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peace in india by appeasing pak - never by vishal sharma

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Peace in India by appeasement of Pakistan? NEVER!!!by Vishal SharmaAfter Iraq,

Kashmir? So goes the Outlook's article written by Prem Shankar Jha, wherein he

postulates a situation in which the US, and UK would try to appease the Islamic

fundamentalists, by offering to them an olive branch - read here as Kashmir.

This view is supported by Richard Boucher's statement in response to the

cold-blooded execution of 24 Hindu civilians at the hands of Islamic

fundamentalists in Nadimarg, Kashmir. The White House spokesman Mr. Boucher

merely suggested that India should talk to Pakistan. He was interpreted as

urging India to try for peace through appeasement in response to the Nadimarg

killings.The US, and the UK should have thoroughly condemned this attempt to

ethnically remove the Hindus from Kashmir by the Islamic terrorists of

Pakistan. Such a condemnation should have been not only in words but also in

strict action oriented methods, thereby sending a clear message to the Islamic

military Dictatorship in Pakistan, that ethnic killings of Hindus in Kashmir

would result in military action against Pakistan. But no such thing

happened.Just day before yesterday, the BBC aired a programme advocating a view

that a 55-year old plebiscite to know the views of people of Kashmir be

exercised. This programme was recorded in Pakistan, and a Pakistani professor

of International relations was interviewed.We all know the "censor like

control" governments of US, and UK have over their "free" media. Also we know

that there is a growing Muslim vote bank in the UK, brought about by years of

unabated growth of the Bangladeshi and Pakistani immigrants. This Muslim vote

bank is becoming increasingly influential, and vocal. The British Foreign

Minister Mr. Jack Straw cannot think of winning his parliamentary constituency,

without local Anglo-Pakistani Muslim support.Over the years so many times the

people of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir have exercised their votes in

elections. The people of Jammu and Kashmir have exercised their franchise in

more elections than the people of Pakistan have. If democratic terms like

plebiscite, etc are to be implemented, then Pakistan is the place where they

are needed the most. People in India, should increasingly start asking about

who took the decision to partitioning India on religious grounds, and create an

Islamic country on one hand, and a secular country on the other. Was a

plebiscite held? Whether the people of India wanted the division or not? If

such a fundamental plebiscite was not held in the first place, then how can a

mini-local plebiscite be held subsequently in relation to the original

partition? Even with partition an overwhelming majority of Muslims choose to

stay in India, rather than go into the wilderment of a theocratic state. Given

the facts of the last 50 years, the partition of India should be nullified, and

the western part of India be rejoined with the mainland. After such a

unification has occurred, a view be held whether to separate India on religious

grounds or not. However such utopian, but democratically, judiciously,

mathematically and logically correct views are seldom adopted in the world of

realpolitik.The US, and the UK have angered Islamic fundamentalists. After

Iraq, the US and UK, would like to lessen the danger of terrorist attacks on

their interests. This is where Pakistan plays such an important role. The

mother of the neo-terrorists Pakistan acts as an intermediary, a broker between

its children - the Islamic fundamentalists, and the Western world. Just as

Pakistan played a key role in getting the US and China together. The infamous

times of General Yahya Khan, President Nixon, Henry Kissinger etc, culminating

with Nixon's visit to China, and Henry Kissinger making the strategic mistake

of sending the US 7th fleet into the Bay of Bengal with a view to intimidate

India, and in an abortive attempt to save East Pakistan becoming Bangladesh.

Such myopic views, and short terms solutions revolving around Pakistani

interests, have been the bane of the US' South-Asia Foreign policy. The US has

traditionally relied on UK's views in its dealings with India-Pakistan. This is

where the growing Pakistani Muslim vote bank in the UK should ring alarm bells

in India.Outwardly America does not negotiate with terrorists, but inwardly

Pakistan is the pivot of American negotiations with such Islamic terrorist

groups to protect American interests and minimize damage to the US. The current

waiving of US$1 Billion (Rupees 5,000 crores) loan to Pakistan by the US is a

step in congruence with this appeasement policy of US towards Pakistan, and the

statements of the White House spokesman is in tandem with this policy, that

India too adopt an appeasement policy towards Pakistan. But is anybody


Discover your Indian Roots at - http://www.esamskriti.comTo mail -

exploreindia (AT) vsnl (DOT) net, to Un write back.Long Live Sanatan / Kshatriya

Dharam. Become an Intellectual KshatriyaGenerate Positive Vibrations lifelong

worldwide.Aap ka din mangalmaya rahe or Shubh dinam astu or Have a Nice

DayUnity preceedes Strength Synchronize your efforts, avoid duplication.THINK,

ACT, INFLUENCE, to Un write back.Create Positive Karmas by being

Focussed, controlling senses, will power & determinationNever boasts about yr

victory and successKnowledge, Wealth, Happiness are meant to be sharedBe Open

Minded, pick up what yu like from the world


Stop cribbing, ACTION is what the Indian scriptures talk aboutTake the battle

into the enemy camp, SET THE AGENDA, be proactiveIn an argument, no emotions,

be detached, get yr facts right, then attack with the precision of a missile

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