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The Collapse of The Anti-Hindu

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>BJP News

>news-l (AT) bjpfriends (DOT) org (BJP News) >vaidika1008 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

>[bJP News] Berating Hindutva forces >Fri, 31 Jan 2003 10:59:35

-0800 (PST) > >Title: Berating Hindutva forces >Author: Balbir K Punj

>Publication: Newindpress >January 27, 2003 > >TWO recent incidents have

exposed the chinks in the >armour of the ?secular? cabal and put a question

mark >on its credibility, which was never high any way. One >is the nabbing of

a former Director General of >Police-turned-Human Rights? activist from outside

a >college in Delhi for eve teasing. The other is the >quit notice served on an

American Protestant preacher >in Thiruvananthapuram district of Congress-led

Kerala >for indulging in a conversion campaign against the >stipulations of a

tourist visa. A man is known by the >company he keeps and going by this adage

?secularists? >now stand in poorer light. In the incident in Kerala, >an

American missionary, Joseph Cooper, could not >escape the heat of mob fury

because he was in a >devious company that shared his denouncement of Hindu

>deities. A section of the English media has resorted >to one-dimensional

portrayal of the episode by >describing it as a RSS attack on a Christian

>missionary, especially when one out of the three >nabbed is a former RSS

affiliatee. But what is the >reality behind this volatility? My investigations

with >the National Commission for Minorities independent >sources in Kerala

revealed the answer. Those following >the Malayalam press seldom need further

edification. >The outrage has its genesis in the ?un-Christian? >behaviour of

Cooper?s host and escort, Benson. >Actually, a Hindu OBC girl, Laly was

allegedly >sexually abused and harassed for four months by Rev. >P.K. Sam of

Bible Christian Centre (Mallasserri, >Pathanamthitta District, Kerala), and his

sons Dr. >Samson, Benson and Stephen. Laly was working as a Home >Nurse in

Convent Hospital, which belonged to the >family of Benson. With the lure that

an employment >would be arranged for her in the USA, Laly was taken >to

Trivandrum Bible College. > >Laly was not allowed to contact her family but she

>could somehow send an SOS to her brother. Her brother >lodged a complaint with

the Pathanamthitta police >station. The police registered a non-bailable case

>against Rev. P.K. Sam and his sons. The entire family >of Rev P.K. Sam went

into hiding. But afterwards Rev. >P.K. Sam and all his sons except Benson took

>anticipatory bail. Benson remained in hiding since >October 2002. This became

a major news item in the >Malayalam media of Kerala on many days of September

>and October 2002. It aroused so much public fury that >the Convent Hospital

belonging to the family of Benson >was ransacked by local people. > >Cooper,

who is one of the financial sponsors of >Rev.P.K. Sam?s work in India, was

invited to speak at >a Gospel Convention near Koppam Harijan Colony,

>Kilimanoor, Thiruvananthapuram district. Benson, after >all his hiding,

resurfaced at this convention. The >public, who had heard about the alleged

misdeeds of >Benson saw him and his family members along with the >American

missionary, and got infuriated. He and his >family members were attacked by a

mob on his way back >from the convention. The inflammatory speeches against

>Hindu gods added spark to the fuel of Benson?s immoral >acts. Being in the

tangle, Cooper also got thrashed. >He should have known the morality of the

family he was >funding in India. And secularists, in turn, would find >that

supporting such people is subject to the law of >diminishing returns. >

>Another incident has come as an affront to >secularists, since they had been

keeping the company >of an eve-teaser upholding ?Human Rights? in Gujarat. >Mr.

K.S.Subramaniam (63), former DGP, Tripura, has >been accused of eve teasing

(that too a women >constable) outside Sri Ram College of Commerce in >Delhi.

Interestingly, his wife is the principal of the >neighbouring Daulat Ram

College. What is paradoxical >is the fact that only a few months ago he had

been >part of the Concerned Citizens? Tribunal, ?an >independent fact-finding

mission on the carnage in >Gujarat?. The tribunal had cast grave concern on

?the >terrible humiliation faced by women in particular in >the Gujarat

violence?. Now, will those ?secularists? >of Concerned Citizens? Tribunal like

Justice P.B. >Sawant, Hosbet Suresh, Kamal Mitra Chenoy, disown >Subramaniam,

whose own shameful act has been a threat >to the dignity and freedom of women?

I am not sure how >the ?secularists? in the intelligentsia and politics >will

react to this unraveling of Hindu-baiters. >A couple of years ago they created

an anti-Sangh >Parivar hype around the bomb blast outside some >churches in

Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. But when the >hand of Deendar Anjuman, an ISI

outfit was established >behind those attacks, the ?secular? media dropped the

>issue completely. The vehemently championed Grahams >Staines murder case lost

media visibility when the >culprit Dara Singh was found to have acted on his

own. >More recently, the credibility of Tehelka.com went >bubble bust when its

?investigative journalist? Kumar >Badal was exposed for having hired

professional >poachers in Uttaranchal to shoot a ?real-life poaching >scene?

with a digital camera. In another case, a fake >doctor Hare Krishna (a sacked

employee of Citibank who >became a quack in Agra) was exposed feigning

>eyewitness to the Anzal Plaza shootout and convoluting >facts. The twosome

?secular? journalists who had >catapulted him to attention quietly withdrew at

this >reversal of fortunes. But the question returns again - >at whose

instance, on whose behalf, are these >well-planned moves undertaken to berate a

particular >target, viz., Hindutva forces? Is it because their >presence is a

clear threat to the survival of the shop >of ?secularism?? Does their meeting

with poetic >justice signify something? > >The writer, a Rajya Sabha MP and

Convener of BJP?s >Think Tank, could be contacted at bpunj (AT) email (DOT) com Protect

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