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All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai


Dear Bhakta Ananda Gosvami:

The article you reference is very nice as a study comparing

similarities in other cultures to ancient Vedic or Aryan origins. It

appeared very scholarly, well researched and eloquently presented,

though I am a layman on such matters having no formal education on

Greek history or English composition.

But on the matter of studying Srila Prabhupada's vani and

ascertaining the correct siddhanta by taking in all his recorded vani

on any subject Prabhupada covers, I conceder myself well aquatinted

with him and wholly embrace his dream for the Krsna Consciousness

movement concerning Daivi-Varnasrama-Dharma. I saw no vani or

siddhanta as it would directly apply to Prabhupada's movement

contained in your response to my question. Yes, you used what you

learned from Srila Prabhupada and through study of this ancient Greek

history can show the root culture coming from Vedic times, but where

is the siddhanta attained from the instructions of the spiritual

master? This is the question. Though I did enjoy your paper as a

comparison, it is no better than trivia in light with Srila

Prabhupada's vani for ISKCON to embrace DVD and the regulative

principles contained there in. This is the siddhanta question, what

is your understanding of these instructions?

I have a problem or question with the assumption that just because

a person is in one of the fields you mention that they are

automatically included as qualified ksatriyas by Vedic standards.

This is not by guna(quality) and karma(work). I was in the army and I

have to say 99.9% of the personnel are sudra and less by habit and

personal character or lack there of. No were near ksatriya. Push

button military and war perpetuated by the greedy vaisya class.

Supported by voted in legislators from the mleccha and candala

population of a country emulating a demoncracy form of government

bent on fascistic enslavement of the world. Gunda, mindless violent

servant to corrupt leadership. As are the police forces.



soldiers, search-and-rescue, police,

> prison guards, border patrol, firefighters, EMTs, hazmat


> bomb squads, undercover agents/ intelligence officers, security

> officers, etc.



This is not a list of ksatriyas. Undercover agents/intelligence

officers are of the spy category and not of King/ksatriya character.

They are assistants, information givers, sudras that are overtly

underhanded and sneaky by profession, dishonest. Security officers

are also in the less intelligent mode, another name for gaurd/patrol

person. EMT are vaidya, physicians and said in the Caitanya

Caritamrta to be sudra, Adi 17.18p. Hasmat is technical reaction to a

given occurrence of contamination to an environment, technician,

sudra. Border patrol is again servant to the higher class ksatriya

order and has no ability by dint of his work to claim the

intellectual qualifications of that higher varna. Ditto to prison

guards, so many prisoners would be killed anyway because of the

Bhagavad-Gita Ch 1 text 36, six aggressors are to be killed at once.

This killing is the job of a ksatriya not a guard. Though guarding

prisoners is under the ksatriya, execution of that activity will not

need be done necessarily by ksatriyas, the cadre can do it

effectively. Police, firefighters and military are the closest but

still not necessarily by occupation do they have the ability(guna) to

lead a Vedic nation like Srila Prabhupada envisions nor do you speak

of such lofty goals like Srila Prabhupada does.


You said:

Our 'significant others', wives and children

also need the support of a Vaishnava community that understands their

military or intervention-driven 'on-duty' called-up-to-serve



I hope that 'significant others' does not include homosex. Srila

Prabhupada says that homosex is less that Aryan, that even sudra has

charter and some qualification. He never accepted homosex to be in

Vedic society nor ISKCON proper. All that have fallen to this

abominable act are outside of Vedic culture by dint of the vani of

Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada initiated reformed people only. Not

those that acted in nor actively identified themselves with homosex.

This is rejected over and over. Show evidence to the contrary from

recorded vani to contest. The rest is very nicely explained.



You said:

Among devotees in the Hare Krishna Movement,

there are persons of the kshatriya nature. Srila Prabhupada did not

say 'keep them out !' No. Srila Prabhupada said "establish varnashram



Well, actually the movement in the beginning was to be a movement

of Brahmans that would lead the rest of society. Then Prabhupada saw

that the devotees were unable to over come their natures and were

falling from that asrama and materially managing horribly. In 1974 on

March 12 in Vrndavana Prabhupada said to include DVD inside ISKCON

and gave a wealth of instructions in the next week and later years

that followed as an outline that was subsequently checked,

restrained, constrained and suppressed for many more years and not

followed. Disqualifying the less than stelar brahminical

representatives inside and outside the movement through complete

neglect of the vani or guilt of administering poison vani to the

average devotee counterfeiting the mood, falsifying information and

distorted repression.


The rest of your letter I found inspiring that someone may know and

understand the need and application of the ksatriya in present day

society at large to begin turning the social heading on a Vedic

course in line with the instructions of Krsna through the spiritual

master, Srila Prabhupada. These are just some questions I would like

answered or ideas discuss in order to know with who I am speaking and

associating with by e-mail. Please do not mind, as a ksatriya we over

see all four varnas and asramas. Though we do not govern the

brahmans, we must make sure they are acting in accordance with Guru,

sastra and sadu honestly and are not cheaters. This is one of our

leadership duties that takes a great deal of faithful study and is

beyond the ability of a common guard or technician or mindless gunda

drone that is just there deriving pleasure from giving pain to others

furthering the dominating demoniac agenda of social corruption and

atheistic degradation.


Thank you, Hare Krsna. Caturbahu dasa Bhakti


PS. Also I am concerned about your apparent personal attachment or

identification to the ksatriya varna. Evidentially using possessive

language although claiming the varna of a Brahmana and the asrama of

sannyasa. Please explain.





vediculture, Bhakti Ananda Goswami wrote:




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