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Hindus, The Last Of The Pagans?

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December 20, 2002 VNN7681


Hindus, The Last Of The Pagans?




EDITORIAL, Dec 20 (VNN) — What is called paganism, heathenism, and

polytheism is in fact the Natural religion of humanity. In areas

where it has survived the onslaught of anti-human ideologies with

their ego gods, it has retained its self-respecting name. In Japan it

is Shinto, in Taiwan Confucianism And Taoism, and in India as



When Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire

under Constatantine, the natural humanistic beliefs were proscribed.

With the spread of Christianity after the fall of Rome, the story was

the same across Europe, the Maghreb and the former Roman Middle East.

The high philosophy of the Greeks, the ancient beliefs of ancient

nations like the Armenians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Celts, Teutones,

Norse, Slavs, and last of all, right up to the thirteenth century,

the Lithuanians, fell to the rapacious jaws of iconoclastic and

dogmatic Christianity. Under both the dominant Greek Orthodox and

Roman Catholic churches, manifestations of the natural religion was

condemned as sorcery, Satanism, and witchcraft. The incineration of

heretics at the stake replaced the pluralism which had been the

standard of classicalist Europe under Celtic, Roman and Greek

cultures. Schism and reformation brought no respite. The Russian

Orthodox church became perhaps the most backward and regressive of

all Christian sects. Protestants saw veneration of icons and

celebration of life as remnants of paganism which had to be stamped

out. The Catholic multinational machine became even more zealous. Yet

this could not stem rationalism which stemmed from the Renaissance, a

rediscovery of the classical past.


Christ now paled in the shadow of a resurrected Plato, Aristotle,

Socrates and Pythagoras. Voltaire saw that Confucianism made Chinese

civilization every much as valid as Europe but without the inflexible

dogmatism that made science a slave to the accursed one, the Church.

Thomas Jefferson pondered whether the Christian deity was a god or a

devil. It was these rationalist ideas, which fuelled The industrial

revolution, made western states the most powerful, brought ideas of

democracy and free thought, as well as toleration of pluralism in

personal belief. It had nothing to do with Christianity, which now

sought refuge in opposition or mutated form, seeking allies with

Fascists, National Socialists, and Marxists, people for whom the very

idea of personal belief was a complete anathema.


In Europe today Christianity presents a different face, of

compassion, equality, multiculturalism, and interfaith pluralism. But

this has not been the case throughout history. It is not even the

case now in India. While the fundamentalist Christian propaganda

machine, losing souls it once considered its private property in

Europe, pumps out the blatant untruth of Hindus as Nazis,

fundamentalists, and satanic followers in India, it is forgotten just

how much damage Christianity did to the paganism of Europe. How many

were burnt at the stake or killed by some other means? How many were

forcibly converted by zealous crusaders like Charlemagne? How many

temples were desecrated and turned into churches for the one ego god?

How many Pagan festivals were reincarnated as Christianity such as

Christmas itself? Yet this is happening in India right now.


In the northeast Christian inspired terrorists are wiping out the

indigenous Hindus. Pope John Paul II has said that the future harvest

lies in India, and that Hinduism should be annihilated where it

contradicts the teaching of the church, which means that it will be

annihilated per'se, just as paganism was in Europe. The pagans of

Europe who have been told they must have nothing to do with the Hindu

Nazis of India should ask themselves if they should believe an

ideology which threw Europe under its dogmatic boot for almost two

millennia, and yet now cries wolf in the face of resistance in India,

the last refuge of what it calls paganism.


The propaganda machine pumps out a stream of stories that Hindu Nazis

are persecuting Christians. But is it never asked just exactly what

Christians are doing converting Hindus in India by? fraud, force or

bribery, desecrating Hindus shrines, and demanding heroic status for

criminals like Francis Xavier. How quickly the Inquisition of Goa has

been forgotten. If paganism is to be revived and flourish as it once

did, the pagans of Europe needs to ask themselves this, Should they

keep calling themselves by the term pagan, an insulting subjective

term invented by the close-minded church? Second, should they not

have sympathy for the Hindus of India, who are suffering the same

fate that their like minded spiritual brethren did in Europe

centuries of Europe?


India is the spiritual mother of natural religion. Without India the

natural beliefs of humanity can never be fully realised. Can the

pagans of Europe thus sit back and let happen in India what they have

taken almost two thousand years to throw off themselves? These are

not issues for the next few years, but ideas long overdue for now. It

must be understood that a renewed fundamentalist church in India

would threaten the physical existence of neo-pagans of Europe. The

battle between rationalism and dogmatism is not yet over.


Hindu Human Rights



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