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The Essence of The Rupanuga Sampradaya

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All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga



The Essence of The Rupanuga Sampradaya

by His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami



August 19, 2002

Moscow, Russia

There are so many affectionate devotees here always

following our principles, hundreds of devotees. Today I am

here with them, and tomorrow night I shall proceed to India;

if it is the will of Krishna, that will be. But I am here so

happy to meet with all the devotees in Russia. My blessings

to all of these followers of the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat

Math, and my dandavat pranams to all the GuruVaisnavas who

are stil existing.

I want to say something. It is a miracle that I am seeing in

Russia. I am seeing the way all the Russian devotees are

practicing Krishna Consciousness, and I am becoming

astonished, especially with Jaganath Balava Prabhu here in

Russia. He is not only a good manager, and not only a good

preacher, but he can do anything by the grace of Guru

Maharaj, and he is powerful. Seeing that, I am very

astonished. Our Russia mission is growing so fast with the

devotees here. So many persons have taken initiation, and so

many have become devotees of Guru Maharaj, Sri Chaitanya

Saraswat Math, as well as Mahaprabhu. Our preaching mission

is so successful in Russia, and no one can believe which way

they have the qualification, but I believe and I know, and I

am seeing it. I can say their hearts are very clean with no

politics in their heart, and they are humble, with tolerance



In Russia, the communism is completely different. We knew

Russia as a communist country, but now they have become

socialist or something, I do not know. But I am seeing that

they are very humble and tolerant, and wholeheartedly

practicing Krishna Consciousness. So many are coming day by

day in the line of Krishna Consciousness, and I am not

seeing that anywhere. I was sick, you know. I was attacked

by some stroke. I was hankering for the devotees, I cannot

deny. When Jaganath Balava Prabhu called me, on behalf of

the devotees in Russia, I came here. But I came and with me

were Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj, Sripad Janardan

Maharaj, Suresvari Didi and many Americans, Chidananda

Prabhu, Sripad Giri Maharaj, many lady devotees also.Twenty

devotees came here, giving me some relief: Janardan Maharaj

and Sripad Sudhir Goswami Maharaj, Giri Maharaj, Chidananda

Prabhu, they have given much relief. They are living with

me. Many are gone, but today more will go, and tomorrow I

shall proceed to India.


Our preaching mission is very simple, and they will

understand that. They will understand that Krishna

Consciousness can enter anywhere. Not only human, it can

enter into the animal section, to the trees, plants,

everywhere. They believe it, and they are practicing that

with humility, tolerance and giving honor to others. Some in

their houses are living very poorly and some very richly,

but here all the devotees are living the same. Living

trouble here they are all getting, it may not be as

comfortable as it is in their house. But living with the

devotees is their choice. They have so many questions and

today is a very fortunate day, especially for me because

today Guru Maharaj gave me diksa initiation, and Rupa

Goswami Prabhu's disappearance is today. For me, it is very

much a welcome day, I can say, and I am now just speaking

about Rupa Goswami Prabhu's pastimes, and why we are

identified by Mahaprabhu and his disciples as Rupanuga

Sampradaya members.


I am thinking like that today with the devotees. The

preaching of Russia is very good news. If I shall not come

here, then my one very great desire will be hampered.

Actually I want to come to Russia. I have been here six

times, and when I am coming here again and again, I feel

that for the preaching of Krishna Consciousness, Russia is

the perfect place at present. All over the world, they are

watching the character of the Russian people, but we are

also seeing their heart, their mentality. Which way this

country was atheistic, we cannot think or we cannot believe,

because everybody is theistic in Russia. This is what I am

feeling. Anyhow, Krishna Consciousness can enter anywhere,

and it has come to Russia.


Before I heard Srila Swami Maharaj wanted to preach in

Russia, but he did not get much entrance. From the airport

he left and stayed in one hotel in Moscow, and then he left

Russia. At that time, the preacher Bhakti Sudhir Goswami was

named Dhira Krishna Bramhachari, and he represented

Prabhupad's conception and Krishna Consciousness in Russia,

but in a hidden way. It was not open. Here, Ananta Shanti

Prabhu was in the prison house, in the jail, for twelve

years because he openly tried to preach Krishna

Consciousness. But that changed by blessings of Srila

Prabhupad and Srila Guru Maharaj. It is now over flooded

with Krishna Consciousness, which is existing within

everyone's heart.


Krishna has three forms: Bramha, Paramatma, and Bhagavan.

Bhagavan is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He is

Krishna; people all over the world know the Supreme

Personality of Godhead is Krishna. But the Paramatma

position is a little heavy, because Paramatma is living with

Jivatma, and in every Jivatma's heart, there is some place

for Paramatma. Our scriptures, the Upanisads, said one bird

is acting and another bird is watching. One bird is the

Paramatma, and the active bird is the Jivatma. This

indication we are getting in the Upanisads. But here, that

[Krishna] consciousness is coming out from the hearts of the

devotees and hearts of the people, and day by day people are

joining in Krishna Consciousness. This year, so many

hundreds of devotees were initiated, and thousands of

devotees are practicing Krishna Consciousness. In a few

years this change has happened, we cannot believe it. What

can I say. I am so much attracted to Russia's people, and I

cannot deny coming here. I may be sick or in good health,

but I don't care for that because Guru Maharaj has given me

the order for preaching Krishna Consciousness. By his Grace

I am trying everywhere. Maybe in the future I will go to

America, but I cannot forget Russia. The Russian people's

hearts are so simple, I was not thinking that. When we enter

here we have seen their activities, their heart expression,

their mood of devotion, their sincerity; and they are also

very tolerant, I am seeing. I am thinking they are natural

Vaisnavas, natural friends of the Vaisnavas, Vaisnava

Sampradaya, and here every preaching mission is growing so

fast. What can I say?


Today is Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu's disappearance day, and

the disappearance of Gauri das Pandit. They both are our

supreme Gurus, and Mahaprabhu Chaitanyadev has given

identity to our sampradaya as Rupanuga Sampradaya. Why has

Mahaprabhu given Rupanuga identity to us? When He was in

Puri, Mahaprabhu placed Rupa Goswami before Rama keli [?]

and they were given the name Rupa & Sanatana. Sanatana

Goswami was [?], and Rupa Goswami was [?]. He gave that name

at that time, but later Mahaprabhu decided. If we will see

with our external vision, then we can see Mahaprabhu

decided. Otherwise, it is an eternal relationship with

Mahaprabhu and Rupa-Sanatana. Without Rupa-Sanatana we

cannot understand Mahaprabhu, and with out Mahaprabhu we

cannot understand Rupa-Sanatana.


That relationship becomes more clear in Puri Dham. When Rupa

Goswami came to Puri Dham, and Rupa Goswami read like

telepathy, Mahaprabhu heart and composed one sloka. And not

hiding His heart, Mahaprabhu gave one slap to Rupa Goswami,

an affectionate slap, and told, "Which way you know my

heart, Hmmm?" And he asked Svarup Damodar Goswami, "Which

way Rupa Goswami knows my heart?" And Svarup Damodar

said, "You fully pledged to Rupa; for that, he knows your

heart." Mahaprabhu, who is always very humble and

telling, "I am nothing, I am nothing," that day Mahaprabhu

did not say "I am nothing." He said, "Yes I [?] Rupa."


In the middle of Puri Dham, where Mahaprabhu interviewed him

as his representative, there was the judge Ramananda Raya

and there was Adwaita Acharya. Many dignitaries were present

there including Swarupa Damodar. All the doctorates in

Krishna Consciousness, and in front of them, Mahaprabhu

said, "Rupa, you are composing the Lalita Madhava." Rupa was

very shy and Mahaprabhu told him, "You read something from

your book so they will hear what you are composing." Rupa

Goswami didn't want to express himself publicly, but

Mahaprabhu forced, and Rupa Goswami said one by one the

slokas. Everyone was extremely happy. Then they surprisingly

told Mahaprabhu, "Which way Rupa has got this knowledge? We

cannot believe it. You must have given him a special power,

and for that, he is enriched with the finest Krishna

Consciousness." Mahaprabhu did not deny it. He said, "Yes I

have given him, but it is not sufficient. You all give him

your blessings. Then that will be very nice. He will be full

not only with My blessings or My desire, but your mercy and

your desire is also necessary. Then he will be full."


Then they all blessed Rupa Goswami, and we understand that

from that day, Mahaprabhu established Rupa Goswami as his

representative. Everyone knows that. And later, after

Mahaprabhu, everyone followed Dasa Goswami, everyone

followed Svarup Damodar and Rupa-Sanatana. But Svarup

Damodar, Dasa Goswami, Rupa-Sanatana, and other Goswamis

also, they all respect Rupa Goswami as the sampradaya

representative of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

did not compose a book, He did not write by hand anything of

His conception, but Rupa-Sanatana they have given

Mahaprabhu's conception so widely. Swarup Goswami also

helped Rupa-Sanatana with that conception, and Ragunath

Goswami, Sri Jiva Goswami, Gopal Bhatta Goswami, all the

Goswami groups supported. And Sanatan Goswami is Guru of

Rupa Goswami, but Sanatan Goswami also gave his full support

when the sampradaya manifested as the Rupanuga sampradaya.

Jiva Goswami was the direct disciple of Rupa Goswami and the

treasurer of the whole Gaudiya Sampradaya.


About Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, Srila Guru Maharaj composed

a sloka. Mahaprabhu established Rupa Goswami as His

sampradaya acharya, and His divine conception of Krishna

Consciousness. He gave that supreme power to Rupa Goswami.

Svarup Goswami knows everything, and he is the master of the

sampradaya no doubt. Sanatana Goswami may be Rupa Goswami's

Guru, but he supported fully Rupa Goswami because it was the

desire of Sri Chaitana Mahaprabhu. Rupa Goswami gave to all

the human society that conception of Sri Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu. And wherever an obstacle has come, where

antithesis has grown, Jiva Goswami very heavily protected

Mahaprabhu's conception from other atheistic or other

religious conceptions. Given full honor, like Arjuna in the

battlefield. He gave support to all the dignitaries and

heros, but everyone got support from Arjuna. The day

Arjuna's son Abhimanu died, Arjuna was not present, and for

that Abhumanu died. It was the desire of Krishna, we

understand that, but Jiva Goswami Prabhu, for the protection

of the writing and preaching of Rupa Goswami, he composed

many books for the support of Rupa Goswami's composition and



Sukadev Goswami gave in the Srimad Bhagavat. Lord Siva what

telling in tantra and Lord Bramha as the Sampradaya Guru.

What he gave, that is pure Krishna Consciousness, and that

is about Nandananda Sri Krishna with Radharani's service.

Bhaktivinod Thakur has given us that conception. This is our

Guru Parampara comming down through Rupa Goswami, through

Jiva Goswami. You know what Guru Parampara is. It has come

down through Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur, and

when Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur wanted to leave this

world he transmitted his power to Srila Guru Maharaj. For

that, everyone accepts as Rupanuga Acharya, our Guru

Maharaj, Om Visnupad Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev

Goswami. For that all of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati

Thakur's disciples respect Srila Guru Maharaj as the

Rupanuga Acharya. In this way, our Sampradaya has come down,

and everybody knows it is a power transmission, heart to

heart to Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev Goswami. Even

opposing camps also respect Srila Guru Maharaj for that. So

many of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur's disciples

who took sanyas after Saraswati Thakur, dignitary sanyasis

like Keshava Maharaj, like Bhagavat Maharaj, Acharya

Maharaj, like Paramahamsa Maharaj, like Madhusudan Maharaj,

so many have taken sanyas from Guru Maharaj. All believing

Saraswati Thakur transferred his power to Guru Maharaj as

the Rupanuga acharya sampradaya.


Today is the disappearance day of Srila Rupa Goswami. I am

trying to say something. I want to tell the devotees all

over the world that they are very merciful to me, and they

are happy to hear from me something, then I am giving

something about Rupa Goswami. This is my desire. I pay my

dandavats to all the devotees. Who has entered into the

Rupanuga Sampradaya and who is existing in the Rupanuga

Sampradaya, as practitioner, as master, as student, to all I

am paying my dandavats.


Jay Om Visnupad Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev Goswami

Maharaj Ki Jaya. [followed by Jaya by the assembled devotees]


Jay Rupa Goswami Prabhu Ki Jaya. [Jaya by the assembled



Jay Srila Gauri das Pandit Ki Jaya. [Jaya!]


All the assembled devotees Ki Jaya. [Jaya!]


Harinam Sankirtan Ki Jaya. [Jaya!]


Haridas Thakur Ki Jaya. [Jaya!]


Gaura Premanande Haribol. [Hari, hari bola!]



Moscow, Russia

August 19, 2002

Transcribed by Vrndavanesvari dasi

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