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Holy Gita Gives Supreme Knowledge

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The Holy Gita give us the supremeknpwledge of life(self-realization)

throughKarma, Bhakthi and Jnana yoga .  In reality, spiritual development is

notlike getting a diploma or degree in an university and hence there are

noclear path of the journey. The spiritual developments that are postulated

inGita are essential tools to get spiritual maturity. There is a subtlemessage

in our scriptures on the significance of GOD in human life. The mostimportant

ingredient for Self-realization is the Grace of God which isalways available

for all seekers! This is a fundamental ingredient in Hinduphilosophical

prescription for Liberation. The scriptures have stressed theimportance of

"Sadhana" as the driving force for Self-realization. Accordingto Gita, the most

important Sadhana is to conduct our activities withoutlooking for the fruits of

our actions. This is Karma Yoga. Karma yoga isimpossible to perform with out

Bhakthi. Bhakthi is an infinite love for theLord! Infinite devotion to the Lord

necessarily implies infinite love foreveryone around us! When we see everyone

within us and see us in everyonethen we reach the goal of TRUE BHAKTHI. If and

when we are able to conductour Karma Yoga spontaneously without any hesitation,

we become Jnanis. Theperson who has the wisdom to understand the formula for the

liberation isthe Jnani. Gita's specification of the Janani is with

mathematicalperfection! The divine presence of Lord Krishna became necessary

totransform the intellectual human mind of Arjun to realize that God is theonly

eternal support for the liberation of human soul.Arjuna is overwhelmed by

emotion and self-pity and collapses down on theseat of his chariot. He throws

down his bow, arrow and dignity. Hemomentarily forgets his True duty.

Instantaneously, ignorance, selfishness,self-centered ego, emotion and

stupidity takes charge of his personality. Heseparates himself from his true

human nature and neglects his obligation tofight the war. Fortunately, the

flash of light from his subconscious mindemerges to give all the necessary

guidance to fight his freedom fromemotion, ego and ignorance and to save the

human soul. When the mind runs after rowing senses it carries away

intelligence, justas the wind carries away a ship on the waters. By withdrawing

our sensesfrom objects we can firmly set our intelligence) The rowing senses can

destroy the wisdom and discriminating power andhence they should be controlled.

Knowledge of Self is greater thanintelligence; intelligence is greater than the

mind and mind is greater thanthe senses. Hence it is important for everyone to

acquire the knowledge ofSELF (Jnani) through reading the scriptures, listening

to teachers andthrough personal experience. Some follow the sanyasa yoga by

restraining the use of sense organs bymeditating in caves, mountains and

forests. They sacrifice worldly life byfalling into the fire of yoga of self

control. Those who realize that real happiness does not born out of the

pleasuresfrom contacts with objects and who are able to resist the rush of

desire andanger will have a balanced mind. Meditation is the liberation of mind

from all desires and the establishmentof the mind on Self alone. Such a Yogi

will be self content andself-controlled with unshakable determination. God is

the strength of the strong, devoid of desire and passion. The desirefor union

with God is the only desire that will fulfil the goal of having nodesire and it

will not be contrary to the Goal.All the gates of the body restrained, the mind

confined within the heart,one's life force fixed in the head, established in

concentration by Yoga(The physical body is called the nine-gated city!) The way

to rise out of our ego-centered consciousness to the divine planeis through

focusing of all our energies, intellectual, emotional andvolitional on God.

Knowledge, love and power get fused in supremeunification. Bliss through Total

Surrender and Complete Detachment fromdesires. The devotion of mind by which

the disciple gains the wisdom which sees theone in all the forms which change

and pass. By diverting the rowing mind onGod the disciple controls the

senses. The essence of Bhakti is to carry out the duties, directing the spirit

toGod and with a complete detachment from all interest in the things of

theworld and also free from enmity toward others. The person with no ill will

to any being, who is friendly andcompassionate, free from egoism and self

-sense, even-minded in pain andpleasure, tolerant and self-controlled is a True

Devotee Humility, integrity, nonviolence, patience, uprightness, service

ofteacher, purity, steadfastness, self-control, indifference to the objects

ofsense, self-effacement and the perception of the evil of birth, death,

oldage, sickness and pain, non-attachment to spouse, children, and

otherpossessions, and a constant equal-mindedness to all desirable

andundesirable happenings. The person who regards pain and pleasure alike, who

dwells in own self, wholooks upon a clod, a stone, apiece of gold as of equal

worth, who remainsthe same amidst the pleasant and the unpleasant things, who

is firm of mind,who regards both blame and praise as one, who is the same in

honor anddishonor, who treats friends and foes same, who has given up all

initiativeof action and who serves God with unfailing devotion of love is said

to haverisen above the three modes. Those who are freed from pride and

delusion, who have conquered the evil ofattachment, who have frozen their

desires, who are ever devoted to theSupreme Spirit are liberated from the

dualities known as pleasure and painand are undeluded, go to that eternal state

of Brahman.The virtues that include Nonviolence, truth, freedom from

anger,renunciation, tranquility, aversion to fault finding, compassion to

livingbeings, freedom from covetousness, gentleness, modesty and

steadiness,vigor, forgiveness, fortitude, purity, freedom from malice and

excessivepride belong to True Human nature unified with Divinity.Worship of the

Gods, of the twice-born, of teachers and of the wise, purity,uprightness,

austerity and nonviolence, the utterance of non-offensivespeech, serenity of

mind, gentleness, silence and self-control are thenecessary standard to become

more perfect. A Yogi endowed with a pure understanding, firmly restraining

oneself,turning away from sound and other objects of sense, casting aside

attractionand aversion, dwelling in solitude, controlling speech, body and

mind,engaged in meditation and concentration, free from self-sense,

arrogance,violence, desire, anger, possession, ego-less and with total peace of

mind.Anger, lust, ego are our enemies and wealth,sex,overeating are our

weakness.Let us overcome all these with the blessings of Lord krishna.

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