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SHIVAJI Shivaji was born in 1627 in the fort of Shivner (about three hrs drive

from Pune). Subsequently, Shahji deserted JijaB and married Tukabai who gave

birth to Ekoji, who later on the founded the kingdom of Tanjore. Hard pressed

by the Mughals, Shahji had to flee leaving wife and son to his trusted agent

Dadaji Kondadev. The jagirs entrusted to Dadaji by Shahji were the valleys to

the west of Pune roughly from Junnar to Wai. Dadaji taught Shivaji the nuances

of administration &; the art of creating correct impression amongst people.

Shivaji had a persuasive tongue, was alert, never scared to take risks, could

judge people at first sight, held secret negotiations with companions on the

liberation of Bharat and put an end to the persecution of Hindus. On the other

hand his Mate, Jijabai was angry since the Nizam Shah had openly murdered her

father and brothers. Poor administration under Muslim govts and violation of

women's honor etc increased the anger. The mothers thoughts and experiences

greatly influenced her son, Shivaji. Under the guidance of Dadaji he converted

his small jagir into Swarajya, a well knit unit where law and order prevailed,

justice quickly rendered and wealth secure. Shahji was employed by Adil Shah of

Bijapur, used to conquer erstwhile regions of the Hindu Vijayanagar kingdom,

pour the wealth from Hindu shrines into Muslim coffers. This upset Shivaji and

Jijabai. Meanwhile stories of Shivaji activities reached Bijapur, upset Adil

Shah. Summoned to Bijapur, Shivaji revealed uncompressing character who

punished the wrongdoers irrespective of the consequences. On his return,

Shivaji formed an independent state where Hindus would not be persecuted. While

the father could not openly support his son, he helped him by deputing some key

officials to Maharashtra. How was money collected by Shivaji ? Seven yrs of

efficient mgmt of the Maval jagir began to bear fruit in the form a substantial

income that Shivaji used to maintain an infantry, repair forts and improve

administration. With the help of an enthusiast Kanhoji Jedhe, Shivaji acquired

possession of the 12 Maval forts, west of Pune, started building a new fort,

Raigarh later to become the principal seat of his government. Shivaji captured

important forts around Pune. He had two objects now, to secure the welfare of

his people and to have well guarded frontiers that he could hold. He proclaimed

his independence by using official papers that ran “ This seal of Shiva, son of

Shah, shines forth for the welfare of the people and is meant to command

increasing respect from the universe like the first phase of the moon.” This

happened around 1648. By taking Shivaji's father Shahu as prisoner, Adil Shah

managed to wrest the Sinhala fort from Shivaji. By defeating a ally of the

Shah, Mores of Javli in Mahableshwar range, Shivaji let all know the fate that

awaited them if they dared to oppose him. A small compact kingdom comprising of

Pune and Satara came into shape. To protect the conquest of Javli, he erected a

new fort of Pratapgarh near Mahableshwar. Having seen the fort, I would say

that it is must to see. Like Daulatabad, it is tribute to the grey cells of our

ancestors. Next Shivaji captured Kalyan and the Shah's treasure moving from

there to Bijapur. Presented with a Muslim women as a trophy of the war, Shivaji

refused and reprimanded his subordinates for thinking wickedly( compare it with

Alauddin Khilji's approach). Having captured North Konkan, he turned South

constructing a series of naval forts at Suvarnadurg, Vijaydurg, Sindhudurg and

Kolaba and created a powerful navy with shipbuilding yards and arsenals for

trade and defence. ( foresight na, while the Muslims entered India thru Khyber,

the Christians came thru the sea, he was probably aware of the European threat

). The widowed queen of Adil Shah vowed to crush Shivaji and deputed an

intrepid soldier Afzal Khan. Leaving Bijapur in 1659, A Khan came down heavily

on Shivaji's territories destroying what ever came his way. Unable to take A

Khan head-on, Shivaji moved into Pratapgarh. After several round of

discussions, A Khan agreed to meet Shivaji below the fort in a specially

erected tent. A Khan possessed a powerful body and was confident of overcoming

the slim Maratha. Shivaji took all precautions by wearing chains under his

vest, a metal cap over his skull, a long white coat covering a daggar in one

hand and claws in another. As A Khan sought to embrace him and stab Shivaji

with a daggar, he used the claws to rip A Khan's bowels. Subsequently, the

Marathas took on A Khan's armies and sent them packing. Quoting from Chanakya's

Arthashastra “ A king shall have his agents in the courts of the enemy, the

ally, the Middle and the Neutral kings to spy on the Kings as well as their

high officials. ( 1.12.20 ). Miraculous results can be achieved by practicing

the methods of subversion ( 13.1.21 ). It is better to adopt such policies as

would enable one to survive and live to fight another day. (

7.15.13-20,12.1.1-9 ). The last verse was ably followed by Shri Bhutto in 1972

when he conned Indira Gandhi into signing the Simla Agreement. Fought back have

they not, what on earth is the low intensity war all about. Politicians and

cricketers are alleged to be in league with dons based in Karachi. Now compare

this with Shri Vajpayee's Lahore yatra. Caught in by the hype over the India –

Pak bhai bhai, perhaps with some subtle hints to the army, he goaded them to

let their guard down. Does anybody at all, least of all a PM, expect a country

whose reason for existence is hatred for Bharat, fought three wars, is out to

balkhanise our country, going to be taken in by his visit. What Chanakya would

have done is to propose friendship but kept the armed forces on alert. Look at

Shivaji. In view of A Khan's animosity towards him, being on weak wicket, he

agreed to meet him, a la Lahore, embraced A Khan but was alert and prepared for

any eventuality. Like Lord Ram who carried weapons to protect himself against

the unexpected.



Chapters Earlylife &; Conquests Clash with the Mughals Fanatism &; Karnataka

Bottomline &; Rajaram Rise of Bhosles




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