Guest guest Posted January 26, 2003 Report Share Posted January 26, 2003 JESUS CHRIST PREDICTS THE APPEARANCE OF SRILA PRABHUPADA JESUS PROMISES THE HOLY SPIRIT (SRILA PRABHUPADA)JOHN 14:16 THRU18"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ANOTHER Counsellor to bewith you for ever---the Spirit of truth.The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. Butyou know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. "Note: Srila Prabhupada the liberated devotee makes his appearance.CC Adi 1.58TRANSLATIONSince one cannot visually experience the presence of the Supersoul, Heappears before us as a liberated devotee. Such a spiritual master is noneother than Krsna Himself.PURPORTIt is not possible for a conditioned soul to directly meet Krsna, theSupreme Personality of Godhead, but if one becomes a sincere devotee andseriously engages in devotional service, Lord Krsna sends an instructingspiritual master to show him favor and invoke his dormant propensity forserving the Supreme. The preceptor appears before the external senses ofthe fortunate conditioned soul, and at the same time the devotee is guidedfrom within by the caittya-guru, Krsna, who is seated as the spiritualmaster within the heart of the living entity.JOHN 14:26"But the Counsellor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said toyou."Note: Srila Prabhupada is teaching the same message : how to serve krishnathrough the transparent via medium-- his books(instructions). CC Adi 1.35If there is no chance to serve the spiritual master directly, a devoteeshould serve him by remembering his instructions. There is NO DIFFERENCEbetween the spiritual master's instructions and the spiritual masterhimself. In his absence, therefore, his words of direction should be thepride of the disciple.JOHN 15:26 "When the Counsellor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, theSpirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me."Note: Srila Prabhupada testifying about Jesus Christ740628rc.MELWho will not respect Jesus Christ? He sacrificed everything for God, even his life. So who is that rascal that he'll not respect to JesusChrist. What did he do wrong to the human society? He did everything forthe good of the human society. Oh, I have got very, very, great respect forLord Jesus Christ.690923BA.LONScriptures are also different. Because scriptures are made according totime, circumstances, people. Just like Bible. Bible Lord Jesus Christpreached in the desert, Jerusalem. Or where it is? People who were not soadvanced. Therefore his first instruction is "Thou shall not kill." Thatmeans they were very much engaged in killing affairs; otherwise, why isthis instruction? And actually, it so happened that they killed JesusChrist. So that society was not very enlightened society. So a scripture for a society which is not very enlightened and a scripture for a society which is very enlightened must be different. Just like a dictionary. Forthe schoolboy, a pocket dictionary. And for a college student,international, big dictionary. Both of them are dictionaries. But the smallpocket dictionary is not equal to the big dictionary. Because it isdifferent made for different classes of men. So scriptures are madeaccording to different classes of men. There are three classes of men:first-class, second-class, and third-class. The third-class man cannotunderstand the philosophy and scriptural injunctions of the first-classman. That is not possible. Higher mathematics cannot be understood by thesmall schoolboys who are simply trying to understand "Two plus two equal tofour." But "Two plus two equal to four" is equally good to the highermathematics student. But still, higher mathematics and lower math isdifferent.THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (SRILA PRABHUPADA)JOHN 16:7THRU15"Unless I go away, the Counsellor will not come to you; but If I go, I willsend him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt inregard to sin and righteousness and judgement: in regard to sin, becausemen do not believe in me; in regard to righteousness, because I am going tothe Father, where you can see me no longer; and in regard to judgement,because the prince of this world now stands condemned."Note: It is significant Jesus Christ is saying, "unless I go away…."heappears to be very eager to present his SUCCESSOR for the significantchange to follow in the impious lives of the people. On this point it isnote worthy to remember the prayer offered to Srila Prabhupada: nirvesesasunyavadi pascatya desa tarine"YOU are delivering the WESTERN countries, filled with impersonalism andvoidism.Also, "…because men do not believe in me" indicates they were not preparedto give up meat eating ---Thou shall not kill.Srila Prabhupada broke the four pillars of sinful life (meat eating,gambling, intoxication and illicit sex). SPL Madhudvisa 70-01-26Actually, one who is advanced will not find any contradiction. TheChristians teach love of Godhead, and we practically do it. So one has tounderstand from the practical point of view. A man is judged by hisactivities. We see that they are engaged in smoking habits, eating meat andindulging in free mixing of boys and girls; these are not the activities ofreligious persons. Lord Jesus said and the Bible also says, "Thou shalt notKill." But they are eating meat. So we must see practically if someone isleading a pure life and not be blinded by some sentiment. Our students arestrictly observing the four rules or restraints from impure habits and theyare factually living according to the highest standard of religious life.So we are actually following the principles of pure living in KrishnaConsciousness, but it appears that these followers of the Christianphilosophy have fallen down from the transcendental platform."I have much more to say to you, MORE THAN YOU CAN NOW BEAR. But when he,the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into ALL TRUTH."Note: There are two points here (a) they could not bear any moreinstruction (b) guidance in ALL TRUTHIn relation to (a) there is further mention in the Bible: (i) If you do not understand what is material, how will you understand spiritual?(ii) I have many things to say unto you but your ears will not bear them as yet.Thus, it evidently clear that the people to whom he preached to were notadvanced.In relation to (b) ALL TRUTH—we find that it is ONLY Srila Prabhupada whoactually gave COMPLETE information of the nature of the three features ofthe Absolute Truth.BG CH2 text2Krsna and the Supreme Personality of Godhead are identical. Therefore LordKrsna is referred to as "Bhagavan" throughout the Gita. Bhagavan is theultimate in Absolute Truth. Absolute Truth is realized in three phases ofunderstanding, namely Brahman, or the impersonal all-pervasive spirit;Paramatma, or the localized aspect of the Supreme within the heart of allliving entities; and Bhagavan, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, LordKrsna. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.11) this conception of the AbsoluteTruth is explained thus:vadanti tat tattva-vidastattvam yaj jnanam advayambrahmeti paramatmetibhagavan iti sabdyate"The Absolute Truth is realized in three phases of understanding by theknower of the Absolute Truth, and all of them are identical. Such phases ofthe Absolute Truth are expressed as Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan."These three divine aspects can be explained by the example of the sun,which also has three different aspects, namely the sunshine, the sun'ssurface and the sun planet itself. One who studies the sunshine only is thepreliminary student. One who understands the sun's surface is furtheradvanced. And one who can enter into the sun planet is the highest.Ordinary students who are satisfied simply by understanding thesunshine--its universal pervasiveness and the glaring effulgence of itsimpersonal nature--may be compared to those who can realize only theBrahman feature of the Absolute Truth. The student who has advanced stillfurther can know the sun disc, which is compared to knowledge of theParamatma feature of the Absolute Truth. And the student who can enter intothe heart of the sun planet is compared to those who realize the personalfeatures of the Supreme Absolute Truth. Therefore, the bhaktas, or thetranscendentalists who have realized the Bhagavan feature of the AbsoluteTruth, are the topmost transcendentalists, although all students who areengaged in the study of the Absolute Truth are engaged in the same subjectmatter. The sunshine, the sun disc and the inner affairs of the sun planetcannot be separated from one another, and yet the students of the threedifferent phases are not in the same category.The Sanskrit word bhagavan is explained by the great authority, ParasaraMuni, the father of Vyasadeva. The Supreme Personality who possesses allriches, all strength, all fame, all beauty, all knowledge and all renunciation is called Bhagavan.SB 3.15.47TRANSLATIONWe know that You are the Supreme Absolute Truth, the Personality ofGodhead, who manifests His transcendental form in the uncontaminated modeof pure goodness. This transcendental, eternal form of Your personality canbe understood only by Your mercy, through unflinching devotional service,by great sages whose hearts have been purified in the devotional way.PURPORTThe Absolute Truth can be understood in three features—impersonal Brahman,localized Paramatma, and Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Hereit is admitted that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the last word inunderstanding the Absolute Truth. Even though the four Kumaras wereinstructed by their great learned father, Brahma, they could not actuallyunderstand the Absolute Truth. They could only understand the SupremeAbsolute Truth when they personally SAW the Personality of Godhead withtheir own eyes. In other words, if one sees or understands the SupremePersonality of Godhead, the other two features of the Absolute Truth—namelyimpersonal Brahman and localized Paramatma—are also automaticallyunderstood. Therefore the Kumaras confirm: "You are the ultimate AbsoluteTruth." The impersonalist may argue that since the Supreme Personality ofGodhead was so nicely decorated, He was therefore not the Absolute Truth.But here it is confirmed that all the variegatedness of the absoluteplatform is constituted of Suddha-sattva, pure goodness. In the materialworld, any quality—goodness, passion or ignorance—is contaminated. Even thequality of goodness here in the material world is not free from tinges ofpassion and ignorance. But in the transcendental world, only pure goodness,without any tinge of passion or ignorance, exists; therefore the form ofthe Supreme Personality of Godhead and His variegated pastimes andparaphernalia are all pure sattva-guna. Such variegatedness in puregoodness is exhibited eternally by the Lord for the satisfaction of thedevotee. The devotee does not want to see the Supreme Personality ofAbsolute Truth in voidness or impersonalism. In one sense, absolutetranscendental variegatedness is meant only for the devotees, not forothers, because this distinct feature of transcendental variegatedness canbe understood only by the mercy of the Supreme Lord and not by mentalspeculation or the ascending process. It is said that one can understandthe Supreme Personality of Godhead when one is even slightly favored byHim; otherwise, without His mercy, a man may speculate for thousands ofyears and not understand what is actually the Absolute Truth. This mercycan be perceived by the devotee when he is completely freed fromcontamination. It is stated, therefore, that only when all contamination isrooted out and the devotee is completely detached from material attractionscan he receive this mercy of the Lord.Note: Bible also says: Blessed are the pure in the heart for they shall SEEGod. So this fully corresponds to the above where the Kumaras SAW God(Bhagavan realization)."He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and hewill tell you WHAT IS YET TO COME. "Note: Srila Prabhupada the liberated devotee is giving the purports to theSrimad-Bhagavatam predicting events to happen in the future. 730831.LONHamsaduta: Actually in the Bible there's, someone mentions there thedescription that the Lord will come and He will ride on a white steed, on awhite horse. And at that time he will kill all the non-devotee people. It'salso in the Bible.Guest (1): Yes.Prabhupada: So this Kalki, this incarnation of Krsna which comes at the endof this age, He's described, He will come and ride on a white horse allover the world, and He will...,Prabhupada: Kill.SB1.3.24Srimad-Bhagavatam was composed just prior to the beginning of the age ofKali (about five thousand years ago), and Lord Buddha appeared abouttwenty-six hundred years ago. Therefore in the Srimad-Bhagavatam LordBuddha is foretold. Such is the authority of this clear scripture. There are many such prophecies, and they are being fulfilled one after another. They will indicate the positive standing of Srimad-Bhagavatam, which iswithout trace of mistake, illusion, cheating and imperfection, which arethe four flaws of all conditioned souls. The liberated souls are abovethese flaws; therefore they can see and foretell things which are to takeplace on distant future dates.TRANSLATIONThereafter, at the conjunction of two yugas, the Lord of the creation willtake His birth as the Kalki incarnation and become the son of Visnu Yasha.At this time the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into plunderers.PURPORTHere is another foretelling of the advent of Lord Kalki, the incarnation ofGodhead. He is to appear at the conjunction of the two yugas, namely at theend of Kali-yuga and the beginning of Satya-yuga. The cycle of the fouryugas, namely Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali, rotates like the calendarmonths. The present Kali-yuga lasts 432,000 years, out of which we havepassed only 5,000 years after the Battle of Kurukshetra and the end of theregime of King Pariksit. So there are 427,000 years balance yet to befinished. Therefore at the end of this period, the incarnation of Kalkiwill take place, as foretold in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. The name of Hisfather, Visnu Yasha, a learned brahmana, and the village Sambhala are alsomentioned. As above mentioned, all these foretellings will prove to befactual in chronological order. That is the authority of Srimad-Bhagavatam.SB 5.2.1Srimad-Bhagavatam predicts that in Kali-yuga the government will beentrusted with dasyu-dharma, which means the occupational duty of roguesand thieves. Modern heads of state are rogues and thieves who plunder thecitizens instead of giving them protection. Rogues and thieves plunderwithout regard for law, but in this age of Kali, as stated inSrimad-Bhagavatam, the lawmakers themselves plunder the citizens. The nextprediction to be fulfilled, which is already coming to pass, is thatbecause of the sinful activities of the citizens and the government, rainwill become increasingly scarce. Gradually there will be complete droughtand no production of food grains. People will be reduced to eating fleshand seeds, and many good, spiritually inclined people will have to forsaketheir homes because they will be too harassed by drought, taxation andfamine. The Krsna consciousness movement is the only hope to save the worldfrom such devastation. It is the most scientific and authorized movementfor the actual welfare of the whole human society."He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it knownto you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said theSpirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you."Note: Krishna is the property of his pure devotee. Jesus Christ said"Hallowed be Thy Name" and Srila Prabhupada gives us this Name:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare \Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.Srila Prabhupada is the TRANSPARENT VIA-MEDIUM who gives us krsna760714iv.nyBali-mardana: In other words, when you decide that someone is tobe in charge of a particular temple does Krsna tell you that this personshould be in charge.Interviewer: Or do you by judging him say this personis qualified.Prabhupada: Yes, because a devotee always consults Krsna and He givesorder.Interviewer: It's a more direct communication.Prabhupada: Yes. And He gives order. Ramesvara: Because intelligence, our philosophy is that intelligence comes from Krsna. So if I have some...Interviewer: And your philosophy is that your daily necessities come fromKrsna as well.Ramesvara: Yes, try to understand. Suppose my intelligence sees that thisperson is qualified, that means Krsna has told me.Prabhupada: NO, NOT NECESSARILY, KRSNA WILL TELL DIRECTLY. A DEVOTEE ALWAYSCONSULTS KRSNA AND KRSNA TELLS HIM, "DO LIKE THIS." NOT FIGURATIVELY.Interviewer: Does that apply then to other kinds of decisions and otherkinds of activities as well?Prabhupada: Everything. Because a devotee does not do anything withoutconsulting Krsna.Antya 5.71One is forbidden to accept the guru, or spiritual master, as an ordinaryhuman being (gurusu nara-mati). When Ramananda Raya spoke to PradyumnaMisra, Pradyumna Misra could understand that Ramananda Raya was not anordinary human being. A SPIRITUALLY ADVANCED PERSON WHO ACTS WITHAUTHORITY, AS THE SPIRITUAL MASTER, SPEAKS AS THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OFGODHEAD DICTATES FROM WITHIN. THUS IT IS NOT HE THAT IS PERSONALLYSPEAKING. WHEN A PURE DEVOTEE OR SPIRITUAL MASTER SPEAKS, WHAT HE SAYSSHOULD BE ACCEPTED AS HAVING BEEN DIRECTLY SPOKEN BY THE SUPREMEPERSONALITY OF GODHEAD IN THE PARAMPARA SYSTEM.Further analysis of JOHN 14:26"But the counsellor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my namewill teach you ALL THINGS and will REMIND you of EVERYTHING I HAVE SAID TOYOU.Note: Now we will be able to see the demonstration by the Holy Spirit(Srila Prabhupada) of the above. DEMONSTRATION720901SB.NV LecturesSo sound is the original element of creation. In Sanskrit language it iscalled sabda-brahma. Brahman, or the Absolute Truth, is first appearedAbsolute Truth becomes knowable by sound. In the Bhagavad-gita it is said,the Lord says, raso 'ham apsu kaunteya prabhasmi sasi-suryayoh, sabdah khe.Sabda means sound. If we want to see God, so let us hear first of all thesound vibration, because that is the beginning. In the Bible also it issaid, "The Lord said, 'Let there be creation,' and there was creation." So"Let there be creation," this is sound, transcendental sound. So one whosays this word, "Let there be creation," He is not within the creation.Because He, God, is speaking, "Let there be creation740112mw.laPrajapati: ...from politics to the world of theology. One of the mostmisunderstood passages in the western scriptures, things that are..., mostspeculation about, is the beginning of the Book of John, where it is said,"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word wasGod." And that Greek word is logos. And so many people have said so manydifferent things about that passage. No one really understands it.Prabhupada: They cannot understand the Absolute. GOD AND GOD'S WORD ARE NOTDIFFERENT. OTHERWISE, WHY WE ARE AFTER BHAGAVAD-GITA? BECAUSE BHAGAVAD-GITAIS THE WORDS OF GOD. SO AS GOOD AS GOD.Umapati: Absolute?Prabhupada: Absolute, yes.Svarupa Damodara: We also say that. We say that the beginning the soundvibration om was there. Om. Prabhupada: Yes. Sabdad anavrtti. In Vedanta-sutra, sabdad anavrtti. Sabdat. By vibration.Prajapati: But it goes on to say, "Then the word then came down to earthand dwelt with man as Jesus Christ." They say Lord Jesus Christ was theword incarnate.Prabhupada: That's all right.Umapati: Incarnate means flesh, having come down in flesh.Prabhupada: That's all right.Prajapati: From our Krsna conscious standpoint, this means a person who isjagad-guru, who is fully living sastra, and therefore non-different fromthe word of God?Prabhupada: Yes, yes. Because he is following the words of God, THEREFOREHE IS NOT DIFFERENT FROM THE WORDS OF GOD. It is practical. Just like alawyer is not different from the law. Therefore he is called lawyer.Note: Prajapati has made a very valid point here. In this context let ustake a look at the form of address to Srila Prabhupada:namo om VISNU-padaya krsna-presthyabhu-talesrimate BHAKTIVEDANTA-SVAMIN ITI NAMINESo Srila Prabhupada is worshiped on the level of Lord Visnu (Krsna) becausehe is a TRANSPARENT VIA MEDIUM representative who accepts our service onbehalf of the Prabhupada: Krsna's representative means the representative says the samething as Krsna says. Krsna says "Surrender unto Me," and the representativesays "Surrender to Krsna." AND BECAUSE HE DELIVERS THE REAL KNOWLEDGE, HE'SAS GOOD AS KRSNA. THEREFORE SAKSAD-DHARITVENA SAMASTA-SASTRAIR UKTAS TATHABHAVYATA EVA SADBHIH. THE SPIRITUAL MASTER MAY APPEAR TO BE JUST LIKE ACOMMON MAN, BUT HE IS TO BE RESPECTED AS GOD, BECAUSE HE DELIVERS THE REALMESSAGE OF GOD. That is the qualification of spiritual master. He does notmanufacture anything. That is very easy. If I carry your message andeducate people in that way, then there is no difficulty for me. Everythingis there. Why shall I go to manufacture something imperfect? The perfectthing is already there. Simply I have to carry. A post peon--the moneyorder is there, he has to simply carry and deliver to the person. And if hegets at time of need, he thanks the peon, "Oh, you have saved my life." Itis like that. The message is already there. You have to simply deliver tothe suffering humanity. Then he'll be relieved. And because he delivers thereal reality, therefore he's worshiped as God. Saksad-dharitvenasamasta-sastrair uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih. ACARYAM MAM HIVIJANIYAT. KRSNA ALSO SAYS ACARYA IS..., "I AM ACARYA.681002LE.SEA Tamala Krsna: Can a Christian in this age, without a spiritual master, butby reading the Bible and following Jesus's words, reach the...Prabhupada: When you read Bible, you follow spiritual master. How can yousay without? As soon as you read Bible, that means you are following theinstruction of Lord Jesus Christ, that means you are following spiritualmaster. So where is the opportunity of being without spiritual master?Madhudvisa: I was referring to a LIVING spiritual master.Prabhupada: Spiritual master is NOT the question of... SPIRITUAL MASTER ISETERNAL. SPIRITUAL MASTER IS ETERNAL. So your question is without spiritualmaster. Without spiritual master you cannot be, at any stage of your life.You may accept this spiritual master or that spiritual master. That is adifferent thing. But you have to accept. As you say that "by readingBible," when you read Bible that means you are following the spiritualmaster represented by some priest or some clergyman in the line of LordJesus Christ. So any case, you have to follow a spiritual master. Therecannot be the question without spiritual master. Is that clear?RoP Some people argue that Arjuna was talking with Krsna because Krsna waspresent before him, whereas in my case, Krsna is not present. So how can Iget directions? But that is not a fact. Krsna is present by His words--theBhagavad-gita. In India, when we speak on the Bhagavad-gita orSrimad-Bhagavatam, we regularly perform worship with flowers, or with otherparaphernalia, as is required for worshiping. In the Sikh religion also,although they have no form of the Deity, they worship the bookGranthasahib. Perhaps some of you are acquainted with this Sikh community.They worship this Grantha. Similarly, the Moslems worship the Koran.Similarly, in the Christian world, the Bible is worshiped. IT IS A FACTthat the Lord Jesus Christ IS PRESENT by His WORDS. Krsna is also presentby His words.THESE PERSONALITIES, EITHER GOD OR THE SON OF GOD, WHO COME FROM THETRANSCENDENTAL WORLD, KEEP THEIR TRANSCENDENTAL IDENTITIES WITHOUT BEINGCONTAMINATED BY THE MATERIAL WORLD. THAT IS THEIR OMNIPOTENCE. WE ARE INTHE HABIT OF SAYING THAT GOD IS OMNIPOTENT. OMNIPOTENCE MEANS THAT HE ISNOT DIFFERENT FROM HIS NAME, FROM HIS QUALITY, FROM HIS PASTIMES, FROM HISINSTRUCTION. THEREFORE, THE DISCUSSION OF BHAGAVAD-GITA IS AS GOOD ASDISCUSSION WITH KRSNA HIMSELF.Note: Similarly we can still get direction from Srila Prabhupada WHO ISPRESENT BY HIS WORDS, DEITY TO GIVE US GUIDANCE.JOHN 14:18 THRU 21"I will not leave you fatherless; I am coming to you. A little while, andthe world will see me no more :but you will see me; because I am living youwill live also. In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and youin me and I in you. Whoever keeps my commands, and regards them, It is hewho loves me; and one who loves me will be loved by my Father: and I willlove him , and will make myself known to him.Note: When Jesus Christ is saying that the world will see him no longer iswhen he is not physically present; but one can see him through hisinstructions which are not different from him (spiritual mastersinstructions are not different from him).When he says I will not leave you Fatherless----he is giving the world Srila Prabhupada who like him is the Spiritual master the transparent viamedium through whom we get Krsna. This identical philosophy which JesusChrist talked is called acintya-bhedabheda-tattva( simultaneous oneness anddifference).Jesus is talking as a pure devotee and SIMULTANEOUSLYCHRIST(KRSNA) IS ALSO TALKING THROUGH HIS PURE DEVOTEE.This "Iam coming to you " is also referring to Krsnas appearance as theHoly spirit(Visnu,Supersoul ) who manifests EXTERNALLY AS THE LIBERATEDDEVOTEE. ALSO SINCE SRILA PRABHUPADA IS NOT DIFFERENT FROM HISINSTRUCTIONS(HIS BOOKS) DEVOTEES ARE SAVED FROM APPROACHING SOME CHEATERWHO IS POSING AS SPIRITUAL MASTER. THEREFORE "EXTERNAL SENSES" QUOTED BELOW IS CORRECT.Note: remember Lord Visnu the Paramatma (Holy spirit) feature He appearsas the external manifestation as Srila Prabhupada LIBERATED DEVOTEE.CC Adi 1.58TRANSLATIONSince one CANNOT VISUALLY EXPERIENCE THE PRESENCE OF THE SUPERSOUL, HEAPPEARS BEFORE US AS A LIBERATED DEVOTEE. Such a spiritual master is noneother than Krsna Himself.PURPORTIt is not possible for a conditioned soul to directly meet Krsna, theSupreme Personality of Godhead, but if one becomes a sincere devotee andseriously engages in devotional service, Lord Krsna sends an instructingspiritual master to show him favor and invoke his dormant propensity forserving the Supreme. THE PRECEPTOR APPEARS BEFORE THE EXTERNAL SENSES OFTHE FORTUNATE CONDITIONED SOUL, AND AT THE SAME TIME THE DEVOTEE IS GUIDEDFROM WITHIN BY THE CAITTYA-GURU, KRSNA, WHO IS SEATED AS THE SPIRITUALMASTER WITHIN THE HEART OF THE LIVING ENTITY.ACINTYA-BHEDABHEDA-TATTVA (philosophical truth of simultaneous oneness anddifference)SB 2.6.13-16The Supreme Personality of Godhead, by His partial representation,measuring not more than nine inches as Supersoul, expands by His potentialenergy in the shape of the universal form, which includes everythingmanifested in different varieties of organic and inorganic materials. Themanifested varieties of the universe are therefore not different from theLord, just as golden ornaments of different shapes and forms arenondifferent from the original stock reserve of gold. In other words, theLord is the Supreme Person who controls everything within the creation, andstill He remains the supreme separate identity, distinct from allmanifested material creation. In the Bhagavad-gita (9.4-5) He is thereforesaid to be Yogesvara. Everything rests on the potency of Lord Sri Krsna,and still the Lord is different from and transcendental to all suchidentities. In the Vedic Purusa-sukta of the Rg mantra, this is alsoconfirmed. This philosophical truth of simultaneous oneness and differencewas propounded by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and it is known asacintya-bhedabheda-tattva. BRAHMA, NARADA AND ALL OTHERS ARE SIMULTANEOUSLYONE WITH THE LORD AND DIFFERENT FROM THE SUPREME LORD. We are all one withHim, just as the gold ornaments are one in quality with the stock gold, butthe individual gold ornament is never equal in quantity with the stockgold. THE STOCK GOLD IS NEVER EXHAUSTED EVEN IF THERE ARE INNUMERABLEORNAMENTS EMANATING FROM THE STOCK BECAUSE THE STOCK IS PURNAM, COMPLETE;EVEN IF PURNAM IS DEDUCTED FROM THE PURNAM, STILL THE SUPREME PURNAMREMAINS THE SAME PURNAM. THIS FACT IS INCONCEIVABLE TO OUR PRESENTIMPERFECT SENSES. LORD CAITANYA THEREFORE DEFINED HIS THEORY OF PHILOSOPHYAS ACINTYA (INCONCEIVABLE), AND AS CONFIRMED IN THE BHAGAVAD-GITA AS WELLAS IN THE BHAGAVATAM, LORD CAITANYA'S THEORY OF ACINTYA-BHEDABHEDA-TATTVAIS THE PERFECT PHILOSOPHY OF THE ABSOLUTE Paramahamsa: Srila Prabhupada, when you are not present with us, how is itpossible to receive instructions, for example, on questions that may arise?Prabhupada: WELL, THE QUESTIONS... ANSWERS ARE THERE IN MY BOOKS.Paramahamsa: Other than that, for example, that we would ask you in...Prabhupada: Yes.Paramahamsa: Do you direct us also through the heart? Besides theParamatma?Prabhupada: IF YOUR HEART IS PURE. Everything depends on purity.SPL 68-04-19 SivanandaRegarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the HolyGhost, and the son. Person in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by thename Visnu, Paramatma, and Jiva. God is a Person, the holy spirit or thesupersoul is a person, and the living entity is also a person. Also, Maryis the representation of the energy of God. Either as internal energyRadharani or as external energy Durga, the energy of Godhead can beconsidered the mother of the living entities. But there is no clash betweenthe Bible and the Vedas, simply some people formulate their personal ideasand cause quarrelings. Nobody can say the Bible was meant for the sameclass of men as the Bhagavad-gita. And Bhagavad-gita is the ABC's ofspiritual knowledge. Beyond that is Srimad-Bhagavatam. How great Srimad-Bhagavatam is nobody can imagine. And beyond that is CaitanyaCaritamrta. But beginning from the Bible or Koran, on up the principleremains the same. Just like beginning from the pocket dictionarySB 6.5.20In the Bible, which is also sastra, one will find the same advice: oneshould cease materialistic life and return to the kingdom of God.SB 10.13.62He who appeared before Brahma as a human child was in fact the AbsoluteTruth, Parabrahman (brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate). TheSupreme Lord is narakrti; that is, He resembles a human being. It is notthat He is four-armed (catur-bahu). Narayana is catur-bahu, but the SupremePerson resembles a human being. This is also confirmed in the Bible, whereit is said that man was made in the image of God.Lord Brahma saw that Krsna, in His form as a cowherd boy, wasParabrahman, the root cause of everything, but was now appearing as a humanchild, loitering in Vrndavana with a morsel of food in His hand. PQPA 3 Srila Prabhupada: He supplies everything to everyone. He is supplying foodto everyone. So He is the Father. So why should you not pray, "Father, giveme this"? Just as in the Christian Bible there is, "Father, give us ourdaily bread." That is good--they are accepting the Supreme Father. Butgrown-up children should not ask from the father; rather, they should beprepared to serve the father. That is bhakti [devotion].Adi 17.168 In our practical preaching work we meet many Christians who talk aboutstatements of the Bible. When we question whether God is limited orunlimited, Christian priests say that God is unlimited. But when wequestion why the unlimited God should have only one son and not unlimitedsons, they are unable to answer. Similarly, from a scientific point ofview, the answers of the Old Testament, New Testament and Koran to manyquestions have changed. But a sastra cannot change at a person's whim. Allsastras must be free from the four defects of human nature. The statementsof sastras must be correct for all time.Adi 17.169 Sometimes Christian priests come to us inquiring, "Why are our followersneglecting our scriptures and accepting yours?" But when we ask them, "YourBible says, 'Do not kill.' Why then are you killing so many animals daily?"they cannot answer. Some of them imperfectly answer that the animals haveno souls. But then we ask them, "How do you know that animals have nosouls? Animals and children are of the same nature. Does this mean that thechildren of human society also have no souls?" According to the Vedicscriptures, within the body is the owner of the body, the soul. In theBhagavad-gita (2.13) it is said:dehino 'smin yatha dehekaumaram yauvanam jaratatha dehantara-praptirdhiras tatra na muhyati"As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood toyouth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. Theself-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change."Because the soul is within the body, the body changes through so manyforms. There is a soul within the body of every living entity, whetheranimal, tree, bird or human being, and the soul is transmigrating from one type of body to another. When the scriptures of the yavanas--namely, theOld Testament, New Testament and Koran--cannot properly answer inquisitivefollowers, naturally those advanced in scientific knowledge and philosophylose faith in such scriptures. The Kazi admitted this while talking withSri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The Kazi was a very intelligent person.SPL 70-07-19 Vrndavana CandraQuestion the fifth: If Mohammed as the servant of God and Lord JesusChrist is the son of God, then where is the break of the disciplicsuccession. After all the disciplic sucession is beginning from God, so howdo you find that there is no disciplic succession? If the original tree hasbranches, twigs and leaves and they are in touch with the original tree, itis alright. The test is whether the line is in touch with the Supreme--thatis all.Although Mohammed and Jesus Christ appeared in the Kali Yuga theirinstruction is as it is because the persons to whom they had to speak couldnot understand any more and they find it difficult to understand even thatmuch.SPL 68-11-14 AniruddhaYour next question, "Is a pure devotee eternally liberated and if so ishe at any time a conditioned soul? We are eternally conditioned, but assoon as we surrender to Krishna do we then become eternally liberated? WhenLord Christ appeared he seemed to be conditioned in his growth. Was he aspecific incarnation or a conditioned soul who became liberated?" You arenot eternally conditioned. You are eternally liberated but since we havebecome conditioned on account of our desire to enjoy materialistic way oflife, from time immemorial, therefore it appears that we are eternallyconditioned. Because we cannot trace out the history or the date when webecame conditioned, therefore it is technically called eternallyconditioned. Otherwise the living entity is not actually conditioned. Aliving entity is always pure. But he is prone to be attracted by materialenjoyment and as soon as he agrees to place himself in material enjoyment,he becomes conditioned, but that is not permanent. Therefore a livingentity is called on the marginal state, sometimes this side, sometimes thatside. These are very intelligent questions. And I am very glad that you areputting such intelligent questions and trying to understand it. It is verygood. But best thing is that one should know he is in conditioned life andtry to cure it. When a man is in diseased condition he should try to getout of diseased condition without harassing his brain when the disease hasbegun. But it is to be understood that the disease is not our constantcompanion, it is temporary. So the best thing is to cure the disease, andnot waste our time to find out the date when it began. Forgetfulness ofKrishna is the disease, so let us keep ourselves always in KrishnaConsciousness, and get out of the disease, that is healthy life. Yes, LordJesus was jivatattva. He is not Visnu tattva. When a jiva tattva becomesspecifically empowered by the Lord, he is called saktyavesa avatara. LORDBUDDHA AND LORD JESUS CHRIST WERE IN THIS GROUP OF SAKTYAVESA AVATARA.. Butthey were not in conditioned state when they appeared; they came to teachhere.SPL 70-03-02 BhagavanRegarding the end of devotees of Lord Jesus Christ, they can go toheaven, that is all. That is a planet in the material world. A devotee ofLord Jesus Christ is one who is strictly following the ten commandments.Now just like in the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" this is a moralinstruction for the sinful man. Similarly Lord Buddha also emphasizedahimsa paramadharma "the highest religion is nonviolence." So theseinstructions are for the sinful men. When one is pious, instead of being sinful, he is promoted to the higher planetary systems like Janaloka, Mahaloka, or Tapaloka and they are above the planet Svargaloka. So personswho are cleansed of sinful life become eligible for spiritual life. FROMTHE INSTRUCTIONS OF LORD JESUS CHRIST WE FIND THAT THE STRESS IS GIVEN TOMAKE MEN FREE FROM SINFUL LIFE--SUCH AS "THOU SHALT NOT KILLTHOU SHALTNOT COVET"--LIKE THAT. THEREFORE THE CONCLUSION IS THAT THE DEVOTEES OFLORD JESUS CHRIST ARE PROMOTED TO THE HEAVENLY PLANETS WHICH ARE WITHINTHIS MATERIAL WORLD.SPL 69-10-31 SatsvarupaNow coming to some other points discussed in the Cathedral Sermonspamphlet, we may take notice of the writer's statement which may help us inunderstanding the real position of Christian religion. In one of thestatements he says the Bishop Dean, the former Executive Officer of theAnglican Communion, said to the general Synod of the Anglican Church ofCanada last month that he gives the church as it exists today ten moreyears of life. The reason the church was dying he said was because it hadbecome irrelevant. This means that the church people no more can convincethe advanced, educated men of the present day. In another place he says indiscussing the Ten Commandents of the Bible about the sanctity of (humanlife). INSTEAD OF EXACTLY QUOTING THE COMMANDMENT "THOU SHALT NOT KILL," HEREPLACES BY HIS OWN WORDS "THOU SHALT DO NO MURDER". BUT HE DOES NOT KNOWHOW HIS OWN WORDS REFLECT TO THE THEN SOCIETY WHEREIN LORD JESUS CHRIST WASPREACHING. TO SAY TO HIS AUDIENCE, "THOU SHALT DO NO MURDER" MEANS THEYWERE VERY MUCH ACCUSTOMED TO COMMIT MURDER. SO WHAT IS THE POSITION OF THATSOCIETY WHERE THE MEMBERS ARE ACCUSTOMED TO COMMIT MURDER, AND WHAT CLASSOF PREACHING CAN BE MADE TO SUCH PERSONS? As we see in another religiousprinciple there is instruction that henceforward you shall not co-habitwith your mother. So we have to judge such societies where there aremurderers and those having sex life with their mothers, what kind of menthey are. In the Bhagavad-gita the religious principles are divided intothree categories: in the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance.Generally, all so-called principles are in the modes of passion andignorance. Maybe there are some moral instructions, but moral instructionswithout God-consciousness is impossible to follow. In another place thegentleman quotes one book written by Prof. Charles Smith. The book's nameis "The Paradox of Jesus in the Gospels". In this book it is admitted thatall the statements in the Bible are not directly spoken by Jesus. Some ofthem are staged through the mouth of Jesus Christ; and specifically thispassage: "I am the way, the Truth and the light. No man comes unto theFather but by me." This gentleman admits that it is put into the mouth ofJesus because that is the literary convention of the author of the 4thGospel. Such kinds of observations definitely suggests that there are manypassages in the Gospel which are later on set up to be spoken by Lord JesusChrist, but actually they were manufactured by different devotees. So faras our Bhagavad-gita is concerned, we do not find any such thing.Everywhere it is stated sri bhagavan uvaca: the Supreme Personality ofGodhead said. And all the acaryas have accepted these words as they arespoken by the Lord. No authorized acharya has ever commented that it wasput into the mouth of Krishna by Vyasadeva or Sanjaya or any other person.SPL 69-02-10 GovindaRegarding Karatieya, I am sorry to inform you that all of a sudden hehas been captivated by maya, and since yesterday, he has left my company.The day before yesterday afternoon, he was absent for more than three hoursand when he came back, he explained that he was out walking in the street.Later on, it was found that he went to see a Christian priest who hadimpressed upon his mind that one can drink wine after offering it to LordChrist on the first Friday of every month. I had been informed by Karatieya that before his coming to our Krishna Consciousness camp he was drinking too much. So now he wanted to give me evidence that drinking was good whenit is offered to Lord Christ. I tried to convince him that drinking is notat all good. The very fact that one should drink on the first Friday ofeach month means it is rigidly restricted; one can drink only once everymonth, but in the case of bread, it is said that one should pray daily forbread from the Lord.Madhya 15.163 "My dear Lord, let me suffer perpetually in a hellish condition,accepting all the sinful reactions of all living entities. Please finishtheir diseased material life."PURPORTSrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives the following commentaryon this verse. In the Western countries, Christians believe that Lord JesusChrist, their spiritual master, appeared in order to eradicate all the sinsof his disciples. To this end, Lord Jesus Christ appeared and disappeared.Here, however, we find Sri Vasudeva Datta Thakura and Srila HaridasaThakura to be many millions of times more advanced even when compared toLord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ relieved only his followers from all sinfulreactions, but Vasudeva Datta is here prepared to accept the sins ofeveryone in the universe. A Vaisnava is so liberal that he is prepared torisk everything to rescue conditioned souls from material existence. SrilaVasudeva Datta Thakura is universal love itself, for he was willing tosacrifice everything and fully engage in the service of the Supreme.Srila Vasudeva Datta knew very well that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was theoriginal Personality of Godhead. He was transcendence itself, above thematerial conception of illusion and maya. Lord Jesus Christ certainlyfinished the sinful reactions of his followers by his mercy, but that doesnot mean that he completely delivered them from the pangs of materialexistence. A person may be relieved from sins once, but it is a practiceamong Christians to confess sins and yet commit them again. By gettingfreed from sins and again engaging in them, one cannot attain freedom fromthe pangs of material existence. A diseased person may go to a physicianfor relief, but after he leaves the hospital he may again be infected dueto his unclean habits. Thus material existence continues. Srila VasudevaDatta wanted to completely relieve the conditioned souls from materialexistence so that they would no longer have an opportunity to commit sinfulacts. This is the difference between Srila Vasudeva Datta and Lord JesusChrist. IT IS A GREAT OFFENSE TO RECEIVE PARDON FOR SINS AND THEN COMMITTHE SAME SINS AGAIN. SUCH AN OFFENSE IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN THE SINFULACTIVITY ITSELF. Vasudeva Datta was so liberal that he requested SriCaitanya Mahaprabhu to transfer all offensive activity upon him so theconditioned souls might be purified. This prayer was certainly withoutduplicity.PQPA 6 vancha-kalpa-tarubhyas cakrpa-sindhubhya eva capatitanam pavanebhyovaisnavebhyo namo namah["I offer my respectful obeisances unto all the Vaisnava devotees of theLord. They are just like desire trees who can fulfill the desires ofeveryone, and they are full of compassion for the fallen conditionedsouls."] He takes responsibility for all the fallen souls. That idea isalso in the Bible. Jesus Christ took all the sinful reactions of the peopleand sacrificed his life. That is the responsibility of a spiritual master.Because Krsna is Krsna, He is apapa-viddha--He cannot be attacked by sinfulreactions. But a living entity is sometimes subjected to their influence because he is so small. Big fire, small fire. If you put some big thing in a small fire, the fire itself may be extinguished. But in a big fire,whatever you put in is all right. The big fire can consume anything.Bob: Christ's suffering was of that nature?Srila Prabhupada: Mm-m?Bob: Was Christ's suffering--Srila Prabhupada: That I have already explained. He took the sinfulreactions of all the people. Therefore he suffered.Bob: I see.Srila Prabhupada: He said--that is in the Bible--that he took all thesinful reactions of the people and sacrificed his life. But these Christianpeople have made it a law for Christ to suffer while they do all nonsense.[bob gives a short laugh.] Such great fools they are! They have let JesusChrist make a contract for taking all their sinful reactions so they can goon with all nonsense. That is their religion. Christ was so magnanimousthat he took all their sins and suffered, but that does not induce them tostop all these sins. They have not come to that sense. They have taken itvery easily. "Let Lord Jesus Christ suffer, and we'll do all nonsense." Isit not?Bob: It is so.Srila Prabhupada: They should have been ashamed: "Lord Jesus Christsuffered for us, but we are continuing the sinful activities." He toldeveryone, "Thou shalt not kill," but they are indulging in killing,thinking, "Lord Jesus Christ will excuse us and take all the sinfulreactions." This is going on. We should be very much cautious: "For mysinful actions my spiritual master will suffer, so I'll not commit even apinch of sinful activities." That is the duty of the disciple. Afterinitiation, all sinful reaction is finished. Now if he again commits sinfulactivities, his spiritual master has to suffer. A disciple should besympathetic and consider this. "For my sinful activities, my spiritualmaster will suffer." If the spiritual master is attacked by some disease,it is due to the sinful activities of others. "Don't make many disciples."But we do it because we are preaching. Never mind--let us suffer--still weshall accept them. Therefore your question was--when I suffer is it due tomy past misdeeds? Was it not? That is my misdeed--that I accepted somedisciples who are nonsense. That is my misdeed.Bob: This happens on occasions?Srila Prabhupada: Yes. This is sure to happen because we are accepting somany men. It is the duty of the disciples to be cautious. "My spiritualmaster has saved me. I should not put him again into suffering." When thespiritual master is in suffering, Krsna saves him. Krsna thinks, "Oh, hehas taken so much responsibility for delivering a fallen person." So Krsnais there.kaunteya pratijanihina me bhaktah pranasyati["O son of Kunti, declare it boldly that My devotee never perishes."]Because the spiritual master takes the risk on account of Krsna.Bob: Your suffering is not the same kind of pain.. Srila Prabhupada: No, it is not due to karma. The pain is there sometimes,so that the disciples may know, "Due to our sinful activities, ourspiritual master is suffering."Bob: You look very well now.Srila Prabhupada: I am always well... in the sense that even if there issuffering, I know Krsna will protect me. But this suffering is not due tomy sinful activities.Bob: But let us say when I--in the town I live in, I take boiled waterbecause some of the water has disease in it. Now, why should I drink boiledwater if I have been good enough not to get a disease? Then I may drink anywater. And if I have been not acting properly. then I shall get disease anyway. Srila Prabhupada: So long as you are in the material world, you cannotneglect physical laws. Suppose you go to a jungle and there is a tiger. Itis known that it will attack you, so why should you voluntarily go and beattacked? It is not that a devotee should take physical risk so long as hehas a physical body. It is not a challenge to the physical laws: "I havebecome a devotee. I challenge everything." That is foolishness.Bob: But let us say when I--in the town I live in, I take boiled waterbecause some of the water has disease in it. Now, why should I drink boiledwater if I have been good enough not to get a disease? Then I may drink anywater. And if I have been not acting properly. then I shall get diseaseanyway.Srila Prabhupada: So long as you are in the material world, you cannotneglect physical laws. Suppose you go to a jungle and there is a tiger. Itis known that it will attack you, so why should you voluntarily go and beattacked? It is not that a devotee should take physical risk so long as hehas a physical body. It is not a challenge to the physical laws: "I havebecome a devotee. I challenge everything." That is foolishness.PQPA 9 Srila Prabhupada: That's all right. He may eat anything. He is powerful.But he has ordered, "Thou shalt not kill. You must stop killing." He ispowerful. He can eat the whole world. But you cannot compare to JesusChrist. You cannot imitate Jesus Christ; you have to abide by his order.Then you are guided by Jesus Christ. That is actually obedience. That isexplained in the Bhagavata. One who is isvara, who is empowered, can doanything, but we cannot imitate. We have to abide by his order: "What hesays to me, that I will do." You cannot imitate. You say that Jesus Christate meat. Admitting that, you do not know in what condition he ate meat. Heis himself eating meat, but he is advising others not to kill. Do you thinkthat Jesus Christ was contradicting himself?740615rc.par Yogesvara: He says, for example, the verse you read yesterday, that wassimilar to what is taught in the Vedas, but if we take the rest of thatchapter from the Bible, we find some discrepancies, differences.Prabhupada: What is that? (French)Yogesvara: For example, in that chapter, it also says that the word of Godbecame flesh and that flesh was the son of God, Lord Jesus Christ.Prabhupada: But that means Jesus Christ is transcendental, not of thismaterial world. (French)Yogesvara: They say... They accept... They think that Lord Jesus, however,was a human being. He was spiritual, but also he was part of this materialworld.Prabhupada: No, material world is part of Jesus Christ, but Jesus Christ isnot part of material world. (French)Yogesvara: He says that they had a human body, he had a material body.Prabhupada: That human body appears like that, but he had no this materialflesh and blood. A material body, how there can be resurrection?Yogesvara: If it was material body, how is it possible for him to beresurrected? (French)Prabhupada: Is that all right?Jyotirmayi: They said it is by the acintya power of God.Prabhupada: These, these rascals, they thought that "Jesus had a materialbody. Let us kill him." So Jesus Christ bewildered them more, to remainrascal, that they will continue to think that Jesus had a material body.Jyotirmayi: Bewildered them?Yogesvara: Yes, he bewildered them more by saying: "All right, go onthinking like that."Prabhupada: That is their punishment. They remain always in darkness thatJesus had a material body. (French) Jyotirmayi: So he's saying that he respects your explanation, but that theChristians, they have another explanation, and that if we...Prabhupada: But we must come to the reason before giving explanation. Youcannot explain...Yogesvara: What is the reason for his incarnation?Prabhupada: You cannot explain whimsically. You cannot explain whimsically.If Jesus Christ is son of God, he has... That means he has got spiritualbody. You...French Woman: Yes, we accept that he got the has got spiritual body, but wesay that he assumed also a material body.Prabhupada: Now, then, then, another thing is: you accept Jesus Christ theonly son of God, is it not? So when you pray in the church, you addressGod, "Oh Father." Then why "only son"?French Woman: We say that the son is...Prabhupada: Then everyone is son.French Woman: Yes, we say that this is the same God, yes.Prabhupada: If I address God, "My father," then I am his son. So why thereshould be "only son"? (French)French Woman: Yes, we say that we are adopted sons. (laughter) (French)Jyotirmayi: They say that they are sons, that all living beings are sons,but by adoption.Yogesvara: Adopted son. Yes.Prabhupada: So therefore these sons' body and Jesus's body cannot be equal.So adopted son has got material body, not the real son. (French)Yogesvara: Their idea is that: Yes, of course, Lord Jesus, being the son ofGod, his body is spiritual, but because he wanted to take part in the lifeof the human beings on earth, he actually accepted a material body just tolive among men.Prabhupada: Why he should accept?French Woman: But we have a vesper that says that he was died, that he wassuffering, and things which show that...Prabhupada: But his death... You think that he was died, but heresurrected.French Woman: But the gospel says that he had died.Prabhupada: That's all right.French Woman: You cannot... We accept the totality of the word, as youaccept your word.Prabhupada: No. No, no. "Died" means that is similar death. Janma karma medivyam. Just like Christ take birth from the womb of Mary. It appears likethat, but actually that is not. (French)French Woman: No, it is very important that the death of Christ is a realdeath. For us, it is the center of our faith.Yogesvara: They say that the central point of their philosophy is that LordJesus actually died. (French)Prabhupada: No, according to Vedic conception, even ordinary living being,he does not die. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire. You understand Sanskrit?French Woman: No, I don't understand it by hearing it. You have to read it.Prabhupada: Na hanyate, does not die, hanyamane sarire, apparently, thebody being dead, the soul is never dead. (French)Yogesvara: So... Shall I explain that one? What the good Pastor--are theycalled Pastor?--describes is that in order for there to be a dialogue, wehave to respect each others' positions, not that we will try to convert theother. He says just as we respect you have an absolute faith in the Vedicphilosophy, so also there must be respect that the Christian interpretationof the life of Lord Jesus and his death...Prabhupada: Oh, I think I have better respect than him to Jesus Christ. Isay he does not die. He says he dies. (French) So far respect is concerned,I have more respect than them. They want to see Jesus Christ dead. I don'twant to see him dead. French Woman: No. Death and resurrection after, Jesus. Yogesvara: There's a resurrection.Prabhupada: Yes.TQK 12 In the Bible it is said that man was made in the image of God, and thismeans that we are reflections of God's image. It is not that we invent orimagine some form of God according to our own form. Those who adhere to theMayavada philosophy of anthropomorphism say, "The Absolute Truth isimpersonal, but because we are persons we imagine that the Absolute Truthis also a person." This is a mistake, and in fact just the opposite istrue. We have two hands, two legs, and a head because God Himself has thesesame features. We have personal forms because we are reflections of God.Furthermore, we should philosophically understand that if the originalperson benefits, the reflection also benefits. So if we decorate Krsna, wealso shall be decorated. If we satisfy Krsna, we shall become satisfied. Ifwe offer nice food to Krsna, we shall also eat the same food. Those wholive outside the temples of Krsna consciousness may never have imaginedsuch palatable food as the food we are offering to Krsna, but because it isbeing offered to Krsna, we also have the opportunity to eat it. So weshould try to satisfy Krsna in all respects, and then we shall be satisfiedin all respects.SSR 4 Srila Prabhupada: Humility means intelligence. The humble and meek own thekingdom of God. This is stated in the Bible, is it not? But the philosophyof the rascals is that everyone is God, and today this idea has becomepopular. Therefore no one is humble and meek. If everyone thinks that he isGod, why should he be humble and meek? Therefore I teach my disciples howto become humble and meek. They always offer their respectful obeisances inthe temple and to the spiritual master, and in this way they makeadvancement. The qualities of humbleness and meekness lead very quickly tospiritual realization. In the Vedic scriptures it is said, "To those whohave firm faith in God and the spiritual master, who is His representative,the meaning of the Vedic scriptures is revealed."Father Emmanuel: But shouldn't this humility be offered to everyone else,also?Srila Prabhupada: Yes, but there are two kinds of respect: special andordinary. Sri Krsna Caitanya taught that we shouldn't expect honor forourselves, but should always respect everyone else, even if he isdisrespectful to us. But special respect should be given to God and Hispure devotee.SSR 4 Srila Prabhupada: But the Bible does not simply say, "Do not kill the humanbeing." It says broadly, "Thou shalt not kill."Cardinal Danielou: We believe that only human life is sacred.Srila Prabhupada: That is your interpretation. The commandment is "Thoushalt not kill."Note: heathen means being disobedient to the orders of the commandments.Thou shalt not kill is a clear commandment which does not requireinterpretation.PoP 8 Purification of consciousness is the purpose of this Krsna consciousnessmovement. Presently we are preparing this divine consciousness, for ourconsciousness goes with us at the time of death. Consciousness is carriedfrom the body just as the aroma of a flower is carried by the air. When we die, this material body composed of five elements--earth, water, air, fire, and ether--decomposes, and the gross materials return to the elements. Or,as the Christian Bible says, "Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shaltreturn." In some societies the body is burned, in others it is buried, andin others it is thrown to animals. In India, the Hindus burn the body, andthus the body is transformed into ashes. Ash is simply another form ofearth. Christians bury the body, and after some time in the grave, the bodyeventually turns to dust, which again, like ash, is another form of earth.There are other societies--like the Parsee community in India--that neitherburn nor bury the body but throw it to the vultures, and the vulturesimmediately come to eat the body, and then the body is eventuallytransformed into stool. So in any case, this beautiful body, which we aresoaping and caring for so nicely, will eventually turn into either stool,ashes, or dust.721114SB.VRN The solid fact is the Lord created. In the Bible also it is said thatGod said, "Let there be creation." So it is from the person. Here also, wefind the creation begins from the person. In the Vedas it is said, saaiksata. Sa asrjata. Aiksata, "By the glance, He looked over, God lookedover, and He created." The reference is to the person. We also find fromour experience that whenever there is something manufacturing, or creation,we do not find automatically some matter comes into being. We don't, wehaven't such experience. Whenever there is anything manufactured orcreated, there is a person behind it.So this is not a very good theory that from the chunk, or some matterexploded, and immediately the universe came into existence.680110SB.LA Now, the whole material world is produced from sound. That is scientificfact. Scientists are researching the importance of sound, physical science.Sound, light, and transmission of sound and light. There are so manythings, electronics. So this sound vibration, this is material sound. Theyhave got so much wonderful power. And just try to understand what is thepower of the spiritual sound. Real sound is coming from the spiritualworld. It is simply just like gramophone. The sound is coming originallyfrom the person; the gramophone is reproducing. That is not the originalsource of the sound. Similarly, whatever sound is there in this materialworld, the original sound is produced by God. Just like in your Bible it issaid, "Let there be creation." It is, simply it was sound and there wascreation. So spiritual sound is so powerful. And we are trying to catch youdirectly from that sound vibration, Hare Krsna, and I am sure it is acting.Simply, sabdad anavrttih.730620SB.MAY In the Bible, it is said the animals are given under the control ofhuman beings, man. Is it not? They have taken it. And because the animalsare given under the control of man, therefore man should openslaughterhouse and eat them? Suppose if somebody gives his son, "Sir, willyou take my son? Keep him under your control." Does it mean I shall eathim? These rascals interpret in that way. Because the animals are givenunder the control of man, therefore there should be slaughterhouse, theanimals will be killed, and they will eat. This is their interpretation ofthe Bible, is it not?720813SB.LA So Krsna and His pastimes, His name, quality, paraphernalia, entourage,everything is spiritual. That is accepted by great scholars like Sankaracarya. He says: narayana para. "Narayana, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is beyond this material world." There are many examples. Inyour Bible also, those who are Christians, God said, "Let there be creation." So there was creation. Now this world, this word is not vibration of this material world. In the material world, if I say, "Letthere be some mango," so no. That is not possible. BUT IN THE SPIRITUALVIBRATION, THAT IS POSSIBLE. That is possible. So the study is that Godsaid, "Let there be creation." So there was creation. Now this word existedbefore the creation, because "Let there be creation" means when God isspeaking there was no creation. And the creation means this material world.Therefore this vibration is not material. So when God is saying, "Let therebe creation," then He's a person. Therefore His personality is alsotranscendental, spiritual. Otherwise how He speaks?700103SB.LA Now, in the Bible, Lord Jesus Christ is described as the son of God.Now, so far I have heard, that it is claimed that he is the only one son ofGod. Now according to Bhagavad-gita, every living entity is son of God. Nowhow to adjust? If the Bible says that Lord Jesus Christ is the only oneson, then how these so many innumerable sons can be adjusted? There isadjustment. There is very nice adjustment. One should know it. He is theonly one son means one who can sacrifice his life for God, he is real son.And one who is simply taking from father, "Oh, God, give us our dailybread," and He is supplying and eating and enjoying sense enjoyement, he isnot real son. The real son is he who sacrifices his life for glorifying hisfather. Similarly, anyone who will sacrifice his life... Of course, it isnot required that everyone shall be crucified like Lord Jesus Christ, buthe should sacrifice his energy for the Supreme Lord. And that person whohas devoted his energy for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord, he iscalled Krsna conscious person.721023ND.VRN Even a maha-bhagavata, when he becomes preacher, he comes down to thesecond platform. He does not remain on the topmost platform. He plays thepart of second platform. And sometimes it is stated in the Bible, I think,that Jesus Christ said, "I had many things to say, but I am not saying." Isit not? So actually, the maha-bhagavata, he has many things to say, butbecause he's preacher he does not say everything to the neophyte devotees.Because they are not competent to accept that.750309rc.lon Reporter: Can you tell me how your teaching relates to the Bible, to theChristian teaching?Prabhupada: Christian teaching is good. It is giving idea of God. But whois following Christian teaching? That is the problem. Nobody is following.Christ says, "Thou shall not kill," and the Christian people are veryexpert in killing. Do you admit or not?Reporter: I admit.Prabhupada: Just see. Then who is a Christian? If one does not follow theinstruction of Christ, then would you call him a Christian?Reporter: No.Prabhupada: That's it. That is the problem.Reporte: Is there any reason why you teach your followers the Bhagavad-gitarather than the Bible?Prabhupada: The teaching is the same. The teaching is the same. What Lord Jesus Christ taught and what we are... (aside:) Aiye. The teaching is the same. But who is following? That is the difficulty.Reporter: I see. So you don't think that...Prabhupada: The difficulty has arisen--I am claiming to be Hindu, but I amnot following the Vedic rules. You are claiming to be Christian, but youare not following the Christian rules. This is going on all over the world. SPL 71-10-22 RayaramaI am so glad to learn that you are eager to preach but we should know itthat we cannot preach without being solid in our standing as devotee. LordCaitanya Mahaprabhu said that "apani acari prabhu jivare sikhaya." Thismeans that Lord Caitanya wanted that one should preach by behaving himselfexactly what he preaches. So our Krsna consciousness movement, preaching,depends on personal behavior. If you want to preach the gospel of LordJesus Christ on the principles of Bhagavad-gita you will find so manydifferences. Those who are following Jesus Christ, let them follow strictlyto the principles of the Bible. "Thou shalt not kill" is now beingmisinterpreted by Christian priests. Now they say "Thou shall not murder."This means trying to save themselves from the crime of animal killing. Soyou cannot teach such unscrupled followers the message of Bhagavad-gita.SPL 69-08-31 SyamasundaraActually our Krishna Conscious movement is genuine Christian movement.CHRIST MEANS KRISHNA, LOVE OF GODHEAD, WHO HAS HIS FACE ANNOINTED WITHTILAK. There is a word Kristos in the Greek dictionary, and this word issupposed to be borrowed from the Sanskrit word "Krishna," and Christ isderived from Kristos.680108CC.LA So my request to you (is) that don't accept Krsna as something Indiangod or Hindu god. No. Krsna is the original father of all living entities.He claims. If you don't accept... If the father says, "You are my son," andthe son says, "No, I am not your son," oh, that is son's prerogative. Hemay deny it if he doesn't believe his mother. Now what is the proof thatone man is my father? The mother is the proof. There is no other source ofunderstanding who is my father. If a boy wants to understand, "Who is myfather?" the only authority is the mother. Mother will say, "My dear boy,my dear child, here is your father." You have to accept. If you say, "Idon't accept. I must have proof that he is my father." How it is possible?It is not possible. Similarly, the Vedic literature is to be considered themother and Vedic literature says, janmady asya yatah: "The Supreme AbsoluteTruth is that who is the source of all generation, all emanations." Andwhat is that source? Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita that "I am thefather." So if you believe scriptures, Vedic literatures, if you believeBhagavad-gita, then you have to accept Krsna as the supreme father becausethe mother... Vedic literature is considered to be the mother. She givesevidence that Krsna is the father. Just like mother gives evidence who isyour father, similarly, the Vedic literatures is compared to a mother, andthe Vedic literature says that Krsna is the father. In your Christianliterature, Bible, Jesus Christ is accepted as the son of God. He presentedhimself as son of God. And here Krsna says that "I am the father." So thereis no contradiction. The son of God also says about God, and the fatheralso says about the God, Himself. The son of God says that "You surrenderunto God," and God says, "You surrender unto Me." Then where there iscontradiction? There is no contradiction. 661231CC.NY So before His coming, some of His devotees, they come first, just to becomeHis father, become His mother, become His family members, like that.Because He does not do anything which is against the process of this world.A man is born out of his father and mother, so He has to take His birthfrom a father and mother. So these fathers and mothers were, are firstsent. I think in the Bible they call messiahs, or what you have? Similarly,nobody can become the father and mother of God. But, when He manifestsHimself in this material world, He shows that "He's My father." Just likeKrsna accepted father, Vasudeva, Vasudeva as His father and Devaki as His mother. Or His foster-father, Nanda Maharaja, and His foster-mother, Yasoda. So they are all devotees. Krsna's friend, Krsna's father, Krsna'severyone, when He displays Himself, they are all devotees. He's theSupreme. Nobody can be father of Krsna.680610SB.MON Prabhupada: Body of Christ is not ordinary body. That is spiritual body.Krsna, as Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, yada yada hi dharmasya glanirbhavati bharata, paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam,dharma-samsthapanarthaya yuge yuge sambhavami atma-mayaya. So this is avery subtle point. One has to understand that when God comes or God's soncomes or God's representative comes, they do not accept a body like us.They have their spiritual body.690103BG.LA Devotee: Prabhupada? Does Lord Jesus Christ appear in the spiritual skywith the body he manifested on the earth?Prabhupada: Yes. Otherwise how there can be resurrection? Ordinary bodycannot be resurrected. He appeared in his spiritual body, certainly. JesusChrist told, if I remember, that "Lord, excuse these persons," who werecrucifying him. Is it not? He knew that "These rascals, they are killingme, but... They are offending certainly. So they do not know that I cannotbe killed, but they are thinking that they are killing." You see? But thatwas offensive, therefore he begged Lord to be excused because God cannotexcuse to the offenders of the devotee. He can excuse one who is offenderto God, but if somebody is offender to the devotee, God never excuses.Therefore he prayed for them. That is devotee's qualification. He prays foreveryone, even of his enemy. And he could not be killed. That he knew. Butthose rascals, they thought they were killing Jesus Christ.680629LE.MON Prabhupada: He was protected. Devotees are not under the karma. In theBrahma-samhita it is stated, karmani nirdahati kintu ca bhakti-bhajam.Prahlada Maharaja was tortured by his father in so many ways, but he wasnot affected. He was not affected. Superficially... Just like in theChristian Bible also, that Lord Jesus Christ was tortured, but he was notaffected. This is the difference between ordinary man and the devotees ortranscendentalists. Apparently it is seen that a devotee is being tortured,but he is not tortured. There is one example, nice example. Just like thecat. The cat carries the kitties in the mouth, and it carries a mouse alsoin the mouth. So apparently it is seen that a cat is carrying its kittiesin the mouth means it is in pain. But it is not in pain. That is a fact.Rather, she feels very comfortable. You see? But when the cat, the samecat, catches one mouse, his life is gone. But you see that she is carryingin the mouth both of them. Similarly, whenever you'll find that a greatdevotee is placed into torturing condition, he does not feel. But the demonthinks that "I am torturing him." Yes? 681002LE.SEA Prabhupada: So where do you find the difference? If Lord Jesus Christ says,"Through me," that means he's representative of God, and hari-nama is God.So either through the representative of God or God, the same thing. God andGod's representative, there is no difference. Even in these ordinarydealings, if I send some representative, if he signs something on mybehalf, I have to accept that, because he is my representative. Similarly,God has to be approached through God or through His representative. Thesame thing. Only the difference may be of understanding. Because Lord JesusChrist spoke to a society that was not very much advanced. You can understand that such a great personality, God conscious person, was crucified. Just see the condition of the society. In other words, they werelow-grade society. So they were not able to understand the whole philosophyof God. That is sufficient. "God created. Just take it." They were notintelligent to understand how the creation took place. Had they beenintelligent, they would not have crucified such a great personality likeJesus Christ. SO WE HAVE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IS THE CONDITION OF THESOCIETY. Just like in the Koran it is said by Muhammad that "From this dayyou have no sex intercourse with your mother." Just find out the conditionof the society. So we have to take account of the time, circumstances,society, and then preaching. So to society like that it is not possible tounderstand the high philosophical things as it is stated in theBhagavad-gita. But the primary fact, the authority is God, that is acceptedboth in Bible and Bhagavad-gita. Bible begins, "God is the supremeauthority," and Bhagavad-gita concludes, "You surrender." Where is thedifference? Simply the description is according to the time, society, andplace and people. That's all. They are not Arjuna. You see? So the thingsto be understood by Arjuna is not possible by the persons who had crucifiedLord Jesus Christ. You have to study in that light. The same thing. Adictionary, a pocket dictionary, child's dictionary, and the dictionary,international dictionary, both of them dictionary, but the value isdifferent. That dictionary is meant for a class of children, and thatdictionary is meant for high scholars. But none of them you can say it isnot dictionary. That you cannot say. Both of them are dictionaries. So wehave to take consideration of the time, place, persons, everything. Justlike Lord Buddha, he simply said that "Stop this nonsense animal killing."That was his propaganda. They were so low-grade people, simply takingpleasure in animal killing. So in order to elevate them, Lord Buddha wantedto stop this nonsense: "Please stop killing." So in every time a differentrepresentative of God or God comes to teach people at differentcircumstances. So according to the circumstances there may be somedifference in explanation, but the primary factor remains the same. LordBuddha said, "All right, there is no God, but you surrender to me." Thenwhere is the difference? That means one has to accept the authority of Godeither this way or that way.681009LE.SEA Now in our childhood... Not childhood. We were at that time collegestudent, Scottish Churches College in Calcutta. So that is Christiancollege, Scottish Churches. So we had to read Bible also. There was a Bibleclass from 1:00 to 1:30. So I remember our professor, he was a greatphilosopher also, Dr. W.S. Urquhart. He was very nice man, very friendly.So he was explaining from Bible. I do not know... The Christians, they donot believe in karma. Is it a fact? They do not believe in karma?Govinda dasi: They have a verse that "You reap what you sow," which meanswhatever you do, you receive the reaction of. It's sort of...Prabhupada: So... But karma is accepted? But I do not know. Dr. Urquhartwas arguing that if I am suffering or enjoying as the effect of my previouslife, so who is the witness? His argument was like this. Just like if Ihave committed some criminal act, in the court there is need of witness. Then one has to prove that somebody has seen that he has done this. This issimply a legal formality. Who is going to steal while keeping one witness?Nobody's going, but court wants that who has seen that he has stolen.Anyway, Dr. Urquhart's argument was that "Who is the witness? I amsuffering the reaction of my previous bad or evil activities, but who isthe witness?" But at that time we were not so intelligent. We could notanswer. But later on, when we were grown up and studied Bhagavad-gita, thenhere, in the Bhagavad-gita, we saw that upadrasta. The Lord is upadrasta,He is witness. Upadrasta. Anumanta. Anumanta means ordering. You cannot do anything without being sanctioned by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You have no power. Therefore we are, in all respect, we are dependent. Thatwe have got very nice experience. This hand is moving, but if the power iswithdrawn, I cannot move my hand. Therefore I am not independent to move myhand. So upadrasta anumanta. We cannot do anything without being sanctionedby the Supreme Lord. There is an English word, that not even a grass moveswithout the sanction of the Lord. So that is a fact. So how one is doingnice thing and how one is doing evil things if He is the order giver? Thatis our independence. We can take sanction from the Lord. If we want to dosomething evil, I cannot do it without the sanction of the Supreme. Or evenif I do something very nice, that also I cannot do without the sanction. Sohow the Lord gives such sanction? The sanction is like this: just like achild is crying to get something from the parent, and the parent, beingdisgusted, gives him something, "All right. Take it." Such kind ofsanction. When we do something evil, the sanction is from the Lord, but itis not willing sanction. Against the will of the Lord. And when you dosomething in cooperation with the Lord, that is called bhakti. We are doingeverything... In the material world we are doing everything, all nonsensefor sense gratification. There is also sanction of the Lord, but that isunwilling sanction. But when we execute devotional service, lovingdevotional service, that is very pleasing to the Lord.760515mw.hon Pusta Krsna: They counter that if God is all-powerful, He can do anything.So why not He can create a soul and that soul can then be eternal from thatpoint?Prabhupada: Hm?Pusta Krsna: The Christian may argue that God is all-powerful, so God hascreated the soul, and from that point the soul is eternal.Prabhupada: Soul is eternal, we admit.Pusta Krsna: But only from that point, not in the past.Prabhupada: Not in the past?Pusta Krsna: Yes, because according to Biblical philosophy you only haveone lifetime in this world.Prabhupada: Then who goes to heaven?Pusta Krsna: Persons who adopt the principles.Prabhupada: And if one life, then who goes to heaven and who goes to hell?Pusta Krsna: Very few go to heaven.Prabhupada: ANYONE, IF HE GOES TO HELL OR HEAVEN, THEN WHY DO YOU SAY "ONELIFE"? THEN ANOTHER LIFE. OTHERWISE WHAT IS THE MEANING OF GOING TO HEAVENOR HELL?Hari-sauri: No. They get one chance to good or bad, and then finish.Prabhupada: Eh?Hari-sauri: They get one chance. Do good or bad. Then you either go toheaven or to hell. But you don't get another chance.Prabhupada: But if he goes heaven means there is another life. How do yousay "one life"? This is defective philosophy.Pusta Krsna: But this is what God has said in the Bible; therefore we mustaccept.Prabhupada: Eh? Pusta Krsna: This is what God has said in the Bible; therefore we mustaccept.Prabhupada: God, if He says something unreasonable, how it can be accepted?You say, "one life." Then who goes to the next life? That is defective. Whydo you not talk back?Pusta Krsna: (break) ...cannot explain why some people are born in a morepious setting and some people are born in a more impious setting.Prabhupada: Because they do not know the karma. Karmana daiva netrena. According to one's activities, pious or impious, he gets the next birth.That is quite reasonable. But they do not believe in karma. When I wasstudent in Scottish Churches College, so we had to attend class, half anhour, Bible. So the Dr. Urquhart, he did.... The argument was: "So if karmais there and I am suffering for my karma, who is the witness?" But becausethey do not know that the witness is God.Pusta Krsna: He asked that question?Prabhupada: Yes, he asked that question. (break) Paramatma.... They say"Holy Ghost." What is that Holy Ghost?Pusta Krsna: The Holy Ghost is supposed to give knowledge to persons whohave embraced the teaching.Prabhupada: Therefore He is seeing what you are doing. So according to youraction, the Holy Ghost gives you another birth. (break) ...sarva-bhutanamhrd-dese arjuna tisthati. (break)...dictating everyone's heart, and He isobserving. Bhramayan sarva-bhutani yantrarudhani mayaya.Pusta Krsna: (break) ...contends that if a person does not become fullyaware in this lifetime of God, then they don't have another chance, andthey are condemned to hell for eternity.Prabhupada: The hell or heaven doesn't matter. The next life is there. Howyou say "one life"? That is defective theory. Therefore this philosophy cannot be accepted. Anything which is defective is not to be accepted. SB 6.1.42 The sun, fire, sky, air, demigods, moon, evening, day, night,directions, water, land and Supersoul Himself all witness the activities ofthe living entity.PURPORTThe members of some religious sects, especially Christians, do notbelieve in the reactions of karma. We once had a discussion with a learnedChristian professor who argued that although people are generally punishedafter the witnesses of their misdeeds are examined, where are the witnessesresponsible for one's suffering the reactions of past karma? To such aperson the answer by the Yamadutas is given here. A conditioned soul thinksthat he is working stealthily and that no one can see his sinfulactivities, but we can understand from the sastras that there are manywitnesses, including the sun, fire, sky, air, moon, demigods, evening, day,night, directions, water, land and the Supersoul Himself, who sits with theindividual soul within his heart. Where is the dearth of witnesses? Thewitnesses and the Supreme Lord both exist, and therefore so many livingentities are elevated to higher planetary systems or degraded to lowerplanetary systems, including the hellish planets. There are nodiscrepancies, for everything is arranged perfectly by the management ofthe Supreme God (svabhaviki jnana-bala-kriya ca).690426LE.BOS And the Bhagavata says, parabhavas tavad abodha-jato yavan na jijnasataatma-tattvam: "A man is supposed to be defeated in all his activities if hedoes not inquire what he is." This statement is also in Bible, you know,that "If one loses his own self and he gains all material prosperity, whatdoes he gain?" Actually, this is the fact. 740628LE.MEL Just like in Bible also there are so many commandments that "You shall notdo this," because they are sinful. A sinful man cannot approach God. Thatis the verdict of Vedic literature.yesam tv anta-gatam papamjananam punya-karmanamte dvandva-moha-nirmukta bhajante mam drdha-vratahOne who is completely free from the reaction of sinful life, he cancompletely devote in the service of the Lord. So the common platform isthere. God is neither Hindu nor Muslim, nor the method of approaching Godmay be different, but the ultimate end is how to love God or how to serveGod.50302LE.ATL Devotee: In the Bible they say that the animals don't have soul; thereforeit's not the same as killing.Prabhupada: I do not know whether it is said. (break) in callingBible, but where it is said, he does not know. He is so expert in Bible(laughter) How do you know? Now, apart from Bible or any scripture, how doyou find that the animal has no soul? How do you consider it? What is thesymptom of having soul? That is very easy, but you do not know. When thesoul is gone from the body, it does not move. And when the soul is there,it moves. This is the understanding of soul. So do you think the animaldoes not move? The animal has no blood? The animal has no bone? How do yousay that animal has no soul? This is foolishness. The soul is there. Evenone small ant, there is soul. Otherwise how it is moving? So long the soulis there, the dull material body is moving. And as soon as the soul isgone, you will cry, "My father has gone away." Why your father gone? It islying there. Why do you say, "My father has gone away"? This is ignorance.We do not know what is soul. We see the body. So long I have seen the bodyof my father. Now the soul has gone. I am crying, "My father has goneaway." But did you see your father? "Yes, that body." The body is there.Why you are crying? So it is very common sense affair to understand wherethere is soul. A big stone, a big mountain, it cannot move although it isso big. And a small ant is moving. Why? There is soul. So how can you saythe animals have no soul? This is ignorance. Tatha dehantara-praptih. Thesoul being within the body means it is changing the body from babyhood tochildhood, childhood to boyhood, boyhood to youthhood, like that. And ifthe child is born dead--no more change of body. That is the proof thatthere is soul. Soul means the living force which is moving the body. Thatis soul. How you can say the animal has no soul? Everyone has soul. Eventhe grass has soul, because it is growing, changing body. (break) ...simplething. Ceto-darpana-marjanam. Because all dirty things are within ourheart. On account of dirty things we are thinking that "I have got soul,and the animal has no soul." This is due to dirtiness of the heart. So ifyou chant Hare Krsna, the heart will be cleansed. Just like a mirror with adust, you cannot see, but if this dust is cleansed, then you can see yourface very nicely. Similarly, because on account of material contaminationour heart is unclean, we cannot see things as they are, but the chantingprocess will cleanse your heart, and then you will see everything in order.Then you will not say the animal has no soul.SPL 69-05-27 YamunaWe are compared as the shadow of the Supreme Personality of Godhead,and as it is stated in the Bible also, man is made after God. We understandfrom the scriptures that Krishna has His Vigraha, or Spiritual Body,exactly like a man who has two hands, two legs and all similar features. If you decorate your face, you do not see directly how your face has become beautiful, but when you see the reflection of your face in the mirror, thenindirectly you can see the beauty. Therefore, by serving Krishna directlythe result of the service indirectly comes to us. Just like we offer verynice prasadam directly to Krishna, but indirectly we enjoy the nice tasteof the prasadam. So we should always remember this, that Krishna is alwaysfull in Himself; He does not want a pinch of our help for his satisfaction,but if we try to satisfy Him in so many ways as directed by acaryas and scriptures, indirectly we become benefited by such activities. 730712r2.lon Hamsaduta: In the Bible also, in the very beginning page, there's a verse.After God created everything, the animals and the trees and everything,then He gave allotment of food to the human society. It says very plainlythat "The seed-bearing plants and trees of the earth shall be your meat, orshall be your food."Prabhupada: Just see.Hamsaduta: And it says nothing...Prabhupada: Vegetables.740611mw.par Prabhupada: That is still lower grade man. But so far experience that "Ihave not... God is beyond my experience." Another point that in the Bible,Christ, Lord Christ says that "My Lord, Thy be hallowed..." What is that?Devotees: "Hallowed be Thy name."Prabhupada: So God has name.Pusta-krsna: "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name."Prabhupada: Eh? So he admits God has His name. But it may be that he didnot disclose or did not like to say, but there is already name. So it is upto the followers to know what is that name.40615rc.par Prabhupada: Christians, they cannot say that God is impersonal. (French)Because, because Christ is son of God. So the son is person. How the Fathercan be imperson? And in the Bible it is said, "There was word in thebeginning." That is God's word. So if one has a word, then He's a person.Word comes from the tongue and mouth. As soon as there is word, backgroundis tongue and mouth. And then... The Christians pray in the church, "Oh,God, give us our daily bread." So God has got ear so that He will hear andsupply. But His personality, His word, His hearing, they're alltranscendental, nonmaterial.740615rc.par Prabhupada: Yes. Just like in the Bible it is said, "There was only word inthe beginning." So in the beginning, there was word. That means that wordis not the word of this material creation.Note:Transmigration of soul to another destination.750610mw.hon Prabhupada: Otherwise what is the meaning of going to God? They believe it.Siddha-svarupa: Yes.Prabhupada: What is, the Bible says, "Come to kingdom of God"?Siddha-svarupa: Yes.Prabhupada: So if you have no next life, how you are going to there?Siddha-svarupa: Yes. They accept another life.Prabhupada: Then that is... Another life means soul. 750401rc.may Ravindra-svarupa: In the Bible they give twelve names for God.Prabhupada: No, let me finish this. If you do not accept Krsna is the nameof God,... I have explained what is the idea of Krsna. The Krsna meansall-attractive. The example is given: Just like gold. Gold is attractive toeveryone--to the educated, the uneducated, to the black, to the white, man,woman, everyone. One who knows God, er, one who knows gold--gold isattractive. Similarly, God is all-attractive. There cannot be that "It isblack gold,It is white gold,It is Christian gold,It is Hindu gold." No. Gold is gold. So we present Krsna that "Here is God, all-attractive." Now you say, "No, He's not God." Then you present yourGod.Pancadravida: Well, I know just the...Prabhupada: You cannot say, reject. They cannot reject Krsna unless youpresent an alternative.Pancadravida: Well, here's the argument. Part of the thing I remember inthe Judeo tradition, Judeo-Christian tradition, in the... Whenever we usedto go to service and all that, they used to have in the prayer books...They would never write out the name of God because they say...Prabhupada: Oh, that means you do not know.Pancadravida: No, they say God's name should never be spoken out loud.Prabhupada: Why?Pancadravida: I don't know.Prabhupada: This is nonsense. If you know somebody, why should you say,"His name should not be explained"?Brahmananda: They say that God's name is so pure and we are so impure thatto utter His name is to make it impure.Ravindra-svarupa: Is blasphemy.Acyutananda: No, I heard the explanation that a nonbeliever should not knowit.Prabhupada: That is all right.Acyutananda: So they don't say it out loud.Prabhupada: No, when we come to argument that... We are supposed to be allbelievers in God. We are not nonbelievers. We simply want to ascertain whois that God. We are not nonbelievers. Then some persons who believe in Godcome together so to ascertain who is God. So just like when we come to ameeting to elect a president, so they are not nonbelievers. They are notnonbelievers. As there are so many personalities, candidate for president,now who is the right person to become the president? That is wanted. To thenonbelievers, he has no access. About discussion in God he has no access.When we discuss about God, it is supposed they are all believers. So if yousay... Just like we are holding meeting to ascertain... There are so manynames of God. Now we ascertain who is real God. God means there should beno more above Him. Mattah parataram nanyat. That is God.Visnujana: Christians have such a name. They call Him Yahweh.Acyutananda: Yahweh.Visnujana: Yahweh means "I am that I am. No one is beyond Me."Acyutananda: Yahweh.Visnujana: They will say Yahweh is God.Prabhupada: No, Yahweh, what is...? That is the name?Visnujana: Name. "I am that..." It means in English, "I am that I am."Prajapati: Some people translate that as jehovah.Visnujana: jehovah.Prajapati: But it's the same word. In fact, everyone agrees they do notknow what the real name is. Some say Yahweh; some say jehovah. The Jewishtradition replaces completely and says Adonai, instead.Prabhupada: That's all right. He may not say. But we have to take from themeaning. What is the meaning?Visnujana: "No one is beyond Me." Prabhupada: THAT'S ALL RIGHT. "NO ONE IS BEYOND ME." THEN HE COMES TO OURCONCLUSION, ALL-ATTRACTIVE. THIS IS... THEY COME TO OUR CONCLUSION,ALL-ATTRACTIVE. BECAUSE IF SOMEBODY IS BEYOND HIM, THEN HE SHOULD BEATTRACTIVE. BUT IF HE'S FINAL ATTRACTIVE, THEN ALL-ATTRACTIVE, KRSNA. KRSNAMEANS ALL-ATTRACTIVE. What do you think? DENYING THE MASTERThere are a number of strikingly similar parallels which both SrilaPrabhupada and Jesus Christ encountered. For instance Jesus Christ couldforesee that his disciples would deny him or betray him.Srila Prabhupada could also foresee the same DENYING BY HIS OWN DISCIPLES.With the disappearance of the acarya Srila Prabhupada they formed a groupof "voted in" as "spiritual masters" something like the voting in system ofcatholic popes. This is a concoction. On the July 9th 1977 letter to theISKCON Society Srila Prabhupada ordered a Ritvik system whereas he , SrilaPrabhupada was the INITIATING guru and those disciples initiated were SrilaPrabhupada's disciples. Which is also so obvious because the discipline wascoming from Srila Prabhupada through his books. Srila Prabhupada NEVERrevoked this 9th july1977 order. However, after his passing away the"disciples" betrayed him they also tried to HIDE this order so that they cancontinue their God-play(they wanted to be Acarya) and manipulate devotees.Srila Prabhupada foresaw this event and he wrote in the Srimad Bhagavatam :SB 4.28.48 Whenever an acarya comes, following the superior orders of the SupremePersonality of Godhead or His representative, he establishes the principlesof religion, as enunciated in Bhagavad-gita. Religion means abiding by theorders of the Supreme personality of Godhead. Religious principles beginfrom the time one surrenders to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It isthe acarya's duty to spread a bona fide religious system and induceeveryone to bow down before the Supreme Lord. One executes the religiousprinciples by rendering devotional service, specifically the nine itemslike hearing, chanting and remembering. UNFORTUNATELY, WHEN THE ACARYADISAPPEARS, ROGUES AND NONDEVOTEES TAKE ADVANTAGE AND IMMEDIATELY BEGIN TO INTRODUCE UNAUTHORIZED PRINCIPLES IN THE NAME OF SO-CALLED SVAMIS, YOGIS, PHILANTHROPISTS, WELFARE WORKERS AND SO ON. 760503rc.hon Conversations Prabhupada: And Lord Jesus Christ was killed. So they may kill me also. Srila Prabhupada was poisoned. HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HAREHARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARETo from this group, send an email to:vaisnava_synodYour use of is subject to the Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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