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Dear Mohammad

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"Saudi Arabia itself was built and is running on the Varna system."


Dear Mohammad,

Respectful greetings.

I just wanted to address a couple of points you made.

I do not agree that either the Judeo-christian bibles, Quran or the

Vedic scriptures are faulty. Its the actions or misuse of them by

their supposed followers that can turn a message of love into an

action of hate.


The Vedas directly state that God is so amazing that they can only

offer a glimpse and not the actual reality of Divinity. But by

following their teachings, under the guidance of one who has seen the

truth, one is guaranteed to reach God.


About the Varna system, (which the caste system is a perverted

reflection of). It is important to understand what it truly is. The

fact is every society, human, animal, plant etc has a Varna system.

Ants have workers, Drones, Queens and gatherers. All human societies

have the same division. even the psuedo socialists former Soviet

Union or Marxist China had these same divisions.


Saudi Arabia itself was built and is running on the Varna system.

Professors, Teachers and Mullas=Brahmins,

Royal House of Saud, Police, Government and Military=Kshatriyas

Oil Execs, Farmers and Merchants=Vaishyas

Laborers and Artists=Shudras



the greatest sources of chaos in the world today is due to peoples

constant struggle to find out who and what they are. What unique

gifts do they individually have to offer society as a whole?it is a

mystery to most.


Hinduism had the opposite problem when it forced one to stay within a

certain caste based on birth rather than qualification or one's


In the Bhagavad Gita, the Song of God, Lord Krishan clearly says that

Varna is decided by one's natural qualities, actions and

inclinations. Never does He say it is based on one's bloodline or

familial ties. It is only logical.


Would you allow someone to do brain surgery just because his father

was a qualified brain surgeon? No. You would want to know whether

that particualr individual is suitable to operate based on that

persons record and talent.


The Bhagavad Gita's recognition of the Varna system is not a fault

but rather it is powerful proof of its insight and practicality.


The beautiful reality is that God so Loved the world, He has come to

all peoples and tribes on the earth and given them His message of

Love. (I believe the Quran clearly states this fact.)


The sooner Humanity can begin to honor God's Love by honoring the

many beautiful traditions He has given us, the sooner Peace on Earth

will be a reality.


Also it is important to never deny God's ability to do anything,

including eat, sleep, have sex or even be confused. If He wants, for

Lila or Divine Play, God can act like a baby or as the most powerful

Almighty King of creation. Of course, He is not required to do these

things. God has no requirements. As you said He just is. But we can

not deny His ability to do these things, if He so desires.


It is true, teachings at differant times and to differant peoples can

differ, but it should be upto the individual to spiritually evolve. A

societal enforcement that treats non-Muslims as lower or to pay extra

taxes etc is wrong. Such conversion tactics are not from the heart

and thus how can they be authentic or sincere. God can only be

reached by authentic love and sincerity. When such teachings have

lost their relevance because of superstition, dogmatic belief and the

essence of loving God is forgotten, then these teachings loose their



The very fact that Islam spread so far but didn't replace Hinduism,

Judaism or Christainity proves that these traditions are authentic

paths to Loving God therefore it is redundant and unnecessary to

replace them. Only where and when people had lost the essence of

Loving God has the great tradition of Surrender=Islam been succesful.


The statement that Mohammad, Peace be upon him, is the final last

prophet is easily understood when we understand that the message he

brought is the final and most important message. It is the same final

teaching in the Bhagavad Gita as well. So all the enlightened

teachers and Avatars since Muhammad(PBUH) are only reaffirming the

same final message. We really are one family, all children of the

same father, the All Comapssionate Allah.

Sincerely, Vrin Parker

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