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A Response to ITH Anti-India piece

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India and Bangladesh


Regarding "India is causing trouble" (Views, Jan. 22) by Philip

Bowring: The writer dismisses India's claim as a secular state and

paints the country as one brimming with Hindu fundamentalism that is

inspiring its aggressive attitude towards its neighbors. But he fails

to mention the difficult choices that Indian leaders face as they

attempt to curb the deadly attacks on civilians by Islamic terrorists

that have become routine in Kashmir and other Indian states.


Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee is known for his benign nature

and has made genuine attempts to make peace with India's hostile

neighbor, Pakistan, including the 1999 "Lahore Declaration." He

followed that with a similar trip to Bangladesh in June 1999.


Contrary to the picture of animosity presented in the article,

Bangladeshis and Indians, especially Bengalis in the Indian state of

West Bengal, share a common heritage that extends from literature to

the local cuisine.


India's credentials as a secular state should not be doubted.

Regardless of the political environment, people of all faiths in

India's villages and cities are among the most tolerant in the world.


Pramit Mitra, Takoma Park, Maryland The writer, usually well-founded,

has taken a position on Bangladesh that is removed from reality.

Bangladesh is far from secular and indeed actually dropped this

provision from its original constitution to declare itself formally

an Islamic republic. The percentage of minorities in the population

has declined sharply since 1975. Two self-avowed fundamentalist

Islamic parties, led by professed admirers of the Taliban, are

partners in the governing coalition.


Taslima Nasreen, a noted Bangladeshi writer and a Muslim, has had to

flee and seek refuge abroad in the face of death threats from

fundamentalists incensed at her depiction of the harsh plight of the

Hindu minority. Anti-Indian terrorist and insurgent groups have bases

and full freedom of activity with access to arms and funds. Finally,

there is nothing to controvert Time magazine's detailed exposé of

jihadi activity.


If the U.S. ambassador is so convinced that Bangladesh is not a

dangerous new front in America's war against terrorism, why has the

U.S. administration included Bangladeshis among the nationalities

covered by strict new immigration and visa regulations?


Girish Dhume, ambassador of India (retired), New Delhi


Sovereignty and solidarity


Regarding "Asians are wary of pushy outsiders" (Views, Jan. 23) by

Amitav Acharya:


The writer states that Asia's recent move toward regional

multilateralism came primarily from a desire to preserve the existing

rules of international relations, especially those related to

sovereignty. This is true, but not enough. The ASEAN Bangkok

Declaration, signed on Aug. 8, 1967, states that the signatories of

the constitutive act of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

are "mindful of the existence of mutual interests and common problems

among countries of Southeast Asia and convinced of the need to

strengthen further the existing bonds of regional solidarity and



In recent documents, the 10 ASEAN members agreed that the

organization should help hasten the development of a regional

identity and solidarity, and pointed out that their political

cooperation is aimed chiefly at strengthening solidarity, harmonizing

views on political and security issues of common concern,

coordinating positions and, wherever necessary, possible and

desirable, taking common actions.


Ioan Voicu, Bangkok


< < Back to Start of Article India and Bangladesh


Regarding "India is causing trouble" (Views, Jan. 22) by Philip

Bowring: The writer dismisses India's claim as a secular state and

paints the country as one brimming with Hindu fundamentalism that is

inspiring its aggressive attitude towards its neighbors. But he fails

to mention the difficult choices that Indian leaders face as they

attempt to curb the deadly attacks on civilians by Islamic terrorists

that have become routine in Kashmir and other Indian states.


Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee is known for his benign nature

and has made genuine attempts to make peace with India's hostile

neighbor, Pakistan, including the 1999 "Lahore Declaration." He

followed that with a similar trip to Bangladesh in June 1999.


Contrary to the picture of animosity presented in the article,

Bangladeshis and Indians, especially Bengalis in the Indian state of

West Bengal, share a common heritage that extends from literature to

the local cuisine.


India's credentials as a secular state should not be doubted.

Regardless of the political environment, people of all faiths in

India's villages and cities are among the most tolerant in the world.


Pramit Mitra, Takoma Park, Maryland The writer, usually well-founded,

has taken a position on Bangladesh that is removed from reality.

Bangladesh is far from secular and indeed actually dropped this

provision from its original constitution to declare itself formally

an Islamic republic. The percentage of minorities in the population

has declined sharply since 1975. Two self-avowed fundamentalist

Islamic parties, led by professed admirers of the Taliban, are

partners in the governing coalition.


Taslima Nasreen, a noted Bangladeshi writer and a Muslim, has had to

flee and seek refuge abroad in the face of death threats from

fundamentalists incensed at her depiction of the harsh plight of the

Hindu minority. Anti-Indian terrorist and insurgent groups have bases

and full freedom of activity with access to arms and funds. Finally,

there is nothing to controvert Time magazine's detailed exposé of

jihadi activity.


If the U.S. ambassador is so convinced that Bangladesh is not a

dangerous new front in America's war against terrorism, why has the

U.S. administration included Bangladeshis among the nationalities

covered by strict new immigration and visa regulations?


Girish Dhume, ambassador of India (retired), New Delhi


Sovereignty and solidarity


Regarding "Asians are wary of pushy outsiders" (Views, Jan. 23) by

Amitav Acharya:


The writer states that Asia's recent move toward regional

multilateralism came primarily from a desire to preserve the existing

rules of international relations, especially those related to

sovereignty. This is true, but not enough. The ASEAN Bangkok

Declaration, signed on Aug. 8, 1967, states that the signatories of

the constitutive act of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

are "mindful of the existence of mutual interests and common problems

among countries of Southeast Asia and convinced of the need to

strengthen further the existing bonds of regional solidarity and



In recent documents, the 10 ASEAN members agreed that the

organization should help hasten the development of a regional

identity and solidarity, and pointed out that their political

cooperation is aimed chiefly at strengthening solidarity, harmonizing

views on political and security issues of common concern,

coordinating positions and, wherever necessary, possible and

desirable, taking common actions.


Ioan Voicu, Bangkok India and Bangladesh


Regarding "India is causing trouble" (Views, Jan. 22) by Philip

Bowring: The writer dismisses India's claim as a secular state and

paints the country as one brimming with Hindu fundamentalism that is

inspiring its aggressive attitude towards its neighbors. But he fails

to mention the difficult choices that Indian leaders face as they

attempt to curb the deadly attacks on civilians by Islamic terrorists

that have become routine in Kashmir and other Indian states.


Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee is known for his benign nature

and has made genuine attempts to make peace with India's hostile

neighbor, Pakistan, including the 1999 "Lahore Declaration." He

followed that with a similar trip to Bangladesh in June 1999.


Contrary to the picture of animosity presented in the article,

Bangladeshis and Indians, especially Bengalis in the Indian state of

West Bengal, share a common heritage that extends from literature to

the local cuisine.


India's credentials as a secular state should not be doubted.

Regardless of the political environment, people of all faiths in

India's villages and cities are among the most tolerant in the world.


Pramit Mitra, Takoma Park, Maryland The writer, usually well-founded,

has taken a position on Bangladesh that is removed from reality.

Bangladesh is far from secular and indeed actually dropped this

provision from its original constitution to declare itself formally

an Islamic republic. The percentage of minorities in the population

has declined sharply since 1975. Two self-avowed fundamentalist

Islamic parties, led by professed admirers of the Taliban, are

partners in the governing coalition.


Taslima Nasreen, a noted Bangladeshi writer and a Muslim, has had to

flee and seek refuge abroad in the face of death threats from

fundamentalists incensed at her depiction of the harsh plight of the

Hindu minority. Anti-Indian terrorist and insurgent groups have bases

and full freedom of activity with access to arms and funds. Finally,

there is nothing to controvert Time magazine's detailed exposé of

jihadi activity.


If the U.S. ambassador is so convinced that Bangladesh is not a

dangerous new front in America's war against terrorism, why has the

U.S. administration included Bangladeshis among the nationalities

covered by strict new immigration and visa regulations?


Girish Dhume, ambassador of India (retired), New Delhi


Sovereignty and solidarity


Regarding "Asians are wary of pushy outsiders" (Views, Jan. 23) by

Amitav Acharya:


The writer states that Asia's recent move toward regional

multilateralism came primarily from a desire to preserve the existing

rules of international relations, especially those related to

sovereignty. This is true, but not enough. The ASEAN Bangkok

Declaration, signed on Aug. 8, 1967, states that the signatories of

the constitutive act of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

are "mindful of the existence of mutual interests and common problems

among countries of Southeast Asia and convinced of the need to

strengthen further the existing bonds of regional solidarity and



In recent documents, the 10 ASEAN members agreed that the

organization should help hasten the development of a regional

identity and solidarity, and pointed out that their political

cooperation is aimed chiefly at strengthening solidarity, harmonizing

views on political and security issues of common concern,

coordinating positions and, wherever necessary, possible and

desirable, taking common actions.


Ioan Voicu, Bangkok India and Bangladesh


Regarding "India is causing trouble" (Views, Jan. 22) by Philip

Bowring: The writer dismisses India's claim as a secular state and

paints the country as one brimming with Hindu fundamentalism that is

inspiring its aggressive attitude towards its neighbors. But he fails

to mention the difficult choices that Indian leaders face as they

attempt to curb the deadly attacks on civilians by Islamic terrorists

that have become routine in Kashmir and other Indian states.


Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee is known for his benign nature

and has made genuine attempts to make peace with India's hostile

neighbor, Pakistan, including the 1999 "Lahore Declaration." He

followed that with a similar trip to Bangladesh in June 1999.


Contrary to the picture of animosity presented in the article,

Bangladeshis and Indians, especially Bengalis in the Indian state of

West Bengal, share a common heritage that extends from literature to

the local cuisine.


India's credentials as a secular state should not be doubted.

Regardless of the political environment, people of all faiths in

India's villages and cities are among the most tolerant in the world.


Pramit Mitra, Takoma Park, Maryland The writer, usually well-founded,

has taken a position on Bangladesh that is removed from reality.

Bangladesh is far from secular and indeed actually dropped this

provision from its original constitution to declare itself formally

an Islamic republic. The percentage of minorities in the population

has declined sharply since 1975. Two self-avowed fundamentalist

Islamic parties, led by professed admirers of the Taliban, are

partners in the governing coalition.


Taslima Nasreen, a noted Bangladeshi writer and a Muslim, has had to

flee and seek refuge abroad in the face of death threats from

fundamentalists incensed at her depiction of the harsh plight of the

Hindu minority. Anti-Indian terrorist and insurgent groups have bases

and full freedom of activity with access to arms and funds. Finally,

there is nothing to controvert Time magazine's detailed exposé of

jihadi activity.



India is causing trouble

For Bangladesh

By Philip Bowring (IHT)

Wednesday, January 22, 2003



DHAKA, Bangladesh: The inter-reaction of communal and international

issues is raising levels of anxiety throughout South Asia.

Bangladesh, which is not involved in any major dispute, is secular,

democratic and open. But it is also the third most populous Muslim

nation, and post-Sept. 11 events and the rise of Hindu fundamentalism

in India have highlighted the Muslim/non-Muslim divide. Erosion of

Indian secularism poses international dangers.


Bangladesh's relations with India have always had the ups and downs

inevitable given the differences in size and geography. It is almost

surrounded by India and cut off from Southeast Asia by hill country.


Slight friction might have been expected with the return in late 2001

to the prime ministership of Khaleda Zia, whose Bangladesh National

Party has a reputation for being suspicious of India. But recent

months have seen worse - Bangladesh portrayed by India as a hotbed of

Islamic extremism, a center for operatives for Al Qaeda and Pakistani

intelligence, and a base for terror attacks inside India.


In addition to officially inspired press reports, Indian ministers

have repeated these allegations.


Opposition leaders in Bangladesh out to discredit the government have

added their voices. Bombings actually attributable to localized

political violence have been tagged "Al Qaeda." The presence of a

small Islamist party in Begum Zia's coalition has been used to

advance wild claims of growing fundamentalism.


Such claims have been picked up and embroidered by foreign media.


The U.S. ambassador had to come to Bangladesh's defense against Time

magazine after it ran a lurid story about a shipload of jihadis

arriving in Chittagong. The envoy said the report contained "numerous

unsubstantiated allegations." She denied that Bangladesh was "a

hotbed of radical Islam" or a "dangerous new front in America's war

on terrorism."


India's northeastern states have many problems, particularly conflict

between tribal people and settlers. Some troublemakers take cover in

Bangladesh just as Bangladeshi criminals do in India. But with its

own history of problems in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, and with

security generally, Bangladesh has no obvious interest in disorder.


Beyond these specific issues, India seems increasingly to assume that

Bangladesh is sympathetic to Pakistan, despite memories of the war of

liberation from Pakistan and the lack of proven involvement of

Bengali Muslims with Al Qaeda or the Taliban. The allegations have

hurt Bangladesh internationally.


India's rhetoric appears linked to efforts by the governing Bharatiya

Janata Party to drum up votes by appeals to Hindu communalism. BJP

success in the Gujarat elections, which followed communal massacres,

suggests that the formula works. If India's Muslims can be suspected

(on no evidence) of support for Pakistan and Kashmiri militants, it

is not surprising that Bangladesh is suspect, too.


Relations became more difficult for Bangladesh this month when

India's Interior Ministry claimed that 20 million Bangladeshis are

living in India illegally, are a security threat and must be

repatriated. Even given a somewhat porous border, the number is far-

fetched. Most likely the threat is just rhetoric. But it contains the

seeds of a serious dispute with Bangladesh and may implicitly

question the Indian identity of many Indian Muslims.


Bangladesh has tried to turn the other cheek. It cannot afford to do

otherwise. Rather than turn to the mainstream Muslim world to balance

the power of India, it has turned east. Begum Zia has recently been

in Beijing and has exchanged visits with Thai and Burmese leaders.

New transport routes to Southeast Asia are being opened, and Dha- ka

is looking for private investment from Thailand and Malaysia and aid

from China.


Bangladesh's Look East policy does not endear it to New Delhi. Nor

can it be of more than marginal economic benefit compared with trade

with India. On that, Bangladesh has itself mainly to blame for lack

of progress. It has declined to export gas primarily for

nationalistic reasons, thus depriving itself of badly needed revenue.

On security grounds it has blocked Indian requests to use Bangladesh

railways and rivers for transit to its northeastern states.


Dhaka clings to trade protection despite its ineffectiveness against

smuggling from India. Begum Zia's government may want to take

political risks for the sake of the economy and do gas, trade and

transport deals, but India's hostility on other issues is hardening

nationalistic attitudes here.


More "Hindu identity" talk from India's leaders might start to

radicalize Muslims hitherto more interested in Bengali language

issues and robust parliamentary politics than in the politics of



The subcontinent can live with a contained Pakistan-India face-off

five decades old. But it cannot live with communalism, which

undermines the basis of modern India and sets India against another

populous Muslim neighbor.

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