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[world-vedic] Indian Secularists Begin Attack on Western Hindus

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Please do not apologise, keep good work going on , . Bravo Virin Parker .We are

proud of You, as a free person , in a free land, you have every right to adress

the issues as you deem fit , and you at libertry to speak your consciousness.


Sincerely,Deen B. chandora

>Vrin Parker >vediculture >To:

vediculture >[world-vedic] Indian Secularists Begin

Attack on Western Hindus >Sat, 27 Jul 2002 04:06:49 -0000 > >(NOTE:I

apologise if this message offends anyone but this is my >sincere response to Dr

V Prashad's Article.) > > > >As an American Friend of India, I take great

offense at being >belittled by eggheads with political axes to grind. Right

away I >would like to warn such Anti-Hindus Indians, that we Americans won't

>generally take such insults lightly. Unlike the Indian Hindus, we >will react

and expose racism, even when it's coached in scholar-ese. >Dr V. Prashad's

article is pure castism and racism. Many non-Indian >Hindus have been

confronted by such racist Indians. They believe we >are phony and can not

possibly be true Hindus. So they always come >up with some label...CIA,

Druggies, Hippies. Its pure Hate Mongering >and racism. Friends, we don't have

to put up with this. Call it for >what it is: A Strange Mix of Native-Loathing

and anti White Racism >spread the word. Look at his books, he is an anti-white

racist. > >My Associate and fellow Vedic researcher also does not appreciate

>being called a white suburbanite, esp. being an African-American. My >Native

American friend who sincerely appreciates the cultural >connections between

India and Ancient America also does not accept >the label. > >As someone who

can never be labeled a suburban white, yet still >being a white American, but

raised a Hindu in India, I have to call >this article for what it is...shrewd

propaganda designed to belittle >the sincerity of America's non-Indian Hindu

community. > >Though, such scholars accept and defend the rights of the Gay

>community, the abortion activists, the environmentalists, the >democrats, the

republicans etc they can never extend such liberality >to the legitimate

convictions and aspirations of the nearly 2 >billion non-Indian and Indian

Hindus/Buddhists world wide. > >At a loss as to why the Native Indian Culture

is suddenly being >accepted by Millions of non-Indians around the world, they

must now >extend the label of fanatics to all Hindus around the world. That is

>the only explanation as to why anyone would accept such a "backward >culture."

> >My challenge to Dr V Prashad is that he is expressing fanatic >tendencies. By

ignoring the suffering pleas of millions of Hindus, >Dr Prashad, you are

directly contributing to that suffering. By >publicly using yr academic

position to slander Hindus for the sole >crime of being Hindu activists, you

have become an accomplice to the >continuing war against the very heart of

India. Every crying >Hindu/Buddhist child fleeing the savagery of Bangladesh's

Muslim >Fundamentalists has you to thank for being ignored by the world.

>Except the VHP no one is helping them. My friend, in Bangladesh >sends me

updates until my heart wants to break. I contacted the >media, My Senator,

President etc but no response. Only the Sangh >family has done anything about


PLEASURE.HAVE SOME MERCY DR PRASHAD. > >Why is yr activism against Enron any

more important than the RSS's >activism? Do you deny that there is even a need

for Hindu activism? >Such a denial will expose yr prejudice. With Bangladesh's

annual and >ongoing Hindu pogroms, Pakistan's ethnic cleansing of its Hindus,

>Kashmir's Pandits, I challenge you to find any other such group that >has as

many enemies and needs to be met. That's been the problem >with you lazy

Hindus; you don't give a damn about yr fellows. >Fortunately, the RSS is

changing that problem. > >I also ask you, where is yr sense of legality.

Really, I am shocked >at you. A scholar with no concern for the concept of

innocent till >proved guilty. You and others have decided in yr almighty wisdom

>that the RSS and anyone else associated with them is automatically >guilty of

genocide. Talk about fanatics with a huge burden of >dogmatic belief. You read

a report in the news, wow mr enron >exposer. Of all people you must know that

the news is the front for >the real story that usually comes out a year or two

later. So how do >you know what really went on in Gujarat. If you are so

expert, >perhaps a psychic? I think India should let all its police force

>retire. you seem to know everything, even before the impartial >investigations

have been concluded. > >And finally, I ask you why are the heart felt beliefs of

Hindus any >less than a Muslim or Christian's right to legal protection? Why

>would self proclaimed secularists support Islamic law? This one fact >alone

proves the TRUE FASCISTIC FACE of India's Secularism. It is >dedicated to

denying the rights of a majority of it citizens. What >other form of tyranny

can there be than a movement dedicated to the >denial of the rights of a

majority of its citizens.It is now time >for all the Fiends of Hinduism,

worldwide, to expose the Fascistic >Constitution of the Republic of India and

its secularists supporters. > >As an American citizen, with roots back to the

founding of the >Country, I directly challenge your ability to stop me from

doing >anything...What to speak of standing up for the only civilization >that

is actually sustainable. As someone who grew up with a strong >education in

Indian studies and full immersion in Vedic studies, and >living as an adult as

an American, I have a truly unique perspective >that allows me to see the

benefits and weaknesses of both cultures. > >My life has been enhanced by

India's Hindu culture. I belong to no >Sangh or Temple, yet have adapted Vedic

tradition to my daily life. >So as someone in the culture, yet not burdened by

blind admiration >of western civilization, I see the great need for a unifying

group >like the RSS. Why are you any better than me? Who are you to take >away

my right to support or admire Hinduism and the only >organizations that are

defending what is dear to my heart. Multiply >my needs by millions and you can

understand the need for the Sangh. > >As someone who also accepts the Koran as

God's word, and has Muslim >friends, I do not like being labeled an anti-Muslim

just because I >don't agree with you. >About yr nutty statement against the Hare

Krsnas, to me that is a >smoking gun exposing yr prejudice. The Hare Krsnas

haven't been >involved in airports etc for nearly 20 yrs. At least they don't

>hijack airplanes like yr Jihadi friends. > >Another point that is obvious is

that we are currently in a world >where nearly every struggle involves at least

one side being Islamic >Jihadis. It is obvious they are making a world-wide

power play. Yet >suddenly we get to India, and its "oh those poor innocent

Muslims." >Do the Math. If the Muslims are causing terror and war in all the

>other hotspots, why the disconnect with the Muslims in India? Oh I >forgot

about the new math that has been developed since Sept >11th....Terrorism and

Islamic Extremism is unacceptable except when >it is engaged against India and

Hindus in particular. If there is >any Hindu response, rather than blaming the

RSS/VHP, it is becoming >clearer and clearer that the blame can be directly

layed at the feet >of Dr V Prashad and the Fanatic and Fascistic Secularists

like him. > >When a government refuses repeatedly to stand up for its people

>regardless of religion, and allows injustice against its own >majority, people

naturally become fearful. When academics constantly >belittle the cherished

traditions of its own people, when the media >trivializes and mundanes the

sacred and glamorizes the trivial, it >as such a time that people are forced to

count on their own >abilities and strengths. > If the secularists would allow

India to have a true constitution >that rises above caste, creed and religion,

India will finally >become peaceful and prosperous. >However this won't happen

until scholars like V Prashad are exposed >for their support of Islamic law and

all its archaic traditions. Let >the whole world know what these so-called

secularists support. Their >pseudo liberality will collapse instantly once

westerners understand >that India's secularists support wife killing, instant

divorce at >the man's whim, 4 wives per male, taxpayer funded trips to Mecca,

>free funding for Islamic Madrasses and Born Again Christian schools >and none

for Hindu schools. India's secularists support complete >secrecy for Islamic

institutions and demand complete financial >transparency for Hindu

organizations. Fellow Hindus, our job is >simple. Just tell the truth, and 90%

of Americans will have nothing >to with the Indian secularist's cause. > > In

regards to yr statement below, > "Do not allow liberal multiculturalism to give

global Hindutva >cover from secular forces. Finally, as global Hindutva tries to

get >United Way clearance and as its front organs try to pose as >charitable

organizations, be ready to fight them all the way." > >I respond by reminding

you that it is foolish to try to bring yr >Indian Constitional insanity and try

and apply it here. Like it or >not my rights as an American allow me to promote

India's Glory as I >see fit. As someone in the media and has very successfully

convinced >thousands about Hinduism's glory, you have already lost the battle.

>So no force, including the SECULAR FORCES, you mentioned, can do >anything to

stop me. It is interesting to note yr Freudian slip, in >yr use of the words

SECULAR FORCES. That's all you got is force, no >wisdom. > >For Your info, we

just finished our weekly talk," The English >Dialect Known as Sanskrit." Every

week many thankful Americans are >learning and accepting the truth that

Sanskrit is their mother >tongue. I also make sure to inoculate them against

secularist's >lies. We also have many successful events featuring art, music,

and >dance. Rather than the usually stuffy programs you professors like >to

offer, we have dynamic exciting programs that convert nearly >every participant

into a lover of Hindu India. You couldn't >duplicate my efforts even if you

tried because yr heart is tainted >with hate. So good luck trying to force us

Americans to do anything. > >Disappointed by another Indian posing as a

scholar, >Vrin > > > > MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your

photos: Click Here

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