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Prabhupada And Nehru's Incarnation

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His Divine GraceA.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPrabhupadaFounder-Acarya of theHare Krishna Movement

The incident that we are going to recount took place in mid-sixties. It took

place soon after Nehru's death when Prabhupada was still alive. I was then

working in an office in downtown Broadway in New York City, not too far from

Brooklyn. The Truth Detector (01-30-03)

There at Brooklyn, in Henry Street, Prabhupada used to preach in a small house,

which served, at the time, as some kind of a head-quarters of the Hare Krishna

people. I used to go and attend their services, now and then, mostly after

office and before returning to my apartment in Flushing, Queens. Prabhupada,

whenever he visited New York at the time, put up there and his sermons were

attended in the evenings by a big crowd. Not only were there the usual

chantings and eventual prasadam but there was a serious question and answer

period. And the subjects varied from Varnashram Dharma to Reincarnation and

many other similar topics. They were naturally of great interest to the local

boys and girls, men and women of America but for us Hindus of India too, the

question & answer period was of extreme interest and enlightenment. Those who

have had the good fortune of hearing, first hand, Prabhupada's sermons could

easily imagine how charged the discussions were. Nehru had died only a few

weeks ago in India. Ashes from his funeral pyre had been strewn from airplanes,

all over India. Every-where in India, the dead man's eulogy was being sung and

this was the man who was at the root of India's unpreparedness when China

attacked, the Kashmir imbroglio, the minority (or Mohammedan) problems in India

and so on. It was amazing that many of the American disciples of Prabhupada were

better informed of problems in India, generated by Nehru and his incompetence.

However, the man had died only recently and out of a sense of propriety, no one

spoke ill of Nehru in that congregation at the time. Then a youngman asked

Prabhupada a question on re-imcarnation. Was it true that most dead were reborn

and passed through the cycle of life and death once again, except those few good

men who attained nirvaana and were not born again but blended with Brahman or

the Almighty? If so, could Prabhupada (who was considered to be a reincarnation

of the sage Vyasa, the writer of the Mahabharatam) throw some light on the

current status of Nehru. Did he obtain nirvaana or was he reborn; if so what

kind of a body did he receive on his next birth? The question was a loaded one,

I thought. In fact, I had the misgiving that Prabhupada might refuse to answer.

But then, I was wrong. I had not yet known Prabhupada so well. He was undaunted

by any question and his reply came forth instantly. Quite clearly Prabhupada

knew Nehru like the palm of his hand; it was us who knew so little of the man,

thanks to all the well executed suppression of details of Nehru's private and

personal life by the GoI and the Indian media. For instance, even today, some

half a century after Nehru and his family took over the reins of Indian

government, we do not know who indeed was Indira's father-in-law! Prabhupada

started his discourse. He said that Nehru was re-born almost immediately after

his death, a thing that happens only to the most sinful people. He did not even

have a short-lived taste of heaven before he was born again. What was worse, is

that Nehru was born this time in the form of a dog. He was a dog in a small

town of Sweden. His master had another dog before the dog-Nehru was acquired by

him and so the dog-Nehru had to share the love of his master with another dog.

Prabhupada explained that to be born as a dog, after having been born as a

Kashmiri Brahmin in India, is a big fall. It indicated that Nehru had led a

vile life, a very vile life, during his existence as a man in India. Also,

Nehru's hatred for anything vaishnava did not make things any easier for him.

That Nehru was a meat-eater, specially beef-eater, a regular wine-drinker, made

things even worse for him. On top of that, Nehru was (a fact which we did not

know then and learnt later, much later, only after having read M.O. Mathai's

treatises on Nehru; Mathai should know for he was the Catholic private

secretary for Nehru for a decade or so) a notorious womanizer. It was not only

Mrs. Mountbatten that he slept with on a regular basis while our jawans were

dying on battle fields in the north-east and in Kashmir; he used to sleep with

each and every woman he could lay his hands on. Thus, he had left a chain of

bastards one of whom had been delivered in a Catholic nunnery in Bangalore. In

the mean time, his sidekick, one Krishna Menon, became the Minister of Defense.

First thing he did was dismantle the Ichhapore Gun Factory and turned it into a

coffee making machine factory. He was a communist and he loved the Chinese more

than he loved Indians. Prabhupada was quite discreet; we know now, for he did

not divulge to us at the time that Nehru finally died of syphilis (exactly like

the communist leader Lenin of Russia) and not a bullet wound on the battle

front. Prabhupada, however, told us in detail all the harms Nehru did to the

Hindus of India, all the insults that he had heaped on them during his reign.

Nehru used to brag of his non-Hindu upbringing. He used to say openly that he

was brought up as a Mohammedan, educated as a westerner; it was only by

accident that he was born a Hindu. It is now known that he was born in a house

in the red-light district of Allahabad, where his father Motilal used to ply a

brothel-keeper's trade. No one wants to talk of this dark side of Nehru's

upbringing. On the other hand, it is said openly, wrongly of course, that he

was born in the Anand Bhavan, which was not even owned by Moti Lal at the time

Nehru was born. However, the few little details that we learnt from Prabhupada

opened our eyes and I returned home very depressed. I was even more depressed

to think that our people in India were singing all kinds of fulsome obituaries

for this man who was worse than a traitor to the Hindus, the overwhelming

majority of India. What was wrong? The next few years showed us all that was

wrong! His daughter, in order to create differences between the Hindus and the

Sikhs, the fighting arm of the Hindus since generations, attacked the sacred

temple at Hari-Mandir Sahib in Amritsar. She had to pay for the crime with her

life and event-ually, as we have all seen, our gods saw to it that the dynasty

was totally destroyed for the sins of Nehru, now a dog in Sweden! -

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Chant Hare Krishna and be Happy!

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