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Kali Is Himself Converted By Gauranga's Love

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Kali Is Himself Converted By Gauranga's Love





EDITORIAL, Dec 26 (VNN) — 37 - (Attended by Irreligion, Kali enters)


- Kali: Friend Irreligion, the playwright spoke the truth.


- Irreligion: What was that?


38 - Kali: He said: "The waning moon may decrease day by day, but

how is it possible for wicked Kali-yuga to overcome they who have

taken shelter of Lord Visnu's feet?"


39 - Irreligion: Friend, king of Kali-yuga, this wretch insulted you

by calling you "wicked". O sinful wretched playwright, listen: You

have insulted Kali, who uprooted the monarch religion and his

soldiers purity, good conduct, austerity, tolerance, equanimity,

self-control, discrimination, and other virtues, who blinded

religion's friends that purify others with a glance, and who has me

as his obedient servant.


40 - Stand! Sinner, Stand! Stand! You must say where religion is,

there is Krsna, and where Krsna is, there is victory. But when there

is no religion, where is Krsna, who alone can destroy Kali?


41 - Kali: Friend, don't criticise the playwright. Consider this:


42 - Friend, my time is now passed. A boy has taken my powers away

just as a poison-herb destroyed the great serpent Taksaka.


43 - Irreligion: King of the yuga, who is this boy? Is he a wretched

murderer? Has he killed the entire earth? - Kali: Neither. He is not

to be feared.


- Note: Irreligion interpreted the word "kumaraka' (boy) in the

previous text to mean either "wretched murderer"

(kusita+maraka=kumaraka) or "killer of the earth" (ku=earth and



44 - Kali: Born in Navadvipa as the son of Saci-devi and Jagannatha

Misra Purandara, this boy has cut my work into pieces.


45 - Irreligion: (laughing) O king of the yuga, out of fear of the

splendour of the ferocious sun of your powerful arms, the bull of

religion, who has only one leg left, is now silent as an owl hiding

in a mountain cave. Your feet are served by many servants like

myself. How has your mind become so bewildered that you fear a

brahmana boy? 46 - Kali: Friend, he is not just a brahmana boy. He

is a boy that is the master of all the demigods.


47 - Purifying the world and placing in its heart the nectar

teachings of devotion to Lord Hari, playing as a boy, and splendid

as a golden lotus, Lord Hari has incarnated in a brahmana's home.


48 - By taking birth during an eclipse of the full moon He tricked

the people of the world to chant Lord Hari's name at His birth.


- Note: To counteract the inauspiciousness of the lunar eclipse the

people of India chanted Lord Hari's holy name.


49 - Irreligion: You are bewildered. It is like the kaka-taliya-



It is only a coincidence, although you think it is not. Listen. Oh,



- Note: The kaka-taliya-nyaya is the example of a crow landing on

the branch of a tala tree. The moment the crow lands on the branch a

fruit from a higher branch falls and hits him on the head. One may

think the bird's landing on the branch caused the fruit to fall, but

that is not so. The two actions are not related. It is only a



50 - You are very powerful. You have many strong helpers. What is

this new sprout of a brahmana boy in comparison to You whose roots

are so old and firm? How did you become so bewildered to fear this

boy? 51 - Kali: Friend, hear the truth. Time, place, age, and family

have no meaning to Him. He has come to this world of His own accord.

Like a newly rising sun, He removes the blinding darkness.


52 - He is not without helpers. Before He Himself came He sent His

dear associates to the earth.


53 - Advaita Acarya is the incarnation of Lord Siva. Nityananda

Avadhuta is glorious Lord Sankarsana. Srivasa, the tilaka mark of

the brahmanas, who is accompanied by Srikanta, Sripati, and Srirama,

is the incarnation of Narada Muni.


54-5 - Acaryaratna, Haridasa, Murari, Gangadasa, Gadadhara Pandita,

Vidyanidhi, Vasudeva, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, Mukunda, Vakresvara,

Nrsimha, Suklambara, Damodara, Sankara, Jagadananda, and many

others, reservoirs of love, expert at tasting the nectar dances of

many kinds of pastimes, and friends of the Lord since childhood,

have come to the earth to save the world.


56 - Irreligion: What is the proof He is God?


57 - Kali: Friend, because He is full of bliss, the Supreme

Personality of Godhead attracts everyone's heart. That is His

extraordinary nature.


Supremely blissful, He can make the living entities also blissful,

just as a wealthy person can make someone else wealthy also. This

boy fills everyone's heart with wonder. That is the sign of the

Supreme Personality of Godhead.


58 - Even in childhood His virtues, beginning with profound

thoughtfulness, peacefulness, perfect memory, intelligence,

happiness, wisdom, sweetness, and love, attract everyone. With this

proof who will not accept that He is Lord Visnu? 59 - Irreligion: He

is not the only one. Some people are extraordinary.


60 - Kali: No. (Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita 10.42): - "Know that all

beautiful, glorious and mighty creations spring from but a spark of

My splendour."* 61 - According to the Lord's own words, the presence

of millions of great qualities in others only proves His greatness.

We ourselves are proof, for we do not fear any conditioned soul.


62 - Irreligion: King of the yuga, I hear He is married.


63 - Kali: When the Supreme Personality of Godhead descends to the

material world, His potency, beautiful goddess Laksmi also descends.


Imitating the pastimes of ordinary men, He accepted Her, stayed with

her for some days, and then sent her far from the eyes of this world.


64 - She also has a humanlike form. Scripture says: - "When the

Supreme Personality of Godhead assumes a demigod form, Goddess

Laksmi assumes a demigod form, and when the Lord assumes a humanlike

form, she assumes a humanlike form."


65 - He will marry beautiful Visnupriya, the partial incarnation of

Bhu-devi and then, teaching the importance of renunciation, while

still young He will leave her.


66 - His elder brother, Visvarupa, was Lord Sankarsana descended to

this world. Not marrying, Visvarupa accepted sannyasa, gave His

personal powers to Isvara Puri, and disappeared.


67 - Irreligion: (Thinking for a moment, he says to himself): This

is a great calamity. With great cleverness I should be able to

dissuade him, but...


68 - ...now my heart is withered, my limbs are weary, my senses are

in disarray, my memory is broken, and my determination is shaken.

For this calamity there is no cause other than the holy name of the



69 - Kali: Friend, know, know that I have seen it myself.


70 - Irreligion: Friend, there is a way to defeat Him, save us from

misfortune, and make us happy.


- Kali: Friend, what is that?


71 - Irreligion: Friend, nothing is impossible for lust and your

other generals. The strength of their arms has placed the entire

world under your umbrella.


72 - Now that they have conquered all directions, they have returned.


Each having conquered a different direction, they have removed all

thorns of opposition to your rule, and now, all doubts shaken away,

they will return, O Lord, to your feet.


73 - Let us use them all at once to defeat Him. I will describe

their prowess.


74 - The god of lust if famous for conquering the three worlds. By

the strength of his arms Brahma approached his own daughter, and

Siva ran after Mohini. What are other, tiny people? They are like

the pet kittens of women.


75 - Kali: Friend, you don't know His power. The god of lust was

himself defeated when he tried to conquer Lord Narayana. No

conditioned soul has the power to bewilder Lord Hari.


76 - I sent my generals to conquer Him, and they promised as soon as

His childhood was over they would, but it was not possible.


77 - In the prime of His youth He left His young wife splendid as

goddess Laksmi and, protecting His own religious teachings, went to

Gaya and performed the funeral rites for His father.


- There He accepted as His guru Isvara Puri, who by fate had come

there. Sri Caitanya, the master of all self-controlled yogis, then

accepted the ten-syllable mantra from His guru, who had learned it

from Madhavendra Puri.


78 - Then He returned home. Now, in the company of His dear friends,

headed by Srivasa, Rama and Haridasa, by singing, dancing, acting in

religious plays, and crying, He plunges the three worlds in oceans

of bliss.


How can the god of lust even approach Him? 79 - Irreligion: Friend,

don't talk in that way.


80 - They who, by practising very terrible austerities, following

vows, controlling the mind and senses, and meditating in yogic

trance, wisely spat out, even in the post of Brahma, the opulences

of this world, and easily conquered the unconquerable enemies headed

by the god of lust, fell from the slight touch of anger. How will He

defeat anger?


81 - Kali: Friend, What can pathetic anger do? To two impious miser

brahmana brothers named Jagannatha (Jagai) and Madhava (Madhai),

whose hearts burned with the five great sins, who troubled everyone,

who stole from others, who beat the drums of lies, and whose hearts

became more polluted day by day, He was kind, called for them and

when they were brought before Him, said: "You are both poisoned by

many sins. Please give Me all the sins you have committed," and as,

stunned with wonder, they said, "we give them to You," and poured

water from their hands, and as they both became effulgent, trembled,

wept with bodily hairs standing erect, became plunged in the waters

of bliss, and with throats choked with emotion chanted "Krsna!

Krsna!" and as by engaging in eternal devotional service their lust

and other vices left them and they now walked on the path of the

great devotees, and as everyone that saw this, became filled with

bliss, free of all doubts, and motionless as a painted picture, He

(Lord Caitanya) attracted and charmed them all.


82 - With a sidelong glance He lightens all sins and tears apart

lust and all other vices in the hearts of others. How can He be

overcome with anger? - (Behind the scenes is a blissful tumult).


83 - Kali: (listening) Friend, listen. I hear tumultuous sounds of

bliss from Srivasa's house. I can guess these are limitlessly

glorious pastimes that fill the heart with wonder.


- (Behind the scenes are sounds of various musical instruments and

sounds of "ululu".)


84 - Kali: (carefully looking) Your guess is true. It's as if I can

see it.


85 - Look! The blissful calls of the brahmana's young wives, the

sounds of "Jaya! Jaya!" the playing of many instruments, and the

unrestrained conchshells and bells are a great festival like a flood

of nectar. I must get a closer look. (He does that.)


86 - A Voice from Behind the Scenes: Rama, quickly bring the arghya

and other things! Sripati, quickly bring 108 excellent new jars!

Srikanta, from every direction have the brahmanas and good women

bring water from the Ganges!


87 - Kali: Friend, I see Srivasa giving duties to his brothers. I

think the great abhiseka festival of ecstatic Lord Visvambharadeva,

who is now revealing that He is the Supreme, has begun.


88 - Irreligion: If He is the independent Supreme Personality of

Godhead, then why is He overcome with ecstasy?


89 - Kali: Friend, listen. Although He is always the Supreme

Personality of Godhead, because He is supremely independent He does

not always reveal His identity to others. By His own wish He

sometimes performs actions that seem material . The wise call these

His sweet pastimes.


90 - (Again looking behind the scenes) Friend, look! Look! In

Srivasa Brahmana's home, which has become like Ilavrta-varsa

splendid with waves of light from the rising sun on the peak of

golden Mount Meru, He (Lord Caitanya), as a madman overcome with

bliss and as the splendour of sudden lightning, enters the Deity-

room, ascends the throne of the Salagrama-sila and other Deities,

pushes Them aside, sits down, and is surrounded by all the devotees

as they hastily run to and fro expertly bringing articles of

worship, shedding tears, the hairs of their bodies erect, and their

hearts pure from defeating the enemy that is material desire.


91 - Again a voice from behind the scenes: Rama, bring pure,

fragrant water. Mukunda, arrange the paraphernalia for the bathing



Gadadhara, bring the clothing, garlands, ornaments and other things.


92 - Kali: (looking behind the scenes in every direction) Friend,

look! Look!


93 - Carrying auspicious jars in their hands, the women come and go.


They go from the town to the Ganges and from the Ganges' shore to

the town.


In their words are His pastimes, in their eyes tears, on their

bodies trembling, on their braids looseness, and on their cheeks

hairs erect in ecstasy. This is very wonderful.


94 - Irreligion: It is said that loosened braids are a symptom of



95 - Whenever doe-eyed women walk, there Kamadeva conquers. Can a

general conquer alone without a conquering army? 96 - Kali: Loosened

braids agitate men and women whose hearts are filled with lust, but

they do not agitate they who are free of material desire.


97 - ((From behind the scenes tumultuous sweet sounds of the purusa-

sukta prayers)


- Kali: (looking) Ah! Wonderful!


98 - As water continually falling from Brahma's kamandalu, or as the

swiftly flowing heavenly Ganges on a always flooded Mount Sumeru,

the abhiseka-water flowing from Lord Gauranga's body floods the four

directions of the world.


99 - Before the lotus feet of Sri Visvambhara, who is now bathed,

His body dried with a towel, splendidly dressed in clean garments,

with great happiness anointed and decorated by some devotees, His

lotus feet washed, and His fair splendour rivalling the glory of the

world, all the devotees, aware that He is both different and not

different from everything, overcome with love, and according to

their own powers, place gold, jewels, belts, and many valuable



100 - Irreligion: Friend, this is greed's opportunity. Greed, which

destroys patience, hates happiness, and stops humility, will somehow

defeat Him. Even Lord Visnu became greedy for the goddess of fortune

and the great Kaustubha gem churned from the milk ocean.


101 - Kali: It's not like that. (looks) Look! Look! It is so.


102 - He does not speak. He does not see. He does not hear anything.


Stunned with bliss, He shines with great splendour.


103 - Irreligion: Friend, these are the actions of a madman.

Powerful madness makes the eloquent silent, the sighted blind, the

hearing deaf, and the wise foolish. What calamity does it not bring?

104 - Why worry? If there is one fault, then there may also be all

other faults. This is confirmed by the words "eka-yoga-nirdistanam

saha va pravrttih, saha va nivrttih."


105 - Your lieutenant envy, who pollutes the heart with an

intolerance of others' good fortune, who creates cruelty and deceit,

who burns as a fire in a tree hollow, who turns those it defeats

into demons, and who upsets the entire world, hides within Him.


106 - Again a voice from behind the scenes: O! O! Advaita! These 54

hours have passed for Him as a moment. Now that He is in this

ecstasy, how can we tiny people continue to serve Him?


107 - Let us all pray that out of kindness to His devotees He will

give up His ecstasy and return to external consciousness.


108 - Kali: Friend, listen! Listen! The devotees cannot bear His

power and opulence. That's what Srivasa is saying.


109 - Irreligion: I heard. Madness is in their hearts. And delusion.


110 - If He is really in ecstasy he cannot leave his trance. Madness

and pride in His heart, He falsely thinks the world is a blade of

straw. If they are not bewildered, why do His followers take his

words seriously?


- Kali: Out of love.


- Irreligion: Then you say when it is directed to ordinary people it

is delusion and when it is directed to anyone else, to the great

souls, it is love.


111 - Kali: Fool, that is the way conditioned souls think. Because

they are conditioned they think one is great and another small.

(Again looks behind the scenes) Oh! What is this?


112 - All the devotees headed by Advaita and all the women headed by

the wives of Srivasa and his brothers fall as sticks to the ground.

I understand. The Lord has opened His eyes like two blossoming

lotuses dripping the honey of His mercy, lotuses that had been

closed by the waves of His ecstasy.


113 - (Again looks for a long time) Very wonderful!


114 - In a voice deep as thunder saying "Fix your minds on Me," the

Lord places His lotus feet on their heads. With tears, anxiety,

trembling, coolness, bodily hairs erect, joy, and intense eagerness,

they are now overcome with ecstasy.


115 - Now they are all coming here. Come. I think we should go

somewhere else.


116 - Irreligion: Friend, where do you think I should go? - Kali:

(thinks) Listen.


117 - Kali: You can stay among they who blaspheme the spotless

character of Lord Caitanya, who has learning, morality, austerity,

exalted lineage, and the highest asrama. Your wife, Lies, can stay

among the atheists, and your son, Deception, can stay among the dry

impersonalists and the materialists. Don't be unhappy.


118 - Irreligion: As you like. (They both exit. Thus ends the



>From Srila Kavi Karnapura's Sri Caitanya-candrodaya

Translated by Shriman Kusakratha dasa

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