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Indian Secularists Begin Attack on Western Hindus

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(NOTE:I apologise if this message offends anyone but this is my

sincere response to Dr V Prashad's Article.)



As an American Friend of India, I take great offense at being

belittled by eggheads with political axes to grind. Right away I

would like to warn such Anti-Hindus Indians, that we Americans won't

generally take such insults lightly. Unlike the Indian Hindus, we

will react and expose racism, even when it's coached in scholar-ese.

Dr V. Prashad's article is pure castism and racism. Many non-Indian

Hindus have been confronted by such racist Indians. They believe we

are phony and can not possibly be true Hindus. So they always come

up with some label...CIA, Druggies, Hippies. Its pure Hate Mongering

and racism. Friends, we don't have to put up with this. Call it for

what it is: A Strange Mix of Native-Loathing and anti White Racism

spread the word. Look at his books, he is an anti-white racist.


My Associate and fellow Vedic researcher also does not appreciate

being called a white suburbanite, esp. being an African-American. My

Native American friend who sincerely appreciates the cultural

connections between India and Ancient America also does not accept

the label.


As someone who can never be labeled a suburban white, yet still

being a white American, but raised a Hindu in India, I have to call

this article for what it is...shrewd propaganda designed to belittle

the sincerity of America's non-Indian Hindu community.


Though, such scholars accept and defend the rights of the Gay

community, the abortion activists, the environmentalists, the

democrats, the republicans etc they can never extend such liberality

to the legitimate convictions and aspirations of the nearly 2

billion non-Indian and Indian Hindus/Buddhists world wide.


At a loss as to why the Native Indian Culture is suddenly being

accepted by Millions of non-Indians around the world, they must now

extend the label of fanatics to all Hindus around the world. That is

the only explanation as to why anyone would accept such a "backward



My challenge to Dr V Prashad is that he is expressing fanatic

tendencies. By ignoring the suffering pleas of millions of Hindus,

Dr Prashad, you are directly contributing to that suffering. By

publicly using yr academic position to slander Hindus for the sole

crime of being Hindu activists, you have become an accomplice to the

continuing war against the very heart of India. Every crying

Hindu/Buddhist child fleeing the savagery of Bangladesh's Muslim

Fundamentalists has you to thank for being ignored by the world.

Except the VHP no one is helping them. My friend, in Bangladesh

sends me updates until my heart wants to break. I contacted the

media, My Senator, President etc but no response. Only the Sangh

family has done anything about it. WHAT ABOUT YOU?! I WILL SEND ALL



Why is yr activism against Enron any more important than the RSS's

activism? Do you deny that there is even a need for Hindu activism?

Such a denial will expose yr prejudice. With Bangladesh's annual and

ongoing Hindu pogroms, Pakistan's ethnic cleansing of its Hindus,

Kashmir's Pandits, I challenge you to find any other such group that

has as many enemies and needs to be met. That's been the problem

with you lazy Hindus; you don't give a damn about yr fellows.

Fortunately, the RSS is changing that problem.


I also ask you, where is yr sense of legality. Really, I am shocked

at you. A scholar with no concern for the concept of innocent till

proved guilty. You and others have decided in yr almighty wisdom

that the RSS and anyone else associated with them is automatically

guilty of genocide. Talk about fanatics with a huge burden of

dogmatic belief. You read a report in the news, wow mr enron

exposer. Of all people you must know that the news is the front for

the real story that usually comes out a year or two later. So how do

you know what really went on in Gujarat. If you are so expert,

perhaps a psychic? I think India should let all its police force

retire. you seem to know everything, even before the impartial

investigations have been concluded.


And finally, I ask you why are the heart felt beliefs of Hindus any

less than a Muslim or Christian's right to legal protection? Why

would self proclaimed secularists support Islamic law? This one fact

alone proves the TRUE FASCISTIC FACE of India's Secularism. It is

dedicated to denying the rights of a majority of it citizens. What

other form of tyranny can there be than a movement dedicated to the

denial of the rights of a majority of its citizens.It is now time

for all the Fiends of Hinduism, worldwide, to expose the Fascistic

Constitution of the Republic of India and its secularists supporters.


As an American citizen, with roots back to the founding of the

Country, I directly challenge your ability to stop me from doing

anything...What to speak of standing up for the only civilization

that is actually sustainable. As someone who grew up with a strong

education in Indian studies and full immersion in Vedic studies, and

living as an adult as an American, I have a truly unique perspective

that allows me to see the benefits and weaknesses of both cultures.


My life has been enhanced by India's Hindu culture. I belong to no

Sangh or Temple, yet have adapted Vedic tradition to my daily life.

So as someone in the culture, yet not burdened by blind admiration

of western civilization, I see the great need for a unifying group

like the RSS. Why are you any better than me? Who are you to take

away my right to support or admire Hinduism and the only

organizations that are defending what is dear to my heart. Multiply

my needs by millions and you can understand the need for the Sangh.


As someone who also accepts the Koran as God's word, and has Muslim

friends, I do not like being labeled an anti-Muslim just because I

don't agree with you.

About yr nutty statement against the Hare Krsnas, to me that is a

smoking gun exposing yr prejudice. The Hare Krsnas haven't been

involved in airports etc for nearly 20 yrs. At least they don't

hijack airplanes like yr Jihadi friends.


Another point that is obvious is that we are currently in a world

where nearly every struggle involves at least one side being Islamic

Jihadis. It is obvious they are making a world-wide power play. Yet

suddenly we get to India, and its "oh those poor innocent Muslims."

Do the Math. If the Muslims are causing terror and war in all the

other hotspots, why the disconnect with the Muslims in India? Oh I

forgot about the new math that has been developed since Sept

11th....Terrorism and Islamic Extremism is unacceptable except when

it is engaged against India and Hindus in particular. If there is

any Hindu response, rather than blaming the RSS/VHP, it is becoming

clearer and clearer that the blame can be directly layed at the feet

of Dr V Prashad and the Fanatic and Fascistic Secularists like him.


When a government refuses repeatedly to stand up for its people

regardless of religion, and allows injustice against its own

majority, people naturally become fearful. When academics constantly

belittle the cherished traditions of its own people, when the media

trivializes and mundanes the sacred and glamorizes the trivial, it

as such a time that people are forced to count on their own

abilities and strengths.

If the secularists would allow India to have a true constitution

that rises above caste, creed and religion, India will finally

become peaceful and prosperous.

However this won't happen until scholars like V Prashad are exposed

for their support of Islamic law and all its archaic traditions. Let

the whole world know what these so-called secularists support. Their

pseudo liberality will collapse instantly once westerners understand

that India's secularists support wife killing, instant divorce at

the man's whim, 4 wives per male, taxpayer funded trips to Mecca,

free funding for Islamic Madrasses and Born Again Christian schools

and none for Hindu schools. India's secularists support complete

secrecy for Islamic institutions and demand complete financial

transparency for Hindu organizations. Fellow Hindus, our job is

simple. Just tell the truth, and 90% of Americans will have nothing

to with the Indian secularist's cause.


In regards to yr statement below,

"Do not allow liberal multiculturalism to give global Hindutva

cover from secular forces. Finally, as global Hindutva tries to get

United Way clearance and as its front organs try to pose as

charitable organizations, be ready to fight them all the way."


I respond by reminding you that it is foolish to try to bring yr

Indian Constitional insanity and try and apply it here. Like it or

not my rights as an American allow me to promote India's Glory as I

see fit. As someone in the media and has very successfully convinced

thousands about Hinduism's glory, you have already lost the battle.

So no force, including the SECULAR FORCES, you mentioned, can do

anything to stop me. It is interesting to note yr Freudian slip, in

yr use of the words SECULAR FORCES. That's all you got is force, no



For Your info, we just finished our weekly talk," The English

Dialect Known as Sanskrit." Every week many thankful Americans are

learning and accepting the truth that Sanskrit is their mother

tongue. I also make sure to inoculate them against secularist's

lies. We also have many successful events featuring art, music, and

dance. Rather than the usually stuffy programs you professors like

to offer, we have dynamic exciting programs that convert nearly

every participant into a lover of Hindu India. You couldn't

duplicate my efforts even if you tried because yr heart is tainted

with hate. So good luck trying to force us Americans to do anything.


Disappointed by another Indian posing as a scholar,


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