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defence exports

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Admiral (retired) J G Nadkarni

Hollow promises

2020 was a good year for India's defence exports. The last of the three frigates

ordered by Oman had been launched and the other two delivered. The Saudi order

for 100 Arjun tanks had been completed well ahead of time and negotiations were

in an advanced stage for the delivery of 50 light combat aircraft to Malaysia.

Defence exports had crossed the Rs 15,000 crore target set for it and India had

truly established itself in the leading ranks of arms exporters. A dream?

Obviously. But a similar dream has been nurtured by successive defence

ministers and their ministries for the past twenty years. In the eighties, when

K C Pant was the defence minister, he set a target of Rs 200 crore for our

annual defence exports. This was revised upwards to Rs 500 crore by Sharad

Pawar during his tenure. Recently George Fernandes announced his aim to seek a

tenfold increase in our arms exports. Ironically, as the targets get revised

upwards, actual defence exports shrink. In the eighties we exported about Rs

120 crore worth of small arms, mostly to Arab countries. This came down to Rs

100 crore in the nineties and now stands at Rs 80 crore. In a typical case of

sour grapes the ministry always contends that we actually don't want to export

arms. The reality, unfortunately, lies elsewhere. In the gigantic arms bazaar

India stands nowhere. The fiercely competitive arms market is dominated by four

giants --- the United States, Russia, France, and Britain. But some of the other

countries like China, Brazil, Israel, South Africa, Poland, and Singapore are

also eating into the pie. They have succeeded in carving out small niches for

themselves. Not only has India not been able to export much, it has been one of

the top importers of arms for many years. There are many reasons why India has

not been able to make any inroads into the lucrative arms market. Any

shopkeeper knows that if you want to sell, you must have a good product to

sell, it must be priced competitively, and you must advertise it effectively.

India fails on all three counts. Despite having a huge Defence Research and

Development Organisation with over 45,000 employees and many laboratories, our

scientists have over 50 years failed to come up with a single world-class

product. Brazil developed the Embraer trainer aircraft and Israel the Uzi

submachine-gun, both world-beaters. The best that can be said about the DRDO's

Arjun tank is that it has not been very successful. The LCA is still many years

from full development and induction into the air force. Even when we are able to

offer a saleable product, the time and cost overruns associated with our

manufacturing units renders the product non-competitive. Consider the

following. Some years ago the Ministry of Defence set up an export

organisation. Saudi Arabia floated a tender for the supply of uniforms for

their armed forces. Now if anyone should have been able to walk away with the

tender it should have been our country. We have an ordnance factory that

specifically makes uniforms. Yet our bid was $20 per uniform set, while the

Chinese walked away with the order at a quotation of $9. India has three

shipyards under the MoD. They have built some fine ships in the past for the

Indian Navy. Unfortunately, assured orders from the Indian Navy, their esoteric

relationship with the MoD, and a reputation for time and cost overruns have made

them non-competitive in the warship-building market. Not a single shipyard has

secured a single order from abroad for many years. A few years ago Malaysia was

in the market for 26 offshore patrol vessels. Goa Shipyard made a bid with an

Indian-designed OPV. Despite much canvassing at the political level, India did

not make it even to the shortlist. Advertising is another area where we have to

improve standards. Go to any defence exhibition in the world. The Indian

pavilion, if there is one, will be the drabbest and most poorly presented among

the exhibitors. It is the equivalent of one of those ads by the income tax or

other government agencies you see in the newspapers, made by the government's

Department of Audio Visual Publicity. Whatever the pronouncements made by any

defence minister, India stands little chance of improving on its arms export

performance until all our present shortcomings are removed. Our chronic ills,

which prevent us from exporting, call for drastic remedies. The defence

ministry needs to undertake a form of divestment on its assets. To start with,

a major shake-up is required. Forget about exports, we have failed to stop

imports. The DRDO developed an MBT, but we still import tanks. The DRDO

developed guns, but we still imported Bofors. Why not disband the organisation

and auction off all its labs to the private sector? They may be able to put

them to better use. Of course there will be howls of protests about the

strategic importance of having them under defence. It would be well to

remember, however, that the entire US defence industry and a large part of

research and development is in private hands. Privatisation of all defence PSUs

and ordnance factories should be the second objective. For years the MoD has

been talking about involving the private sector in defence, but the progress,

like divestment, has been extremely slow. In the name of strategic security the

government is reluctant to hand over the production of lethal equipment to the

private corporate sector. But increasingly in the world, close relationships

are growing between governments and major multinational corporations, to the

advantage of the former. Boeing, Lockheed, Philips, Marconi and Thomson-CSF

today produce some of the most sophisticated, and thus the most exportable,

defence items. Given a chance Indian companies will be able to deliver what the

DRDO and the PSUs of the defence ministry have failed to produce so far. The

government must disband its defence empire or at least relax its monopoly and

stranglehold on this vital sector. The argument that this is necessary to

ensure strategic security will not wash anymore. Not if we want to increase our

pathetic defence exports in the future. The dream that has been kept alive by

the defence ministry is still very much achievable, but not if we keep making

empty statements and prescribing the same old medicine. Is the defence minister

willing to take the drastic steps that are required if he wants a tenfold

increase in defence exports? Admiral (retired) J G Nadkarni

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Nice DayUnity preceedes Strength Synchronize your efforts, avoid

duplication.THINK, ACT, INFLUENCE, to Un write back.Create Positive

Karmas by being Focussed, controlling senses, will power & determinationNever

boasts about yr victory and successKnowledge, Wealth, Happiness are meant to be

sharedBe Open Minded, pick up what yu like from the worldBe Thick skinned,

internalize criticism, do what yu think is rightLet not the power of your enemy

deter yu, fortitude is what the Geeta teachesStop cribbing, ACTION is what the

Indian scriptures talk aboutTake the battle into the enemy camp, SET THE

AGENDA, be proactiveIn an argument, no emotions, be detached, get yr facts

right, then attack with the precision of a missile

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