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the death of a dream

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Flt Lt Abhijit Gadgil, Abhi to friends, was my kid-brother. Born to a mother

proud of the uniformed services and a father serving as a pilot in the Indian

Air Force (IAF), we grew up together in various cantonments across the nation.

Throughout our childhood, Abhi had but one dream: to join the IAF and fly

fighters. He never wanted to be a postman or an engine driver like other normal

kids. As they say, “The whole world steps aside for a man who knows where he is

going”, and sure enough, with a single-minded focus and determination, Abhi got

his ‘wings & rings’ (the IAF licence to fly and his commission) in December

1996. He served in the 52 Squadron in the North-Eastern areas and the 23

Squadron on the Western borders.


17 September 2001, 2011 hours, Suratgarh Rajasthan. Day One of dark phase (New

Moon). Flt Lt Abhijit Gadgil (Service Number 24212-G) is Lexus 1, leading with

another colleague as Lexus 2. Just 33 seconds after take-off from runway 05, at

2012, without transmitting or trying to eject, Abhijit goes down at 470 kmph

straight as an arrow 3 km from the 230 dumbbell into the sand, digging a 9-feet

deep hole. Aircraft (MiG-21 BIS #2071) disintegrates and blows on impact (N29

degrees 24.0 minutes E72 degrees 55.13 minutes, elevation 601 feet). Later, it

is found that the aircraft was in an inverted dive.


A young life, a professional pilot, a son, a brother, a husband, an officer & a

gentleman, Flt Lt Abhijit Anil Gadgil made the ultimate sacrifice for his



The IAF branded it ‘pilot error’ and took away even his right to die with

honour, perhaps the only thing of value to a soldier. We have not been told his

exact cause of death, or shown a copy of the inquiry findings or allowed to

challenge it in the court of law. In fact, we have been consistently &

deliberately stonewalled.


We have now taken up cudgels on his behalf and the behalf of all the men in

uniform, especially the magnificent men in their flying machines serving at our

borders in conditions we cannot fathom operating machines that can best be

described as death traps.


This fight is not just about training or the AJTs. Abhijit had hundreds of hours

(if memory serves me right, over 500) of experience on the MiG-21, he was

cleared for day-night/all-weather operations and was a two aircraft leader.


This fight is not just about the conditions in which they serve the defence of

this country or the salaries (pittance) they get paid. If there was anything

Abhi had to say about this, it was this, “I am in the IAF out of choice. This

uniform has to be earned, it is not a favour I am doing but my privilege to



This fight is not even just about the MiGs or the IAF or corruption in the

establishment that allows the LCA (and other projects of the various Defence

Labs) program to block any purchase and replacement of the aging MiG fleet, a

price the men at the frontline have had to bear all these years.


This fight is about honour. The honour of a dead hero and the honour of the country he served.


Don’t let this dream die. Please visit www.gadgil.com and respond to it at

AASF (AT) gadgil (DOT) com or kedar (AT) gadgil (DOT) com. We plan to use the responses to petition

(or take legal action) against the government for negligence that caused Abhi’s

death and has taken hundreds before him and many more since then. How many more

before we learn?


This is not your run-of-the-mill-pass-on-a-petition about some vote on a top ten

list. This is real. I would request you not to forward it to anyone who you

think will not understand or a non-Indian or to a stranger. Please write your

own remarks before you pass it on. You have a better chance of getting a

positive response that way. And we need as many as we can get.


Jai Hind


Kedar Anil Gadgil

Discover your Indian Roots at - http://www.esamskriti.comTo mail -

exploreindia (AT) vsnl (DOT) net.Long Live Sanatan / Kshatriya Dharam. Become an

Intellectual KshatriyaGenerate Positive Vibrations lifelong worldwide.Aap ka

din mangalmaya rahe or Shubh dinam astu or Have a Nice DayUnity preceedes

Strength Synchronize your efforts, avoid duplication.THINK, ACT, INFLUENCE, to

Un write back.Create Positive Karmas by being Focussed, controlling

senses, will power & determinationNever boasts about yr victory and

successKnowledge, Wealth, Happiness are meant to be sharedBe Open Minded, pick

up what yu like from the world


Stop cribbing, ACTION is what the Indian scriptures talk aboutTake the battle

into the enemy camp, SET THE AGENDA, be proactiveIn an argument, no emotions,

be detached, get yr facts right, then attack with the precision of a missile

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