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Did the British Save India?

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William Sleeman dedicated his life to the destruction of the Evil

Thugees and organized Dacoitry. One wonders if the Indians themselves

would or could have done the same.

Conspiracy Unmasked!

by Steve Bonta


On a hot spring morning in 1831, a strange company was encamped just

outside the village of Selohda, in northern India. Several large

tents, a number of horses, and some bullock carts contained the

provisions for an English officer, a blue-eyed, resolute gentleman in

his early 40s, and his young French wife. Attending them were more

than a dozen Indian soldiers, or nujeebs, who kept careful watch over

a tall, well-built young Indian man with the bearing of nobility, who

wore heavy ankle shackles. A small crowd of curious villagers was

also gathering.


As the morning sun began to heat the dusty tropical air, mynahs and

parakeets chattered in the mango trees growing around the camp.

Insects busied themselves around the crimson flame-of-the-forest

blossoms. From one of the tents came the sounds of breakfast being



Yet the attention of the English officer was distracted by none of

these things. Instead he was quietly interrogating the handsome young

prisoner in fluent Hindi. After a few moments of discussion, the

prisoner pointed toward a patch of ground near where the horses were

tethered. At a command from the Englishman, the nujeebs began digging

in the ground near the horses.


Within a few minutes, they made a grisly discovery: a human skeleton

with a few strips of tattered cloth clinging to otherwise bare bones.

After a few more spadefuls of earth were tossed aside, a second

skeleton was uncovered, lying beside the first. As the sun rose

higher, the grim work continued, until five skeletons had been

exhumed from the shallow grave.


The skeletons were, the young prisoner revealed, the remains of five

minor local police officials who had been killed there seven years



Nor was this all. At a signal from the prisoner, the nujeebs began

digging at a new spot, near where several of the ropes of the

Englishman's tent had been staked into the powdery soil. Here seven

more skeletons were unearthed and laid out in the sun. These

unfortunates, a pundit and six attendants, had been murdered there

more than a dozen years before.


By this time, the lovely young wife of the Englishman in command had

emerged from the tent where she had been preparing breakfast, drawn

by the gasps and horrified murmurs of the onlookers. She gazed on the

macabre scene without reaction, for this grim pageant had become for

her all too familiar in recent months.


Now the tent itself was taken down, and the ground on which the

Englishman and his wife had slept the night before was turned over.

Before long, five more skeletons were exhumed, the remains of four

Brahmins and a woman, who had met their fate at about the same time

as the pundit and his attendants.


By this time, the temperature in the mango grove had reached 105°

Fahrenheit, and the nujeebs were exhausted and dehydrated. Having

done his best to establish the identities of the 17 murder victims,

which he carefully recorded in his notebook, the English official

ordered the nujeebs to rebury the skeletons and break camp. By midday

the party had moved on to a similar grove a few miles down the road,

where the gruesome labor resumed.


The above episode was typical of a remarkable and dramatic campaign,

carried out in the 1820s and 1830s, to stamp out a terrifyingly

ruthless and efficient secret society of murderers whose depredations

had made roads in India unsafe for generations, yet whose very

existence had gone unsuspected by most Indians and British alike for

centuries. The story of their detection and eventual suppression by

the British is a textbook case of the routing of an ancient,

entrenched conspiratorial enemy, and an instructive example for those

who would oppose conspiratorial forces at work today.


India at the turn of the 19th century was not much different from

India in previous ages: a vast amalgam of castes, religions, races,

tongues, and tribes, overlain by a constantly shifting checkerboard

of principalities, feifdoms, enclaves, and territories controlled by

foreign interests. The British in particular had been gradually

expanding their colonial interests from trading ports originally

established in the 17th century — the great cities of Calcutta,

Madras, and Bombay. Like most outsiders coming to India, the British

were baffled by the vastness and complexity of this strange country,

coupled with the peculiar impenetrability for outsiders that the

Hindu caste system and associated social and religious practices

conferred. For the most part, India epitomized the exotic and

mysterious East; those Europeans who lived there for any length of

time generally preferred to accept the incomprehensibility of Indian

society and remain aloof.


There were a few exceptions, however. Late in the 18th century, a

brilliant young Englishman, Sir William Jones, was appointed judge in

Calcutta. Trained in classical languages at Oxford as well as in the

law, Jones became the first Western scholar to recognize the

relationship of Sanskrit, the classical language of India, to Latin

and Greek in Europe, and to suggest a common linguistic ancestor. As

a result of this discovery, the attention of many European scholars

was drawn to the vast literature in the Sanskrit language, and much

of the recondite lore of the Vedas, the Upanishads, and other ancient

Hindu writings became objects of study in the West. Yet a veil of

secrecy and exclusion still hung over much of India. For example, the

fact had passed almost unnoticed that, every year, for as long as

anyone could remember, tens of thousands of travelers disappeared

without a trace on highways and waterways throughout India.


Rumors of a secret society of murderers in India were not entirely a

novelty, but given the impenetrability of Indian society, as well as

the activities of large groups of highwaymen and bandits (known as

Dacoits and Pindari), these rumors were not deemed worthy of official

concern, and were dismissed by the British. Even when a British

officer named John Maunsell vanished while en route to Agra in

October 1812, no cry was raised. Yet this indifference was about to

change, and the agent of this change was an earnest, sober-minded

young English soldier named William Sleeman.


William Henry Sleeman was born in 1788 in Stratton, Cornwall. From a

young age William wished to serve abroad in the Army. He had studied

both Arabic and Hindustani for three years in England before reaching

the minimum age for direct entry, and so was already quite proficient

in two difficult Oriental languages when he arrived in Calcutta in

October 1809. In the ensuing years, he learned several other Oriental

languages, including Persian and Gurkha. He also dedicated himself to

the task of mastering the complexities of the many sects and cults

that made up the confusing patchwork of Hinduism. In a few years,

Sleeman had achieved a unique perspective on India and her culture, a

perspective he gained through disciplined scholarship and a strong

affection for the Indian people.


Sleeman, it should be noted, evinced no tendency to "go native,"

despite his sincere love and respect for the Indians and their alien

ways. He was noted, even as a young man, for his avoidance of the

vices that typically beset British soldiers abroad: He drank very

little, eventually abstaining completely, and had nothing to do with

the women of easy virtue who abounded in British Calcutta. He was by

all accounts an upright, principled, and dedicated soldier, qualities

that would serve him well in the trials that lay ahead.


Even in his early years in India, Sleeman must have wondered at the

peculiar practices of those Hindus who worshiped the goddess Kali,

the dark consort of Shiva who is said to feed on the blood of mortals

and to haunt the burning-grounds (or ghats) where Hindus are

cremated. Her hideous image is to be seen in temples throughout

India. She is typically represented as black (one of her epithets,

Kali Ma, means "black mother"), many-armed, and garlanded with human

skulls with a long red tongue protruding from a screaming mouth. In

temples dedicated to Kali, human sacrifices were once carried out,

though by Sleeman's time they had been discontinued in favor of

goats. Worshipers invoked her with the words: "Terrific-faced Kali,

holding a drawn sword and a noose and a club, wreathed with human

skulls, lean, emaciated, and terrible, wide-mouthed, tongue

dreadfully protruded, maddened, blood red-eyed, and filling the four

quarters of the globe with hideous cries...."


Many devotees allowed themselves to be suspended by hooks inserted

into the muscles of their backs, a procedure that is still practiced

today. Indeed, the very name "Calcutta" is a shortened version

of "Kali Ghat," meaning "burning-ground of Kali."


In association with his study of Hinduism, Sleeman began to hear

rumors of a terrible secret society of Kali worshipers, old as India

itself, who practiced ritual murder and the spoliation of travelers.

Already in the 17th century, one Thévenot, a French traveler, had

observed: "Though the road I have been speaking of from Delhi to Agra

be tolerable, yet hath it many inconveniences … one had best not to

suffer any body to come near one on the road. The cunningest robbers

in the world are in that country. They use a certain slip with a

running noose, which they can cast with so much sleight about a man's

neck, when they are within reach of him, that they never fail, so

that they strangle him in a trice."


In 1816, an article appeared in the Madras Literary Gazette, authored

by Dr. Robert C. Sherwood. Sherwood, like Sleeman, was well-versed in

Hinduism, and had gotten wind of a mysterious society of assassins

from a gang of suspects who had been arrested and then released by an

unbelieving judge in Madras in 1815. Sherwood's article was the first

major testimony confirming the existence of a cult which committed

murder in the name of Kali, and it attracted Sleeman's immediate

attention. Among other things, Sherwood wrote:


While Europeans have journeyed through the extensive territories

subject to the Government of Fort St. George, with a degree of

security nowhere surpassed, the path of the native traveller has been

beset with perils little known or suspected, into which numbers

annually falling, have mysteriously disappeared, the victims of

villains as subtle, rapacious and cruel as any who are to be met with

in the records of human depravity. The Phansigars, or stranglers, are

thus designated from the Hindustani word Phansi a noose. In the more

northern parts of India, these murderers are called Thugs, signifying

deceivers: in the Tamul language, they are called Ari Tulucar, or

Mussulman noosers: in Canarese, Tanti Calleru, implying thieves, who

use a wire or cat-gut noose.... Skilled in the arts of deception,

Phansigars enter into conversation and insinuate themselves, by

obsequious attentions, into the confidence of travellers of all

descriptions.... When the Phansigars determine … to attack a

traveller, they usually propose to him, under the specious plea of

mutual safety or for the sake of society, to travel together … and on

arriving at a convenient place and a fit opportunity presenting … one

of the gang puts a rope or sash round the neck of the unfortunate

persons, while others assist in depriving him of his life.


Thus an account of the Thugs, as they came to be known, and Thugee,

their body of secret beliefs and practices, was first made available

to outsiders. Perhaps not surprisingly, the account was all but

ignored by British officialdom. Who could give credence to such

extravagant rumors? And even if there was an element of truth to

them, surely this was a matter for the Indians to resolve among



Sleeman, however, decided to dedicate his attention to the detection

and eradication of Thugee, all obstacles notwithstanding. Before he

could tackle the Thugs themselves, though, he faced a stone wall of

official indifference, disbelief, and outright opposition. He

resolved to alter his circumstances so as to have enough clout to

make the system work in his favor. Accordingly, he applied for a

transfer from the Army to the Civil Service, and was appointed in

1820 as junior assistant magistrate in the northern territories of

Saugor and Maratha.


After two years, Sleeman was appointed magistrate in charge of the

Narsinghpur district. At last, equipped with the authority of a

magistrate, and backed by a force of more than a dozen thanadars, or

Indian policemen, William Sleeman had the authority and the resources

to enable him to pursue his long-anticipated campaign against the

Thugs. As he rode from town to town within his district to hear

cases, he gathered information on reports of bodies found in well

shafts, ravines, and dried-up riverbeds, all possessing the same

types of cuts on the neck and torso. For the most part, the corpses

were quietly buried and grieving friends and relatives maintained

frightened silence.


At first, natives were reluctant to give information, suspecting the

existence of a dreadful secret evil that would silence any who tried

to expose it. Years later, when Sleeman began to appreciate the true

scope of Thugee, he found out that, even as he traveled about

building his files and gathering information, the cunning killers

were plying their ghastly trade literally within yards of his own

residence in Narsinghpur. Emboldened by long immunity and a

devilishly clever method of killing without leaving evidence, the

Thugs doubtless assumed that the upstart foreigner would be easily



Bit by bit, Sleeman began to assemble a detailed picture of Thugee

and its practitioners. Thugee was primarily a hereditary system

associated with Hindus and Muslims that transcended both religion and

caste. As mentioned, it revolved around the fanatical worship of the

goddess Kali. While not all Kali devotees were Thugs, Sleeman

estimated that there were at least 5,000 Thugs in India. The cult was

obviously ancient, and Sleeman suggested that a cryptic mention in

Herodotus of a people (the Sagartians) in central Asia proficient in

strangling with a cord might possibly refer to a source of Thugee

more than two millenia earlier. The Thugs themselves believed that

their activities were depicted in the eighth-century cave temple

carvings at Ellora, but such carvings have not been found. It is

established, however, that during the reign of Jalal-ud-din Khilji,

the Sultan of Delhi, towards the end of the 13th century, around a

thousand Thugs were arrested and deported from Delhi to Bengal. Early

in the next century, a leading Thug named Nizam-ud-din assisted in

the repulsion of invaders in Delhi. Evidently by this time Thugee was

already a powerful, pervasive organization.


The Thug method of killing was strangulation, usually from behind the

victim with a skillfully handled yellow silk cloth called a rumal.

The name "Thug" came from the Hindi verb thaglana, "to deceive," and

reflected the uncanny ability of Thugs to befriend their intended

victims and to lure them into a state of complacency and

vulnerability. As Sherwood had discovered, they usually did this by

posing as traveling merchants in search of security in numbers. Since

roads in India were perilous enough owing to bandits like the

Pindari, most travelers were only too eager to accept offers of

respectable-looking companies to travel together.


Once a group of Thugs had insinuated itself into a company of

merchants, religious pilgrims, or even police officials, they would

often travel with them for days, earning trust and friendship. Should

their intended victims become suspicious of their intentions, and

refuse to travel with them, the Thugs often had backup groups who

would conveniently meet the company of travelers further on. One way

or the other, once an individual had been marked for murder, seldom

did he escape the murderous hands of the Thugs.


Thugs typically chose the spot for murder ahead of time, and used

certain groves, called beles, repeatedly. When the location chosen

for the killing was reached, the Thugs waited until a predetermined

moment, when every Thug was conveniently positioned beside or behind

his pre-appointed victim. A secret command, such as "Bring tobacco!"

was uttered, and, with practiced efficiency, the Thugs sprang into

action, casting their rumals around their victims' necks and

garroting them, swiftly and silently, from behind. Where victims were

strong enough to put up a struggle, three Thugs were typically

employed, one to use the rumal, and the other two to throw the victim

on the ground, kicking him in the genitalia to nullify resistance.

Sometimes Thugs would assault a traveler riding on horseback, yanking

him from the saddle with uncommon skill, and then dispatching him on

the road. Whatever the individual circumstances of Thug activities,

the result was nearly always the same: a group of unsuspecting

travelers engaged one moment in pleasant, innocent conversation with

charming fellow travelers, and dead by strangulation and a broken

neck the next.


Immediately after the murders had been carried out, the Thugs robbed

the bodies of their possessions and placed them in graves, which

often had been dug in advance. They characteristically cut deep

gashes in the bodies to hasten decomposition and thereby reduce the

likelihood that jackals or other carrion-eaters would find and

uncover the evidence. Then they carried out the tuponee, a

sacrificial rite involving the consecration of a type of sugar and

the blessing of the sacred pickax or kussee, a totemic object that

all Thug gangs carried with them on their forays.


What possible motivation could drive such a horrific organization?

Thug lore, as recounted by Sleeman, offered the following rationale:


Once on a time the world was infested with a monstrous demon named

Rukt Bij-dana, who devoured mankind as fast as they were created. So

gigantic was his stature, that the deepest pools of the ocean reached

no higher than his waist. This horrid prodigy Kali cut in twain with

her sword, but from every drop of blood that fell to the ground there

sprang a new demon. For some reason she went on destroying them, till

the hellish brood multiplied so fast that she waxed hot and weary

with her endless task. She paused for a while, and, from the sweat

brushed off one of her arms, she created two men, to whom she gave a

rumal, or handkerchief, and commanded them to strangle the demons.

When they had slain them all, they offered to return the rumal, but

the goddess bade them keep it and transmit it to their posterity,

with the injunction to destroy all men who were not of their kindred.


A tradition is current among Thugs, that about the period of the

commencement of the Kali Yug [the 19th century], Kali co-operated

with them so far as to relieve them of the trouble of interring the

dead bodies, by devouring them herself. On one occasion, after

destroying a traveller, the body, as usual, was left unburied; and a

novice, unguardedly looking behind him, saw the naked goddess in the

act of feasting upon it, half of it hanging out of her mouth. She,

upon this, declared that she would no longer devour those whom the

Thugs slaughtered, but she condescended to present them with one of

her teeth for a pickaxe, a rib for a knife, and the hem of her lower

garment for a noose, and ordered them, for the future, to cut and

bury the bodies of whom they destroyed.


A more hideous mythology to justify the monstrous evil of Thugee can

scarcely be imagined.


While he had learned a great deal about Thugee, Sleeman was for some

time unable to make much progress in bringing the Thugs to justice.

The Thugs, smugly secure in the belief that their dark benefactress

would protect them, continued to exact a terrible toll on India. It

is now estimated that a few thousand Thugs, a tiny minority by Indian

standards, accounted for 30,000 to 40,000 deaths per year in India.


But in the late 1820s, two pivotal events changed the course of

Sleeman's lonely crusade as well as his personal life. The first, in

1828, was the appointment of Lord William Cavendish Bentinck as

governor-general of British India. Under Bentinck, proselytizing by

Christian missionaries in India, long opposed by a colonial regime

studiously committed to non-interference in cultural matters, was

legalized. There followed an official prohibition on the practice of

suttee — the self-immolation of widows on their husbands' funeral

pyres — which had always been regarded as an abomination by the

British in India. With Bentinck in office, Sleeman at last found a

sympathetic ear for his plans for a concerted anti-Thug campaign.


The second significant event occurred in 1829, when, at the age of

41, Sleeman married Amélie de Fontenne, the daughter of a French

nobleman whom he had met in Mauritius. Their marriage was by all

accounts a devoted relationship. Amélie came to share her husband's

zeal for eradicating Thugee, and accompanied him on many of his

expeditions. Aside from the obvious dangers posed by the Thugs

themselves, these journeys would have tried the mettle of any human

being, let alone a young French woman accustomed to the comforts and

sea breezes of Mauritius. No one who has not experienced India

firsthand can fully imagine the snakes, leeches, mosquitoes,

torrential rains, dust clouds, and, above all, the searing heat that

afflict all who live on the Subcontinent. Over time such extremes

bring disease, debilitation, demoralization, and death to foreigners

from gentler climes. By the time he was in his 40s, Sleeman had

already been in India 20 years, and had suffered from malaria and

rheumatism. Yet despite all this, by 1830 the Sleemans were

aggressively pursuing the Thugs, rounding them up in large groups and

assembling mountains of new information on their practices, beliefs,

and genealogy.


The plan Sleeman formulated was simple in concept. Backed by the

authority of the colonial government, he sent forth his sepoys and

nujeebs (both names for Indian soldiers) to arrest Thugs and

transport them to a prison facility in Saugor for eventual trial. He

used certain captured Thugs, termed "approvers," as informants to

identify not only other Thugs, but also the locations of the bodies

of murdered victims. Knowing that a death sentence was a likely

alternative, more than a few leaders of Thug gangs were willing to

turn informer on their partners in crime. In this way, what began as

a trickle of arrests turned into a flood. Sleeman learned the names

of entire families who had practiced Thugee for generations. His work

expanded across India as Thug networks were arrested and imprisoned,

from the steamy jungles of the south to the borders of the Himalaya

in the north.


As he questioned his Thug approvers, Sleeman discovered the name of

the man said to be the Prince of Thugee, one Feringeea, who lived in

the independent state of Gwalior, to the northeast of Narsinghpur.

Having determined that Feringeea must be apprehended, Sleeman sent an

expedition to Gwalior. Feringeea, hearing that he was pursued, fled

his home scant hours before Sleeman's men closed in. Frustrated, the

sepoys arrested Feringeea's mother, wife, and child, whereupon the

Prince of Thugs gave up the game and allowed himself to be captured.


Having taken one of the leading figures in the Thug hierarchy,

Sleeman had at last turned the corner. Feringeea immediately offered

to become an approver, and cooperated thoroughly with Sleeman's

efforts. He was by all accounts an arresting figure: an aristocratic

young man, tall, well-built, and charming. To prove his good faith,

he directed Sleeman to the mass graves outside Selohda, mentioned at

the beginning of this account. He was also, along with several other

captured Thugs, astonishingly candid, and responded willingly to all

of Sleeman's questions about Thugee. From Sleeman's interviews with

Feringeea and other Thug leaders, documented in his copious personal

papers, there emerged a remarkable, if shocking, picture of the dark,

amoral existence of the Thugs.


The Thugs had developed a secret language, which they called Ramasee,

enabling them to converse amongst themselves and discuss their plans

even in the presence of outsiders. While some of the morphology, such

as auxiliary verbs and infinitive endings, were clearly Hindi, many

of the words were of obscure origin. For example, an adhoreea was

someone who had escaped being murdered by the Thugs; a bhurtote was a

Thug who was a strangler per se, as Thugs were not permitted to

strangle until they had participated in many expeditions and had

acquired the requisite skill with the rumal; dhurdalna meant "to

strangle"; a tonkal was a party of people larger than a gang of Thugs

could destroy; and thibana meant "to cause travelers to sit down on

some pretense, so they could be murdered."


Thugee completely transcended both religion and caste, normally

insurmountable barriers in Indian society. The following remarkable

exchange, which took place between Sleeman and a Muslim Thug named

Sahib Khan, is revealing in this connection:


Sleeman: You are a Musulman?


Khan: Yes, most of the Thugs of the south are Musulmans.


S: And you still marry; inherit; pray; eat and drink according to the

Koran; and your paradise is to be the paradise promised by Mahommud?


K: Yes, all, all.


S: Has Bhowanee [Kali] been anywhere named in the Koran?


K: Nowhere.


S: Then has Bhowanee anything to do with your paradise?


K: Nothing.


S: She has no influence upon your future state?


K: None.


S: Does Mahommud, your prophet, anywhere sanction crimes like yours;

the murder in cold blood of your fellow creatures for the sake of



K: No.


S: Does he not say that such crimes will be punished by God in the

next world?


K: Yes.


S: Then do you never feel any dread of punishment hereafter?


K: Never; we never murder unless the omens are favourable; we

consider favourable omens as the mandates of the deity.


S: What deity?


K: Bhowanee.


S: But Bhowanee, you say, has no influence upon the welfare or

otherwise of your soul hereafter?


K: None, we believe; but she influences our fates in this world and

what she orders in this world, we believe that God will not punish in

the next.


The omens mentioned by the Muslim Thug are indicative of the world of

meticulously observed rituals and superstitions in which the Thugs

lived. Every Thug expedition was planned in careful consultation with

omens and signs. The call of a crane betokened good fortune, while

owl calls were inauspicious. A wolf crossing the road from left to

right was a bad omen, but crossing from right to left was good. The

bark of a jackal was also a very bad sign.


During the first week of an expedition, Thugs were not allowed to

bathe, shave, clean their teeth, have sexual intercourse, wash their

clothes, eat any animal food besides fish, or dress any food in ghee

(clarified butter). Throughout the course of their travels, a company

of Thugs kept a close eye on the signs and omens, certain of which

were considered so severe that they could cause the Thugs to

instantly leave an area or discontinue an expedition altogether.


While Thugee was in part a perverse expression of religious faith

mingled with primitive superstition, Thugs also were undoubtedly

motivated by the immense potential for enrichment. Thugs often

targeted large caravans of merchants transporting gold, silver, and

jewels from one commercial center to another. Because of the

secretive and hereditary character of Thugee, most Thugs did not

spend their ill-gotten gains lavishly, but hoarded immense treasures

that grew larger with each succeeding generation. Most led double

lives, their wives usually unaware of the purpose of their frequent

long forays away from home. (All Thugs were men, although Sleeman did

document a few cases of wives participating in Thug murders.) They

typically held occupations and even political offices that earned

them respect in their communities, and were as loyal and

compassionate towards family and friends as only upstanding citizens

could be.


This macabre masquerade had been perpetuated across generations, as

Thug fathers inducted their sons, by small steps, into the mysteries

of Thugee in their early teens. Typically sons were first taken on a

Thug safari, without being told anything as to its purpose. On a

subsequent outing, they were given to know that robbery was the

objective. Next they were allowed to view a strangulation. Finally,

they were allowed to participate in Thug activities in some limited

degree, eventually acquiring the rank of bhurtote, when they

themselves became stranglers.


Not all Thugs were born into the brotherhood, however. Ample

provision was made in the code of Thugee for the recruitment and

induction of outsiders. This was especially the case in areas where

the local political leadership was sympathetic to Thugs' activities.


Perhaps the most extraordinary trait shown by the Thugs captured by

Sleeman was the rank callousness they displayed as they candidly

discussed the details of their appalling crimes and then defended

their conduct with the most tortured reasoning imaginable. One Thug

named Buhram gave this account of the fruits of 40 years of Thugee as

Sleeman questioned him:


"Nine hundred and thirty-one murders? Surely you can never have been

guilty of such a number?"


"Sahib," replied this courtly Thug, "there were many more, but I was

so intrigued in luring them to destruction that I ceased counting

when certain of my thousand victims."


"Do you never feel remorse for murdering in cold blood, and after the

pretence of friendship, those whom you have beguiled into a false

sense of security?"


"Certainly not! Are you yourself not a shikari (big-game hunter) and

do you not enjoy the thrill of stalking, pitting your cunning against

that of an animal, and are you not pleased at seeing it dead at your

feet? So with the Thug, who regards the stalking of men as a higher

form of sport.


"For you, sahib, have but the instincts of the wild beasts to

overcome, whereas the Thug has to subdue the suspicions and fears of

intelligent men and women, often heavily armed and guarded, knowing

that the roads are dangerous. In other words, game for our hunting is

defended from all points save those of flattery and cunning.


"Can you not imagine the pleasure of overcoming such protection

during days of travel in their company, the joy of seeing suspicion

change to friendship, until that wonderful moment when the ruhmal

completes the shikar [hunt] — this soft ruhmal, which has ended the

life of hundreds. Remorse, sahib? Never! Joy and elation, often!"


Judge Curwen Smith, who oversaw hundreds of Thug trials at Saugor,

reported in a letter to Lord William Bentinck an almost overwhelming

revulsion: "In all my experience in the judicial line for upwards of

twenty years I have never heard of such atrocities or presided over

such trials, such cold-blooded murder, such heart-rending scenes of

distress and misery, such base ingratitude, such total abandonment of

every principle which binds man to man, which softens the heart and

elevates mankind above the brute creation."


A major impediment to Sleeman's efforts was the sympathy and outright

protection that Thugs often enjoyed from local political figures,

especially in territories not under British jurisdiction. Many nabobs

saw in the Thugs a way to acquire spoils indirectly, and shielded

them from arrest and persecution in return for ample remuneration. In

the historical climate of extreme corruption that plagues India even

to this day, many Thug bands had apparently enjoyed alliances with

political powers for many generations. On several occasions, when

confronted with outright defiance from local officials at his request

to surrender known Thugs, Sleeman resorted to direct and forceful

response. In June 1831, the Raja of Jhansi, who occupied a well-

fortified castle on a hilltop defended by two cannons and at least a

thousand men, refused to surrender to Sleeman Thugs. In response,

Sleeman called on the resources of the Army, and the castle was

attacked with artillery and infantry. In the smoke and confusion, the

Thugs managed to slip away, but this erstwhile Thug sanctuary was



More curious still were the shadowy ties that existed between the

Thug fraternity and certain prominent members of the Indian banking

community. One particularly wealthy and influential banker, Dhunraj

Seth, was relieved of a large shipment of gold and silver by Thug

marauders. Through his own agents, he quickly discovered the identity

of the Thugs responsible, and recovered much of his stolen wealth

with the help of Indian authorities. However, Sleeman discovered that

this man actually had close ties to the Thugs himself, and was

attempting to become (or had succeeded in becoming) a major financial

backer of the Thugs. Sleeman wrote:


It is essentially necessary for the success of this or any other plan

for the suppression of Thugee that we should prevent Dhunraj Seth,

the great banker of Omrautee, or any of his partners or numerous

agents from having communication with the Thugs seized; or any

attempts to indemnify themselves, to profit by their murders, to

effect their release by bribery, corruption, intrigue or solicitation

from all the native chiefs in whose dominions they have found them

imprisoned; and to send them again upon the roads with advances of

money or subsistence till fresh murders have brought them fresh

treasure for division.


Had their attempts not been providentially checked by our operations

I declare before God that I believe that this House would have become

the great capitalists and patrons of murder from Lahore to Cape

Comorin; and that the price of blood would have flowed into their

coffers from every road throughout this enormous empire.


Comments George Bruce, a modern authority on Thugee: "It is tempting

to wonder to what extent the Thug secret societies were dependent on

a central banking source for their working funds. Then, as now,

bankers worked in concert. It is possible therefore that Dhunraj Seth

sought to get a bigger share of Thug profits." Fortunately, Seth's

major agent, Bearee Lal, was arrested and imprisoned for

collaborating with the Thugs.


Throughout the 1830s, hundreds of Thugs were imprisoned, dozens of

gangs broken up, and the roads of India were gradually becoming safe

for travelers. Sleeman's method of using Thug approvers yielded

spectacular results. By 1838, Sleeman had captured and tried a total

of 3,266 Thugs, while several hundred more were in prison awaiting

trial. Many had been executed, while many more were serving life

sentences. By no means had all Thugs been brought to justice. Yet

Sleeman had effectively broken the back of Thugee by aggressively

pursuing the leadership and developing such a successful system of

getting Thugs to finger other Thugs that those who avoided capture

were completely demoralized. The rigid, fatalistic system of idolatry

and superstition that had so sustained them over the centuries now

turned to their disadvantage, as droves of Thugs became convinced

that Kali no longer approved of their devotion, and surrendered in

many cases without a struggle.


But the "river Thugs" posed a much greater challenge. These

particularly violent and ruthless Thugs, who plied their dark trade

on the Ganges River among the riverboat passengers, were probably the

direct descendants of the Thugs deported from Delhi by Sultan Jalal

ud-din Khilji in the 12th century. Unlike their land-bound brethren,

they typically strangled from the front and mutilated the sexual

organs of their victims before throwing their bodies into the river.

Not only was the evidence of their crimes usually washed away, but

river Thugs were more reluctant to betray one another. They were much

more scrupulous in observing proscriptions in the Thugee code of

behavior, such as the prohibition on the murder of women. Their

devotion to Kali and to Thugee was absolute and unshakable.


In spite of these difficulties, however, Sleeman and his agents

eventually cracked the river Thug network, bringing to an end the

last redoubt of the Thug conspiracy. During the course of 1840 and

1841, a series of letters from magistrates across India revealed

that, for the first time anyone could remember, no bodies of

strangled travelers had been found in any of their districts. Thugee

as an active force had become extinct.


Throughout the 1840s Sleeman worked on the suppression of various

gangs of Dacoits, though with less successful results. After four

decades in India devoted to stamping out an ancient evil against

seemingly impossible odds, Sleeman must have begun to long for the

cool sea breezes and the quiet cottages and gardens of his long-ago

boyhood home in Cornwall. Finally, in 1856, he and his wife Amélie

set sail for England, where Sleeman doubtless anticipated a well-

deserved retirement. But it was not to be. After nine days at sea,

Sleeman died of heart failure and was buried at sea off the coast of



William Sleeman's life was an odyssey of tremendous sacrifice and

determination, sustained by sound scholarship, an irreproachable

character, and a love for the people he served. More importantly for

today, his life and methods provide instructive examples for modern

patriots who would fight the conspiratorial evils that threaten us.


The history of secret societies and conspiratorial organizations

seldom offers much cause for optimism as to the likelihood of their

exposure and defeat. Their existence and influence are generally

marginalized or denied outright by "responsible" scholarship. Yet in

Thugee there is solid documentation of an immensely powerful and

widespread secret society that lasted for at least 600 years, with

possible evidence for much greater antiquity. This in itself is quite

significant, inasmuch as the Western view of conspiratorial

organizations, when their existence is acknowledged at all, is that

they are typically of brief duration and negligible influence.


Moreover, on those rare occasions when conspiracies and combinations

have been exposed, they have all too often succeeded in merely going

underground, metamorphosing and emerging anew after a "decent"

interval, to resume their subversive, murderous activities. This

apparently was the case with the Cathars, the Templars, the Bavarian

Illuminati, and, of course, with the American communists and their

sponsors following the McCarthy era.


Yet the history of the successful British detection and suppression

of the Thugs is a significant exception to a generally disappointing

record. It is in fact, as has been demonstrated, largely the tale of

a single courageous, principled man, who literally gave his life to

exposing and wiping out this extraordinarily successful secret

society, whose very existence was unknown to the British for the

first two centuries of their commercial and colonial relationship

with India.


Sleeman's example illustrates the proper way to fight a conspiracy.

First, gather evidence to educate the people, especially those

wielding legal and political authority, and so expose it. Then,

enlist the aid of good men and women to uproot and destroy the

conspiratorial organization. It is doubtful that Sleeman could have

achieved his aims without the support of his wife Amélie, Governor-

General Bentinck, and, most especially, the valiant sepoys and

nujeebs in his employ, whose courage Sleeman frequently praised.


The methods Sleeman used sometimes caused him misgivings, since they

relied on granting leniency to hardened killers in order to expose

the Thug network. Sleeman struggled often with the inadequacy of

human justice in this regard. Yet human justice frequently falls

short of the mark. In a struggle against a combined enemy, the most

important priority is to expose and capture the leadership in order

to disrupt the organizational structure and sow demoralization in the

ranks of its membership.


Sleeman's example also teaches us the value of character in such a

struggle. In addition to the evidences of good character previously

mentioned, he was a religious man, though, excepting his righteous

indignation at Thugee abominations, he was unusually tolerant of

native customs and beliefs. We suppose that his extraordinary

perseverance in the face of great adversity and personal danger was a

direct outgrowth of his upright, moral, and religious disposition.


We, therefore, must also strive to be men and women of character and

dedication as we confront a modern conspiracy that has assumed far

greater scope and power than the Thugs of long ago. We must seek to

better educate ourselves, to arm ourselves with the truth about the

enemy that confronts us. Above all, we must be willing to persevere

and endure ridicule and harassment, and to make whatever sacrifices

necessary to bring the Insiders outside and expose their secret

crimes and devious designs.

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Guest guest

I have never read anything more absurd and sensational than this

piece of fiction parading as a historic account. The descriptions of

the British "heroes" resemble a script from a hollywood movie, and

the heading "one wonders whether the Indians themselves would or

could have done the same....." itself suggests that this article is

feeble attempt at presenting rosy pictures of the colonial era, under

the notion that western colonialism was the best thing that could

have happened to tame many non-western civilizations, and the British

officers in these colonies were somewhat heroes, who risked their

lives to better this world.....


I was under the impression that this forum was of more serious

nature, to discuss, explore, and investigate the ancient vedic

heritage (as the name of this forum itself suggests) and Indian

history, and to promote better understanding of these issues. But it

is disappointingly inclining more towards tabloid accounts of Indian

history - more to entertain, than to educate.


It would be nice if more scholarly pieces of work or discussions on

Indian history could be posted on the forum in future. This will not

only ensure that the interest of the readers on India's heritage is

kept alive, but also maintain the objectives of the forum.


Thank you.




vediculture, "vrnparker" <vrnparker>





> William Sleeman dedicated his life to the destruction of the Evil

> Thugees and organized Dacoitry. One wonders if the Indians


> would or could have done the same.

> Conspiracy Unmasked!

> by Steve Bonta


> On a hot spring morning in 1831, a strange company was encamped


> outside the village of Selohda, in northern India. Several large

> tents, a number of horses, and some bullock carts contained the

> provisions for an English officer, a blue-eyed, resolute gentleman


> his early 40s, and his young French wife. Attending them were more

> than a dozen Indian soldiers, or nujeebs, who kept careful watch


> a tall, well-built young Indian man with the bearing of nobility,


> wore heavy ankle shackles. A small crowd of curious villagers was

> also gathering.


> As the morning sun began to heat the dusty tropical air, mynahs and

> parakeets chattered in the mango trees growing around the camp.

> Insects busied themselves around the crimson flame-of-the-forest

> blossoms. From one of the tents came the sounds of breakfast being

> prepared.


> Yet the attention of the English officer was distracted by none of

> these things. Instead he was quietly interrogating the handsome


> prisoner in fluent Hindi. After a few moments of discussion, the

> prisoner pointed toward a patch of ground near where the horses


> tethered. At a command from the Englishman, the nujeebs began


> in the ground near the horses.


> Within a few minutes, they made a grisly discovery: a human


> with a few strips of tattered cloth clinging to otherwise bare


> After a few more spadefuls of earth were tossed aside, a second

> skeleton was uncovered, lying beside the first. As the sun rose

> higher, the grim work continued, until five skeletons had been

> exhumed from the shallow grave.


> The skeletons were, the young prisoner revealed, the remains of


> minor local police officials who had been killed there seven years

> previously.


> Nor was this all. At a signal from the prisoner, the nujeebs began

> digging at a new spot, near where several of the ropes of the

> Englishman's tent had been staked into the powdery soil. Here seven

> more skeletons were unearthed and laid out in the sun. These

> unfortunates, a pundit and six attendants, had been murdered there

> more than a dozen years before.


> By this time, the lovely young wife of the Englishman in command


> emerged from the tent where she had been preparing breakfast, drawn

> by the gasps and horrified murmurs of the onlookers. She gazed on


> macabre scene without reaction, for this grim pageant had become


> her all too familiar in recent months.


> Now the tent itself was taken down, and the ground on which the

> Englishman and his wife had slept the night before was turned over.

> Before long, five more skeletons were exhumed, the remains of four

> Brahmins and a woman, who had met their fate at about the same time

> as the pundit and his attendants.


> By this time, the temperature in the mango grove had reached 105°

> Fahrenheit, and the nujeebs were exhausted and dehydrated. Having

> done his best to establish the identities of the 17 murder victims,

> which he carefully recorded in his notebook, the English official

> ordered the nujeebs to rebury the skeletons and break camp. By


> the party had moved on to a similar grove a few miles down the


> where the gruesome labor resumed.


> The above episode was typical of a remarkable and dramatic


> carried out in the 1820s and 1830s, to stamp out a terrifyingly

> ruthless and efficient secret society of murderers whose


> had made roads in India unsafe for generations, yet whose very

> existence had gone unsuspected by most Indians and British alike


> centuries. The story of their detection and eventual suppression by

> the British is a textbook case of the routing of an ancient,

> entrenched conspiratorial enemy, and an instructive example for


> who would oppose conspiratorial forces at work today.


> India at the turn of the 19th century was not much different from

> India in previous ages: a vast amalgam of castes, religions, races,

> tongues, and tribes, overlain by a constantly shifting checkerboard

> of principalities, feifdoms, enclaves, and territories controlled


> foreign interests. The British in particular had been gradually

> expanding their colonial interests from trading ports originally

> established in the 17th century — the great cities of Calcutta,

> Madras, and Bombay. Like most outsiders coming to India, the


> were baffled by the vastness and complexity of this strange


> coupled with the peculiar impenetrability for outsiders that the

> Hindu caste system and associated social and religious practices

> conferred. For the most part, India epitomized the exotic and

> mysterious East; those Europeans who lived there for any length of

> time generally preferred to accept the incomprehensibility of


> society and remain aloof.


> There were a few exceptions, however. Late in the 18th century, a

> brilliant young Englishman, Sir William Jones, was appointed judge


> Calcutta. Trained in classical languages at Oxford as well as in


> law, Jones became the first Western scholar to recognize the

> relationship of Sanskrit, the classical language of India, to Latin

> and Greek in Europe, and to suggest a common linguistic ancestor.


> a result of this discovery, the attention of many European scholars

> was drawn to the vast literature in the Sanskrit language, and much

> of the recondite lore of the Vedas, the Upanishads, and other


> Hindu writings became objects of study in the West. Yet a veil of

> secrecy and exclusion still hung over much of India. For example,


> fact had passed almost unnoticed that, every year, for as long as

> anyone could remember, tens of thousands of travelers disappeared

> without a trace on highways and waterways throughout India.


> Rumors of a secret society of murderers in India were not entirely


> novelty, but given the impenetrability of Indian society, as well


> the activities of large groups of highwaymen and bandits (known as

> Dacoits and Pindari), these rumors were not deemed worthy of


> concern, and were dismissed by the British. Even when a British

> officer named John Maunsell vanished while en route to Agra in

> October 1812, no cry was raised. Yet this indifference was about to

> change, and the agent of this change was an earnest, sober-minded

> young English soldier named William Sleeman.


> William Henry Sleeman was born in 1788 in Stratton, Cornwall. From


> young age William wished to serve abroad in the Army. He had


> both Arabic and Hindustani for three years in England before


> the minimum age for direct entry, and so was already quite


> in two difficult Oriental languages when he arrived in Calcutta in

> October 1809. In the ensuing years, he learned several other


> languages, including Persian and Gurkha. He also dedicated himself


> the task of mastering the complexities of the many sects and cults

> that made up the confusing patchwork of Hinduism. In a few years,

> Sleeman had achieved a unique perspective on India and her culture,


> perspective he gained through disciplined scholarship and a strong

> affection for the Indian people.


> Sleeman, it should be noted, evinced no tendency to "go native,"

> despite his sincere love and respect for the Indians and their


> ways. He was noted, even as a young man, for his avoidance of the

> vices that typically beset British soldiers abroad: He drank very

> little, eventually abstaining completely, and had nothing to do


> the women of easy virtue who abounded in British Calcutta. He was


> all accounts an upright, principled, and dedicated soldier,


> that would serve him well in the trials that lay ahead.


> Even in his early years in India, Sleeman must have wondered at the

> peculiar practices of those Hindus who worshiped the goddess Kali,

> the dark consort of Shiva who is said to feed on the blood of


> and to haunt the burning-grounds (or ghats) where Hindus are

> cremated. Her hideous image is to be seen in temples throughout

> India. She is typically represented as black (one of her epithets,

> Kali Ma, means "black mother"), many-armed, and garlanded with


> skulls with a long red tongue protruding from a screaming mouth. In

> temples dedicated to Kali, human sacrifices were once carried out,

> though by Sleeman's time they had been discontinued in favor of

> goats. Worshipers invoked her with the words: "Terrific-faced Kali,

> holding a drawn sword and a noose and a club, wreathed with human

> skulls, lean, emaciated, and terrible, wide-mouthed, tongue

> dreadfully protruded, maddened, blood red-eyed, and filling the


> quarters of the globe with hideous cries...."


> Many devotees allowed themselves to be suspended by hooks inserted

> into the muscles of their backs, a procedure that is still


> today. Indeed, the very name "Calcutta" is a shortened version

> of "Kali Ghat," meaning "burning-ground of Kali."


> In association with his study of Hinduism, Sleeman began to hear

> rumors of a terrible secret society of Kali worshipers, old as


> itself, who practiced ritual murder and the spoliation of


> Already in the 17th century, one Thévenot, a French traveler, had

> observed: "Though the road I have been speaking of from Delhi to


> be tolerable, yet hath it many inconveniences … one had best not to

> suffer any body to come near one on the road. The cunningest


> in the world are in that country. They use a certain slip with a

> running noose, which they can cast with so much sleight about a


> neck, when they are within reach of him, that they never fail, so

> that they strangle him in a trice."


> In 1816, an article appeared in the Madras Literary Gazette,


> by Dr. Robert C. Sherwood. Sherwood, like Sleeman, was well-versed


> Hinduism, and had gotten wind of a mysterious society of assassins

> from a gang of suspects who had been arrested and then released by


> unbelieving judge in Madras in 1815. Sherwood's article was the


> major testimony confirming the existence of a cult which committed

> murder in the name of Kali, and it attracted Sleeman's immediate

> attention. Among other things, Sherwood wrote:


> While Europeans have journeyed through the extensive territories

> subject to the Government of Fort St. George, with a degree of

> security nowhere surpassed, the path of the native traveller has


> beset with perils little known or suspected, into which numbers

> annually falling, have mysteriously disappeared, the victims of

> villains as subtle, rapacious and cruel as any who are to be met


> in the records of human depravity. The Phansigars, or stranglers,


> thus designated from the Hindustani word Phansi a noose. In the


> northern parts of India, these murderers are called Thugs,


> deceivers: in the Tamul language, they are called Ari Tulucar, or

> Mussulman noosers: in Canarese, Tanti Calleru, implying thieves,


> use a wire or cat-gut noose.... Skilled in the arts of deception,

> Phansigars enter into conversation and insinuate themselves, by

> obsequious attentions, into the confidence of travellers of all

> descriptions.... When the Phansigars determine … to attack a

> traveller, they usually propose to him, under the specious plea of

> mutual safety or for the sake of society, to travel together … and


> arriving at a convenient place and a fit opportunity presenting …


> of the gang puts a rope or sash round the neck of the unfortunate

> persons, while others assist in depriving him of his life.


> Thus an account of the Thugs, as they came to be known, and Thugee,

> their body of secret beliefs and practices, was first made


> to outsiders. Perhaps not surprisingly, the account was all but

> ignored by British officialdom. Who could give credence to such

> extravagant rumors? And even if there was an element of truth to

> them, surely this was a matter for the Indians to resolve among

> themselves.


> Sleeman, however, decided to dedicate his attention to the


> and eradication of Thugee, all obstacles notwithstanding. Before he

> could tackle the Thugs themselves, though, he faced a stone wall of

> official indifference, disbelief, and outright opposition. He

> resolved to alter his circumstances so as to have enough clout to

> make the system work in his favor. Accordingly, he applied for a

> transfer from the Army to the Civil Service, and was appointed in

> 1820 as junior assistant magistrate in the northern territories of

> Saugor and Maratha.


> After two years, Sleeman was appointed magistrate in charge of the

> Narsinghpur district. At last, equipped with the authority of a

> magistrate, and backed by a force of more than a dozen thanadars,


> Indian policemen, William Sleeman had the authority and the


> to enable him to pursue his long-anticipated campaign against the

> Thugs. As he rode from town to town within his district to hear

> cases, he gathered information on reports of bodies found in well

> shafts, ravines, and dried-up riverbeds, all possessing the same

> types of cuts on the neck and torso. For the most part, the corpses

> were quietly buried and grieving friends and relatives maintained

> frightened silence.


> At first, natives were reluctant to give information, suspecting


> existence of a dreadful secret evil that would silence any who


> to expose it. Years later, when Sleeman began to appreciate the


> scope of Thugee, he found out that, even as he traveled about

> building his files and gathering information, the cunning killers

> were plying their ghastly trade literally within yards of his own

> residence in Narsinghpur. Emboldened by long immunity and a

> devilishly clever method of killing without leaving evidence, the

> Thugs doubtless assumed that the upstart foreigner would be easily

> thwarted.


> Bit by bit, Sleeman began to assemble a detailed picture of Thugee

> and its practitioners. Thugee was primarily a hereditary system

> associated with Hindus and Muslims that transcended both religion


> caste. As mentioned, it revolved around the fanatical worship of


> goddess Kali. While not all Kali devotees were Thugs, Sleeman

> estimated that there were at least 5,000 Thugs in India. The cult


> obviously ancient, and Sleeman suggested that a cryptic mention in

> Herodotus of a people (the Sagartians) in central Asia proficient


> strangling with a cord might possibly refer to a source of Thugee

> more than two millenia earlier. The Thugs themselves believed that

> their activities were depicted in the eighth-century cave temple

> carvings at Ellora, but such carvings have not been found. It is

> established, however, that during the reign of Jalal-ud-din Khilji,

> the Sultan of Delhi, towards the end of the 13th century, around a

> thousand Thugs were arrested and deported from Delhi to Bengal.


> in the next century, a leading Thug named Nizam-ud-din assisted in

> the repulsion of invaders in Delhi. Evidently by this time Thugee


> already a powerful, pervasive organization.


> The Thug method of killing was strangulation, usually from behind


> victim with a skillfully handled yellow silk cloth called a rumal.

> The name "Thug" came from the Hindi verb thaglana, "to deceive,"


> reflected the uncanny ability of Thugs to befriend their intended

> victims and to lure them into a state of complacency and

> vulnerability. As Sherwood had discovered, they usually did this by

> posing as traveling merchants in search of security in numbers.


> roads in India were perilous enough owing to bandits like the

> Pindari, most travelers were only too eager to accept offers of

> respectable-looking companies to travel together.


> Once a group of Thugs had insinuated itself into a company of

> merchants, religious pilgrims, or even police officials, they would

> often travel with them for days, earning trust and friendship.


> their intended victims become suspicious of their intentions, and

> refuse to travel with them, the Thugs often had backup groups who

> would conveniently meet the company of travelers further on. One


> or the other, once an individual had been marked for murder, seldom

> did he escape the murderous hands of the Thugs.


> Thugs typically chose the spot for murder ahead of time, and used

> certain groves, called beles, repeatedly. When the location chosen

> for the killing was reached, the Thugs waited until a predetermined

> moment, when every Thug was conveniently positioned beside or


> his pre-appointed victim. A secret command, such as "Bring


> was uttered, and, with practiced efficiency, the Thugs sprang into

> action, casting their rumals around their victims' necks and

> garroting them, swiftly and silently, from behind. Where victims


> strong enough to put up a struggle, three Thugs were typically

> employed, one to use the rumal, and the other two to throw the


> on the ground, kicking him in the genitalia to nullify resistance.

> Sometimes Thugs would assault a traveler riding on horseback,


> him from the saddle with uncommon skill, and then dispatching him


> the road. Whatever the individual circumstances of Thug activities,

> the result was nearly always the same: a group of unsuspecting

> travelers engaged one moment in pleasant, innocent conversation


> charming fellow travelers, and dead by strangulation and a broken

> neck the next.


> Immediately after the murders had been carried out, the Thugs


> the bodies of their possessions and placed them in graves, which

> often had been dug in advance. They characteristically cut deep

> gashes in the bodies to hasten decomposition and thereby reduce the

> likelihood that jackals or other carrion-eaters would find and

> uncover the evidence. Then they carried out the tuponee, a

> sacrificial rite involving the consecration of a type of sugar and

> the blessing of the sacred pickax or kussee, a totemic object that

> all Thug gangs carried with them on their forays.


> What possible motivation could drive such a horrific organization?

> Thug lore, as recounted by Sleeman, offered the following rationale:


> Once on a time the world was infested with a monstrous demon named

> Rukt Bij-dana, who devoured mankind as fast as they were created.


> gigantic was his stature, that the deepest pools of the ocean


> no higher than his waist. This horrid prodigy Kali cut in twain


> her sword, but from every drop of blood that fell to the ground


> sprang a new demon. For some reason she went on destroying them,


> the hellish brood multiplied so fast that she waxed hot and weary

> with her endless task. She paused for a while, and, from the sweat

> brushed off one of her arms, she created two men, to whom she gave


> rumal, or handkerchief, and commanded them to strangle the demons.

> When they had slain them all, they offered to return the rumal, but

> the goddess bade them keep it and transmit it to their posterity,

> with the injunction to destroy all men who were not of their



> A tradition is current among Thugs, that about the period of the

> commencement of the Kali Yug [the 19th century], Kali co-operated

> with them so far as to relieve them of the trouble of interring the

> dead bodies, by devouring them herself. On one occasion, after

> destroying a traveller, the body, as usual, was left unburied; and


> novice, unguardedly looking behind him, saw the naked goddess in


> act of feasting upon it, half of it hanging out of her mouth. She,

> upon this, declared that she would no longer devour those whom the

> Thugs slaughtered, but she condescended to present them with one of

> her teeth for a pickaxe, a rib for a knife, and the hem of her


> garment for a noose, and ordered them, for the future, to cut and

> bury the bodies of whom they destroyed.


> A more hideous mythology to justify the monstrous evil of Thugee


> scarcely be imagined.


> While he had learned a great deal about Thugee, Sleeman was for


> time unable to make much progress in bringing the Thugs to justice.

> The Thugs, smugly secure in the belief that their dark benefactress

> would protect them, continued to exact a terrible toll on India. It

> is now estimated that a few thousand Thugs, a tiny minority by


> standards, accounted for 30,000 to 40,000 deaths per year in India.


> But in the late 1820s, two pivotal events changed the course of

> Sleeman's lonely crusade as well as his personal life. The first,


> 1828, was the appointment of Lord William Cavendish Bentinck as

> governor-general of British India. Under Bentinck, proselytizing by

> Christian missionaries in India, long opposed by a colonial regime

> studiously committed to non-interference in cultural matters, was

> legalized. There followed an official prohibition on the practice


> suttee — the self-immolation of widows on their husbands' funeral

> pyres — which had always been regarded as an abomination by the

> British in India. With Bentinck in office, Sleeman at last found a

> sympathetic ear for his plans for a concerted anti-Thug campaign.


> The second significant event occurred in 1829, when, at the age of

> 41, Sleeman married Amélie de Fontenne, the daughter of a French

> nobleman whom he had met in Mauritius. Their marriage was by all

> accounts a devoted relationship. Amélie came to share her husband's

> zeal for eradicating Thugee, and accompanied him on many of his

> expeditions. Aside from the obvious dangers posed by the Thugs

> themselves, these journeys would have tried the mettle of any human

> being, let alone a young French woman accustomed to the comforts


> sea breezes of Mauritius. No one who has not experienced India

> firsthand can fully imagine the snakes, leeches, mosquitoes,

> torrential rains, dust clouds, and, above all, the searing heat


> afflict all who live on the Subcontinent. Over time such extremes

> bring disease, debilitation, demoralization, and death to


> from gentler climes. By the time he was in his 40s, Sleeman had

> already been in India 20 years, and had suffered from malaria and

> rheumatism. Yet despite all this, by 1830 the Sleemans were

> aggressively pursuing the Thugs, rounding them up in large groups


> assembling mountains of new information on their practices,


> and genealogy.


> The plan Sleeman formulated was simple in concept. Backed by the

> authority of the colonial government, he sent forth his sepoys and

> nujeebs (both names for Indian soldiers) to arrest Thugs and

> transport them to a prison facility in Saugor for eventual trial.


> used certain captured Thugs, termed "approvers," as informants to

> identify not only other Thugs, but also the locations of the bodies

> of murdered victims. Knowing that a death sentence was a likely

> alternative, more than a few leaders of Thug gangs were willing to

> turn informer on their partners in crime. In this way, what began


> a trickle of arrests turned into a flood. Sleeman learned the names

> of entire families who had practiced Thugee for generations. His


> expanded across India as Thug networks were arrested and


> from the steamy jungles of the south to the borders of the Himalaya

> in the north.


> As he questioned his Thug approvers, Sleeman discovered the name of

> the man said to be the Prince of Thugee, one Feringeea, who lived


> the independent state of Gwalior, to the northeast of Narsinghpur.

> Having determined that Feringeea must be apprehended, Sleeman sent


> expedition to Gwalior. Feringeea, hearing that he was pursued, fled

> his home scant hours before Sleeman's men closed in. Frustrated,


> sepoys arrested Feringeea's mother, wife, and child, whereupon the

> Prince of Thugs gave up the game and allowed himself to be captured.


> Having taken one of the leading figures in the Thug hierarchy,

> Sleeman had at last turned the corner. Feringeea immediately


> to become an approver, and cooperated thoroughly with Sleeman's

> efforts. He was by all accounts an arresting figure: an


> young man, tall, well-built, and charming. To prove his good faith,

> he directed Sleeman to the mass graves outside Selohda, mentioned


> the beginning of this account. He was also, along with several


> captured Thugs, astonishingly candid, and responded willingly to


> of Sleeman's questions about Thugee. From Sleeman's interviews with

> Feringeea and other Thug leaders, documented in his copious


> papers, there emerged a remarkable, if shocking, picture of the


> amoral existence of the Thugs.


> The Thugs had developed a secret language, which they called


> enabling them to converse amongst themselves and discuss their


> even in the presence of outsiders. While some of the morphology,


> as auxiliary verbs and infinitive endings, were clearly Hindi, many

> of the words were of obscure origin. For example, an adhoreea was

> someone who had escaped being murdered by the Thugs; a bhurtote was


> Thug who was a strangler per se, as Thugs were not permitted to

> strangle until they had participated in many expeditions and had

> acquired the requisite skill with the rumal; dhurdalna meant "to

> strangle"; a tonkal was a party of people larger than a gang of


> could destroy; and thibana meant "to cause travelers to sit down on

> some pretense, so they could be murdered."


> Thugee completely transcended both religion and caste, normally

> insurmountable barriers in Indian society. The following remarkable

> exchange, which took place between Sleeman and a Muslim Thug named

> Sahib Khan, is revealing in this connection:


> Sleeman: You are a Musulman?


> Khan: Yes, most of the Thugs of the south are Musulmans.


> S: And you still marry; inherit; pray; eat and drink according to


> Koran; and your paradise is to be the paradise promised by Mahommud?


> K: Yes, all, all.


> S: Has Bhowanee [Kali] been anywhere named in the Koran?


> K: Nowhere.


> S: Then has Bhowanee anything to do with your paradise?


> K: Nothing.


> S: She has no influence upon your future state?


> K: None.


> S: Does Mahommud, your prophet, anywhere sanction crimes like


> the murder in cold blood of your fellow creatures for the sake of

> money?


> K: No.


> S: Does he not say that such crimes will be punished by God in the

> next world?


> K: Yes.


> S: Then do you never feel any dread of punishment hereafter?


> K: Never; we never murder unless the omens are favourable; we

> consider favourable omens as the mandates of the deity.


> S: What deity?


> K: Bhowanee.


> S: But Bhowanee, you say, has no influence upon the welfare or

> otherwise of your soul hereafter?


> K: None, we believe; but she influences our fates in this world and

> what she orders in this world, we believe that God will not punish


> the next.


> The omens mentioned by the Muslim Thug are indicative of the world


> meticulously observed rituals and superstitions in which the Thugs

> lived. Every Thug expedition was planned in careful consultation


> omens and signs. The call of a crane betokened good fortune, while

> owl calls were inauspicious. A wolf crossing the road from left to

> right was a bad omen, but crossing from right to left was good. The

> bark of a jackal was also a very bad sign.


> During the first week of an expedition, Thugs were not allowed to

> bathe, shave, clean their teeth, have sexual intercourse, wash


> clothes, eat any animal food besides fish, or dress any food in


> (clarified butter). Throughout the course of their travels, a


> of Thugs kept a close eye on the signs and omens, certain of which

> were considered so severe that they could cause the Thugs to

> instantly leave an area or discontinue an expedition altogether.


> While Thugee was in part a perverse expression of religious faith

> mingled with primitive superstition, Thugs also were undoubtedly

> motivated by the immense potential for enrichment. Thugs often

> targeted large caravans of merchants transporting gold, silver, and

> jewels from one commercial center to another. Because of the

> secretive and hereditary character of Thugee, most Thugs did not

> spend their ill-gotten gains lavishly, but hoarded immense


> that grew larger with each succeeding generation. Most led double

> lives, their wives usually unaware of the purpose of their frequent

> long forays away from home. (All Thugs were men, although Sleeman


> document a few cases of wives participating in Thug murders.) They

> typically held occupations and even political offices that earned

> them respect in their communities, and were as loyal and

> compassionate towards family and friends as only upstanding


> could be.


> This macabre masquerade had been perpetuated across generations, as

> Thug fathers inducted their sons, by small steps, into the


> of Thugee in their early teens. Typically sons were first taken on


> Thug safari, without being told anything as to its purpose. On a

> subsequent outing, they were given to know that robbery was the

> objective. Next they were allowed to view a strangulation. Finally,

> they were allowed to participate in Thug activities in some limited

> degree, eventually acquiring the rank of bhurtote, when they

> themselves became stranglers.


> Not all Thugs were born into the brotherhood, however. Ample

> provision was made in the code of Thugee for the recruitment and

> induction of outsiders. This was especially the case in areas where

> the local political leadership was sympathetic to Thugs' activities.


> Perhaps the most extraordinary trait shown by the Thugs captured by

> Sleeman was the rank callousness they displayed as they candidly

> discussed the details of their appalling crimes and then defended

> their conduct with the most tortured reasoning imaginable. One Thug

> named Buhram gave this account of the fruits of 40 years of Thugee


> Sleeman questioned him:


> "Nine hundred and thirty-one murders? Surely you can never have


> guilty of such a number?"


> "Sahib," replied this courtly Thug, "there were many more, but I


> so intrigued in luring them to destruction that I ceased counting

> when certain of my thousand victims."


> "Do you never feel remorse for murdering in cold blood, and after


> pretence of friendship, those whom you have beguiled into a false

> sense of security?"


> "Certainly not! Are you yourself not a shikari (big-game hunter)


> do you not enjoy the thrill of stalking, pitting your cunning


> that of an animal, and are you not pleased at seeing it dead at


> feet? So with the Thug, who regards the stalking of men as a higher

> form of sport.


> "For you, sahib, have but the instincts of the wild beasts to

> overcome, whereas the Thug has to subdue the suspicions and fears


> intelligent men and women, often heavily armed and guarded, knowing

> that the roads are dangerous. In other words, game for our hunting


> defended from all points save those of flattery and cunning.


> "Can you not imagine the pleasure of overcoming such protection

> during days of travel in their company, the joy of seeing suspicion

> change to friendship, until that wonderful moment when the ruhmal

> completes the shikar [hunt] — this soft ruhmal, which has ended the

> life of hundreds. Remorse, sahib? Never! Joy and elation, often!"


> Judge Curwen Smith, who oversaw hundreds of Thug trials at Saugor,

> reported in a letter to Lord William Bentinck an almost


> revulsion: "In all my experience in the judicial line for upwards


> twenty years I have never heard of such atrocities or presided over

> such trials, such cold-blooded murder, such heart-rending scenes of

> distress and misery, such base ingratitude, such total abandonment


> every principle which binds man to man, which softens the heart and

> elevates mankind above the brute creation."


> A major impediment to Sleeman's efforts was the sympathy and


> protection that Thugs often enjoyed from local political figures,

> especially in territories not under British jurisdiction. Many


> saw in the Thugs a way to acquire spoils indirectly, and shielded

> them from arrest and persecution in return for ample remuneration.


> the historical climate of extreme corruption that plagues India


> to this day, many Thug bands had apparently enjoyed alliances with

> political powers for many generations. On several occasions, when

> confronted with outright defiance from local officials at his


> to surrender known Thugs, Sleeman resorted to direct and forceful

> response. In June 1831, the Raja of Jhansi, who occupied a well-

> fortified castle on a hilltop defended by two cannons and at least


> thousand men, refused to surrender to Sleeman Thugs. In response,

> Sleeman called on the resources of the Army, and the castle was

> attacked with artillery and infantry. In the smoke and confusion,


> Thugs managed to slip away, but this erstwhile Thug sanctuary was

> leveled.


> More curious still were the shadowy ties that existed between the

> Thug fraternity and certain prominent members of the Indian banking

> community. One particularly wealthy and influential banker, Dhunraj

> Seth, was relieved of a large shipment of gold and silver by Thug

> marauders. Through his own agents, he quickly discovered the


> of the Thugs responsible, and recovered much of his stolen wealth

> with the help of Indian authorities. However, Sleeman discovered


> this man actually had close ties to the Thugs himself, and was

> attempting to become (or had succeeded in becoming) a major


> backer of the Thugs. Sleeman wrote:


> It is essentially necessary for the success of this or any other


> for the suppression of Thugee that we should prevent Dhunraj Seth,

> the great banker of Omrautee, or any of his partners or numerous

> agents from having communication with the Thugs seized; or any

> attempts to indemnify themselves, to profit by their murders, to

> effect their release by bribery, corruption, intrigue or


> from all the native chiefs in whose dominions they have found them

> imprisoned; and to send them again upon the roads with advances of

> money or subsistence till fresh murders have brought them fresh

> treasure for division.


> Had their attempts not been providentially checked by our


> I declare before God that I believe that this House would have


> the great capitalists and patrons of murder from Lahore to Cape

> Comorin; and that the price of blood would have flowed into their

> coffers from every road throughout this enormous empire.


> Comments George Bruce, a modern authority on Thugee: "It is


> to wonder to what extent the Thug secret societies were dependent


> a central banking source for their working funds. Then, as now,

> bankers worked in concert. It is possible therefore that Dhunraj


> sought to get a bigger share of Thug profits." Fortunately, Seth's

> major agent, Bearee Lal, was arrested and imprisoned for

> collaborating with the Thugs.


> Throughout the 1830s, hundreds of Thugs were imprisoned, dozens of

> gangs broken up, and the roads of India were gradually becoming


> for travelers. Sleeman's method of using Thug approvers yielded

> spectacular results. By 1838, Sleeman had captured and tried a


> of 3,266 Thugs, while several hundred more were in prison awaiting

> trial. Many had been executed, while many more were serving life

> sentences. By no means had all Thugs been brought to justice. Yet

> Sleeman had effectively broken the back of Thugee by aggressively

> pursuing the leadership and developing such a successful system of

> getting Thugs to finger other Thugs that those who avoided capture

> were completely demoralized. The rigid, fatalistic system of


> and superstition that had so sustained them over the centuries now

> turned to their disadvantage, as droves of Thugs became convinced

> that Kali no longer approved of their devotion, and surrendered in

> many cases without a struggle.


> But the "river Thugs" posed a much greater challenge. These

> particularly violent and ruthless Thugs, who plied their dark trade

> on the Ganges River among the riverboat passengers, were probably


> direct descendants of the Thugs deported from Delhi by Sultan Jalal

> ud-din Khilji in the 12th century. Unlike their land-bound


> they typically strangled from the front and mutilated the sexual

> organs of their victims before throwing their bodies into the


> Not only was the evidence of their crimes usually washed away, but

> river Thugs were more reluctant to betray one another. They were


> more scrupulous in observing proscriptions in the Thugee code of

> behavior, such as the prohibition on the murder of women. Their

> devotion to Kali and to Thugee was absolute and unshakable.


> In spite of these difficulties, however, Sleeman and his agents

> eventually cracked the river Thug network, bringing to an end the

> last redoubt of the Thug conspiracy. During the course of 1840 and

> 1841, a series of letters from magistrates across India revealed

> that, for the first time anyone could remember, no bodies of

> strangled travelers had been found in any of their districts.


> as an active force had become extinct.


> Throughout the 1840s Sleeman worked on the suppression of various

> gangs of Dacoits, though with less successful results. After four

> decades in India devoted to stamping out an ancient evil against

> seemingly impossible odds, Sleeman must have begun to long for the

> cool sea breezes and the quiet cottages and gardens of his long-ago

> boyhood home in Cornwall. Finally, in 1856, he and his wife Amélie

> set sail for England, where Sleeman doubtless anticipated a well-

> deserved retirement. But it was not to be. After nine days at sea,

> Sleeman died of heart failure and was buried at sea off the coast


> Ceylon.


> William Sleeman's life was an odyssey of tremendous sacrifice and

> determination, sustained by sound scholarship, an irreproachable

> character, and a love for the people he served. More importantly


> today, his life and methods provide instructive examples for modern

> patriots who would fight the conspiratorial evils that threaten us.


> The history of secret societies and conspiratorial organizations

> seldom offers much cause for optimism as to the likelihood of their

> exposure and defeat. Their existence and influence are generally

> marginalized or denied outright by "responsible" scholarship. Yet


> Thugee there is solid documentation of an immensely powerful and

> widespread secret society that lasted for at least 600 years, with

> possible evidence for much greater antiquity. This in itself is


> significant, inasmuch as the Western view of conspiratorial

> organizations, when their existence is acknowledged at all, is that

> they are typically of brief duration and negligible influence.


> Moreover, on those rare occasions when conspiracies and


> have been exposed, they have all too often succeeded in merely


> underground, metamorphosing and emerging anew after a "decent"

> interval, to resume their subversive, murderous activities. This

> apparently was the case with the Cathars, the Templars, the


> Illuminati, and, of course, with the American communists and their

> sponsors following the McCarthy era.


> Yet the history of the successful British detection and suppression

> of the Thugs is a significant exception to a generally


> record. It is in fact, as has been demonstrated, largely the tale


> a single courageous, principled man, who literally gave his life to

> exposing and wiping out this extraordinarily successful secret

> society, whose very existence was unknown to the British for the

> first two centuries of their commercial and colonial relationship

> with India.


> Sleeman's example illustrates the proper way to fight a conspiracy.

> First, gather evidence to educate the people, especially those

> wielding legal and political authority, and so expose it. Then,

> enlist the aid of good men and women to uproot and destroy the

> conspiratorial organization. It is doubtful that Sleeman could have

> achieved his aims without the support of his wife Amélie, Governor-

> General Bentinck, and, most especially, the valiant sepoys and

> nujeebs in his employ, whose courage Sleeman frequently praised.


> The methods Sleeman used sometimes caused him misgivings, since


> relied on granting leniency to hardened killers in order to expose

> the Thug network. Sleeman struggled often with the inadequacy of

> human justice in this regard. Yet human justice frequently falls

> short of the mark. In a struggle against a combined enemy, the most

> important priority is to expose and capture the leadership in order

> to disrupt the organizational structure and sow demoralization in


> ranks of its membership.


> Sleeman's example also teaches us the value of character in such a

> struggle. In addition to the evidences of good character previously

> mentioned, he was a religious man, though, excepting his righteous

> indignation at Thugee abominations, he was unusually tolerant of

> native customs and beliefs. We suppose that his extraordinary

> perseverance in the face of great adversity and personal danger was


> direct outgrowth of his upright, moral, and religious disposition.


> We, therefore, must also strive to be men and women of character


> dedication as we confront a modern conspiracy that has assumed far

> greater scope and power than the Thugs of long ago. We must seek to

> better educate ourselves, to arm ourselves with the truth about the

> enemy that confronts us. Above all, we must be willing to persevere

> and endure ridicule and harassment, and to make whatever sacrifices

> necessary to bring the Insiders outside and expose their secret

> crimes and devious designs.

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