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Perceptions of Aryans as Muslims... SADDAM ETC.

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> Thu, 27 Mar 2003 04:56:56 -0800

























> SEARCH: "Arab-Aryan Shiite"



> "The other is race: Iranians are Aryan, like the

> Nazis..."








> With a total population estimated at more than 20

> million, the Kurds are the fourth largest ethnic

> group in the Middle East. (See "The Kurds: A Long

> Struggle To Survive.") Their heritage as a tribal

> people includes an Aryan-based language and a rich

> history of resistance to outside rule.







> (WHITE)...

> http://www.richardpoe.com/blog.php

> Saturday, March 15, 2003


> Who is White?


> Some years ago, American Jews -- reacting to

> proposed changes in Israel's Law of Return --

> wrestled painfully over the question of, "Who is a

> Jew?"


> Now white nationalists appear to be suffering a

> similar identity crisis. The battle over "Who is

> White?" intensifies by the day, as, across the World

> Wide Web, self-appointed doyens of the New

> Rassenhygiene screen eager aspirants to Caucasoid

> status with what I can only describe as an oddly

> Talmudic rigor.


> Blogger Razib of Gene Expression (gnxp.com) notes

> that the Caucasian identity crisis is deepening fast

> at white nationalist forums such as Stormfront.org,

> where Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, Turks, Persians,

> high-caste Indians and even Arabs are duking it out

> with Nordicist hardliners for the privilege of

> calling themselves "white."


> Who'da thunk it?


> Interestingly, Dienekes Pontikos -- the Web's

> preeminent defender of Greek racial purity and a

> harsh critic of my book Black Spark, White Fire --

> has joined the discussion at gnxp.com on the

> question of "Are You White Enough?"





> 12:32 PermLink | 19 Comments






> DAVID MYATT a Western convert to Islam : "...any

> Aryan, any White person, knows what their own Aryan

> culture is"


> http://www.geocities.com/davidmyatt/roots1.html


> The Roots of Racial Awareness:


> Denouncing Liberal Myths About Racial Nationalism


> ..."Such things as an ethnic society are natural,

> and healthy. Why should we have to live in a

> multi-racial society? What should we who are of

> North European descent have to accept more and more

> immigrants into what once were our own homelands?

> Why cannot we have our own society, our own

> homeland, for our people? Those who have settled

> here, and who continue to settle here, still have

> their own homelands, inhabited almost exclusively by

> their own people and home to their own culture, but

> we North Europeans, we Aryans, are not allowed to

> have a land of our own, a culture of our own,

> political organizations of our own.


> What we Aryans are being asked - and indeed told -

> to do is utterly unnatural. We are being asked to

> devote ourselves to the interests of other races,

> other cultures, and to ignore the interests of our

> own race, our own culture. This is similar to asking

> a man to forsake his own children and love the

> children of his neighbours, since to do otherwise

> would be "tribal hostility" and "racial extremism"

> and of course "racial prejudice". And thanks to over

> fifty years of liberal-Marxist-sociological

> indoctrination in Schools, in the Media and

> elsewhere, we all "know" that racial extremism is

> based upon fear and insecurity.


> In fact, the truth is that an awareness of racial

> diversity and difference - and desire to preserve

> and strengthen one's own racial identity and culture

> through racial nationalism - is based upon a

> healthy, natural, sense of belonging: and in

> particular on the inner strength which such a sense

> of belonging provides. (So much for the liberal myth

> of insecurity.) Often, this inner strength is

> manifest in that wordless pride which our

> forebearers knew, and in that stoic defiance of Fate

> and odds, which lie at the heart of many of our

> ancestral legends, stories, and songs.


> But, thanks to the liberal-Marxist-sociological

> prejudices of our time, things have gone so far in

> our multi-racial societies that hardly any Aryan,

> any White person, knows what their own Aryan culture

> is: for our ancestral legends, stories, sagas and

> songs are hardly ever taught, recalled and sung. "




> http://aryan-nations.org/Islam/

> -Aryan Nations-


> Ministry of Islamic Liaison




> Note: The Ministry of Islamic Liaison is a sector of

> the Aryan Nations organization existing for the

> express purpose of executing the task of outreach in

> solidarity, to the bona-fide adherents of Islam in

> the Arabic world and abroad (who, for Israelites,

> are cousins through Ishmael, descendants of Nahor).

> Not all articles on this particular page express the

> views of the collective Aryan Nations organization

> as some of the articles are written by Muslims

> themselves. For those Americans inside and outside

> the struggle who still harbor twinges of misplaced

> patriotism, those who may in fact object to the work

> and/or existence of this office; please remember

> that the Ministry of Islamic Liaison has not nor

> shall issue any erroneous verbiage nor coddling

> apologies regarding our stance.








> David Myatt:


> A Call to All Muslims


> In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The

> Merciful






> As the American-led Crusader alliance continues

> its lethal attacks against the Muslims in

> Afghanistan - and as the pro-American governments in

> Muslim countries like Pakistan and Nigeria let their

> own Police kill anti-American Muslim demonstrators -

> I find myself asking the simple question: "Why are

> the Muslims of the world letting this happen?"



> The Current Situation:


> To me - a Western convert to Islam - the issue

> here is both simple and of vital importance. Call me

> naive, or whatever, but my understanding was and is

> that it is the duty of Muslims to aid each other,

> and forbidden for Muslims to side with those who are

> attacking a Muslim land and who are killing Muslims.



> Who is a Muslim? Someone who affirms that there is

> no god but the one God, Allah, and that Muhammad is

> the Messenger - the last Prophet - of Allah. Someone

> who revers the noble Quran and who accepts that in

> the Prophet Muhammad we have an excellent, a

> perfect, example to follow.

> Someone, in addition, who strives to do their

> Allah-given duty: to pray five times a day, in the

> prescribed manner; to pay Zakat (charity toward the

> poor and needy); to fast during the daylight hours

> in the month of Ramadan; and to perform Hajj, if one

> is able.


> Who is an infidel? Someone who does not believe in

> Allah and His Prophet.


> To me, the current situation is that Muslims are

> being attacked and killed by infidels; the property

> of Muslims is being destroyed, by infidels; the

> honour of Muslims has been and is being called into

> question, by infidels; the land of a Muslim country

> is being violated by infidels. Furthermore, some

> Muslims have taken the side of the infidels, and

> have actively provided them with support. Other

> Muslims - especially those in the West - are

> supporting the infidels in their Muslim-killing

> campaign.


> What of the Hadith which say:


> "It is haram for the blood of a Muslim to be spilt

> except for the following: adultery; life for a life;

> and they who forsake the way of faith [which is

> Islam] ..."


> "A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim: he neither

> oppresses him nor does he fail him; he neither lies

> to him nor does he hold him in contempt.....

> Everything concerning a Muslim is inviolable: his

> blood, his honour, his property."



> ... Moreover, who are these infidel-supporters to

> make judgements concerning their fellow Muslims?

> Surely, such judgements are for Allah alone? Do

> these infidel-supporters know what is in the hearts,

> the minds, of the Muslims in Afghanistan who are

> being killed, injured, maimed and targeted by

> infidel bombs and missiles? Or are these

> infidel-supporters saying that the Taliban and the

> other Mujahidin in Afghanistan are not Muslims? If

> so, who are they to judge?




> I pray for the day the American intifada will

> begin, where Aryan Christian Heros like Timothy

> MacVeigh & Aryan Muslim Heros like John Walker can

> fight side by side until America is free again.


> In many ways your war is more complex & difficult

> to overcome than my war in the middle east. It's

> pretty straight forward in Palestine, a war against

> the Prophet killers, whereas America has major

> problems with ZOG, Jesus & Muhammed hating

> blasphemers selling movies like "the last temptation

> of Christ" & books like "the satanic verses",

> homosexuals & lesbians raping your children &

> pro-death abortionists killing babies not to mention

> a nation over run by negros, latinos & orientals.


> Nothing makes me sicker than seeing the unnatural

> alliance between Gentile scum suckers & Zionist

> parasites, don't these retards realise that the evil

> Israeli government sponsors public burning of the

> New Testament & their disgusting Talmud makes the

> most insulting remarks about Christ.


> By the way the negro movement "the nation of

> islam" is a cult & does not represent mainstream

> Islam, my landlord is a Muslim Turk with blonde hair

> & blue eyes who went along to a "nation of islam"

> meeting expecting a religious gathering, instead he

> got physically thrown out of the meeting even before

> it started for being a "Devil". No true muslim would

> tolerate that type of nigger mentality.


> By the time you read this letter I will have

> become a shaheed, May ALLAH praise you, your family,

> friends & countrymen.












> http://aryan-nations.org/Islam/








> A turning tide, is a violent tide...







> “Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine

> hand take them; though they climb up to heaven,

> thence will I bring them down..” Amos 9:2










> To contact the Minister of Islamic Liaison

> send an email to the following:


> Islamic






Return to Main Page | E-mail Aryan Nations


> Mujahideen - Khilafah - David W. Myatt Official

> Site - Iraqi Presidency Official Site - The Islamic

> Republic of Iran - Islam - James P. Wickstrom -

> Kingdom Identity Ministries - Palestine Remembered -

> Discover Islam - www.nzmuslim.net










> OKC Bombing: Precursor

> to 9-11?

> by William F. Jasper


> Evidence links the OKC bombing to Middle

> Eastern terrorists, and the failure of officials to

> examine this evidence in 1995 may have set the stage

> for the September 11th attacks.


> The Black Tuesday terror attacks on

> America have prompted some journalists to take a

> look at the abundant evidence of Middle Eastern

> terrorist involvement in the 1995 Oklahoma City

> bombing and the possible connection of that event to

> the more recent 9-11 attacks. A recent example is

> Insight magazine. A December 3rd article by Kelly

> Patricia O’Meara reports that Timothy McVeigh’s

> convicted co-conspirator Terry Nichols "reportedly

> attended a meeting in the early 1990s on the

> predominantly Muslim island of Mindanao, a hotbed of

> fundamentalist activities, at which Ramzi Yousef,

> Abdul Hakim Murad and Wali Khan Amin Shah were

> present. The themes of the meeting were ‘bombing

> activities, providing firearms and ammunition,

> training in making and handling bombs.’ Yousef was

> the mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing in

> 1993; Murad and Shah were convicted in a 1996

> conspiracy to blow up 12 U.S. jetliners."


> O’Meara interviewed Iraq expert Dr.

> Laurie Mylroie, author of the newly released book,

> The War Against America: Saddam Hussein and The

> World Trade Center Attacks. A consultant to the

> McVeigh defense team, Mylroie told Insight that "the

> connection of Terry Nichols, the Philippines and

> Ramzi Yousef is a very important point that neither

> the FBI nor the press pursued." Mylroie added, "I

> doubt that Nichols has ever been asked about his

> connections to Yousef because the government didn’t

> want to know. It wanted to say, ‘Here are the

> perpetrators; we arrested them and we brought them

> to justice. Case closed.’"


> Dr. Mylroie’s book marshals convincing

> evidence that Ramzi Yousef was acting as an agent

> for Saddam Hussein. The foreword to her book was

> penned by former CIA Director R. James Woolsey two

> weeks after the September 11th attacks. In that

> piece and other articles since Black Tuesday,

> Woolsey has expressed his support for her thesis and

> stated his belief that Hussein was behind both the

> 1993 and the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center

> Towers. He scorches the Clinton administration

> (under which he served) for an unwillingness to look

> at the evidence of state sponsorship of these acts

> of terrorism.


> Familiar Ground


> All of this is familiar ground to

> regular readers of this magazine. For nearly seven

> years THE NEW AMERICAN has been publishing stories

> concerning evidence pointing directly toward Iraqi

> involvement with McVeigh and Nichols in the bombing

> (see www.thenewamerican.com/focus/okc/). In "A Tale

> of Intrigue," in our December 25, 1995 issue, for

> instance, we reported on the evidence pointing

> toward a possible connection between Terry Nichols

> and Ramzi Yousef in the Philippines. It is a theme

> we have returned to many times, as additional

> supporting evidence has developed.


> In our October 16, 1995 issue

> ("Startling OKC Developments"), we reported on the

> series of stories by Jayna Davis, an investigative

> reporter for the Oklahoma City NBC affiliate,

> KFOR-TV. Mrs. Davis had interviewed eyewitnesses who

> had seen individuals identified as being of Middle

> Eastern extraction speeding away from the Murrah

> Federal Building in a pickup truck immediately

> before the blast. Her investigative reports pointed

> to at least one Iraqi "refugee," a former soldier in

> Saddam Hussein’s army, who was living in Oklahoma

> City. He had come to the U.S. under a controversial

> Clinton program that had brought several thousand

> Iraqis here for resettlement — without screening and

> security checks to weed out Saddam’s agents posing

> as refugees. Mrs. Davis also located credible

> witnesses who placed this Iraqi in the company of

> Timothy McVeigh in the days prior to the bombing.


> KFOR aired several stories with video

> footage of the Iraqi bombing "suspect," but

> digitally blurred his face and did not identify him

> by name. They identified him only as a "possible

> John Doe No. 2," presented the considerable evidence

> pointing to him as a prime suspect, and asked why

> federal authorities were completely uninterested in

> questioning him or looking at the evidence. The

> Iraqi suspect, Hussain Al-Hussaini, identified

> himself publicly when he launched a defamation

> lawsuit against Davis and KFOR.


> Rather than looking objectively at Jayna

> Davis’ excellent research, virtually all of the

> Oklahoma City and national media adopted the Bill

> Clinton-Janet Reno thesis that the OKC bombing was a

> domestic "right-wing" attack, and rejected out of

> hand any evidence of foreign ties to the bombing. A

> careful review of Davis’ extensive evidence and our

> own parallel investigation quickly convinced this

> writer that Davis was on solid ground.


> O’Meara’s Insight item singles out as a

> prime co-conspirator suspect an individual whom this

> magazine has reported on extensively. O’Meara points

> directly at a notorious leader of the Ku Klux Klan

> and White Aryan Resistance, Dennis Mahon, who, she

> says, was "long suspected of being a player in the

> conspiracy to bomb the Murrah building." The story

> notes — as we have reported several times in the

> past — that "the Iraqi government has given Dennis

> Mahon thousands of dollars over the past six years,

> and Mahon has been banned from entering Canada and

> the United Kingdom and is classified by Interpol as

> an international terrorist.The FBI did not bother

> to interview Mahon in connection to the Oklahoma

> City bombing," notes O’Meara. That is true; while

> the Clinton/Reno Justice Department and FBI bragged

> about the thousands of agents involved in the OKC

> investigation and the tens of thousands of

> interviews they conducted, the government never

> explained why obvious suspects like Mahon and

> Al-Hussaini were never questioned.


> New Evidence


> Last October, Paul Bedard, a writer for

> U.S. News & World Report, dropped a potential

> bombshell when he reported that top Pentagon

> officials believe that Timothy McVeigh was an Iraqi

> agent and claimed that McVeigh was in possession of

> Iraqi telephone numbers. In a short item entitled

> "McVeigh’s ghost" that appeared in Bedard’s

> Washington Whispers column on October 29th, U.S.

> News reported:


> Some dismiss it as being akin to Elvis

> sightings, but a few top Defense officials think

> Oklahoma City bomber Tim McVeigh was an Iraqi agent.

> The theory stems from a never-before-reported

> allegation that McVeigh had allegedly collected

> Iraqi telephone numbers. Why haven’t we heard this

> before about the case of the executed McVeigh?

> Conspiracy theorists in the Pentagon think it’s part

> of a coverup.


> ...





> ********************************************









> http://www.adl.org/presrele/BkJew_21/2831_21.asp


> Press Release Black-Jewish Relations



> DATE: OCTOBER 9, 1996

> In advance of the October 16 "International

> Day of Atonement and Reconciliation" convened by

> Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, we have

> prepared Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam in

> Their Own Words One Year After the Million Man

> March.


> Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam in

> Their Own Words One Year After the Million Man March



> Flanked by prominent civil rights and

> political figures at the October 1995 Million Man

> March, Louis Farrakhan urged Black men to take

> responsibility for their families and their

> communities. Mainstream leaders and organizations

> extended invitations to meet with him, believing

> that he had shed his extremist clothing.

> Unfortunately, as he has made clear time and time

> again since the march, Minister Farrakhan is more

> interested in the company of despots and more

> comfortable with the language of bigots than he is

> in reaching out to the mainstream.


> Since the march, Minister Farrakhan and Nation

> of Islam representatives under his direction, have

> renewed their attacks on the Jewish community and on

> whites in general. Furthermore, in January 1996,

> Minister Farrakhan met with, and heaped praise upon,

> the rogue leaders of several terrorist nations,

> including Iraq's Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qadaffi

> of Libya. The last year has also seen Minister

> Farrakhan defend right-wing extremist groups known

> for their apocalyptic and anti-Semitic beliefs. The

> following is a representative selection of

> hate-filled statements Minister Farrakhan and his

> lieutenants have made since the time of the Million

> Man March.




> On Jews:


> And you do with me as is written, but remember

> that I have warned you that Allah will punish you.

> You are wicked deceivers of the American people. You

> have sucked their blood. You are not real Jews,

> those of you that are not real Jews. You are the

> synagogue of Satan, and you have wrapped your

> tentacles around the U.S. government, and you are

> deceiving and sending this nation to hell. But I

> warn you in the name of Allah, you would be wise to

> leave me alone. But if you choose to crucify me,

> know that Allah will crucify you.


> -Savior's Day Speech, Chicago, February 25,

> 1996


> They [Jews] cannot stop me in what I'm doing

> and the power of God is with me and it's time for

> them to recognize that everything they've done has

> been able to thwart our progress towards the

> resurrection of our people.


> -New Bethel Baptist Church, Detroit, April 16,

> 1996


> What are [Jews] saying, that 'I'm the boss,'

> that crap is why I'm fighting. This is why I'm here:

> Because too many of our people are under the

> inordinate control of members of that family, and I

> can't sit idly by and watch you punk out in your

> life. You're a big man in front of me, but your

> future is controlled by somebody else.


> If you're a doctor, of the AMA [the American

> Medical Association], it's members of the Jewish

> community. If it's the lawyers, they're in there, I

> it's the social workers, if it's medicine, if it's

> science, if you don't play ball, you don't move.


> -District Council 33 Union Hall, Philadelphia,

> April 22, 1996


> It becomes very difficult when people want to

> be exclusive. You know, like the Jews have an

> exclusive club, who are the 'chosen' of God -- that

> you are not 'chosen,' that he is not, that they are

> not.


> The question that I always raise is 'Are you

> using your influence to bring people to God? Or are

> you using your influence in a Satanic way?' That is

> not anti-Semitism. That is dealing with truth, as I

> see it. So when I see Jews and Anglo-Saxons involved

> in manipulation, like causing members of Congress to

> take away from the government the right to print

> money and instruments of credit, and then

> establishing a Federal Reserve system so the

> printing of currency of America is not owned by the

> government, but by families --that, to me, is

> Satanic, man!


> -Interview with Louis Farrakhan in Utah

> Business Magazine, July 1996


> Of course, it's true (that it is the truth to

> call Jewish, and other inner-city business owners

> bloodsuckers). A bloodsucker is as a bloodsucker

> does, whether it's Jewish, Asian, or Black. When you

> take from a community and give nothing back, what

> are you doing? You are living from that community.

> You put a leech on your arm and let that leech suck

> your blood, what does that leech give? Nothing. What

> does it take away? The lifeblood of that organism.


> -Interview in Swing magazine, October 1996


> On the Jewish myth:


> ntil Jews apologize for their hand in that

> ugly slave trade; and until the Jewish rabbis and

> the Talmudic scholars that made up the Hamitic myth

> -- that we were the children of Ham, doomed and

> cursed to be hewers of wood and drawers of water --

> apologize, then I have nothing to apologize for.


> -Interview in Swing magazine, October 1996


> On the Hezbollah:


> They call them terrorists, I call them freedom

> fighters.


> No one asks why they would do such a thing.

> Why would they do such a thing? What has driven them

> to this point? That's what the UN, the U.S. and

> Europe doesn't want to deal with because the

> Zionists have control in England, in Europe, in the

> United States and around the world.


> -District Council 33 Union Hall, Philadelphia,

> April 22, 1996


> On extremists:


> The Freemen...are not nuts. They're every

> white man who sees this nation on a horrible course,

> taken over by persons who have robbed the American

> people of the democracy the founding fathers

> envisioned for theirs. The militia. The Aryan

> Nation. The angry whites of America who see America

> going in a direction that is not in the best

> interest of this nation."


> -Interview with Louis Farrakhan in Utah

> Business Magazine, July 1996


> On his world tour:


> To have my trip characterized as a

> 'thug-fest!' All because Qaddafi, who is considered

> an enemy of America, offered the wealth of his

> nation to back the Nation of Islam. This was seen by

> those in power --government, Jewish leaders and

> others -- as Farrakhan becoming an enemy and a

> traitor to his own nation.


> -Interview with Louis Farrakhan in Utah

> Business Magazine, July 1996


> On Qadaffi:


> Qadaffi's a revolutionary, he's my friend,

> he's my brother. And I would never deny him because

> you don't like him. You say, you say he's the one

> who set the bomb off that killed all those people on

> Pan Am 103" You're a liar. For two years you said it

> was Syria. What happened? Where's your proof?


> -Savior's Day Speech, Chicago, February 25,

> 1996


> Qaddafi is hated because he is the leader of a

> small country that is rich, but he uses his money to

> finance liberation struggles. And since he's

> financing liberation struggles against imperialists

> and Zionists and oppressors, the Zionists hate him,

> the imperialists hate him, the neo-colonialists hate

> him, America hates him. Well, you must be all three.

> I love him.


> -Savior's Day Speech, Chicago, February 25,

> 1996




> (weekly newspaper of the Nation of Islam

> published by Minister Farrakhan)


> On slavery:


> Article by Dr. Kaukab Siddique in the Final

> Call responds to the documentation of the existence

> of slavery in the Sudan by two Baltimore Sun

> reporters, Gilbert A. Lewthwaite and Gregory Kane.


> "The Sun is a Zionist Jewish daily which has a

> track record of opposition to and condemnation of

> all Islamic, African and Arab nations that show any

> semblance of independence in foreign policy... Set

> some standards for reporting. Don't let the Zionists

> get away with damn lies."


> -The Final Call, July 16, 1996


> On the Anti-Defamation League:


> The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) campaign has

> caused the loss of Black lives in cities throughout

> America.... It is also apparent that the ADL and the

> CIA are partners in crime where the Black community

> is concerned. How many lives have been jeopardized

> by such criminal activities?


> Recently, it was revealed that the CIA brought

> crack cocaine into Black communities. The ADL is

> assuring that the deadly drug will circulate by

> forcing the removal of a protective force like the

> Muslim security firms...


> -The Final Call, October 8, 1996




> Quannell X National Youth minister for NOI


> I say to Jewish America: Get ready...knuckle

> up, put your boots on, because we're ready and the

> war is going down... The real deal is this: Black

> youth do not want a relationship with the Jewish

> community or the mainstream white community or the

> foot shuffling, head-bowing, knee bobbing black

> community... All you Jews can go straight to hell.


> -New York Daily News, October 17, 1995


> Khalid Abdul Muhammad


> On Jews:


> You see everybody always talk about Hitler

> exterminating six million Jews. That's right. But

> don't nobody ever ask what did they do to

> Hitler...They went in there, in Germany, the way

> they do everywhere they go, and they supplanted,

> they usurped...they had undermined the very fabric

> of the society.


> -Chicago Sun-Times, Appearance at Chicago

> State University, March 24, 1996


> The so-called Jew is a parasite who comes into

> our community and takes out trailer and

> tractor-loads of money on a daily basis.


> We have lost over 600 million at the hands of

> the white man in the last 6,000 years. That is 100

> times worse than the so-called Holocaust of the

> so-called Jew, the imposter Jew.


> Look at it so-called Jew. Look at it, imposter

> Jew. Somebody must call you what you are. Somebody

> must look you in your cold lying blue eyes and pull

> the cover off of you today. I don't give a damn

> about you and I will give you hell from the cradle

> to the grave.


> - Appearance at the "Black Holocaust

> Nationhood Conference," held as a prelude to the


> Million Man March, October 15, 1995


> On the Pope:


> Elijah Muhammad taught that the Pope of Rome

> is the anti-Christ... It makes me sick to my stomach

> to see black people running over each other just to

> kiss this cracker. Who in the hell is the pope of

> Rome? He's an imposter, he's an idol, he's a false

> icon that must be torn down."


> -Appearance at the "Black Holocaust Nationhood

> Conference," held as a prelude to the


> Million Man March, October 15, 1995


> The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913,

> is the world's leading organization fighting

> anti-Semitism through programs and services that

> counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry



















> Iraq Connections to U.S. Extremists

> Posted Oct. 26, 2001

> By Kelly Patricia O’Meara

> While Nichols' ties to the Iraqis are

> well-documented in numerous books and independent

> investigations, such as the recent report of

> Oklahoma state Rep. Charles Keys, he also had ties

> to other militant groups. For instance, he attended

> meetings in Michigan of the Posse Comitatus, a

> militant, right-wing organization founded by Col.

> William Potter Gale and headed by James Wickstrom.

> Members of Posse Comitatus, according to legal

> documents released prior to McVeigh's trial, have

> for years been in contact with Iraq and other rogue

> Arab nations that share a hatred of Israel.


> This fits with the Oklahoma City defense team's

> conclusions concerning Dennis Mahon, long suspected

> of being a player in the conspiracy to bomb the

> Murrah building. Mahon is described in Jones' book

> as "a virulent racist and avowed enemy of the U.S.

> government" and is a high-ranking member of the

> White Aryan Resistance (WAR) movement. The defense

> team reports that its investigation shows "the Iraqi

> government has given Dennis Mahon thousands of

> dollars over the past six years, and Mahon has been

> banned from entering Canada and the United Kingdom

> and is classified by Interpol as an international

> terrorist." The FBI did not bother to interview

> Mahon in connection to the Oklahoma City bombing.


> Beyond Nichols and Mahon, there are others with

> connections to domestic militant groups sympathetic

> to Islamic fundamentalists. These include Larry

> Wayne Harris, a licensed clinical and public-health

> microbiologist who was arrested in Las Vegas in

> February 1998 for conspiring to "possess biological

> agents and toxin, to wit: anthrax and anthrax

> precursors for use as a weapon." At the time of

> Harris' arrest he was on probation for a 1995

> conviction for fraudulently obtaining bubonic-plague

> toxins. According to the 1998 Las Vegas FBI

> complaint, "Harris told a group about plans to place

> a globe of bubonic-plague toxins in a New York City

> subway station, where it would be broken by a

> passing subway train, causing hundreds of thousands

> of deaths."


> Furthermore, in a 1996 letter to Aryan Nation

> founder Pastor Richard Butler, the white-supremacist

> leader says Harris requested that Butler publish his

> manuscript on germ warfare, in the preface of which

> Harris described an encounter with an Iraqi who

> provided a lengthy commentary on biological warfare

> and detailed the progress of the Iraqi program in

> the United States. Butler did not publish the

> manuscript but confirms that, until his arrest in

> 1998, Harris had been a member of the Aryan Nation.























> Black and Red Terrorist Internationals

> by William F. Jasper


> American neo-Nazis linking up with Hamas, Hezbollah,

> the PLO, and other Middle Eastern terrorist groups

> backed by Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Libya? A lot of

> people seem to have a hard time imagining such a

> union. They wouldn’t if they were familiar with the

> sordid history and geo-politics of international

> terrorism. The Black International, a terrorist

> network of former World War II Nazis and Fascists

> and their younger proselytes, operated throughout

> Europe during the 1960s and ’70s, with deadly

> effect. And it is still alive.


> United by Hatred


> Now, as then, the neo-Nazis cooperate with the Red

> International, the network of international

> terrorists funded, trained, supplied, and directed

> by Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea, and other

> surrogate regimes of the communists, including a

> multitude of Middle Eastern terrorist organizations.

> A Black summit in Paris on March 28, 1970 helped

> launch a major drive to recruit white European youth

> for Yasir Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organization

> (PLO). Prominent among those present was Jean

> Roberts Debbaudt, an ex-SS officer who placed his

> Belgian Rexist Party "totally and unconditionally at

> the service of the Palestine Resistance." Other such

> conferences followed, cementing the ties between the

> black shirts, the PLO, the IRA, and other terrorist

> elements. Colonel Qaddafi of Libya provided funding,

> arms, training, and sanctuary. Besides having a

> common statist philosophy and totalitarian world

> view, these miscreants are united by a burning

> hatred for Israel, the United States, Christianity,

> and "bourgeois" capitalist society.


> At a Black summit held at the Rome Hilton in 1974,

> Qaddafi sent his prime minister, Ahmed Jalloud,

> loaded with money bags for the noble effort. The

> Libyan dictator was, at the same time, helping

> finance the Palestinian terror network in Paris run

> by the Venezuelan communist Illich Ramirez Sanchez,

> also known as Carlos the Jackal, whose main banker —

> and Soviet KGB control officer — was Antonio Dages

> Bouvier. Earlier, in 1971, millionaire communist

> Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, scion of one of Italy’s

> wealthiest families and a founder of Italy’s

> murderous Red Brigades, had met secretly in

> Switzerland with Valerio Borghese, Italy’s "Black

> Prince" of the neo-Fascist terrorists, to coordinate

> attacks on their mutual enemies: established

> democratic order, Israel, and Zionism. Franco Freda,

> the neo-Nazi-Maoist, who was later convicted and

> given a life sentence for the 1969 bombing of

> Milan’s Bank of Agriculture, held a rally and

> fundraiser in Padua to honor Yasir Arafat’s terror

> exploits.


> German neo-Nazis who were also members of the PLO

> included Odfried Hepp and Udo Albrecht, both of whom

> also worked for the Stasi, the communist secret

> police of the former East Germany. During the

> Persian Gulf War, German neo-Nazi leader Michael

> Kuhnen, founder of the Anti-Zionist League,

> negotiated an agreement to provide Saddam Hussein

> with 100 neo-Nazi troops. He died before he could

> fulfill that contract, but French neo-Nazi leader

> Michael Faci stepped in to recruit an unknown number

> of "storm troopers" to fight for Iraq.


> Gary Lauck, a rabid racist from Nebraska known as

> the "Farm Belt Fuehrer," who was arrested and

> convicted in Germany for smuggling banned Nazi

> propaganda to neo-Nazi groups in that country, is

> reported to have frequent contacts with Middle

> Eastern terrorist groups. He also wrote a manifesto

> entitled "Strategy, Propaganda, and Organization,"

> filled with Marxoid dialectical drivel and calls for

> the integration of militant extremist groups

> worldwide into a global terrorist network.


> Links to the OKC Bombing


> Lauck’s friend, former Oklahoma Ku Klux Klan

> factotum Dennis Mahon, appears to have attempted to

> put that plan into practice. Mahon, a frequent

> visitor to the Aryan Nations compound in Idaho, was

> also an habitue of the Aryan Nations sister

> community in rural eastern Oklahoma known as Elohim

> City. The Marxism-spouting Mahon admits to being

> closely associated with the Aryan Republican Army

> bank robbers and to admiring the IRA terrorists. He

> boasts of his connections to Saddam Hussein’s

> intelligence service and admits to having been in

> its pay, beginning during the Persian Gulf War, when

> he organized several rallies for Iraq. During an

> interview with a Brazilian television crew, Mahon

> unrolled and proudly held up a poster of Yasir

> Arafat, reportedly one of his heroes.


> Mahon also admits his close friendship with German

> soldier Andreas Strassmeir, whom Tim McVeigh

> telephoned at Elohim City before the Oklahoma City

> bombing. It is Mahon and Strassmeir who Carol Howe,

> the "key" informant for the FBI and ATF at Elohim

> City, insists are the prime suspects in the OKC

> bombing. Strassmeir, who was living in the U.S.

> illegally, was spirited out of the U.S. through

> Mexico several months after the bombing by attorney

> Kirk Lyons, a legal activist for racists and

> militant national socialists. On July 13, 1997 the

> Dublin Sunday Times reported that Strassmeir had

> moved to Dublin and was associating with Sinn Fein,

> the political arm of the IRA. Earlier, informant

> Carol Howe had reported that Strassmeir had received

> detonators for the OKC explosive charges from his

> IRA blasting buddies. Completely independent of

> Howe, federal informant Cary Gagan had stated (in

> July of 1995) that he had met in Mexico City with

> his Middle Eastern bombing co-conspirators — and a

> "former" member of the IRA who was providing

> expertise and detonators for the planned bombing

> operations in the U.S.




> ************************************



> Aryan... "Saddam Hussein uses the term to describe

> himself. "



> http://www.nationalist.org/alt/2000/sep/aryan.html





> September 6, 2000






> Aryan or American?

> Avoiding excess-baggage buzz-words

> The term "Aryan" has been bandied

> around lately, largely because of the trial of

> "Aryan-Nations" founder Richard Butler. But, what

> does the word mean? What relevance does it have?

> Butler uses the term repeatedly. The Nationalist

> Movement lists it in its Glossary of Words to Avoid.

> Saddam Hussein uses the term to describe himself.

> So, what's the score? "Arian" was first used to

> describe a heresy in the Christian church which

> arose about 325 A.D. Arius preached that Christ was

> not divine, which contradicted general beliefs, at

> the time.


> A meeting was summoned by Constantine

> to resolve the controversy. The Nicene Creed was

> promulgated at that gathering, which established the

> doctrine of the Trinity: God, Son and Holy Ghost.

> Arius, who refused to go along with the new creed,

> was banished by Constantine and the Arian Heresy, as

> it became known, died out. "Aryan" came to refer to

> Indo-European inhabitants of the Babylonian area,

> also known as Mesopotamia, in the Middle-East.

> Aryans built low-grade civilizations, from time to

> time, but were Asiatics -- sometimes called Persians

> -- perpetually at war with ancient Greece and Rome

> -- which were superlative Hellenic civilizations.


> The "Aryans" were defeated by

> Alexander the Great and pushed back by Constantine.

> They became darker and more mixed with Negroes over

> the centuries. In 1453, they overwhelmed

> Constantinople and destroyed Southern Europe,

> ravaging the land and corrupting blood. Today, they

> are known as Arabs, dark-skinned and primitive. What

> are termed Cro-Magnon or Caucasian people -- some

> would call them Hellenes or Nordics -- had

> considerable sway over the area in ancient times.

> Arising out of Northern Europe, people who resembled

> modern-day Americans ruled from Scandinavia to

> China, conquering and spreading civilization, as

> they went.


> While their numbers may not have been

> overwhelming, their power was. The mummy of an

> ancient ruler of China was recently unearthed

> displaying red hair and Caucasian features. Similar

> people pushed into India, establishing their rule

> and civilization. They, also, set up the caste

> system to insulate themselves from the darker and

> more backward inhabitants. Some have referred to the

> Caucasian -- which might be described as Hellenic

> or, better yet, as Nordic -- rulers of Europe, the

> Middle-East and the Orient as Aryans, but the term

> is a misnomer. The "Aryans" were the peoples who

> were conquered by the Hellenes and Nordics and ruled

> over, in the Middle-East.


> Today, there are dark-skinned

> inhabitants of India who bear Caucasian features,

> indicating that the original Cro-Magnon, Hellenic

> and Nordic conquerors, indeed, were present, but

> that their bloodlines have been corrupted and lost.

> There are, also, pockets of descendants of the

> Alexandrian conquest throughout the Middle-East and

> Asia, some even speaking a dialect of Greek, even to

> this day, though their blood and lineage have been

> long since corrupted. Iran, formerly known as Persia

> -- which included territories now known as both Iran

> and Iraq, is a corruption of the word "Aryan." The

> Ayatollah Khomeini, as well as his predecessor Shah

> Mohammed Raza Pahlavi, referred to Iranians as

> "Aryans," a kind of idyllic way of suggesting that a

> debauched people had some sort of elevated blood,

> eons ago.


> Mythical


> "Aryan" took a different turn in the

> last century when the great musician, Richard

> Wagner, used it -- albeit mythically -- in penning

> compositions glorifying Nordic Man. Wagner conjured

> up a potent brew of Viking, pagan and heroic

> folklore to energize Caucasians in Northern Europe,

> who had not been mixed or corrupted over the years.

> The term "Aryan" -- although still a misnomer --

> came to describe Germanic and Nordic people who had

> a sense of their own worth or destiny. Adolf Hitler

> picked up on the term and made it a foundation of

> his regime. An entire program called Lebensborn was

> instituted to bring about a lineage of supermen --

> of pure blood, Nordic character and powerful limb --

> who would be called Aryans.


> "Aryan" has found its way,

> occasionally, into scientific texts -- such as those

> by Lothrop Stoddard and Branimir Males -- in

> referring to blood and anthropology, chiefly prior

> to World-War II. In 1936, Males wrote in his Human

> Races that "Aryan" described Germans, Scandinavians,

> Slovenes and "Alpines," which were largely French

> and Italians. But "Aryan" never became widely used

> or accepted. After the war, the term fell into

> disfavor because of its association with the losing

> side. Some pro-communist and leftist elements,

> primarily in America, began to use "Aryan" to refer

> to Caucasians or pro-American activists. The intent

> was to acquaint them with World-War-II enemies and

> tag a "loser" label on them, in some manner.


> Americans, generally, have referred to

> themselves as Anglo-Saxons, over the years,

> referring to the British and Germanic origins of the

> nation and people. Theodore Roosevelt often referred

> to Anglo-Saxon blood and heritage and America was

> generally referred to as an Anglo-Saxon country in

> schoolbooks. The term "WASP" -- for "White,

> Anglo-Saxon Protestant" -- was used, beginning in

> the Fifties, by leftist outfits to try to deride the

> blood and character of America. The term "Nordic"

> was used in both Europe and America to describe

> fair-skinned, blond individuals who were generally

> idealized as warriors, leaders and ascendant stock.

> The science of eugenics sprung up at the turn of the

> century to propagate Nordic blood and Caucasian

> characteristics on the grounds that better blood

> created better civilization and a better world.


> In response to "black-power," hippie

> and communist initiatives in the Sixties, some

> anti-communist Americans began using the term

> "Aryan" to describe themselves. The term caught on

> in Europe among many "neo-Nazi" adherents bent on

> resurrecting a pre-World-War-II society. "The

> Order," a small band of renegades who robbed banks

> and conducted murders, received vast attention for

> its self-declared "Aryan" proposals in behalf of

> setting up a Hitler regime on the North American

> continent. Butler picked up on the term,

> establishing a cult using the name and invoking

> religion to bolster his ideas. He preached that

> "Aryans" were the original tribes of Israel, a

> corruption of the British Israelite doctrine which

> holds that English monarchs symbolically sit on the

> Biblical throne of David.


> Violence-provocation


> In the Eighties, William Pierce, a

> former associate of George Lincoln Rockwell -- who

> promulgated the self-styled American Nazi Party

> twenty years earlier -- took up using the term

> "Aryan." He used it to provoke violence and call for

> killing "non-Aryan" individuals. In response to

> Pierce and a court ruling which found Pierce guilty

> of advocating violence, the Internal Revenue Service

> enacted a regulation called the "Methodology Test,"

> which it employed to penalize anyone using the term

> "Aryan,European" or even white, as part of social

> activism. David Duke, who was elected to the

> Louisiana legislature on a "white-rights" ticket,

> became a target of the IRS. His organization and

> paper folded when his tax-exemption was yanked.


> When Duke tried a comeback, he joined

> forces with Pierce and began to declare that "I am

> an Aryan." He soundly lost his comeback bid. He then

> journeyed to Russia where he urged Slavs -- who

> Hitler disdained as "non-Aryans" -- to call

> themselves "Aryans." That bid also flopped. One

> "Wolfgang Hawke" attempted to organize an "Aryan"

> festival in Washington, which fizzled when it was

> revealed that his name was actually Andrew

> Greenbaum. However, rightist individuals, from time

> to time, have sponsored "Aryan" festivals in which

> they seek to attract Caucasians and showcase sheer

> defiance of their opponents.


> So, "Aryan" had come to be used by

> those who want to revive Hitler, in some way, who

> try to castigate pro-American activists or even who

> try to impersonate others. Greenbaum and Butler even

> called themselves "Nationalists," while also calling

> themselves "Aryans." Some even confuse the term

> "Aryan" with Nordic. Bryan J. Brown, a left-wing

> cultist who frequently criticizes Nationalists,

> refers to himself as an "Aryan without prejudice,"

> meaning that he apparently has Nordic features but

> apes the miscegenationist line. When the Internet

> began to become popular, some protesters posted

> pages touting the word "Aryan" to denounce Mexican

> immigration, Marxism, school integration and African

> degeneration of society, in general.


> One curiosity-seeker who visited

> Crosstar, the Nationalist website, early on,

> expressed surprise. "Where are the references to

> Hitler?" he asked. "I thought that they were

> supposed to be on any 'Aryan' site," he said. The

> word "Nationalist" has been used by many rightists

> lately to avoid the misunderstandings, conflicts and

> penalties which can be associated with use of the

> word "Aryan.Aryan," say Nationalists, is a "buzz

> word" which carries considerable excess baggage and,

> invariably, conjures up images of dead dictators,

> alien ideologies and lost causes.


> Corkey Bowman, a Nationalist Skinhead,

> made a nationwide television appeal to "get away

> from that term.We don't need it and don't use

> it," he said, encouraging the use of the term

> "Nationalist.I don't even like to mention words

> other than Nationalist, but some people may not know

> why we say to avoid other words, so we need to teach

> and educate people," Bowman said. Time was if

> someone described himself as an "American," that

> said it all. It was expected that he was a

> flag-waving, alien-kicking, turf-defending,

> hard-working stalwart of the countenance and

> disposition of the Founding Fathers. Or, if asked,

> "Are you a patriot?" and someone replied, "Sure, I

> served in the army," that was enough.


> More called for


> But, as minorities slithered into

> businesses, communists infiltrated government and

> homosexuals barged into the military, something more

> was called for. A term which meant more than "I was

> born here" or "I served in uniform." Something to

> say, "I fight for the American nation, the American

> people and the American way of life." Some picked

> "patriot,militiaman,rightist,America

> Firster,Minuteman,Americanist,"

> "anti-communist,Bircher,Nationalist" or any

> number of labels to describe themselves. Some

> adopted "Aryan." Some wanted a word to go along with

> or stand beside the word "American," such as in the

> case of "Nationalist" or "rightist." On the other

> hand, some wanted another word to supercede

> "American," entirely, as in the case of "Aryan."


> But the Butler incident has, lately,

> associated "Aryan" with cultism, a kind of

> David-Koresh operation which aims to shoot it out

> with people or fence off some compound from the rest

> of the country. The term is now widely regarded as

> terroristic and anti-social. Nationalists

> acknowledge that while "Aryan" may have some appeal

> among those fighting "asylum-seekers" in Europe, it

> is a bust in America. Even Europeans who glorify

> "Aryanism" often express resentment when past

> thinkers and musicians are misrepresented or music

> debased.


> Nationalists appealed the IRS ban on

> "Aryan" to the United States Supreme Court, but were

> rebuffed. "It's a question of how can we use the

> system to get our message out, confront and defeat

> our opponents and usher in a new age," said

> Nationalist Secretary Wendell Gardner. "Bringing in

> a new Age of Nationalism has appeal. That should be

> our tactic and our goal," Gardner said. Gardner

> noted that he generally does not like to be critical

> of those who have used various "buzz words" in the

> past. "It's about education and knowledge and being

> effective," he insisted. "We will define ourselves

> by our own terms, not by what others want to call

> us."


> Nationalists rely on the terms

> "American,Nationalist" and "pro-majority" to

> describe themselves and their activities. They have

> successfully boycotted and challenged news-media

> outlets which try to portray them otherwise. In

> referring to blood, Nationalists use the words

> Anglo-Saxon or Nordic and, sometimes, Caucasian,

> which is described in the Nationalist textbook, The

> Commission, as the "superlative civilizing force" of

> history. They speak frequently in terms of

> nationality, people, blood and heritage and describe

> the Nationalist view of life as "blood-based."


> The Butler trial, however, is expected

> to set use of the word "Aryan" back considerably and

> for Twenty-First Century "Aryanism" to fade away,

> much as "Arianism" did in the Fourth Century.

> Nationalists are taking a cue from Constantine by

> calling "Unity Fests" to thrash out doctrine and

> words which will energize and solidify rightist

> activism. "As failed words and tactics pass away,

> patriots will be seeking better and newer ways to

> change things, based on 100% Americanism.

> Nationalism should not be the quicksand, where

> people are sucked down, but the lightning rod, which

> attracts energy and produces power," said Gardner.

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> © 2003 The Nationalist Movement







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