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Ekaatmata Stotram (Unity Hymn)

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Ekaatmata Stotram (Unity Hymn)Om Namah Sacchidaananda,roopaaya paramaatmane

|Jyotirmaya Swaroopaaya,Vishwa Maangalya Moortaye || 1 || Om. I bow to the

supreme Lord who is the very embodiment of truth,Knowledge and Happiness, the

one who is enlightened, and who is the veryincarnate of universal

good.Prakritih Pancha Bhootaani,Grahaa Lookaa Swaraastathaa |Dishah Kaalashcha

Sarveshaam,Sadaa Kurvantu Mangalam || 2 || May all these cause perpetual good

to us: Nature composed of threequalities i.e., Satva, Rajas and Tamas Gunas;

the five elements namely fire,water, air, earth and space; The seven notes of

Music; The ten quarters andtime - past, present and future.Ratnaakaraadhau

Tapadhaam,Himaalaya Kireetineem |BrahmaRaajarshi Ratnaadyaam,Vande Bhaarata

Maataram || 3 || Bhaarat Maataa (the mother land), I bow to thee, whose feet

are beingwashed by the ocean waves, whose crown is the snowy himalayas,

whoseillustrious sons have distinguished themselves as Brahmarshis and

asRajarshis.Mahendro Malayah SahyoDevataatmaa Himaalayah |Dhyeyo Raivatako

VindhyoGirishchaaravalistathaa || 4 || These mountains of our country should

always be remembered - Mahendra (InOrissa),  Malaya Giri (in Mysore), Sahyadri

(Western Coast), Himalaya, theabode of gods, Raivataka (Girnar in Gujarat),

Vindhyachal (Central India)and Aravali (in Rajasthan).Gangaa Saraswatee

SindhurBrahma Putrashcha Gandakee |Kaaveree Yamunaa RevaaKrishnaa Godaa

Mahaanadee || 5 || Seven important rivers of our motherland: Ganga, Sarasvati

(invisible),Sindhu, Brahmaputra, Gandaki, Kaveri, Yamuna, Reva (Narmada),

Krishna,Godavari and Mahanadi.Ayodhyaa Mathuraa MaayaaKaashee Kaanchee Avantika

|Vaishaalee DwaarikaadhyeyaPuree Takshashilaa Gayaa || 6 || Important holy

places - Ayodhya, Mathura, Maya (Haridwar), Kashi, Kanchi,Avanthika (Ujjain),

Vaishali, Dwaarika, Puri, Takshashila, Gaya...Prayaagah

PaataleeputramVijayaanagaram Mahat |Indraprastham SomanaathahTathaa Amrutasara

Priyam || 7 || ...Prayaga, Pataliputra (Patna), Vijayanagara, IndraPrastha

(Delhi),Somanath, the famous and Amritsar.Chaturvedaah

PuraanaaniSarvopanishadas Tathaa |Raamaayanam Bhaaratam ChaGeetaa

Saddarshanaanicha || 8 || We must revere these great religious books from the

core of our heart - thefour vedas, eighteen puranas, all the Upanishads, the

Ramayana, TheMahabharata, the Gita, the true Philosophies (Six Darshanas),

....Jainaagamaas TripitakaaGurugranthah Sataam Girah |Eshah Jnaana Nidhih

ShreshtahShraddheyo Hridi Sarvadaa || 9 || ... The Agama books of Jainism, the

Tripitaka of Buddhism and the truthfulverse (Vani) of Guru Granth

Sahib.Arundhatyanasooyaa ChaSaavitree Jaanakee Sati |Draupadee Kannagee

GaargeeMeeraa Durgaavatee Tathaa || 10 || These great ladies must be worshipped

as mother goddesses -Arundhati (Wifeof Sage Vasista), Anasuya (wife of sage

Atri), Savitri, Janaki, Sati(daughter of Daksha and consort of Lord Shiva),

Draupadi, Kannagi (a chastewomen of Tamil Nadu), Gargi (a learned woman of

vedic period), Mira (afamous devotee of Lord Krishna), Durgavati (the brave

Queen of Gadha mandalain Central India who fought against the Moghuls),

....Lakshmeerahalyaa ChannammaRudramaambaa Suvikramaa |Niveditaa Saaradaa

ChaPranamyaa Matru Devataah || 11 || Lakshmibai (the famous Queen of Jhansi),

Ahalya Bai Holkar, Channamma (thebrave lady of Karnataka), Rudramaambaa, Sister

Nivedita (the disciple ofVivekananda) and Ma Sharada (the Dharma companion of

Sri RamKrishna)Shree Raamo Bharatah KrishnoBhishmo Dharmas Tathaarjunah

|Maarkandeyo HarishchandrahPrahlaado Naarado Dhruvah || 12 || These are the

great men of our country whose glory has been sung in thePuranic lore - Lord

Rama, King Bharata, Lord Krishna, Bhishma Pitamah (thegreat celibate),

Dharmaraja Yudhishthir, Arjuna (the great Archer), SageMarkandeya, Truthful

king Harishchandra, Prahlada, Narada, Dhruva, ...Hanumaan Janako

VyaasoVasishtashcha Shuko Balih |Dadheechi Vishwa KarmaanauPruthu Vaalmeeki

Bhaargavaah || 13 || Hanuman, King Janaka, Vyasa (the great editor of the Vedic

Literature) age,Vashishtha, Shukadeva Muni, King Bali, Dadhichi (the great donor

of hisbones), Vishwakarma (the great architect), King Prithu (after whom our

earthbecome known as Prithvi), Sage Valmiki (the author of Ramayana),

Parashurama(the son of Bhrigu),Bhageerathash chaikalavyoManur

Dhanvantaristathaa |Shibishcha RantidevashchaPuraanod Geeta Keertayah || 14

|| King Bhagiratha, Eklavaya (a devoted disciple of Guru Dronacharya), Manu(the

great Hindu law giver), Dhanvantari (the great Indian Physician), andKing

Rantideva (who himself starved to feed the hungry).Buddhaa Jinendraa

GorakshahPaaninishcha Patanjalih |Shankaro Madhva NimbaarkauShree Raamanuja

Vallabhau || 15 || May these noble souls distinguished in their chosen field of

activitygenerously bless us with their divine virtues: Lord Buddha, Lord

Mahavira,the great Yogi Gorakhnath, Panini (the great grammarian), Patanjali

(theauthor of Mahabhashya), Adi Shankaracharya (the great Hindu

crusader),philosophers and saints like Madhvacharya, Nimbarkacharya,

....Jhoolelaalotha ChaitanyahTiruvalluvarastathaa

|NaayanmaaraalavaarashchaKambashcha Basaveshvarah || 16 || ... Jhulelal (the

great saviour of Sindhi Hindus), Mahaprabhu Chaitanya,Tiruvalluvar, Nayanmars,

Alwars, Kamban (the Ramayana bard of Tamil),Basaveshwar,Devalo

RavidaasashchaKabeero Guru Naanakah |Narasis TulaseedaasoDashamesho Drudavratah

|| 17 || ... Maharishi Devala, Sant Ravidas, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Bhakta Narshi

Mehta,Tulsidas, Guru Gobind Singh,Shreemat Shankara DevashchaBandhoo Saayana

Maadhavau |Jnaaneshwaras TukaaraamoRaamadaasah Purandarah || 18 || Shankardeva

(the vaishnava saint of Assam), the brothers Sayanacharya andMadhavacharya,

Sant Gyaneshwar, Tukaram, Samartha Guru Ramdas,Purandaradasa, ...Birasaa

SahajaanandoRaamaanandas Tathaa Mahaan |Vitarantu SadaiveteDaiveem Sadguna

Sampadam || 19 || Birsa Munda of Bihar, Swami Sahajananda and Swami Ramananda

(the greatsaviour of Hinudism in the medieval period),Bharatarshih

KaalidaasahShree Bhojo Jakanastathaa |Sooradaasas TyaagaraajoRasakhaanashcha

Satkavih || 20 || Poet Kalidasa, Sri Bhojaraja, Jakana, Hindi poet Bhakt

Surdas, BhaktaThyagaraja, and poet Rasakhan,Ravivarmaa BhaatakhandeBhaagya

Chandrah Sabhoopatih |Kalaavantashcha VikhyaataahSmaraneeyaah Nirantaram || 21

|| Ravi Varma (the famous painter), Bhata Khanda (the great Musician),

andBhagya Chandra (a King of Manipur).Agastyah Kambu KaundinyauRaajendrashchola

Vamshajah |Ashokah PushyamitrashchaKhaaravelah Suneetimaan || 22 || These are

the great warriors and conquerors of our country in the past:Agastya, Kambu,

Kaundinya, King Rajendra of Chola Dynasty, Ashoka the Great,Pushyamitra ( the

founder of Shung Dynasty), Kharavela (king of Kalinga),Chaanakya Chandraguptau

ChaVikramah Shaalivaahanah |Samudraguptah ShreeharshahShailendro Bapparaavalah

|| 23 || Chanakya and Chandragupta the Precept of disciple pair),

Vikramaditya,Shalivahana of mighty prowess, Samudragupta, Harshvardhana, King

Shailendra,Bappa Raval,Laachid Bhaaskara VarmaachaYashodharmaa Cha Hoonajit

|Shree KrishnadevaraayashchaLalitaaditya Udbalah || 24 || Lachit Barfukan,

Bhaskarverma, Yashodharma (the vanquisher of the Hunhordes), Sri

Krishnadevaraya (the great king of Vijayanagar Empire),Lalitaditya (a great

warrior),Musunoori Naayakau TauPrataapah Shiva Bhoopatih |Ranajit Simha

ItyeteVeeraa Vikhyaata Vikramaah || 25 || Musunoori Nayakas (Prolaya Nayak,

Kappa Nayak), Maharana Pratap,Chhattarpati Shivaji, and Maharaja Ranjit

Singh.Vaijnaanikaashcha KapilahKanaadah Sushrutastathaa |Charako

BhaaskaraachaaryoVaraaha Mihirah Sudheeh || 26 || These are the great Indian

Scientists whom we must not forget : KanaadaRishi, Sushruta ( thegreat Indian

Surgeon), Charaka, Bhaskaracharya, Varahamihira, ...Naagaarjuno

BharadwaajoAaryabhatto Basurbudhah |Dhyeyo VenkataraamashchaVijnaa

Raamaanujaadayah || 27 || Nagarjuna, Bharadwaja,Arya Bhata, Jagdish Chandra

Basu, C.V.Raman and Ramanujan.Raamakrishno DayaanandoRavindro Raama Mohanah

|RaamateerthoravindashchaVivekaananda Udyashaah || 28 || And these are the some

social religious leaders who brought about a greatrevival of the age old Hindu

Society and infused new blood into its viens:Sri Rama Krishna Pramhansa, Swami

Dayananda, Rabindra Nath Tagore, Raja RamMohan Rai, Swami RamTirtha, Maharishi

Aurobindo, Swami Vivekananda,Daadaabhaai GopabandhuhTilako Gaandhiraadrutaah

|Ramano MaalaveeyashchaShree Subrahmanya Bhaaratee || 29 || DadaBhai Nauroji,

Gopa Bhandhu Das, Bal Gangadhara Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi,Maharishi Ramana,

Mahamana Madan Mohan Malviya, Tamil poet SubrahmaniyaBharati,Subaashah

PranavaanandahKraantiveero Vinaayakah |Takkaro Bheema RaavashchaPhule

Naaraayano Guruh || 30 || Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose,  Swami Pranavaananda,

the great revolutionaryVinayak Damodar Savarkar, Thakkar Bappa,BhimRao

Ambedkar, Mahatma Jyoti raoPhule, Narayana GuruSangha Shaktih

PranetaarauKeshavo Maadhavstathaa |Smaraneeyaah SadaiveteNava Chaitanya

Daayakaah || 31 || and the founder of RSS Dr. Hedgewar and his successor Sri

Guruji Golwalkar.Anuktaa Ye BhaktaahPrabhu Charana Samsakta HridayaahAvignaata

VeeraAdhisamaramudhwasta Ripavah |SamaajoddharthaarahSuhitakara Vijnaana

NipunaahNamastebhyo BhooyaatSakala Sujanebhyah Pratidinam || 32 || There are

many more devotees of Bharat Mata, whose name could not berecalled in the

limited space here. Their hearts are in constant communionwith God. Again there

are numerous warriors who made the enemies of BharatMata Bite the dust but today

ubfortunately we do not know their names. Stillthere might have been left out

some important names of great socialreformers and adept scientists through

oversight. May our deep reverence andregards reach out to them

daily.Idamekaatmataa StotramShraddhayaa Yah Sadaa Patet |Sa Raashtra Dharma

NishtaavaanAkhandam Bhaaratam Smaret || 33 || This is the Unity Hymn. He who

recites it daily with reverence and devotionwill be firmly established in the

Dharma of Nationalism. And in him thememory of Akhand Bharat would never

fade.||Vishwa Dharma Ki JayBHARAT MATHA KI JAY || Victory to the Universal

TruthVictory is for INDIA


">Vrin Parker


Friday, February 14, 2003 7:15 AM

[world-vedic] Anti-Indian Campaign Enters Alternative Media

Dear Friends,The ongoing campaign against India has entered the western

alternative media. Mags from organic consumer to the dissedent voice are all

ignorantly publishing articles by Roy etc.I feel this is a very negative

development.With full respect to you all as professional journalists, many

Americans do not believe what they read in the mainstream media. However when

they read it in the alternative press they feel as if they are privy to

suppressed information and believe it.It is strange to read anti-Indian

articles in the NYT and then read the same rhetoric in an anarchist mag. INDIA


other country that is being targeted in such a broad way. Even Saudi Arabia has

strong allies and apologists in the western media. Though it may be savaged by

one branch another branch pats it on the back.So any one with credentials, such

as consumer safety advocates or agricultural experts that can contact some of

these well meaning(I hope) but gullible alternative media outlets, please do so

ASAP.INDIA NEEDS YOU NOW.Vrin ParkerThis is an information resource and

discussion group for people interested in the World's Ancient Vedic Culture,

with a focus on its historical, archeological and scientific aspects. Also

topics about India, Hinduism, God, and other aspects of World Culture are

welcome.Remember, Vedic Culture is not an artificial imposition, but is the

natural state of a society that is in harmony with God and the environment.Om

Shantih, Harih Om Terms of


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