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Hindu's don't care about Christian domination

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10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy">It sounds pretty simply to me. They are

willing to invest hard cash and their own lives in the cause. I don’t see

Hindus putting in $200,000 to help those Americans

or Indians preach ‘hinduism’ in the West or in


color:navy">. The formula is pretty simple. The most

dedicated win. I see the Christian dedication to ‘spread the word.’

Are the Hindus. It seems that you are a lone voice in your

concern in the Christian domination of


color:navy"> and Hinduism. Give it up. Your Hindu brothren

don’t care. Why should you. Lol





sanjeev nayyar

[exploreindia (AT) vsnl (DOT) net]

Friday, January 03, 2003

3:38 AM


[world-vedic] 120

missionaries to hyd


cross post

12.0pt;margin-left:.5in">Missionary Alert

About 120 missionaries are on the way to Hyderabad in

the next two weeks. They are part of a global mission

and mainly Americans. They have raised over two

hundred thousand dollars for the journey. They are

obviously targeting Hyderabad and surrounding areas.

Yesterday, I left work and walking towards home when

two young men (in their early 20s) stopped me and

asked if I knew about Jesus, the son of God. I said

that they believe in the son, but I believe in God

Himself !


I said I was a Hindu. They said they were from a

mission. They said they wanted to find out more about

Hinduism and wanted to talk to me in a café, I knew it

was going to be to try and convert me. But I also knew

that I have never lost in a discussion with a follower

of Christ and I saw it as an opportunity to educate

them. Usually, it ends up with the follower shouting

abuse when they had no answers to my questions but in

this occasion it was different. This time, when they

had no answer they merely changed the subject. They

truly believed in converting the world and were well

rehearsed in psychology needed for persuading others.

I won the battle in the discussion but I had all the

answers for them and the ammunition of

counter-questions; I am not sure how they will fare in


One man was a German who gave up his profession to

join the mission spending essentially his own money,

he was not going to India. The second man was an

American who was financed by the mission along with

over a hundred others, he was going to India for three


I started by asking how many people were killed in the

name of Jesus who said the earth was round (the Church

maintained it was flat and killed anyone who opposed

that view). I asked how many civilisations have been

destroyed in the name of Christ (including the ones in

South America) etc. They tried to separate Jesus's

words from the Church; I said that the Church has

hijacked Jesus's words, and they agreed.

I asked how the Bible states the earth is 6000 years

old when there are so many monuments over 10 000 years

old and the Vedas are over 10 000 years old. They said

that science was wrong in dating; I was surprised that

all logic is discounted in these otherwise intelligent


I stated that there are some teachers who teach

Hinduism, Christianity and Islam as equal, they asked

how could it be the same? They were not willing to

consider anything beyond the confines of what they

were led to believe.

They said Jesus is the way, I said Jesus is one

possible way amongst many other ways. I told them the

story of the four blind men and the elephant, each

feeling different parts (leg, tail, nose, ear) and

describing the elephant as different but not knowing

the whole. I said that they are like one of these

blind men, looking at one part without realising the


I said I could not believe in eternal hell, a main

belief of Christians and a means of controlling and

scaring the population. I don't believe a loving and

forgiving God can be vengeful enough to an

everlasting hell. God will always give another chance

but this was alien to the missionaries. They said

anyone that does not surrender to Jesus will suffer

hell. They said that there was only a small time left

for people to accept Jesus, after a period it will be

too late and anyone left will suffer hell. I

questioned the logic of their belief, when Jesus said

'Love thy neighbour' throughout history they have not

been able to practise that.

One of their main attacks will be the Hindu belief in

'a million gods'. I explained that our belief is that

the God is everywhere and God will appear in a form

that appeals to an individual. Hinduism recognises the

individuality of humans, what appeals to one person

does not necessarily appeal to others. I explained

there is only one God but many facets of that God and

individuals pray of the facet that suits their


I questioned the missing thirty odd years in the life

of Jesus. How could that be? They said there was a

reference in the Bible about when Jesus was about 11

but accepted that there was a big blank for over

thirty years and wished there was something written. I

said that even though Ramayana, Mahabharata and other

Scriptures were much older than the Bible, at least we

had all the life evidence.

They said that Jesus talks to them and they see Jesus.

I said I too talk to God and have seen God. In all

such talk, they asked me for examples.

They said that we only have one chance. I explained

Karma and Reincarnation; this was alien to them. I

told them about the time when the early Christians

were split into two main groups in Rome and Spain. The

Romans sent an army to destroy the Spanish beliefs to

take control of the religion and thus power. I

explained about the change in Christian belief when

Reincarnation was discarded in about the sixth

century. I informed about the 200 000 or so 'witches'

killed in Europe in the name of Jesus. The

missionaries had no idea of their own history and were

not interested in finding out more.

I told them I had read the Bible but it did nothing

for me. Yet just reading two chapters of the Bhagvad

Gita totally transformed my life. I asked them to read

the Bhagvad Gita. They were reluctant saying that they

were not interested as they had found their faith.

As it was getting late, we stopped the discussion.

I hope the two missionaries went home thinking about

our discussion but I got the feeling they were there

to talk and not to listen. Everytime I said something

they could not respond to, they quickly changed

subject and tact. I was surprised at the number going

to India. This was just one mission of many missions.

Most missions in the past have failed but still they

keep coming and still they get huge funds to finance

the missions. We need to arm people to counteract the

missionaries. These people learn from their past

failures and we need to get better in counteracting.

We also need to learn from how they organise and teach

individuals. In this game as any other, the best form

of defence is attack, not to follow the missionaries

identically for Hinduism is different, but to spread

the Hinduism around the world by informing logically

and by winning arguments.



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Synchronize your efforts, avoid duplication.

THINK, ACT, INFLUENCE, to Un write back.

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Knowledge, Wealth, Happiness are meant to be shared

Be Open Minded, pick up what yu like from the world


Stop cribbing, ACTION is what the Indian scriptures

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Take the battle into the enemy camp, SET THE AGENDA, be proactive

In an argument, no emotions, be detached, get yr facts right, then attack with

the precision of a missile

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Vedic Culture, with a focus on its historical, archeological and scientific

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Remember, Vedic Culture is not an artificial

imposition, but is the natural state of a society that is in harmony with God

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