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USA's Good Cop/Bad Cop Policy India

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In regards to Editorial on US-India Relations


As an American raised as a Vaishnava, my long term hope is to see a

true and equitable relationship between my two homelands. Therefore,

I, for one, won't settle for a pseudo relationship based on the Might

makes Right paradigm. A true civilizational relationship,

between our countries, must be based on justice and not on political



Unfortunately, I do not see this article as anything but another

face of the USA's questionable India policy. Of course good PR at


time is good, but what is this article really saying?


While I understand Indians enthusiasm with this article, it behooves

us to look closely at what is being said and what is being

done. The article clearly encourages rewarding terrorism when it says

"It will oblige India to honor the

>>wishes of Kashmiris -- to heed their pleas for more autonomy and

>>better lives. These concessions may be hard on India's pride --

its leaders like

>>to think Indian democracy is beyond scrutiny -- but they hold the

>>best hope for ending the terrorism and bloodshed that has plagued

>>Kashmir." This is nonsense. That's like saying the robbery victim

should just give all his property to the thieves so that they will

stop robbing him.

The real solution is for the Islamic extremist's funding to be

frozen, funders be tracked down and arrested anywhere they may be on

earth. Any nation that supports anti-Indian terrorism must be given

the choice of being a friend or foe. India should cut all trade,

diplomatic and political ties with any nation that supports its

enemies. India must make it clear that the benefits of being Her

friend far outweigh the benefits of being Her foe.


On the positive side, India needs to begin mass educational campaigns

that clearly define the true history of Kashmir's thousands of years

as a part of India. By glorifying Kashmir's ancient heritage, that is

obviously a part of the Indic civilization, the average Kashmiri will

begin to take pride in being part of such an illustrious culture. The

fact is, most Kashmiris are ignorant of their past and have been

brainwashed into accepting a pseudo identity more aligned with Arabia

than India.

Most importantly, Kashmir must become an equal member of the Union,

without any special status or separate national identity that

encourages secession. Any Kashmiris that feel so strongly about not

being a part of India should have the full freedom to migrate to Pak

or Chinese controlled Kashmir.


As in the ancient Vedic model of governance, autonomy should be

guaranteed on the personal level, to all Indians, not just Kashmiris,

but never on the social or national level. Individual citizens

should never have to deal with a such a burden. That is the job of

the Government.


With full respect and honor being offered to the Indian activists of

Minnesota, I see this article as an example of America's Good

Cop, Bad Cop Policy in regards to India.

While America just gave Pakistan 175 million dollars worth of

weaponry, (which will be used to kill Indians)all India gets is

articles like this, joint military exercises (that allow the US to

familiarize itself with Indian military capabilities), and images of

the nations leaders walking together like college chums. (Besides the

fact that Rumsfeld is an old friend and associate of the Saudi Royal

family.)Image is nothing, the facts are everything. So the imagery of

India and America as Allies is, sadly, still just an image.


The fact is, this article says many positive things until it gets to

the end and the most important issue for India's National Integrity,

Kashmir. So to use the article's own example, how can one re-marry an

ex-spouse that agrees to everything except the core issue that

separated them in the first place?


Nowhere is mentioned the fact that the Kashmiri Pandits and

all their descendants and dependents do not get to

vote in the upcoming elections.(Correct me if I am wrong on this

point.) Unmentioned is Pakistan's atrocious human rights abuses and

ethnic cleansing of its Hindus/Sikhs from 15% to 1%. This reason

alone is enough for India to retain authority over Kashmir. Ignored

is the fact that Islamic Terrorists have threatened to kill anyone

who participates in the election. Not mentioned is the status of Pak

and Chinese occupied Kashmir and the implementation of the first UN

resolution on Kashmir. It requires Pakistan to remove all military

from Pak-occupied Kashmir BEFORE any plebiscite can be held.


I personally find it comical that after Bush's questionable

election victory, the article encourages India to invite foreign

observers to its elections. America would have never accepted foreign

interference in its 2000 campaign. Despite the fact that the election

was a perfect picture of chaos and political skullduggery. India's

election track record is far superior to America's two party system.

Despite India's massive population, multi-party system, social strife

and archaic infrastructure, its democracy is dynamic and vibrant.


America teaching India about democracy?

Obviously, this equation needs to be turned on its head. India is the

ancient civilization with the wisdom and experience, while America is

the young nation without much experience, wisdom or justice.


Friends of India, don't settle for anything less than true

reconciliation. That can only happen when the world begins to

recognize who the victims are=the Indians and Hindus in particular,

and who the victimizers were and are=Western Imperialism in all its


Islamic Jehadism, Marxist/Maoist etc. There can be no peace until

there is



Only when and if America allows Indian observers to monitor its

elections, should India consider allowing Americans or others to

observe its elections. India is not Haiti, where foreign observers

have done nothing but complicate issues, and India, unlike America,

has never installed blood thirsty dictators around the globe to serve

its purposes. India, unlike America was not built upon the genocide

of its indigenous population, nor by outright theft as done to

Mexico. Nor has India illegally annexed an independent nation as done

to Hawaii, nor has India slaughtered over a million Filipinos

(1901-2 AD approx. under Gen. Pershing) for the sole crime of being

Freedom Fighters.

Therefore, it is obvious that America is the one that needs help with

its democracy.

I see no better candidate for this important task than

the world's most vibrant democracy, India.

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