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convent schools gujarat

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Convent Schools are anti-Hindu and denationalises Students (Part 2 / 2) The

subtle way in which the conversion pill is sugar-coated with educational

paraphernalia in convent schools is illustrated in Gujarat schools, which is

the norm in other convent schools all over Bharat. In the I.P.Mission Girl's

High School at Rajkot, Gujarat, young students from the standard 1st to VII

were given a copy of the New Testament Bible. All students were forcibly asked

to sign on the last page of the book which made a declaration to the effect

that "I confess that I am a sinner and I believe that our Lord Jesus Christ was

crucified because of my sins, and in order to prove my faith He was Resurrected

on the third day. So I accept him as my personal Saviour." On the night

of 29th October 1998, in Hill Memorial High School in the locality of Fateh

Ganj of Baroda, Christian missionaries had arranged a conference for 4 - 5 days

where 400 youths from different villages of Arkhera Taluka, were lured for

conversions. In this conference nearly 2000 youngsters from tribal villages

were gathered. This conference was organised by Nelson, a cadre of Alpha

Missionary Movement with a purpose for conversion. The Christian missionaries

arranged free transportation and free food for the participants of this

conference. Innocent and credulous children are forced to "confess" that

they are "sinners" and that they believe that Jesus has to ascend the cross for

their "sins" and that he resurrected on the third day to redeem them. How

ridiculous is the idea that somebody will die for the sins of other people.

Nobody dies for the sins of other people, especially when everybody knows who

committed sin, similarly nobody takes the punishment for the crime committed by

somebody else when every body knows who committed the crime. Moreover present

generation people were not present when Jesus was alive. Then how come the sins

of the generations who were not even born could affect the Son of God. From

where the affect of sin came of those generations who were still to take birth

and still to commit sin. Whether some body commits sins or not, who so ever

takes birth has to die one day. All the prophets and even god who took birth

died one day. So what is so special if Jesus also died? Death comes in many

shapes and forms. In Jesus's fate it was written to die on Cross, assuming he

died on cross as there are lots of controversies about him, his death took

place on cross. Many people believe that he never died on cross. Imagine

a Hindu managed school demanding signed confessions from its Christian students

that owing to their 'sins' Lord Ramchandra had to suffer exile into the forest.

Or for that matter if a Muslim managed school forces its Christian students to

sign confessions that as a result of their 'sins' Imam Hussein has to undergo

martyrdom! What would be the reaction of Christian community? According to the

Islamic belief Jesus was not killed on a cross at all, but the Almighty called

him back to Himself. Organisers and intellectuals associated with Muslim

organisations like Jamia Ashrafia of the Deoband Ahle Hadis school of Islamic

theology, raised their voice against the Missionary school's making the wearing

of a necktie compulsory, as it was tantamount to spreading Christian doctrine

through stealthily introducing the symbol of Holy Cross. In England and France

Muslim parents had agitated against short skirts and bare heads in school

uniforms for girls. They argued that the skirts left bare half of their girl's

legs, which was against the Islamic culture. In France Muslim girls visited

their schools with their heads covered with scarves. The school authorities

refused admission to these girls. When the issue was raised in the court of

law, the Muslims won. When authorities in Christian countries like

Britain and France had to withdraw their compulsion of Christian dress on

Muslim students, why should Christian schools in non-Christian countries like

Bharat refuse to yield to non-Christian's demand against such compulsion. Why

shouldn't the Hindus oppose the sacrilege of Hindu ways and customs in convent

schools? Those who are out to spread Christianity and English language

should pause to ponder what they are doing to the cultural stream of this

country. The Muslims have adopted music of this country and learnt to play

veena, sitar, bansuri and tabla. But the missionaries removed local musical

instruments from their convents, made the Bhartiya children forget their

culture and adopt their alien culture and their banjo, guitar and violin.

From literature, music to other arts, some Muslims even while following Islam

continued to honour Bhartiya culture. Then what is the reason, the converts to

Christianity should have nothing to show their Bhartiya heritage? Therefore

this cultural confrontation will continue as long as the converted Christians

do not shed their Bharatiya colour or slavish mentality of aping everything of

western origin. The mentors guiding the Missionaries and leaders of the

Christian community should mull over the complaints and other grudges of Hindu

community seriously and search for some permanent solution to this question of

alienation of the Bhartiya community from the national mainstream. Convent

education denationalises the Bhartiya children. Gandhiji has explained

the concept of Swadeshi thus: "Swadeshi is that spirit which restricts us to

the use and service of our immediate surroundings to the exclusion of the more

remote. Thus, as for religions, in order to satisfy the requirements of the

definition, one must restrict to their ancestral religion, that is, the use of

their immediate religious surroundings. If someone find it defective, then they

should serve it by purging it of its defects." Similar should be the case for

the adoption of Bhartiya language, culture and education in convent schools of

Bharat. To be denied the right to be proud of one's own heritage is the

worst wound that one can inflict on a society, especially a society that has so

much to be proud of. We owe it to the coming generations an education which

instils pride in being Bhartiya; where the English language is a currency to

global mobility, not a badge of superiority; where the poetry of Kalidasa,

Harivansh Rai Bachchan, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar is quoted with greater felicity

than that of William Wordsworth and Lord Tennyson, where the achievements of

Ramanujam and Aryabhatta are celebrated as much as those of Einstein and

Newton, where patriotism is a badge of honour, not a value sniggered at. We do,

however, have a responsibility to the coming generations. No country could

become great or strong by adopting foreign language or by following others

economic, administrative and foreign policies. . Every country or person had to

raise himself by adopting their own language and other Swadeshi systems.

No European country faces the kind of problems, Bharat faces, which is why they

find it easy to lecture to us on the virtues of secularism. Bharat is, like it

or not, a Hindu majority country, but to say so would be considered communal,

Fascist. The Hindu is called upon to repress his natural feelings, out of

consideration for the feelings of minorities. It is this that has led to

resentments, frustrations, and angers. The convent educated people

deride their own religion, culture and language. When people are denied their

pride in the very nature of their being, and especially if the people happen to

be in majority in a multi- religious society, the frustration takes all kinds of

vicious forms. Instead of going to the roots of the problems, our intellectuals

have been taking the easy course of deriding the problem itself. In no European

country, neither in the United States, would any citizen ever feel it necessary

to say: "Say it with pride that I am a Christian." But there is need in Bharat

for a Hindu to say, "Garv se kaho, hum Hindu hain!" And yet it is to that

depression that a Hindu in Bharat has been driven. There is a simmering anger

in Hindu society that one ignores at our peril. One can damn the BJP, the RSS

and other Hindu organisations to their heart's content, but that is not going

to help Bharat very much. It will drive the people's angers deeper and deeper

underground where they will fester and finally end up in an explosion.

Government of Bharat must enact such laws that makes Convent schools to stop

imparting Christian education and values to young Hindu students in a subtle

manner and they also stop carrying out conversion activities by fraudulent


SCHOOLS'! Do you know how the Christians flourish in Bharat?1. Hindus make a

beeline to Christian schools.2. This beeline gives donations and exorbitant

fees in the coffers of the Christian schools.3. These coffers build more

schools and churches.4. These schools and churches multiply their coffers.5.

This multiplication helps the missionaries to convert the Hindus to

Christianity!6. Who do you think help the missionaries to convert the


needs to be cured by us and not by foreign tribunals. All sorts of media people

who use English and/or Urdu words in Hindi need to be given a very severe kind

of lesson and punishment. All educational institutions, may be

university, college, school or some other organizations, if they do not teach

Sanskrit and Hindi, then these institutions do not deserve any sort of

governmental grants, as these educational institutions do not understand the

importance of a native language and do not give importance to the national

language of Bharat nation. How the colonial powers were able to win with

only 600 soldiers. The Mercenary Missionaries used the School and Hospital-

Trojan Horse technique to eliminate freedom fighters who were termed as highway

robbers and mysteriously killed many freedom fighters. These people and

organizations informed and told the whereabouts of freedom fighters to

colonizers. These colonizing people opened schools and hospitals,

capitalized the illiteracy and ignorance, emotionally fooled the people and

mislead them. The colonizers used this technique to locate freedom fighters who

were systematically caught and killed. There are many patriotic people and their

ancestors- scholars who were victims of convent schools, and hospitals. Bharat

should have got Independence in the First War of Independence itself but could

not get due to these Trojan horses. Shame on all mentally slave people and

leaders, who send their children to convent schools, media people of Bharat who

do not promote Bhartiya languages, culture and values. Patriotic Hindus

should recognize the problems of convent education. Note that an insidious

consequence of Macaulayite influence: anti-Hindu foreign scholars like Michael

Witzel are encouraged to feel that they have a right to tell Bharatiyas how

they should teach their children. Even worse, the English language media quoted

him as authority in justifying their attacks on nationalist authors like MR. N.

S. RAJARAM" and Dr. Joshi ! A similar thing happened when James Perry wrote a

scurrilous attack on Vajpayee in TIME. In all this, the Bharatiya elite

-- at least a majority -- always lining up behind the white man whenever there

is a dispute, even when that white man happens to have been thoroughly

discredited as in the case of Steve Farmer, Perry and now Witzel. In their

eyes, the white man is always right and they dare not mention the other side

out of fear that they may find themselves on the wrong side! This blind

obedience is what humanities education in Bharat is perpetuating. This

is a form of reverse racism, which unscrupulous Western scholars (and

journalists) are taking advantage of. This is what Sandhya Jain described as

being "terrorized by White Supremacist" positions. We need to fight and expose

this, even if it means ruffling some diplomatic feathers.

Discover your Indian Roots at - http://www.esamskriti.comLong Live Sanathan /

Kshatriya Dharam. Become an Intellectual KshatriyaGenerate Positive Vibrations

lifelong worldwide.Aap ka din mangalmaya rahe or Shubh dinam astu or Have a

Nice DayUnity preceedes Strength Synchronize your efforts, avoid

duplication.THINK, ACT, INFLUENCE, to Un write back.Create Positive

Karmas by being Focussed, controlling senses, will power & determinationNever

boasts about yr victory and success, enjoy & share the fruitKnowledge, Wealth,

Happiness are meant to be sharedBe Open Minded, pick up what yu like from the

worldBe Thick skinned, internalize criticism, do what yu think is rightLet not

the power of your enemy deter yu, fortitude is what the Geeta teachesStop

cribbing, ACTION is what the Indian scriptures talk aboutTake the battle into

the enemy camp, SET THE AGENDA, be proactiveIn an argument, no emotions, be

detached, get yr facts right, then attack with the precision of a missile

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