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Know About Ganapati

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Know About Ganapati

Source: Eprarthana.com <http://www.eprarthana.com>

Nritya Ganapati - The happy dancer

Of golden colour, Ganapati in this form dances under the

kalpavriksha Tree. He wears rings on his fingers and holds a noose,

goad, axe, tusk and sometimes a sweet cake in one of his hands.

Urdhva Ganapati - Tantric god

Holding a green-complexioned goddess, he holds in his hands a blue

flower, sprig of paddy, lotus, sugarcane bow, arrow and tusk. He

himself is of golden colour.

Ekaakshara Ganapati - Of the single letter (Gam)

Red in colour, clad in red silk, wearing a garland of red flowers

and with the crescent moon on his crown, he is three-eyed with short

arms and legs. He carries a pomegranate, noose and goad in his

hands. His fourth hand is in the varada (wish-giving) pose. He sits

in padmaasana (yogic lotus pose) and rides the mouse.

Vara Ganapati - The giver of boons

Of red complexion, he has three eyes and wears the crescent moon on

his head. He holds the noose, goad, a dish of honey in his hands,

and a pot of jewels in his trunk. In the Tantric representations of

the deity, he is shown with a goddess on his lap.

Tryakshara Ganapati - Of the three letters AUM (OM)

Of golden colour, he has fly whisks in his flapping ears. He holds a

noose, goad, tusk, and mango fruit in his hands and a modaka sweet

in his trunk.

Kshipra-Prasada Ganapati - Who rewards promptly

Adorned with ornaments and seated on a throne of kusha grass, in his

form his huge abdomen stands out. He holds a noose, goad, lotus,

pomegranate, tusk and a sprig of the kalpavriksha tree.

Haridra Ganapati - The golden one

Yellow in colour with bright yellow raiments, he holds a noose,

goad, tusk and modaka sweet in his hands.

Ekadanta Ganapati - Of the single tusk

Blue in colour and with a huge abdomen, he holds in his hands an

axe, rosary beads, laddu (a sweet) and his broken tusk.

Shrishti Ganapati - The creator

Riding a large rodent and of red complexion, he holds in his hands a

noose, goad, tusk and mango.

Uddanda Ganapati - Punisher of evil

This Tantric deity carries on his lap his shakti (power) a green-

coloured female form holding a lotus in her hand. In his ten hands

he holds a pot of gems, lotus, blue water lily, gada (mace),

sugarcane, sprig of paddy, noose, garland, pomegranate and tusk.


Runamochana Ganapati - Who releases humanity from bondage

Of white crystal-like mien, he is clad in red silk garments. He

holds a goad, noose, rose apple and his tusk in his hands.

Dhundhi Ganapati - Of Kashi

Often of sindura or red colour, he has prayer beads, his tusk, a

ratnakumbha (pot of gems) and an axe in his hands.

Dwimukha Ganapati - The god of two faces

Bluish-green in colour, wearing red silk garments and a gem-studded

crown, he holds in his four hands, a noose, goad, tusk and a pot of


Trimukha Ganapati - The three-faced deity

Seated in the middle of golden lotus seat with a complexion as red

as the palasa flower, this form of Ganapati is shown with the left

hand in an abhaya (protective) pose and the right in the varada

(reward-giving) pose. He also holds a sharp goad, prayer beads,

noose and pot of nectar.

Simha Ganapati - Riding a lion

With the lion as his vehicle, in this form Ganapati is white in

colour and also holds a lion in one hand. In his other hands are a

sprig of the wish-fulfilling tree, the veena (musical instrument), a

lotus, a bunch of flowers and a pot of gems.

Yoga Ganapati - The great yogi

Holding himself in a yogic stance, and bound in a yogic girdle, he

is the colour of the easily morning sun and wears garments of the

blue of Indra. In his hands he holds prayer beads, staff of the

yogi, noose and sugarcane.

Durga Ganapati - The saviour

Of a huge body and burnt-gold complexion, he holds prayer beads, an

arrow, goad and tusk in his right hands and a noose, bow, flag, and

rose apple fruit in his left. His garments are of red colour.

Sankatashara Ganapati - Remover of sorrow

Seated on a red lotus seat and clad in blue, his complexion is that

of the rising sun. On his lap he holds his shakti, (power) who is of

female form, green in colour, holdinga blue flower in her hand. In

his hands he holds a goad, noose, and a vessel of payasam (milk-

sweet). His right hand is in the varada or boon-giving pose. When

not in the Tantric form, Sankatahara Ganapati is represented in

celibate form.

Click here to "Order Puja for Ganesh Chaturthi"


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