Be Vegetarian? - 5

page article in this weeks TIME >magazine. >...some really useful Vege links

>...inspiring Vegetarian articles >...visit our Vegetarianism and Beyond Award

winning web-site

>------------------------------ >Should We All

Be Vegetarians? >Source:

>http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,300595,00.html > >NEW YORK, NEW

YORK, July 15, 2002: Sporting the ubiquitous hamburger >bun overflowing with

vegetables, the July 15 issue of Time magazine >carries a cover story on the

merits of vegetarianism for everyone. >For many, meat is an obscene cuisine.

It's not just the additives >and ailments connected with the consumption of

beef, though a dish >of hormones, E. coli bacteria or the scary specter of

mad-cow >disease might be effective enough as an appetite suppressant. It's

>that more and more Americans, particularly young Americans, have >started

engaging in a practice that would once have shocked their >parents. They are

eating their vegetables. Also their grains and >sprouts. Some 10 million

Americans today consider themselves to be >practicing vegetarians, according to

a Time poll of 18,000 adults; >an additional 20 million have flirted with

vegetarianism sometime in >their past. Discussing a number of nutritional

issues like calcium >absorption and vitamin B12 to the ethical argument that

>vegetarianism is a much more environment-friendly diet than those >revolving

around meat, this lengthy article provides much food for >thought. > >Courtesy

of http://www.HinduismToday.com/ > >This article was also the Home page top

article on Netscape (8th >July 2002) http://home.netscape.com/ which leads to

the CNN site >http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/news/ who is carrying the same

article >with links to another Time Magazine site that is carrying the FIVE

>PAGE positive article >http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101020715/index.html >

>The site asks the question, "Is a well-balanced vegetarian diet >healthier than

one that includes meat?" shows a coloured "Pie chart" >that reveals an amzing

trend that is now going on in the world

>http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101020715/index.html. 73.4 % say >that YES, a

well-balanced veggie diet healthier than one that >includes meat? only a mere

26.6 % say otherwise out of 18,000 >polled. > >The poll has already reached

39,000 and the balance is 88.5% in >favour of Vegetarianism > >(This morning -

10th July I received this kind invitation from TIME >magazine which shows who

is reading our web-pages) >To the web master http://turn.to/Vegetarianism, >

>My name is Kim Davidson and I am with the public affairs department >at TIME

magazine. This week's issue features a story highlighting >the benefits of

being a vegetarian. We would be honored if you >linked our story to your web

site. >For any questions and more information, I can be reached via e-mail >or

at 212.522.4012. >Thank you for your time and cooperation. >Sincerely, >Kim

Davidson > >Go out and get your hard copy at your local newsagent now!!! > >See

that link, and more on Vegetarianism HERE: >http://turn.to/Vegetarianism

>------------------------------ >Vegetarian

Clubs >Waikato University - Hamilton campus > >2 days per week serving about

100 plates each day. > >for more information deva4deva (AT) hotmail (DOT) com >

>Auckland Veda club. >Auckland University - Wellesley St. campus > >Its a

simple weekly program thats been running for a few years, at >Clubspace, where

we have a vegetarian prasadam lunch and sometimes >show a video. Srila

Prabhupada's books are available to browse or >buy. > >For more information

contact Bhaktine Charlotte >charlottesinclair (AT) clear (DOT) net.nz > >Otago

University - Dunedin - Vege Club >Room 2., Clubs & Societies Building >Albany

St., > >contact Jambavati dasi (03) 477 8277 >jambavati85 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com >


>----------------------------- >Hare Krishna

Food For Life >Serving Millions Worldwide > >Auckland

>http://www.hknet.org.nz/AuckFFL-page.htm > >Christchurch

>http://www.hknet.org.nz/CHCH-FFL-page.htm > >Wellington NEW > >Petone: 202

Jackson Street (corner of Jackson & Nelson St) Phone: >(04) 939 2233 > >City:

ABC Shoreline, 98-104 Victoria Street, Wellington. > >See more about Food For

Life and how you can help HERE: >http://www.hknet.org.nz/HKFood4Life-page.htm >

>----------------------------- >Practicing

Krishna Consciousness at Home: > >http://www.iskcon.org/kchome/index.html

>---------------------------- >East Meets West

@ "The Loft" >Enjoy an enlightening time associating with energetic devotees.

>Explore the similarities of ancient and modern surroundings through >Krishna

consciousness in a friendly non-threatening atmosphere. > >Auckland Loft

>http://www.hknet.org.nz/LoftAuck-page.htm > >Wellington Loft (Gaura Yoga

centre) >http://www.hknet.org.nz/LoftWell-page.htm >

>guruvanidd (AT) hotmail (DOT) com > >Christchurch Loft

>http://www.geocities.com/theloftchch > >Hanuman dasa:

>theloft108 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com


>¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø¤º°¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø¤º°°¤º°`°º¤ø,,¸¸, >)<>(|)<>(|)<>(

Vegetarian links: )<>(|)<>(|)<>(|)<>(


>----------------------------- >Download your

FREE Cake Recipe Cookbook > - with 100 EGGLESS recipes

>http://www.hknet.org.nz/great100.zip > >NEW - Free On-line Hare Krishna

Cook-book: >http://www.harekrishnatemple.com/cookbook/sefer.cgi > >The

Institute for Applied Spiritual Technology - Vegetarian Recipes >- Bhakti

Tirtha Swami: >http://www.ifast.net/gallery/recipes/index.html

>------------------------------ >NEW EKADASI

RECIPES: >http://www.hknet.org.nz/ekadasi-page.htm > >Ekadasi Book Cooking -

new book coming: >http://www.webcom.com/~ara/iwr/14.1/books/ekadasi.shtml >

>Ekadasi Recipes - preps without grains or beans etc:

>http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/8761/f15.htm > >Vrata ka khaana -

Fast Foods cook book 4 sale (all ekadasi preps - >some samples here):

>http://www.niruskitchen.com/books/book_vrat.htm > >Fast Food of a Different

Kind: >http://www.lifepositive.com/body/holistic-recipes/recipes/food-fast.asp

> >Ekadasi Cake recipe from Sucharya mataji:

>http://www.chakra.org/articles/2000/08/12/ekadasi.cake/index.htm > >Carrot

Sandesh: >http://www.chakra.org/articles/2001/10/23/carrot.sandesh/index.htm >

>Devotee Recipes from Chakra web-site:

>http://www.chakra.org/mainpages/recipes/ > >Eggless Cakes web-site:

>http://www.eggless.com/ > >Non-vegetarian aditives and non-ekadasi food

aditives list:


>*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ > >OVER 100 EGGLESS CAKE recipes can be found on

our Main index and >on many other pages at:

http://www.hknet.org.nz/great100.zip > >Golden Recipe Archive - Pies &

Pastries: (not all purely >vegetarian...)

>http://www.ichef.com/golden-recipes/Pies-pastries/index.html > >Everything you

want to know about Vegetarianism and Beyond: >http://turn.to/Vegetarianism >

>...and always with the Magic ingredient - Offer it to Krishna..... >...with

L'n D (love and devotion) > >http://www.hknet.org.nz/How2offer.htm > >Nutrition

and Health - vitamins, a balanced diet, through prasadam:

>http://www.hknet.org.nz/Vege-VitaminSources.html >

>*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ >Check out heaps of information on Vegetarianism,

Prasadam-ism, >download books, Vegetarian Recipe programs, and more. >

>http://www.hknet.org.nz/Veges-Beyond5page.htm > >HERE I'VE COMPILED HUNDREDS

OF USEFUL LINKS 4 U: >http://www.hknet.org.nz/vege-links1.htm > >NEW - an

amazing vegetarian source guide: >http://www.vegsource.org/

>------------------------------- >A Beginners

Guide to Vegetarianism:


>------------------------------- >How Mary and

Frank and Friends Eat - very nice Vegetarian pages:


>------------------------------- >Vegetarian

recipes: >http://www.vegweb.com > >Heaps of Quick Vegetarian Recipies:

>http://www.quickneasyrecipes.com/vegetarian/vegetarian.html > >Healthy Indian

Vegetarian Cooking Recipes:

>http://www.vegsource.com/articles/chari_veg_chili.htm > >VegeSource Recipes:

>http://www.vegsource.com/recipe/ > >Vegetarian Central - Resource Guide:

>http://www.vegsource.com/vegcentral/ > >Islamic Vegetarian page:

>http://www.islamveg.com/recip.html > >Planet Veggie.com:

>http://www.planetveggie.com/ > >Vegetarian Cookbook Making Meat Substitutes

Taste Great: >http://www.cookingvegetarian.com/vegetariancookbook.htm > >“In a

Vegetarian Kitchen” >http://www.vegkitchen.com >A bi-monthly newsletter

featuring easy recipes, healthy food tips, >and seasonal specials (US) > >It

takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a >season's worth of

footballs. >support Cow Protection: http://www.hknet.org.nz/Cow-protection.htm >


That's in the Bible" - expose on meat eating:


>----------------------------- >Protect both

our species, two-legged and four-legged. Both food and >water for their needs

supply. May they with us increase in stature >and strength. Save us from hurt

all our days, O Powers! > >Rig Veda Samhita 10.37.11. > >Download one of Bhakti

Rasa prabhu's songs for FREE >"Don't Eat Your Friends" (It Ain't Nice)

>http://bhakti-rasa.tripod.com/mp3/akarma4.mp3 > >and visit Bhakti Rasa

prabhu's site: >http://bhakti-rasa.tripod.com/

>------------------------------- >McDeath -

the facts about Ronnie McDonalds: > >http://www.hknet.org.nz/mcdeath.html

>------------------------------- >Meet your

Meat FREE CDRoms >From a friend: >Could you please include the following

message in a furure >newsletter. Thanks > >I am an environmentalist, an animal

activist & a vegetarian. > >I have converted the "Meet your Meat" video into a

CD rom & will >send a copy of it for free to anyone with a Cd burner & a pledge

to >make at least 4 copies to give to their meat eating friends. >

>http://www.hknet.org.nz/V-meetURmeat.html > >I sent out a total of over 750

CD's last year to 60 different >countries. My goal in 2002 is to double that

number. > >I would appreciate if you would forward this message to your

>readers. > >Anyone willing to participate, please forward my mailing address

as >Chalissa1 (AT) aol (DOT) com


>¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø¤º°¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø¤º°¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º° >)<>(|)<>( A

Grateful Word to our Supporters: )<>(|)<>(|)


>------------------------------- >Many thanks

to all the readers who have one way or another >d to

N.Z.H.K.S.R.Network. Your interest and support makes >this work possible. Those

wishing to contribute to this Network, >send articles, and or information please

do so by contacting me here >... > >Similarly if anyone would like to send

donations to help maintain >this and similar devotional work, especially on a

regular basis >please contact me here ... jtcd (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz > >Every

little is VERY much appreciated, and is what allows the >service to continue

regularly. Thanx > >After some feedback from our readers we are trying to put

out the >newsletter twice-monthly, just before the EkAdasii of both the light

>(shukla paksha) and dark (krishna paksha) fortnights. I hope that >this is

okay with everyone. See you in a couple of weeks. >

>http://www.hknet.org.nz/index.htm > >This newsletter is NEVER sent out

unsolicited. If you are receiving >this because of a friend giving us your

address, and you would >rather NOT receive mail from us, please send us a

message saying >Un, or Remove - and we will do the needful

immediately. >We apologise for any inconvenience caused. > > // > (@@)



>|___|____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|____| >|_____|_____Please pardon

the intrusion_|____|______| > To be removed from our mailing list reply to

> with 'remove' or '' in the >subject heading and your email

address in the body. Include complete >address and/or domain/aliases to be

removed. If you still get the >emails, please call us at the numbers given

above. There is no need >to resend the entire newsletter. > >If somehow you are

receiving this double - ie., at home and in the >office please let me know, and

your preferential option =>:-) JTCd

>_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ >

>*************************************************************** >* Purohit

JAya Tirtha ChAran dAsan >* >* jtcd (AT) xtra (DOT) co.nz >* jtcd.purohit (AT) priest (DOT) com >*

>************************************************************** >*

http://www.hknet.org.nz/index.htm >* http://welcome.to/hknetworks

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