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Forget this centralizing and bureaucracy.

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72-12-22. Letter: Karandhara Regarding your points about taxation, corporate

status, etc., I have heard from Jayatirtha you want to make big plan for

centralization of management, taxes, monies, corporate status, bookkeeping,

credit, like that. I do not at all approve of such plan. Do not centralize

anything. Each temple must remain independent and self-sufficient. That was my

plan from the very beginning, why you are thinking otherwise? Once before you

wanted to do something centralizing with your GBC meeting, and if I did not

interfere the whole thing would have been killed. Do not think in this way of

big corporation, big credits, centralization--these are all nonsense proposals.

Only thing I wanted was that books printing and distribution should be

centralized, therefore I appointed you and Bali Mardan to do it. Otherwise,

management, everything, should be done locally by local men. Accounts must be

kept, things must be in order and lawfully done, but that should be each

temple's concern, not yours. Krishna Consciousness Movement is for training men

to be independently thoughtful and competent in all types of departments of

knowledge and action, not for making bureaucracy. Once there is bureaucracy the

whole thing will be spoiled. There must be always individual striving and work

and responsibility, competitive spirit, not that one shall dominate and

distribute benefits to the others and they do nothing but beg from you and you

provide. No. Never mind there may be botheration to register each centre, take

tax certificate each, become separate corporations in each state. That will

train men how to do these things, and they shall develop reliability and

responsibility, that is the point. I am little observing now, especially in

your country, that our men are losing their enthusiasm for spreading on our

programmes of Krishna Consciousness movement. Otherwise, why so many letters of

problems are coming, dissatisfied? That is not a very good sign. The whole

problem is they are not following the regulative principles, that I can detect.

Without this, enthusiasm will be lacking. Even mechanically following, and if he

gets gradually understanding from the class, he will come to the point of

spontaneous enthusiasm. This spontaneous loving devotional service is not so

easy matter, but if one simply sticks strictly to the rules and regulations,

like rising early, chanting 16 rounds, chanting gayatri, keeping always

clean--then his enthusiasm will grow more and more, and if there is also

patience and determination, one day he will come to the platform of spontaneous

devotion, then his life will be perfect. All of this I have told you in Nectar

of Devotion. So I do not think the leaders are themselves following, nor they

are seeing the others are following strictly. That must be rectified at once.

Each centre remain independent, that's all right, but the president and other

officers must themselves follow and see the others are following the regulative

principles carefully, and giving them good instruction so they may understand

nicely why this tapasya is necessary. And GBC and Sannyasis will travel and see

the officers are doing this, and if they observe anything lowering of the

standard, they must reform and advise, or if there is some discrepancy I shall

remove it. Of course, if new men are coming, they may not be expected

immediately to take to our regulative principles cent per cent. Therefore we

should not be so anxious to induce them to live in the temple. Anyone who lives

in the temple must agree to follow the rules and regulations without fail. So if

some new man moves in with us he may become discouraged if he is forced in this

way. Therefore let them live outside and become gradually convinced in the

class why they should accept some austerity, then they will live with us out of

their own accord and follow nicely everything. It is very difficult to give up

very quickly so many bad habits as you have got in your country, so educate

them gradually, first with chanting, and do not be so much anxious to count up

so many numbers of new devotees, if such devotees go away later being too early

forced. I want to see a few sincere devotees, not many false devotees or

pretenders. So my point is that the regulative principles must be followed by

everyone. Otherwise their enthusiasm dwindles and they again think of sex and

become restless, and so many problems are there. There is some symptom of

missing the point. The point is to be engaged in doing something for Krishna,

never mind what is that job, but being so engaged in doing something very much

satisfying to the devotee that he remains always enthusiastic. He will

automatically follow the regulative principles because they are part of his

occupational duty--by applying them practically as his occupational duty, he

realises the happy result of regulative principles. So the future of this

Krishna Consciousness movement is very bright, so long the managers remain

vigilant that 16 rounds are being chanted by everyone without fail, that they

are all rising before four morning, attending mangal arati--our leaders shall

be careful not to kill the spirit of enthusiastic service, which is individual

and spontaneous and voluntary. They should try always to generate some

atmosphere of fresh challenge to the devotees, so that they will agree

enthusiastically to rise and meet it. That is the art of management: to draw

out spontaneous loving spirit of sacrificing some energy for Krishna. But where

are so many expert managers? All of us should become expert managers and

preachers. We should not be very much after comforts and become complacent or

self-contented. There must be always some tapasya, strictly observing the

regulative principles--Krishna Consciousness movement must be always a

challenge, a great achievement to be gained by voluntary desire to do it, and

that will keep it healthy. So you big managers now try to train up more and

more some competent preachers and managers like yourselves. Forget this

centralizing and bureaucracy.

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* List Members-


* I am just amazed by the statement below, and my faith in A.C.

Bhaktivedanta Swami, Prabhupada, is very much invigoured.



Krishna Consciousness Movement is for training men to be

independently thoughtful and competent in all types of departments of

knowledge and action, not for making bureaucracy. Once there is

bureaucracy the whole thing will be spoiled. There must be always

individual striving and work and responsibility, competitive spirit,

not that one shall dominate and distribute benefits to the others and

they do nothing but beg from you and you provide. No


* I have long thought that the way things are currently done in

ISKCON have the effect of turning out Shudras, followers, devotees

who are maintained and who have no independent initiative. Even the

pujaris in the temples have a life situation which is very much

characterized by Shudra description rather than anything brahminical.

They are 100% maintained and dependent, they can't be autonomous at

all or else they will have their allowance cut off, et cetera.


* I actually think that the traditional way, that Brahmins own the

temples and make a living from doing puja, is not half bad because at

least they have the autonomy and dignity of conserving their own

sadhana. No GBC who just manipulated more territory and power in the

meetings is going to come through, kick out the temple president, and

announce that everyone has to be out of the temple by 7:30 AM and

that there will be no more reading of the books, just selling of the

books. A modern ISKCON pujari has no such protection because he is in

a dependent position, the nature of the beast produces something

different from what Shrila Prabhupoada envisioned. A member of an

organization IS a follower, and is NOT autonomous, is nothinglike

what Shrila Prabhupada described above.


* What is the solution? Private ownership of temples?


* Dharma/Dean

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Dharma/Dean wrote:* What is the solution? Private ownership of temples?



No-- private ownership is not Srila Prabhupada's plan according to his WILL. The

temples were to be **managed**. ISKCON owned the temples. But unfortunately they

were deemed as personal private enterprises by those who captured top positions

and paid hugh salaries to themselves.


The WILL of Srila Prabhupada explains the temples situation. See below.


ys mahesh




I, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder-acarya of the International

Society for Krishna consciousness, Settlor of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, and

disciple of Om Visnupada 108 Sri Srimad Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvama

Maharaja Prabhupada, presently residing at Sri Krsna-Balarama Mandir in

Vrndavana, make this my last will:


1. The Governing Body Commission (GBC) will be the ultimate managing authority

of the entire International Society for Krishna Consciousness.


2. Each temple will be an ISKCON property and will be managed by three executive

directors. The system of management will continue as it is now and there is no

need of any change.


3. Properties in India will be managed by the following executive directors: a)

Properties at Sri Mayapur Dhama, Panihati, Haridaspur and Calcutta: Gurukrpa

Swami, Jayapataka Swami, Bhavananda Gosvami and Gopal Krsna das Adhikari. b)

Properties at Vrndavana: Gurukrpa Swami, Akahoyananda Swami, and Gopal Krsna

das Adhikari. c) Properties at Bombay: Tamala Krsna Gosvami, Giriraj das

Brahmahary, and Gopal Krsna das Adhikari. d) Properties at Bhubaneswar: Gour

Govinda Swami, Jayapataka Swami, and Bhagawat das Brahmachary. e) Properties at

Hyderbad: Mahamsa Swami, Sridhar Swami, Gopal Krsna das Adhikari and Bali Mardan

das Adhikari.


The executive directors who have herein been designated are appointed for life.

In the event of death or failure to act for any reason of any of the said

directors, a successor director or directors may be appointed by the remaining

directors, provided the new director is my initiated disciple following

strictly all the rules and regulations of the International Society for Krishna

Consciousness as detailed in my books, and provided that there are never less

than three (3) or more than five (5) exeutive directors acting at one time.


4. I have created, developed and organized the International Society for Krishna

Consiousness, and as such I hereby will that none of the immovable properties

standing in the name of ISKCON in India shall ever be mortgaged, borrowed

against, sold, transferred, or in any way encumbered, disposed of, or

alionated. This direction is irrevoable.


5. Properties outside of India in principle should never be mortgaged, borrowed

against, sold, transferred or in any way enumbered, disposed of, or alionated,

but if the need arrises, they may be mortgaged, borrowed against, sold, etc.,

with the consent of the GBC committee members associated with the particular



6. The properties outside of India and their associated GBC committee members

are as follows: a) Properties in Chicago, Detroit and Ann Arbor: Jayatirtha das

Adhikari. b) Properties in Hawii, Tokyo, Hong Kong: Guru Krpa Swami, Ramesvara

Swami and Tamal Krishna Gosvami. c) Properties in Melbourne, Sydney, Australia

Farm, (unreadable): Guru Krpa Swami, Hari Sauri, and Atreya Rsi. d) Properties

in England (London Radlett), France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland and

Sweeden: Jayatirtha das Adhikari, Bhagavan das Adhikari, Harikesa Swami. d)

Properties in Kenya, Mauritius, South Africa: Jayatirtha das Adhikari,

Brahmananda Swami and Atreya Rsi) e) Properties in Mexico, Venezuala, Brazil,

Costa Rica, Peru, Ecquador, Colombia, Chile: Hrdayananda Gosvami, Panca Dravida

Swami, Brahmanananda Swami. f) Properties in Georgetown, Guyana, Santo Domingo,

St. Augustine: Adi Kesava Swami, Hrdayananda Gosvami, Panca Dravida Swami. g)

Properties in Vanouver, Seattle, Berkeley, Dallas: Satsvarupa Gosvami, Jagidisa

das Adikari, Jayatirtha das Adikari. h) Properties in Los Angeles, Denver, San

Diego, Laguna Beach: Rameswara Swami, Satsvarupa Swami, Adi Kesava Swami.

i) Properties in New York, Boston, Puerto Rio, Port Royal, St. Louis, St Louis

Farm: Tamal Krishna Gosvami, Adi Kesava Swami, Rameswara Swami. j) Properties

in Iran: Atreya Rsi, Bhagavan das Adhikari, Brahmanananda Swami. k) Properties

in Washington D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, Montreal and (unreadable):

Rupanuga das Adhikari, Gopal Krishna das Adhikari, Jagadisa das Adhikari. l)

Properties in Pittsburg, New Vrndavana, Toronto, Cleveland, Buffalo:

Kirtanananda Swami, Atreya Rsi, Balavanta das Adhikari. m) Properties in

Atlanta, Tennessee Farm, Gainsville, Miami, New Orleans, Mississippi Farm,

Houston: Balavanta das Adhikari, Adi Kesava Swami, Rupanuga das Adhikari. n)

Properties in Fiji: Hari Sauri, Atreya Rsi, Vasudev.


7. I declare, say and confirm that all the properties, both movable and

immovable which stand in my name, including current accounts, savings accounts

and fixed deposits in various banks, are the properties and assets of the

International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and the heirs and successors

of my previous life, or anyone claiming through them, have no right, claim or

interest in these properties whatsoever, save and except as provided hereafter.


8. Although the money which is in my personal name in different banks is beiing

spent for ISKCON and belongs to ISKCON, I have kept a few deposits specifically

marked for allocating a monthly allowance of Rs. 1,000/- (unreadable addition)

to the members of my former family, these specific deposits (corpus, interest,

and savings) will become the property of ISKCON for the corpus of the trust,

and the descendants of my former family or anybody claiming through them shall

not be allowed any further allowance.


9. I hereby appoint Guru Krpa Swami, Hrdayananda Gosvami, Tamal Krishna Gosvami,

Rameswara Swami, Gopal Krsna das Adhikari, Jayatirtha das Adhikari and Giriraj

das Brahmachary to act as executors of this will. I have made this will this

4th day of June, 1977, in possession of full senses and sound mind, without any

persuasion, force or compulsion from anybody. Witnesses:

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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I do admit that private ownership of the temples was not Shrila

Prabhupada`s plan. But 25 years later, I have to question whether the

plan works, whether or not something should not have changed.


There is still no brahminical, religious profession for the devotees

to engage in, just selling stickers, or working for someone else as a

sudra of some sort, mixed in with a few vaishyas. Working within a

burocracy is still sudra work, religious or otherwise, and even at

that a person cannot support his familiy by dedicating himself to

temple burocracies, so one still has to go out and get a karmi job

and serve others and spoil his or her consciousness. Even on an

ISKCON farm, one can`t earn money ploughing the fields with some

donkey or ox, and one still has some needs, such as a car, so a

person still has to slip away and sell stickers or incense and incur

the wrath of society for being a beggar.


I think that if you were to harness capitalism and allow devotees to

set up temples and earn a living in them, through them, that that

would solve a few problems.






vediculture, "Mahesh" <mahesh@a...> wrote:

> Dharma/Dean wrote:

> * What is the solution? Private ownership of temples?


> +++++++++++


> No-- private ownership is not Srila Prabhupada's plan according to

his WILL.

> The temples were to be **managed**. ISKCON owned the temples. But

unfortunately they were deemed as personal private enterprises by

those who captured top positions and paid hugh salaries to themselves.


> The WILL of Srila Prabhupada explains the temples situation. See



> ys mahesh

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