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Solar Power and the Gayatri Mantra___________________Solar Energy Within and

Withouthttp://www.bharatvani.org/The Vedas worship the Sun, Surya, as the

source of light for the entire world. But for the Vedic people, light is not a

material force but a power of life, love and intelligence. Nor is the Sun a

distant entity unrelated to us. It has a presence on Earth through the power of

its rays, which not only pervade our environment but also touch our very hearts.

By the Sun the Vedas don't simply refer to the outer luminary, the central star

of our solar system. They mean the principle of light and consciousness on a

universal level, of which the Sun is our local representative.One of the main

problems in the world today is the energy crisis, which is endangering the very

roots of life on the planet. Where can we get the power to run all our new

technology, industry, transportation and media? Our energy needs are increasing

daily with the growth in population and the increasing affluence of the third

world that is now demanding the same conveniences that the western world has

enjoyed for decades. Where do we get this additional energy? And how can we

create it without destroying the planet by pollution that is the by product of

most of our energy sources? Solar power is the ultimate answer for the energy

crisis because it is a clean source of energy that is unlimited, though the

technology for it may take a few decades more to develop fully. We must make

solar power the priority in energy research. We must return to the Sun to save

the Earth.The Vedas are said to reside in the rays of the Sun, which hold the

Vedic mantras. The Vedas are the manifestation of solar intelligence, the light

of consciousness on Earth. The sacred syllable OM itself is the sound of the Sun

and the essence of the Vedas. The Vedic mantras carry light and power both for

the body and the mind. India, therefore, should be at the forefront of solar

research in order to keep up with its ancient Vedic heritage.Our society is

also complaining about low energy on a personal level. Particularly, in the

developed world low energy diseases like chronic fatigue, depression and weak

immune conditions are almost epidemic. Many people find that they lack the

vitality to do what they want to do. Even if we try to meditate in order to

contact a higher power, we often end up falling to sleep in the process and get

nowhere owing to a lack of mental energy.According to the Vedas, the inner Sun

is Prana or vital energy, which manifests through the breath. To increase our

personal energy, both for physical health and for mental acuity, the best

practice is Pranayama or breath control. Breath carries the subtle essence of

speech, which is mantra. The inbreath carries the sound `so' and the outbreath

carries the sound `ha'. The natural mantra "So'ham" in Sanskrit means, "He am

I," referring to the Purusha or consciousness in the Sun, as the Isha Upanishad

(v. 6) so eloquently proclaims. Our very breath is based upon unity with the

solar creator and source of life and can be used to connect with its power.We

all want to increase our intelligence, concentration, memory and capacity for

information. This is the key to strength and success in the information age.

The best way to do this is to harness the power of the inner Sun, which is to

connect with cosmic intelligence through mantra and meditation. Each one of us

possesses a portion of the light of consciousness, a ray of the solar creator

that endows us with understanding. This faculty is called `dhi' in Vedic

thought refers to the meditative aspect of the mind (dhyana manas) and `buddhi'

in later Indian thought, referring to awakened intelligence.The best mantra for

awakening the higher mind is the Gayatri mantra, which is a mantra to the solar

light of consciousness to awaken our meditative mind (dhi). It brings us the

Divine solar power of consciousness, love and prana—the supreme light of

truth.Vishvamitra and the Gayatri MantraThe Gayatri mantra was the gift to the

world of the great Rishi Vishvamitra, seer of the third book of the Rigveda.

Vishvamitra was one of the greatest Vedic Rishis but also the most

controversial. He began as a great king and warrior who wanted to add spiritual

power to his worldly conquests. This brought him in contact and in conflict with

Vasishtha, the greatest and purest of the Rishis. Vishvamitra persisted through

all difficulties, including those created by his own ambition, until after a

long period of struggle through his will power and tapas he ultimately achieved

Self-realization. Vishvamitra's path, therefore, was more of human effort than

Divine grace. His was the path of the warrior, of discipline and struggle,

defeat and victory. He shows the development of an indomitable will that can

overcome all obstacles and even challenge the Gods.Vishvamitra by his tapas

eventually created such an internal fire that it began to threaten the Gods in

heaven by its heat. For this the Gods sent the celestial nymph (apsara) Menaka

to seduce him and take him off his path. The strategy succeeded, but not for

long, and to fulfill another purpose that perhaps the Gods had not planned.


>From his union with Menaka, Vishvamitra begat a daughter, Shakuntala, who

eventually became the wife of King Dushyanta. From the union of Dushyanta and

Shakuntala was born King Bharata, from whom the name of India as Bharat arose.

The whole country of India, through its determinative dynasty carries the blood

and spirit of Vishvamitra, which is closely connected to that of the warrior

Goddess Durga.Vishvamitra's Gayatri mantra is the most important mantra of the

Hindus, probably still recited by half the people in India today. It is the

most sacred Vedic mantra, reciting at sunrise, noon and sunset. We can

literally translate it as:We meditate upon the supreme effulgence of the Divine

Solar Creator that he may inspire our intelligence!The Gayatri mantra encourages

creative thinking, not as mere human invention but as our portion of cosmic

intelligence. It exhorts us to attune ourselves to the cosmic mind and its laws

of dharma. This chant is as valuable and appropriate in the modern world as it

was in ancient times. We can use it whenever we wish to gain new insight and

inspiration or to increase memory and concentration, even for mundane

tasks.Vishvamitra in the Rigveda states that his prayer or Brahma protects the

Bharata people:(visvamitrasya raksati brahmedam bharatam janam, Rig Veda

III.53.12). His prayer of course is the Gayatri mantra. As long as that mantra

is recited in India, its ancient spiritual heritage will be preserved. India

should not forget the Gayatri mantra, Vishvamitra or its connection to the Sun.

That is the key to its destiny as a nation. Humanity also must remember the

Divine Self in the Sun, the Prana that is the universal energy, and our role in

the cosmos to bring the Divine light of knowledge into the darkness of physical

matter. This is not an issue of mere science and technology. It requires an

inner science of Yoga and the enlightenment of the mind.

Discover your Indian Roots at - http://www.esamskriti.comLong Live Sanathan /

Kshatriya Dharam. Become an Intellectual KshatriyaGenerate Positive Vibrations

lifelong worldwide.Aap ka din mangalmaya rahe or Shubh dinam astu or Have a

Nice DayUnity preceedes Strength Synchronize your efforts, avoid

duplication.THINK, ACT, INFLUENCE, to Un write back.Create Positive

Karmas by being Focussed, controlling senses, will power & determinationNever

boasts about yr victory and success, enjoy & share the fruitKnowledge, Wealth,

Happiness are meant to be sharedBe Open Minded, pick up what yu like from the

worldBe Thick skinned, internalize criticism, do what yu think is rightLet not

the power of your enemy deter yu, fortitude is what the Geeta teachesStop

cribbing, ACTION is what the Indian scriptures talk aboutTake the battle into

the enemy camp, SET THE AGENDA, be proactiveIn an argument, no emotions, be

detached, get yr facts right, then attack with the precision of a missile

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