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crusade against crusaders

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CRUSADE AGAINST 'CRUSADERS' -- IX (12,Dec 2002)Print+Prime

Time=Perfidy!www.newstodaynet.com. (Newstoday is a Chennai based evening paper

that is widely read througout Tamil Nadu, its editor is T R Jawahar, you could

mail him feedback at trjawahar (AT) vsnl (DOT) net)

Knickerwallas. Mass Murderer. Caste Hindus. Hindutva agenda. Fascist,

Fundamentalist forces. Saffron brigade. Hindu fanaticism. Communal elements.

*#@*$?...... These are but a few samples from the secular lexicon of the

modern media of India. From banner headlines to the obituary columns of your

national dailies and before and after commercial breaks on PrimeTime panel

discussions, these words inundate ones eyes and ears day in and day out,

incessantly. So much so that they have all become accepted jargon in the

context of the BJP or Hinduism or the Sangh Parivar that there is not even a

cursory attention to their real import. Even cub reporters and trainee journos

get to use these terms and phrases as a matter of routine, quite easily,

indicating the extent to which their minds have been numbed by the prevailing

secular rhetoric. Probably, the media would get a measure of the wilful damage

they are causing to the subjects under their scrutiny only when the minorities

too get addressed in similar choice epithets, but you and I and our uncles,

all, know that will never happen. But when hurled against the majority

community, the usage becomes perfectly natural and obvious. As they say, the

Hindu can take it! Not that he had a choice. And indeed he has swallowed

it all without a whimper of protest. Really, it would take him no time to return

these verbal compliments and he can do it with greater conviction and force if

only he bothers to shed his suicidal tolerance a bit and rids himself of

unnecessary inhibitions. For, it is not he but the cossacked or gowned

communalists and the fez cap fanatics who deserve to be spoken in such words.

And when it is an undeniable historical fact that fascism and

religiousfanaticism are imported traits, patented and perfected by the

intruders into India, who either rode through the Khyber pass or landed on its

shores for commerce.


And that mass murder has been the permanent pastime of these marauders, to this

day. More so in the context of their communal exclusivism and irascible

intolerance flashing like neons at night. And particularly when there are loads

of proof that caste Christians too do exist in all glory in the promised land

with the white brigade watching over. And when it is common knowledge that

*#@*$?... are also true of the true faith and in fact in greater intensity. And

particularly when, to our dismay, all these self-evident truths are conveniently

glossed over by the mainstream media owing to its irrevocable commitment to

secularism! Reason why we cannot ask them whatever happened to their

larger, professional commitment to objectivity and fair play that dictates that

they look at all through the same prism. Ethics gone for a holiday, probably.

They would also turn a deaf ear to your complaints on how caste injustices and

oppressions within, say, the Christian community skip their vigilant eyes to

which even a trivial Hindu offence appears magnified. Myopia, most likely.

Again, no heed would be paid to yourelementary query why an act of crime like

rape, slips away innocuously when it is perpetrated by a high caste minority on

a low caste minority while the same attains a dangerous colour when it happens

within the Hindu pale. Jaundice, perhaps, we do not know. No one can also pull

them up for suggesting and then building up a case on that suggestion that it

was the upper caste Hindus who lynch Dalits or rape nuns and then blissfully

ignore the truths, which are just diametrically opposite of what they

suggested, as they tumble out in enquiry commissions, a few days later.

Amnesia, for sure. And why they keep insinuating that it is always the fault of

the Hindu victims for inviting tragedies upon themselves when they were actually

marked for the treatment, while the minority victims are always deemed

pre-determined targets of majority aggression even if it was only in

self-defence. Must be, those were the secularists days off! Indeed it

appears that the media deliberately clothes itself in ignorance when it comes

to minority excesses, particularly of the Christian community. It is always kid

gloves for them while the iron fists are reserved for the Hindus. For instance,

while a Sai Baba or a Sankaracharya is always baited for a slip of the tongue

or a chink in their armoury, roaring sexcapades of Bishops rocking the globe no

end rarely find a mention in due deference to the sentiments of their

counterparts here. PostSeptember 11, much debate has gone about even on Islamic

militancy, but on the activities of the Christian evangelists who are more

potent, it is ghostly silence. On the other hand there is every effort to stick

up for them. The mainstream English medias stand on the anti-forcible conversion

law in Tamilnadu is a striking testimonial of their duplicity. Lets for the sake

of argument concede that the editorial writers are dead right on their

assessment of the rising Hindu fundamentalism and its manifestation in the TN

law. But by the same token, is there not also a case for checking Christian

fundamentalism that is seeking to swell its numbers --for what purposes, we all

know -- by resorting to questionable and dubious means? How is it that such

intelligent, responsible, well-informed members of the fraternity are so

unaware of the machinations and mischiefs of the missionaries that even

pre-school children are quite familiar with? Do not these

instinctive-investigators smell a rat when the robed gentle(?)men stalk the

streets and countryside in search of souls for sale and then mange to procure

them wholesale? Were they obtained for nothing in return? Again, do these

guarantors of religious freedom vouchsafe that forced conversions are not

happening and are just a figment of the paranoid Hindu imagination?

Do they really believe that when oppressed people switch faith in droves, they

are actually courting a better order in their new religious dispensation? This

after seeing the matrimonial columns of their own newspapers? The billions

flowing into evangelical coffers, the on-going church planting spree, mass

faith-healing sessions that defy common sense, declarations by various

Christian denominations on their plans for India which are no secrets etc. etc:

Are all these deemed so trivial that they do not evoke even cursory concern

amidst the patriotic media who fancy themselves as custodians of national

interest? How is it that while the very sight of saffron raises their hackles,

the white gowns pass muster right under their sensitive noses? To put it in

more blunt terms, do they really believe that Archbishops are secular, so

secular thatstatements issued by them and under their ageis are deemed gospel

declarations of religious tolerance? How is it that the presshounds who are

trained to delve deeper always miss the wolfish glee that resides behind those

benign facades? Aah, how easily does mindless hatred delude ones good sense and

professional judgement! The slip is showing, mates! One can go on and on

about the media prejudices that are only getting starker by the day. While the

editorial as well as news pages of national dailies resemble politburos on

print, the starry eyed novices on the tube have given a new meaning for TV

Tunnel Vision. And the worst part is that if someone bothers to peep out of the

wool pulled by the media, he would get a Hindutva label pasted on his face

without any loss of time. Sold out on the saffronites, the chorus would claim.

But it does not matter that most of these cheer leaders are all either

Communist card holders or are officially on the payroll of party mouthpieces

masquerading as media. Yet their chastity is deemed intact. Indeed, it

is futile to expect them to look beyond their own hoods, for they wear it

willingly. To put it in popular parlance, most of them have long been converted

--from being journalists to apologists! But no one forced them, thats for

sure.(e-mail to the writer at trjawahar (AT) vsnl (DOT) net)

Discover your Indian Roots at - http://www.esamskriti.comTo mail -

exploreindia (AT) vsnl (DOT) net.Long Live Sanatan / Kshatriya Dharam. Become an

Intellectual KshatriyaGenerate Positive Vibrations lifelong worldwide.Aap ka

din mangalmaya rahe or Shubh dinam astu or Have a Nice DayUnity preceedes

Strength Synchronize your efforts, avoid duplication.THINK, ACT, INFLUENCE, to

Un write back.Create Positive Karmas by being Focussed, controlling

senses, will power & determinationNever boasts about yr victory and

successKnowledge, Wealth, Happiness are meant to be sharedBe Open Minded, pick

up what yu like from the world


Stop cribbing, ACTION is what the Indian scriptures talk aboutTake the battle

into the enemy camp, SET THE AGENDA, be proactiveIn an argument, no emotions,

be detached, get yr facts right, then attack with the precision of a missile

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