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Weekly Global Press Conference of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 2002 - Comments on Pres. Bush, Creating World Peace, the Middle East, corporate corruption, education, prayer, & the press

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Global Country of World Peace

Station 24, 6063 NP Meru, Holland • Tel: +31-475-539-569

U.S. Office: Tel: +1-641-470-1344 • Email: PressOffice


Invitation to Interview His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Maharishi explains his decision to create world peace


Comments on President Bush, the Middle East,

corporate corruption, education, prayer, and the press


HIS HOLINESS MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI - The World’s Foremost Scientist of


Maharishi first introduced his Transcendental Meditation technique nearly 50

years ago. Since then he has been honored throughout the world for reformulating

the ancient Vedic wisdom of India in a systematic, scientific framework, which

has brought the benefits of the Vedic knowledge and technologies of

consciousness to millions of people worldwide. The following are highlights of

Maharishi’s recent news conferences.


Maharishi speaks on his decision to create world peace on his own

For 10 or 15 years I had been saying to governments, “You should adopt these

programs to create peace.” Then I realized it was a waste of time. I will do

what I know to be right, and I will let governments do what they know to be

right. What I know to be right is to establish groups of people practicing these

Vedic technologies of peace in every country. They will create a coherent,

harmonious world consciousness. The immediate result will be less crime, less

killing, less fear.


On how Transcendental Meditation creates peace

When a tree dries out, the gardener waters the root, which supplies nourishment

to the whole tree. The root of life is pure consciousness. When people enliven

this field of consciousness within their own awareness through Transcendental

Meditation, this radiates an invincible, unifying influence of coherence to

promote peace. And the whole world does not have to meditate—that is my

strength. One bright bulb can light a big hall. There is so much scientific

research to show that one large group of these experts in a country can

eliminate deeply rooted social stress in the nation and radiate peace throughout

the world.


On resolving conflict

Conflict will never be solved through military force—and talking of peace has no

lasting value. You can have a thousand peace conferences and the impact won’t

last long. Conflict will only be practically resolved by creating coherence in

every country. That is my offer: creating coherence in world consciousness. This

may be difficult for people to understand, but it is easy to achieve.


On Maharishi’s formula for peace

Every country must have a group of people practicing Transcendental Meditation

and the TM-Sidhi program, including Yogic Flying—with one very large group in

India. Through their daily performance they will enliven the deepest level of

Nature’s functioning—Total Natural Law, the Will of God—which administers the

ever-expanding universe with perfection and without a problem. These groups will

radiate the light of coherence and harmony in world consciousness. They will not

travel; they will not preach; they will just produce the effect. But it must be

a global effort. Even if one country remains stressed without a

coherence-creating group, then world peace will be shaken—like a small thorn

throws off the balance of the entire body. Funding for the groups can come from

“World Peace Bonds,” which may be of interest to individuals, corporations, and

pension funds who would buy the bonds, earn interest on their investment and

create peace. (See http://www.globalcountry.org)


On U.S. President Bush

I see him as an ignorant man, who knows nothing of the frontiers of science, or

of reason, or of the meaning of religion. That great country is being led to

destroy the world by very wrong sentiments.


On the Middle East

Israel is a child of America. I have forgotten about Israel. When people are

murderers, who can bother about them? And they think that by killing, they will

go to heaven, but their heaven will be hell from our side. All that is happening

in Israel is the doing of America. For the sake of politeness, one may not say

that, but those are my thoughts.


On killing

Killing is sin. It doesn’t matter who is doing the killing—a head of state, a

businessman, or a laborer. Killing is sin, and the killer will be destroyed.

This is not me saying that. This is in every religion: “As you sow, so shall you

reap.” And killing by the military is a much bigger sin, because it will come

back on the whole country.


On education

So far, education has been very damaging to life. You educate your children in a

haphazard way and don’t train them to use their full brain, and then when they

get older and they shoot someone on the streets, you say, “What is happening?”

But it’s your own doing. How you educate the students is how they will behave in

society. The purpose of student life is to enliven the field of cosmic

intelligence which is Total Natural Law, total brain functioning. Scientific

research has shown that the use of total brain functioning through

Transcendental Meditation is real; it is not gossip, or a children’s story to be

cast aside.


On “ahimsa” (the Indian principle of non-violence)

The principle of ahimsa is very good. It’s the principle of eternal peace. But

peace requires strength to be perpetual. Today ahimsa is in the hands of weak,

lifeless people in India. The word has no meaning. We want to create that

coherent world consciousness where ahimsa will be a living reality. Ahimsa is a

character of life; it’s not a virtue.


On America’s corporate scandals

Personal gain is the prime motivator in a capitalist country. There is so much

fraud in the way money is earned in these countries—it’s quite ugly. And they

are all involved in it—the president, the vice president—they are all involved.

It’s a big muddle. However, the influence of the coherence-creating groups on

this will be great. Nothing wrong will come up. Deceiving others will be absent.

Harming others will be absent. Money mongering makes a man blind—it’s such great

ignorance. One can be in a dark room and break one’s head or knees, but all that

will come to an end with the onset of light. We will bring the light.


On man-made laws versus God-made law

Every country has a man-made constitution—some people sat together and conceived

of the laws that would govern the nation. But a man’s thought is not perfect, so

man-made constitutions will always have human weaknesses and failings—and that

is why there is so much poverty, crime, and punishment everywhere. On the other

side is God-made law, or Total Natural Law, which governs the infinite diversity

of the universe with perfect order and without a problem. These groups of Vedic

experts will enliven the field of Total Natural Law in collective consciousness

and raise the administration of the nation to the supreme level of God-made law.


On Transcendental Meditation and prayer

Prayer is always a path to realization, but prayer is on different levels. A man

on a bicycle, a man in a car, a man in a high-speed train—all are on the same

road, but one goes slower or one goes faster depending upon what one drives.

Prayer on the verbal level has its effectiveness; prayer on the mental level is

more effective; prayer from the Transcendental area of life has maximum

effectiveness, because on that level thought has a frictionless flow—it travels

instantly throughout Nature. Transcendental Meditation can be considered prayer

from that finest level of consciousness, the Unified Field of Natural Law, where

Total Natural Law is fully awake. Prayer from that finest level is a direct

entrance into an open door; prayer at a grosser level—you knock and the door

will open. Prayer can never be glorified enough. It is a supreme value of human



On joining forces with those who advocate prayer for peace

There is nothing in world to compare with Transcendental Meditation. We have

heard the champions of prayer—we have heard the apologies of the Pope. They are

praying to God to be excused for the misery and destruction and impurity that

their organization has created throughout the ages. They are not

peace-promoters. This is not the kind of prayer that we teach.


On the press

The American press has been very supportive of the President. They say he is a

great man and all that. Well, this great man is going to destroy the world. The

whole thing has to be on a wiser level. If the press promotes virtue, in one day

it can throw the government off balance and turn the nation away from killing.

The press can do it. Because when the people read the paper, they form their

ideas, and then they behave in society. But the tendency for the press to

promote the President in the name of patriotism—they’ll take the country to hell

in the name of patriotism.


On speaking out boldly

I know I am using strong words, but I have spoken enough soft words. When a man

is asleep and you want to wake him up, you gently move him. If he still doesn’t

wake, you have to shake him harder. After speaking gently for so many years, now

I have to give a big shake to the leaders and alert them: “You are opening the

gate to hell for yourselves and all your supporters.”


On creating peace

Our strength is that darkness does not have to disappear first before light

comes. We create light and darkness goes away. We create peace and the

warmongers disappear. We create groups in every country and that is how we will

build up harmony in world consciousness and end all these destructive practices,

which could bring the world to ashes.



The Transcendental Meditation program

Maharishi first introduced nearly 50 years ago his Transcendental Meditation

technique—a simple, natural, effortless process that has been learned by nearly

five million people worldwide. The TM technique is practiced for 15-20 minutes

twice daily, requires no belief or lifestyle change, is non-religious, and can

be learned by anyone regardless of age or level of education.


The TM-Sidhi program and Yogic Flying

The TM-Sidhi program, including Yogic Flying, is a natural extension of the

Transcendental Meditation program that accelerates the progress of the

individual towards realizing his full potential—the state of enlightenment—and,

when practiced in groups, creates coherence in collective consciousness,

reducing negative trends and promoting positive tendencies in society.


Scientific research

More than 600 research studies, conducted at 200 independent universities and

research institutions in 33 countries, have documented the profound benefits of

the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program for improving all areas of

life: mind, body, behavior, and the environment. The findings have been

published in the world’s leading scientific journals and include increased

intelligence and creativity, reduced stress-related diseases and improved

health, increased productivity and improved relations at work, and decreased

crime and international conflict in society as a whole.


Maharishi’s Vedic Science

Maharishi has reformulated the ancient Vedic wisdom of India—the complete

knowledge of Total Natural Law—in a systematic, scientific framework, which has

brought the benefits of Vedic knowledge and technologies to millions of people

throughout the world. Programs include Maharishi’s Vedic approach to health,

education, governmental administration, defence, agriculture, architecture, and

business management.




EVERY WEDNESDAY • 17.00 hours (Europe Time) • 11:00 a.m. (U.S.-EDT)

Connect live via Internet webcast: http://www.globalcountry.org

Teleconference: (USA) +1-512-305-4600, then enter the code 55689 followed by the

# key

Every Wednesday, Maharishi holds a global news conference from Meru, Holland, to

address a wide range of issues of national and global concern. These news

conferences are broadcast live via satellite, Internet webcast, and

teleconference. Members of the press may connect to these news conferences and

ask Maharishi questions either via email at worldpeace or via

telephone at (USA) +1-641-470-1344.


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