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America Guilty of Atrocities in Forgotten War

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Deaths and Atrocities in the Philippine-American War



If you have any questions, comments, or information about the

Philippine-American War, please email Kendra & Rebecca at





"The present war is no bloodless, fake, opera bouffé engagement. Our

men have been relentless; have killed to exterminate men, women,

children, prisoners and captives, active insurgents and suspected

people, from lads of ten and up, an idea prevailing that the

Filipino, as such, was little better than a dog, a noisome reptile in

some instances, whose best disposition was the rubbish heap. Our

soldiers have pumped salt water into men to "make them talk," have

taken prisoner people who held up their hands and peacefully

surrendered, and an hour later, without an atom of evidence to show

that they were even insurrectos, stood them on a bridge and shot them

down one by one, to drop into the water below and float down as an

example to those who found their bullet riddled corpses. It is not

civilized warfare, but we are not dealing with a civilized people.

The only thing they know and fear is force, violence, and brutality,

and we give it to them."


--Correspondent to the Philadelphia Ledger

There are atrocities in any war. However, in the Philippine-American

War, brutality reached a level unprecedented in American history.

Americans fighting in the Philippines treated their enemy with none

of the civility that generally characterized wars against European

opponents. They viewed the Filipinos as savages. Most of the high

command had spent their careers fighting "injuns" on the American

frontier, and quickly adopted even harsher methods in the islands. As

one Kansas veteran claimed, "the country won't be pacified until the

niggers are killed off like the Indians.Nigger" and "gugu" were

common racial slurs applied to the Filipinos. As the war intensified,

killing the wounded, mutilating the dead, torture, and execution

spread through the islands.






I want no prisoners. I wish you to kill and burn, the more you kill

and burn the better it will please me...Kill everyone over the age of



--General Jacob Smith, Samar Campaign


Military Deaths

"I never saw such execution in my life, and hope never to see such

sights as met me on all sides as our little corps passed over the

field, dressing wounded. Legs and arms nearly demolished; total

decapitation; horrible wounds in chests and abdomens, showing the

determination of our soldiers to kill every native in sight. The

Filipinos did stand their ground heroically, contesting every inch,

but proved themselves unable to stand the deadly fire of our well-

trained and eager boys in blue. I counted seventy-nine dead natives

in one small field, and learn that on the other side of the river

their bodies were stacked up for breastworks."


--F. A. Blake, of California, in charge of the Red Cross

The war in the Philippines claimed the lives of almost 5,000

Americans and an estimated 20,000 Filipino soldiers. On the American

side, many of these deaths were due not to the Filipinos, but instead

to disease. Malaria and a host of other foreign maladies plagued the

previously unexposed Americans. Disease affected the Filipinos as

well, but their losses came mostly from the battlefield. In past

wars, one person had died for every five or six wounded; in the

Philippine conflict, over fifteen Filipinos died for every one

wounded. This was primarily due to the Filipino lack of weapons and

poor aim. Few of the Filipinos had rifles; most were armed only with

bolo knives. Rifles became even scarcer as the war dragged on, as

many malfunctioned or were captured by or sold to American troops.

Ammunition was equally scarce, and the Filipinos were forced to

manufacture their own cartridges and powder. The makeshift gunpowder

was often more of a danger to themselves, as it was unreliable and

released thick black smoke that revealed their positions. Another

factor in the high death toll was the "take no prisoners" attitude of

the Americans, who would often bayonet to death the wounded who were

left behind.



Soon we had orders to advance, and we rose up from behind our

trenches and started across the creek in mud and water up to our

waists. However, we did not mind it a bit, our fighting blood was up

and we all wanted to kill 'niggers.' This shooting human beings is

a 'hot game,' and beats rabbit hunting all to pieces.... We soon

charged them again, and such a slaughter you never saw. We killed

them like rabbits; hundreds, yes, thousands of them. Every one was

crazy. I tell you it was awful after it was over. But it was war....

We will soon round them up and kill them all off. No more prisoners.

They take none, and they torture our men, so we will kill wounded and

all of them....

--A private of Company H of the First Regiment, Washington State


In the Battle of Lonoy in March of 1901, Filipino troops were

slaughtered when the Americans discovered their planned ambush and

attacked them from the rear. Only seven escaped the massacre. And the

brutality didn't end even with death; both Americans and Filipinos

would sometimes mutilate enemy bodies simply to demoralize the enemy.







"We sleep all day here, as we do our duty all night, walking the

streets. We make every one get into his house by 7 P.M., and we only

tell a man once. If he refuses, we shoot him. We killed over three

hundred men the first night. They tried to set the town on fire. If

they fire a shot from a house, we burn the house down, and every

house near it, and shoot the natives; so they are pretty quiet in

town now."


--A Corporal in the California Regiment





Civilian Deaths


"The town of Titatia was surrendered to us a few days ago, and two

companies occupy the same. Last night one of our boys was found shot

and his stomach cut open. Immediately orders were received from

General Wheaton to burn the town and kill every native in sight,

which was done to a finish. About one thousand men, women, and

children were reported killed. I am probably growing hard-hearted,

for I am in my glory when I can sight my gun on some dark-skin and

pull the trigger.


--A. A. Barnes, Battery G., Third United States Artillery

Filipino soldiers were not the only ones to bear the brunt of

American brutality. Approximately 200,000 Filipino civilians were

also killed in the conflict; estimates range as high as several

million. Many died from starvation and disease caused by the war, but

in many cases American soldiers were more directly responsible. Rape,

looting, and murder often followed the capture of towns.


"The soldiers made short work of the whole thing. They looted every

house, and found almost everything, from a pair of wooden shoes up to

a piano, and they carried everything off or destroyed it. Talk of the

natives plundering the towns: I don't think they are in it with the

Fiftieth Iowa."

--Guy Williams of the Iowa Regiment

Filipino villages were usually the only available targets for

frustrated American troops, and burning villages was commonplace,

both as reprisal for attacks and to deprive guerrillas of supplies

and shelter. American ingenuity was responsible for the creation of a

new weapon for this purpose--a steam fire-fighting engine converted

to spray highly flammable petroleum on the villages. When Americans

fell into an ambush, nearby barrios were ordered burned. If an

American was found murdered in one of the towns, that town was


"When you can realize four hundred or five hundred persons living

within the confines of five or six blocks, and then an order calling

out all of the women and children, and then setting fire to houses

and shooting down any niggers attempting to escape from the flames,

you have an idea of Filipino warfare."

--Sergeant Will A. Rule, Co. H, Colorado Volunteers

Especially in the later stages of the war, civilians were often

massacred regardless of sex or age. Suspected Filipinos were often

executed without trial or evidence--Funston once bragged to reporters

that he had personally hanged 35 civilians presumed to be

insurrectos. In the early stages of the war commanders tried to

prevent this, but as the conflict dragged on and the Filipinos were

viewed with increasing hatred, such acts became increasingly common.

When General Adna Chaffee took command in July of 1901, he deemed

such total warfare necessary. The "kill and burn" policy on the

island of Samar was responsible for countless civilian deaths. In

summer of 1901, junior officers' reprisal acts enraged the "pacified"

islands of Bohol, Cebu, and Marinduque and spurred them to new

rebellion. The United States had seen war before, but it was this

kind of cruelty that set the Philippines conflict apart. A nation

based on the concepts of democracy and freedom soon fell into the

same category with the Spanish in Cuba and the British in South







"I am not afraid, and am always ready to do my duty, but I would like

some one to tell me what we are fighting for."

--Arthur H. Vickers, Sergeant in the First Nebraska Regiment







"Company I had taken a few prisoners, and stopped. The colonel

ordered them up in to line time after time, and finally sent Captain

Bishop back to start them. There occurred the hardest sight I ever

saw. They had four prisoners, and didn't know what to do with them.

They asked Captain Bishop what to do, and he said: 'You know the

orders,' and four natives fell dead."


--Charles Bremer, of Minneapolis, Kansas, describing the fight at


When the war began and both sides were still fighting a conventional

war, treatment of prisoners was fairly humane. However, as the war

wore on and changed in character, Americans adopted crueler methods.

Filipino prisoners became rarer and rarer. Filipinos who tried to

surrender were often gunned down, just as if they had continued to



"I don't know how many men, women, and children the Tennessee boys

did kill. They would not take any prisoners. One company of the

Tennessee boys was sent to headquarters with thirty prisoners, and

got there with about a hundred chickens and no prisoners."


--Leonard F. Adams, of Ozark, in the Washington Regiment

Those captured were often no more fortunate. Prisoner of war status

was often withheld from Filipinos because of General Order 100. This

order was created during the Civil War and allowed for the execution

of enemies employing guerrilla tactics, such as dressing as civilians

and returning home between battles. Those who were taken lived in

constant danger of execution; either on a whim, or as retaliation for

an attack on Americans. One example was the execution of 24 Filipino

P.O.W.'s by Colonel Funston, after American Lieutenant Kohler was led

into a Filipino trap and hacked to death by bolomen.

In contrast, Filipinos kept American prisoners in relative comfort.

They were fed well and often offered commissions into the Filipino

army; three accepted. In 1899, Aguinaldo invited four independent

journalists to inspect the prisoner's accommodations. They found that

the captives were "treated more like guests that prisoners."

Aguinaldo released some prisoners in order to spread the word of

their kind treatment under the Filipinos. After Aguinaldo was

captured, the Filipinos rarely took prisoners; mostly because they

never had the opportunity. However, Filipino treatment of prisoners

became much harsher in the later stages of the war, especially in

Batangas. Filipino General Malvar had to issue a proclamation

providing for swift punishment of any Batangueño soldiers violating

laws of warfare, in response to Filipinos shooting surrendering

Americans and mistreating prisoners.






"We bombarded a place called Malabon, and then we went in and killed

every native we met, men, women, and children. It was a dreadful

sight the killing of those poor creatures. The natives captured some

of the Americans and literally hacked them to pieces, so we got

orders to spare no one."

--Anthony Michea, of the Third Artillery






By the end of 1901, Batangas was one of the last places where

resistance still persisted. General Samuel Sumner's attempts to quell

rebellion in the 1st District of Southern Luzon might have been

succeeding, but were too slow to suit Chaffee. On November 30, 1901,

Franklin J. Bell took over Sumner's command. Unlike Sumner, whose

methods had been comparatively humane, Bell had already proven his

ruthlessness in eradicating the resistance in northern Luzon. Bell's

plan for Batangas wasn't much different than that of N. Luzon. On

December 8, Bell issued a directive to set up "zones" around selected

towns on the pretext of protecting the Filipinos. Nearly all of

Batangas' population was forcibly relocated to the zones and "dead

lines" were drawn around the areas. Outside these lines everything

was systematically destroyed. People, houses, animals, stores, boats,

and crops were burned or killed to demoralize the civilians and cut

off supplies to the resistance.


>From January to April of 1902, 4,000 American troops guarded the

civilians in zones, while the other half patrolled the countryside.

Over 1,000 livestock were slaughtered during these four months. There

were several brief skirmishes with the guerrillas during this time,

but no major battles. During these four months, 8,350 Filipinos were

killed in the zones, out of 298,000. The majority of these deaths

were due to disease, mostly malaria, which spread quickly in the

confines of the zones and was aggravated by food shortages.

Mosquitoes which usually preyed on cattle now turned on the humans.

Measles and dysentery were also rampant, because human wastes

contaminated the water supply. One camp 2 miles wide by 1 mile long

housed 8,000 Filipinos, and sometimes over 200 were confined to one

building. In camps in Lobo and San Juan, over 20% of the population



"What a farce it all is...this little spot of black sogginess is a

reconcentrado pen, with a dead line outside, beyond which everything

living is shot...Upon arrival, I found 30 cases of smallpox, and

average fresh ones of five a day, which practically have to be turned

out to die. At nightfall crowds of huge vampire bats softly swirl out

of their orgies over the dead. Mosquitos work in relays. This corpse-

carcass stench wafts in and combined with some lovely municipal odors

besides makes it slightly unpleasant here."

--Commander of one of Bell's concentration camps

Not all deaths in the zones can be attributed to disease and

starvation. Civilians lived under the constant threat of execution,

either as reprisal for American deaths or simply to get them out of

the way. In the spring of 1902, a letter home from an American

soldier described the execution of 1,300 prisoners. According to the

letter, a Filipino priest was called to hear their confessions and

was then hanged in front of them. For weeks, groups of 20 prisoners

were forced to dig their own mass graves and then gunned down to

occupy them. The writer claimed that "to keep them prisoners would

necessitate the placing of soldiers on short rations if not starving

them. There was nothing to do but kill them." When an American

was "murdered" in Batangas, Bell instructed his men to "by lot select

a POW--preferably one from the village in which the assassination

took place--and execute him." The wealthy and influential citizens of

Batangas were singled out for bad treatment. They were jailed in

small rooms and forced into work gangs to burn their own homes, until

they agreed to aid American forces. Bell claimed, "it is an

inevitable consequence of war that the innocent must generally suffer

with the guilty."


No one will ever know how many died in Batangas, but estimates range

as high as 100,000. Bell himself claimed that 1/6 of the population

perished, but insisted that "it has been necessary to adopt what in

other countries would probably be thought harsh measures." The

concentration camps ended when Malvar surrendered on April 16, 1902,

but the effects were long lasting. In a letter to Taft from the town

of Balayan, the Batangueños compare their condition in 1905 to that

of 1896. According to the letter, the population of the area in 1896

was 41,308, but in 1905 it had dropped to only 13,924. The number of

cows had gone from 3,680 to only 80, chickens had fallen from 96,000

to 5,000. The zones of Batangas are were of the worst examples of

American brutality in the war.






"The scene reminded me of the shooting of jack-rabbits in Utah, only

the rabbits sometimes got away, but the insurgents did not."

--Fred D. Sweet, of the Utah Light Battery





Water Cure

"When I give a man to Sergeant Edwards, I want information. I do not

know how he gets it; but he gets it anyway"


--Lieutenant Arnold of the Fourth Cavalry

The water cure was the favored method for extracting information from

Filipino prisoners. The Filipino was held down and a funnel used to

force water into their mouth. The prisoner was made to swallow water

until their stomach was distended and near bursting. Then the

Americans would pump the water back out. If the prisoner still

wouldn't talk, the process was repeated, sometimes as many as a dozen

times. In a crueler version of the water cure, Americans simply

poured water continuously over the prisoner's head. The prisoner

couldn't breath without inhaling water, and they would slowly drown

as their lungs filled up. The water torture rarely failed; even the

most patriotic Filipino couldn't hold out for long. While most

American commanders denied that the "so called water cure" was ever

used, reports of it from Filipino prisoners and mentions in soldiers'

letters and journals make it seem certain.







If you have any questions, comments, or information about the

Philippine-American War, please email Kendra & Rebecca at




America Was Guilty of Atrocities in Forgotten War

A century ago this week, Waupaca area newspaper readers, like those

throughout America, were badly misled about one of the ugliest

chapters in U. S. history.


As 1902 dawned, America was about to enter its fourth year of the

Philippine-American War (1899-1902).


Approximately 120,000 Americans fought and over 4,000 died

suppressing what was, a century ago, known in the United States as

the "Filipino Insurrection."


The Filipino death toll is usually given as 200,000, but some

estimates go as high as 1 million or more. Either way, the vast

majority of those who died were civilians.


The conflict had grown out of the Spanish-American War (April-August,

1898) in which Spain was evicted, by vastly superior American land

and naval forces, from its colonial possessions of Guam, Cuba, Puerto

Rico, and the Philippines.


Prior to the Spanish-American War, however, Filipinos had been

fighting for their independence from Spain, and had inflicted

crippling damage on their Spanish occupiers.


Much to the dismay of Filipino independence fighters, America

followed its victory over Spain not by recognizing the new Filipino

government, but by scorning it, and then by attacking, beginning in

February 1899, both the soldiers and civilians who supported it.


Nevertheless, Waupaca County newspaper readers were told, late in

1901 and early in 1902, through reprinted excerpts from the annual

report of a federal commission on the Philippines, that the

Filipino "people are friendly to the [American-backed] civil

government and manifest no desire whatever for a continuance of the



Nothing could have been further from the truth.


At about the same time that such rosy reports were appearing in

central Wisconsin newspapers, American Gen. Jacob Smith was leading a

brutal effort the destroy a fierce and determined Filipino

independence movement on Samar, one of the Philippines' largest



Smith ordered his subordinates to "kill everyone over the age of

ten," reassuring his men that "the more you kill and burn, the better

you will please me."


"Make of Samar a howling wilderness," said Smith in one often-quoted



Smith's troops carried out his orders with a vengeance, sweeping

across the island, destroying villages and killing civilians.


Nor was U. S. policy on Samar necessarily any different from that in

effect throughout the rest of the Philippines.


Filipino combatant death rates were higher throughout the war than

one might have expected, given the relatively small numbers of

Filipino soldiers who were taken prisoner.


The primary reason was simple: U. S. forces often took no prisoners,

but simply executed defeated combatants -- as well as many of the

Filipino civilians unfortunate enough to be in the area.

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