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H.P. Blavatsky, Theosophy founder, exposed as plagiarist

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>H.P. Blavatsky, Theosophy founder, exposed as plagiarist

>Fri, 14 Feb 2003 11:36 +0100


>"Those who preach ignorance pass through darkness. Those

>who are false witnesses, liars and deceitful obtain death

>unconsciously, just as those who abuse the Vedas."

>(Garuda Purana 2.2.50-51)



>Blavatsky based her syncretistic speculative Theosophy,

>which heavily influenced modern New Age, White Aryanist

>racism, Masonry, Mormonism and other similar ideologies,

>on Vedic-Vaishnava ancient scriptures stripping them of

>their monotheistic personalism and giving them not even

>the least credit. Thus she followed other non-theistic

>and atheistic traditions of India (like Mayavada Advaita

>Hinduism and Theravada Buddhism) which appropriated and

>plundered the Vedic Vaishnava scriptures for their own



>Vaishnava scholar Bhakti Ananda Goswami reveals this in

>his recent heated and victorious debate with prominent

>Theosophy scholars.


>From Theosophy To Pseudo-Science



>Esoteric and Science News





>Summary of what Bhakti Ananda Goswami has written about the "Stanzas

>of Dzyan" in H.P. Blavatsky's "The Secret Doctrine"


>1. H.P. Blavatsky used the Sanskrit Vedic-Vaishnava Shastras

>(Scriptures) including the Rig Vedic Hymns, Vishnu Purana, Bhagavat

>Purana, and Bhagavad-gita (etc.) as the foundation of her syncretistic



>See especially the Vedic Vaishnava creation hymns pages 49-87 in the

>book "The Vedic Experience: Mantramanjari (an Anthology of the Vedas

>for Modern Man..." by Raimundo Panikkar. In this section on the

>Creation Hymns, on page 58 Prof. Panikkar gives the Rig Veda X, 129

>Nasadiya Sukta Hymn, which HPB presented, in part, as the introduction

>to her "Stanzas of Dzyan". Throughout the "Stanzas of Dzyan", elements

>of other Rig Vedic Creation Hymns and Vaishnava Puranic concepts are

>recognizable. In "The Secret Doctrine" HPB uses the Vaishnava Puranas

>extensively TO COMMENT ON THE "Stanzas..."!


>However the supposed original "Stanzas" were never produced by HPB for

>direct study by anyone else, because, while they liberally plagiarized

>material from the Vaishnava Rig Veda, Puranas and other Shastras, they

>were a syncretistic work of Madame Blavatsky's own invention. She used

>the "Stanzas" as a literary devise to present her own synthesis of

>Eastern and Western 'Wisdom' (Dzyan / Jnana / Gnosis) traditions.


>2. She freely corrupted, redacted, reinterpreted and misrepresented

>these ancient Sanskrit Vedic-Vaishnava sources, to remove their clear

>Vaishnava transcendental personalism and Trinitarian monotheistic

>worship of Krishna-Vishnu-Paramatman and their various forms of

>Transcendental, Incarnating and Immanent Purusha worship. Freely using

>elements of these texts, language and concepts from them out of

>context and corrupting them, she constructed and presented her own

>syncretistic thought system. Then she claimed that this thought system

>was the most ancient of humanity's Dzyan or Jnana wisdom traditions!


>What she did was deconstruct or dismantle the Vedic Vaishnava version

>of humanity's most ancient wisdom tradition, reducing it to a rubble

>from which to construct her own spurious 'ancient' tradition. What she

>did was the intellectual equivalent of tearing down an ancient temple,

>and using its own blocks to build a new temple on the same old site.

>She had a plundering mentality which showed NO respect for the

>original temple or its God, and so what she gave the world was pieces

>of the ancient wisdom tradition re-assembled into her own



>She was not the first to do this, as the non-theistic and atheistic

>traditions of India had been doing the same thing for centuries,

>appropriating and plundering the Vedic Vaishnava scriptures for their

>own uses. She in fact drew from these non-theistic and atheistic

>traditions (principally Mayavadi Hinduism and Theravadin Buddhism) in

>her own deconstruction and abuse of Vaishnava Shastric sources, like

>the Purusha-devoted Vedic Hymns, the Sattvic Puranas and the

>Bhagavad-gita etc. Thus she consistently ignored, minimized or

>reinterpreted the presence of the transcendental Deity HARI-VASU-ATMAN

>(Krishna-Vishnu-Paramatma, Egyptian HERU-ASU-ATUM, Jewish

>Eli-Yahu-Adon) in the Vedic Vaishnava texts. All the forms of the

>Vedic Purusha, including Sri Krishna as the Adi (Original) Purusha,

>Maha Vishnu, Garbhodakasayi Vishnu, the Macro Cosmic Virata Rupa

>Purusha Yupa Dhvaja, the Micro Cosmic Purusha Avatara (God incarnate

>AS MAN), the Immanent Paramatman Vishnu (Holy Spirit), the Lila and

>Guna Avataras were erased, misunderstood and/or misrepresented by HPB.

>Following the lead of the Mayavadi Advaita Vedantists, she reduced the

>Deity Purusha to mere 'man' as the purusha. This erasure of God from

>His own Self-Revelation in the Shastras / Scriptures was at the core

>of HPB's mission to plunder the ancient Theistic sources of wisdom and

>create an atheistic system out of the pieces.



>"This erasure of God from His own Self-Revelation in the Shastras /

>Scriptures was at the core of HPB's mission to plunder the ancient

>Theistic sources of wisdom and create an atheistic system out of the



>"Thus HPB did not invent Euro-centric (Anglo-Germanic Master Racism)

>or America-centric (America as the home of the remnant of the Aryans,

>or coming Master Race) White Racist Aryanism, she only created the

>most historically influential pseudo-scientific and 'spiritual'

>(karmic) rational for these thought systems. Her racist formulations

>went on to influence not only her own Theosophical Society and

>Masonry, etc. but to become foundational to the later 20th century

>teachings of European racist Aryanism (as in the Third Reich), the

>Aryanism of Rudolf Steiner and Alice Bailey, and the Aryanism of the

>esoteric New Age Movement on one side of the American Religious

>spectrum, and exoteric Aryanist white racism on the other side of the

>political and religious spectrum. Thus today in the USA, extreme

>left-wing 'New Age' neo-pagans and extreme right-wing 'Christian

>Identity' and Ku Klux Klan Aryanists may believe in the same

>Blavatskian 'root races' ideas and racial 'Aryanism'."


>"...we see an echo of the racist doctrine that equates racial darkness

>with sinfulness. This notion was common during the slave era, and was

>part of Masonic lore, from where it found its way into the Mormonism

>(the LDS) of Mason Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, and the Reorganized

>Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (RLDS) of Smith's son."


>"...we see introduced the monstrous idea of races without a spark,

>spirit or soul. This non-Vedic and non-Vaishnava occult teaching of a

>spark-less race is at the root of countless genocidal atrocities."




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