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Please circulate this- pleas from Bangladesh Hindus,Buddhist and other minoritie

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Dear sir-


I sincerely request you this may be circulated,


The petetion can also be found at the following link




For more information please visit www.hrcbm.org and www.mayerdak.com









Dear sir-


I sincerely request you this may be circulated,


The petetion can also be found at the following link




For more information please visit www.hrcbm.org and www.mayerdak.com





To Whom It May Concern in the Media Cell accompanying the PM of

India, Vajpayee-ji


Dear Sir/Madam:


Would you kindly distribute this press release along with the

memorandum that I gave to Prime Minister Vajpayee-ji.




Bidyut Sarkar, General Secretary


Press Release


Yesterday, on 14/9/'02, Mr. Bidyut Sarker, a Bangladeshi-American,

and the General Secretary of the International Federation of

Bangladeshi Hindus & Friends based in New York City presented a

memorandum to Prime Minister Vajpayee, in which the government of

India has been urged to save the dwindling Hindus of Bangladesh.

Describing in some detail the atrocities that the armed cadres of the

ruling Islamic hardliners" (The Guardian, October 2, '01) of

Bangladesh, led by Prime Minister Khaleda Zia , ever since they came

in power in early October , 2001, the organization is seeking Indian

intervention, like the intervention on the part of the civilized

nations that provided a permanent solution to the problem of minority

cleansing in Bosnia, East Timore, or the one that is about to happen

in Palestine. They argue that such an intervention would also be in

India's own interest as well, for, after all Bangladesh is now

virtually ruled by the ISI, whose only objective is to destabilize

India. A book containing hundreds of pages of evidence for the fact

that the Hindus of Bangladesh are being subjected to rape, murder,

torture and payment of infidel protection tax and then forced to

leave for India was attached to the memorandum.


Copy of the memorandum


September 14, 2002


The Honourable Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Prime Minister of India

New Delhi, India.


Re: The on-going government –sponsored Hindu Cleansing in




Honourable Prime Minister:


We are writing again to seek your assistance to stop the endlessly

raging government-sponsored violent campaign of Hindu cleansing in

Bangladesh. The armed cadres of the ruling "Islamic hardliners"

(The Guardian, October 2, 2001), led by Prime Minister Khaleda Zia

started the atrocities on October 1, 2001, right after learning that

they had won with an absolute majority, and it has continued unabated

ever since - - what has been going on there is a slow genocide. The

situation has worsened since you had urged Khaleda Zia to stop this

carnage at the SAARC meeting. and we are convinced that the

dwindling Hindus of Bangladesh (18% in 1971 but 9% today) can't

survive this pogrom without your help.


The atrocities have typically involved looting their property,

desecrating/razing/burning temples and homes, gang-raping their girls—

often seven –year olds to seventy-year-olds, and 200 in one night at

one spot --, followed by collection of "infidel security tax" and

leaving such ultimatum as: Either pay jijiya or convert to Islam,

failing which you will be driven out of the country (please refer,

for example, to the incident of Daspara in Mireshwarai in Chittagong,

The Daily Janakantha, Dhaka: November 8, 2001). Unable to pay the

exorbitant sums of jijya, after helplessly watching their women raped

and dear ones murdered, thousands of Hindus have fled to India, and

many more are on the way. According to published reports, about four

million (The Daily Janakantha, Dhaka: November 4, 2001) Hindus,

Buddhists, and Christians have been affected by the on-going pogrom,

so far.


Up until 1972, these forsaken non-Muslims of East Pakistan, i. e.,

the Bangladeshi Hindus could legally immigrate to India, if they

could buy their passage out of the country; but now that they are not

allowed to live in India legally, they blend in the population of

West Bengal, Meghalaya, Tripura and Assam, if they can enter India

paying huge amounts of money to the smugglers, and then have to live

there as illegal aliens and hence in abject poverty. This is



We are seeking a permanent solution to this problem. The civilized

nations helped provide a permanent solution to the victims of

atrocities in Bosnia and East Timore, and the Palestinians are about

to get a free Palestinian state; and, we argue that the 12 million

Hindus of Bangladesh also deserves a permanent solution to their

problem. We urge that your government initiate such a move and help

these most unfortunate children of August 14, 1947 to survive.

Bangladeshi Hindus, who will soon be wiped out unless the government

of India intervenes, argue that it's a moral duty of India to help



Rescuing the religious minorities of Bangladesh, particularly the

Hindus under siege, which will require reversing the course of

Islamization in the country, is also in the interest of India's own

security. Bangladeshi Islamic extremists, with whom Prime Minister

Khaleda Zia shares power, have not only openly supported Osama Bin

Laden and his Al Qaeda, but has fought in Afghanistan as one of the

three ANSAR armies (the two others being Al-Qaeda and the Urdu

speaking Pakistani division) (CNN News, Dec. 20, 2001); and Fazlur

Rahman, the chief of Bangladeshi "Jihad movement" (to which HUJI-B,

an organization declared terrorist organization by the US Department

of State on May 21, '02, belongs), was a signatory of the official

declaration of "holy war" against the United States on February 23,

1998, together with Osama Bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri -- leader of

the Jihad group in Egypt --, Rifa'i Ahmad Taha aka Abu-Yasir

(Egyptian Islamic group), and Sheikh Mir Hamzah (secretary of the

Jamiat-ul-ulema-e-Pakistan) (Religious Extremism and Nationalism in

Bangladesh, a paper by Bertil Lintner, presented at: Religion &

Security in South Asia: An International Workshop held by the Asia

Pacific Center for Security Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 19-

22, 2002). The Islamic extremists of Bangladesh (as East Pakistan)

have in the past harbored, trained, and logistically supported the

separatist movements of the Indian states bordering Bangladesh, e.g.,

Nagaland. And, it is an open secret today that the ISI has shifted

its anti-India operation to Bangladesh. Coupled with the Afghan war

veterans and ISI agents operating in the soil of Bangladesh, the

thousands of Bangladeshi Islamic extremists (only HUJI-B has 15, 000

trained jihads) that have been produced by the 64, 000 madrassashs

since 1975, perhaps poses much more of a dangerous threat to India

than does Pakistan.


Should your government decide to save the Hindus of Bangladesh,

there is only one way to go about it: convince the rest of the

civilized world to pursue the same policy as they have in the case of

Pervez Musharraf, force Prime Minister Khaleda Zia




to shun relationship with the Islamic extremists in and outside of

her government, and restore the constitution of 1972, as the first

step in the right direction.

We would like to point out that, making polite requests would not

work with the ruling "Islamic hardliners" of Bangladesh. Prime

Minister Khaleda Zia is a hardened anti- non-Muslim; in April, 1992,

she had her armed forces systematically murder about 600 residents of

the tribal village of Logang, when they were about to celebrate their

New year's Day; ignoring a letter of request written to her by 17 US

Congressmen in November, 1992, she had her armed agents conduct

atrocities against the Hindus using the Babri Mosque incident as a

ploy; and in the past one year, by flouting the requests made by the

European Union (EU), respected members of the US Congress like

Benjamin Gilman, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the

progressive Muslim intellectuals of Bangladesh, she has encouraged

her armed cadres to conduct a full scale campaign aimed at cleansing

Bangladesh of its religious minorities, particularly the Hindus.

Her armed cadres operate with complete impunity. Moreover, Prime

Minister Zia has incarcerated journalists and NGO personnel who have

attempted to report the harrowing tales of torture that the minority

communities of Bangladesh are being subjected to. So, the civilized

world, particularly India, must take a tough stance against her, or

face the fact of dealing with another Afghanistan or Pakistan, soon.


In closing, we would like to stress that if you decide to exercise

your power to rescue the Hindus under siege in Bangladesh, time is of

the essence.


With deep gratitude for your anticipated attention and help.




1. Jiten Roy, Ph. D., President



2. Bidyut Sarker, Genral Secretary

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