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Mail No 2 : A very effective program you can implement in your area to develop India into a Greatest Country on the earth in Modern Times

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Dear Friends,


Thanks for all the feedback, I am in process of writing separate replies to each

mail rcvd. My communication is delayed as my computer broke down because of

number of viruses I rcvd along with replies to my last mail.


BNA is a different kind of movement, it is constructive, decentralized, ideology

neutral and can be extended to set up world Government. BNA provides a way to

forgive and forget for past follies and work for great future.


We are now calling all those persons, who are interested in working for glorious

future of India. We request all those persons with great leadership qualities

and raring to prove themselves, to help us in our endeavor. Please take

initiative and set up People's Representative's Congress in your area.


Any person can take lead and set up People's Representative Congress (PRC) for

his area, which may be his ward, town, district or region.


The activities to set up PRC are very simple & easy. Any activist with clean

mind and self confidence can easily set up PRC in his area, even without our

help. We do not have any reservations based on ideology or past history of the

person taking lead. BNA is primarily interested in empowerment of citizens.

PRC's are very important for India's future as they shall empower the citizens

to be bring about the desired changes in their area.


You may also pass on this action plan to any person willing to take lead, and

send us names of persons whom we should contact to request them to take lead.


We are sure that future generations in India shall gladly recognize and decorate

all those persons who shall take lead to set up PRC for their area.


BNA shall coordinate the formation of PRC's. We request all those interested in

BNA movement to register with NavNirman by sending an email

to:NavNirman-Action Plan to set up PRC in your area



Step 1: Carefully read and fully understand activities described in this mail.

Discuss this mail with your friends and associates. Be clear on your

objectives. We recommend you to take up the task in the name of your

association or organization, instead of on individual name.


Step 2: Decide your area, it may be your ward, town or district. Please contact

us if you wish to set up PRC for any state as BNA is in process of

identification of organizations to take up formation of PRC's for states.


Step 3: Register with NavNirman by sending an email to :

NavNirman- . Declare your selected area to all the

participants on NavNirman.


Step 4: Set up coordination committee for PRC after due discussion with your

friends and associates. Distribute different responsibilities to members of

coordination committee.


Step 5: Collect information and details of different sections of society in your

area, their representative organizations, their leaders, membership strengths,

political affiliations, alternate leaders etc. Also collect voting data in the

last civil election from the selected area. ( We shall send you a check list

for this task ) Refer table at the end of this mail for different



Step 6:Collect list of all prominent and influential personalities in your area.

Discuss your program on one to one basis with as many persons as possible. Find

out how many of them are ready to cooperate and support your movement.


Step 7: Select a small team from among the coordination committee to visit BNA

office and undergo 2 day training at Mumbai. We shall brief and prepare this

team to face any query on BNA activities.


Step 8:Organize a private meeting where you should call all those persons who

are ready to cooperate with you. Provide each of them adequate chance to voice

their concerns. ( We shall provide you presentation material and data for this

meeting ). Declare your program schedule to this gathering and seek their

support. Form a consultative committee from this group. Avoid public meetings

and public exposure at this stage.


Step 9: Prepare a draft composition of your PRC. Decide representation

percentage to each of the section of society. Decide this percentage to get the

best possible talent in the PRC from different sections. Finalize the

composition after discussion with consultative committee. Give the committee

members adequate time to discuss the draft.


Step 10: Declare your intention to set up PRC in your area to select group of

people. This group should include prominent political and social leaders,

recognized individuals who have won national or international awards, known

experts, retired high ranking government officials, retired high ranking

military officers, retired judicial officers, committee members of

representative organizations of different sections of society, active

individuals, and selected individuals from the sections which does not have

representative organization.


Step 11: Call a meeting of recognized individuals who have won national or

international awards, known experts, retired high ranking government officials,

retired high ranking military officers, retired judicial officers ask them to

select their representatives for PRC, as per the finalized composition.

Formally offer membership of PRC to selected individuals.


Step 12: Identify the individuals from those sections of society which does not

have representative organization in your area. Formally offer membership of PRC

to these individuals. Also assign them to set up representative organization of

their sectional constituency.


Step 13: Recognize the persons elected in previous civil election as

representative of their constituency and offer them membership. Also

communicate very clearly that if the offer is not accepted in writing within

seven working days, it shall be passed on to the person who stood as runner in

the election. Please note that this arrangement shall continue till we have our

own election machinery.


Step 14: Work out percentage of votes secured by each of the political parties

in the election. Prepare offer of membership to political parties based on

percentage of votes secured. Communicate clearly that if they are not willing

to participate in PRC, their share of seats shall be distributed amongst other

political parties.


Step 15: Simultaneously formally offer membership to organizations and

associations of workers industrialists, traders, teachers, doctors, and similar

other sections of society. Simultaneously formally offer membership to

organizations and associations of women, artists, backward classes (not

castes), NGO's, students, senior citizens etc. Please note that PRC is a self

evolving mechanism and hence the quality of the representation shall go up with



Step 16: Organize for first convention of your PRC, in the first convention you

shall elect chairman of the PRC, executive council, and discuss aims and

objectives of the movement. Use the first convention to create shared vision of

glorious future with the PRC members.


Step 17: Arrange for first meeting of Executive council, wherein chairman of

executive council shall be elected.


Step 18: You shall have achieved a major mile stone, now a mighty organization

is ready to lead people to empowerment. Now you are ready to lead BNA in other

areas or pursue improvement programs for citizens in your area with PRC, as you

shall choose.


Step 19: Executive Committee shall take up different issues related to town

planning, communication, electrical power, or any other subject of citizens

interested and take suitable actions to reign in the authorities. (This we

shall discuss at appropriate time)


In future mails we shall discuss other revolutionary arrangements.




Milind Kotwal


List of Constituencies: 1. Elected Representatives based on geographical constituency:

( a ) Directly Elected from geographic constituencies and

( b ) Nominated by political parties in proportion of votes polled

2.Representatives of workmen federations - Engineering, Construction, Chemical,

Textiles, Electronics, Farm and others

3. Representatives of Industrialist, businessmen, traders, Merchants chambers,

industries associations; Chambers of commerce, Manufacturers associations,

Merchants associations etc.

4. Representatives of Farmers organizations.

5. Representatives of organizations of professionals like Engineers, Chartered

accountants, Medical professionals, Law practitioners, Bankers, Journalists,

Teachers, Athletes and sportsmen etc.

6. Representatives of Research scientists, university experts, Civil servants,

representatives of Armed forces etc.

7. Representatives of Backward classes, Backward castes & Tribes, Women’s

bodies, NGO’s etc.

8. Distinguished and recognized personalities, Recipients of National &

International Awards, retired supreme court judges, high court judges, cabinet

and principal secretaries, senior officials of armed and paramilitary forces,

experts co-opted by National Executive council






Attachment: (image/gif) Milind Kotwal.gif [not stored]

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