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Re. VEDIC DHARMA is Monotheistic

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Dear Vrin,


Yours was an excellent text. Yes, of course, there is only ONE reality. You can

call it anything but there is only ONE: the totality of consciousness called

Brahman. It is just the individual perception that picks up just one aspect,

however glorified and great or small, from it. brahmarpanam, brahmahavir,

brahmaagnau, brahmanahutam… (Ask anyone who differs: Wherefrom comes the second

if not from the ONE)


Re. your discussion of the term “religion”. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in his almost

40-years old book The Science of Being and the Art of Living emphasizes the

latin root of the term: re means back, ligare means binding. So religion means

that which binds back to the source.


Veda gives clear and systematic methods for this binding back to the source –

Brahman – no other religion gives clear and scientific ways. So, if Veda is a

religion than no other so-called religions deserve that name (least of all the

christian religion). But if we call for example the christian faith a religion,

then Veda – Sanatan Dharm - clearly cannot be a religion because of that basic

difference of approach to life.







PS. An excerpt from a Press Conference answer by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi –



So God, when we say God then we have two values: silence, dynamic. Two values:

Silence and dynamism. What is dynamism against silence? These are the different

modes of silence that make dynamism (laughing). What make action is (laughing),

what make action is, move of silence. Silence moves and it becomes action. So

the whole thing is: silence, oneness. All diversity is: flow of oneness.


Eternal existence of silence is eternal flow of silence. Just a matter of a

viewpoint. You look at it: silence, absolute silence. But you look at it from

always silence, today silence, tomorrow silence, next day silence, next year

silence. Then you see: Oh, silence is flowing. The moment silence is flowing, it

is dynamism, it is activity. So ultimately the reality is that it is all

silence. And that is Purusha value.


That Purusha value is the chief controller. And that is the ideal of

administration, that the consciousness is all itself. And being all itself it

has a catalytic character. A catalytic character. What does a catalyst do? It

does not do anything. By its presence it allows creativity in its atmosphere. So

Purusha, a catalyst, is the sole commander-in-chief. And the commander-in-chief

does not fight. Just by his presence his army fights.


Like that the army is the Brahman, the Total Natural Law. The Total Natural Law

by its virtue, present in every grain of creation, and in the totality of the

creation, is the same silence, same silence, same silence. That is the reality

and that is why we say unity in diversity, diversity in unity.


Activity is a flow of silence. And steadiness of activity is silence. Both ways.

Whether we talk of silence in terms of dynamism, or dynamism in terms of

silence. It comes out to be the same thing. That is why the ultimate reality is:

“I am totality”. Total silence and total dynamism both are two aspects of my own

nature. I am all that is important. “Aham Brahmasmi” I am Totality. And not only

I am totality. Thou art also That. “Tat vam asi” - “Tat vam asi” thou art That.


And I am That and not only you are That, not only I am That but All this is

That: “Sarvam kalvidam Brahm”. All this is That. It is a beautiful, beautiful

reality of one’s own individual being in terms of Cosmic Being.


It is a very beautiful thing that we are having it now on the level of

administration of our family of nations now. Raja Ram is the controller, all

silence, all silence, and in his presence all dynamism, all dynamism. Forty are

the ministries of the silent Raja Ram, the first ruler of the Global Country of

World Peace




> Message: 4

> Tue, 10 Dec 2002 10:27:48 -0000

> "vrinparker " >

> VEDIC DHARMA is Monotheistic





> What a pity that the very country which gave the Vedas to the

> world is now dire need of such a work on Vedic Dharma. Vedic

> Dharma has remained an easy target for Western gibes .The

> uneducated in Bharat (so very preponderant numerically) are

> naturally ignorant of the vedas.


> One of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted word

> is "Dharma". The popular English translation of the term > >

> is "religion". But the term religin is not fully expressing

> all that "Dharma" connotes. At best, the term "religion" may

> be an acceptable equivalent for the term, "sect" but not for

> the term, "Dharma".


> "Dharma" is the name given not to any set of dogmatic

> beliefs, but to all noble qualities that save the




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