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This word Hindu is not a Sanskrit word

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This word Hindu is not a Sanskrit word.


SSR 3 Discovering the Roots

Sometimes Indians both inside and outside of India think that we are preaching

the Hindu religion, but actually we are not. One will not find the word Hindu

in the Bhagavad-gita. Indeed, there is no such word as Hindu in the entire

Vedic literature. This word has been introduced by the Muslims from provinces

next to India, such as Afghanistan, Baluchistan, and Persia. There is a river

called Sindhu bordering the north western provinces of India, and since the

Muslims there could not pronounce Sindhu properly, they instead called the

river Hindu, and the inhabitants of this tract of land they called Hindus. In

India, according to the Vedic language, the Europeans are called mlecchas or

yavanas. Similarly, Hindu is a name given by the Muslims.

SSR 6 Finding Spiritual Solutions to Material Problems

Srila Prabhupada: This word Hindu is not a Sanskrit word. It was given by the

Muhammadans. You know that there is a river, Indus, which in Sanskrit is called

Sindhu. The Muhammadans pronounce s as h. Instead of Sindhu, they made it Hindu.

So Hindu is a term that is not found in the Sanskrit dictionary, but it has come

into use. But the real cultural institution is called varnasrama. There are four

varnas (social divisions)--brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, and sudra--and four

asramas (spiritual divisions)--brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha, and

sannyasa. According to the Vedic concept of life, unless people take to this

system or institution of four varnas and four asramas, actually they do not

become civilized human beings. One has to take this process of four divisions

of social orders and four divisions of spiritual orders; that is called

varnasrama. India's culture is based on this age-old Vedic system.

740402BG.BOM Lectures

The people known as Hindus in the world, the Hindu is a term given by the

Mohammedans, from "Indus." Indus River is there. Now it is in Pakistan. So

people beyond the Indus River, the Mohammedans in Arabia and other countries,

they pronounce "s" as "h". Instead of "Sindhu," they used to pronounce it as

"Hindu." So people living, crossing the river Indus or Hindus, they were called

"Hindus." Otherwise, this "Hindu" term is not seen in any Vedic literature.

The real meaning is the people who observe the varnasrama-dharma, four varnas

and four asramas. Four varna means brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. And below

the sudras, they are called candalas, pancama, fifth grade, less than the

sudras. That natural division is there everywhere.

721108SB.VRN Lectures

When Ramananda Raya was questioned by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu: "What is sadhya

and sadhana, what is human duty, sadhya, and what is the end of sadhana...?"

Sadhana, sadhana means cultivating something with a aim of objective. So this

question was put to Ramananda Raya by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu: "What is the aim

of human life and what is the process of executing that will?" So immediately

Ramananda Raya said that varnasramacaravata. The beginning of human life is to

execute the varnasrama-dharma. Varnasramacaravata purusena parah puman. Why

varnasrama? Now visnur aradhyate. If you properly execute your

varnasrama-dharma... Actually, it is now pervertedly spoken as Hindu dharma.

Hindu dharma is a vague term. Real dharma is varnasrama-dharma. Hindu dharma we

don't find, any Vedic literature. Neither in the Bhagavad-gita. It is a, a

nomenclature given by the Muhammadans--"Hindus." From Sindhu, "Hindu." Anyway,

now we are known as Hindus. The "Hindu" is a vague term. Real term is

varnasrama, varnasrama, four varnas and four asramas. This is dharma and this

is given by God Himself. Just like Krsna says, catur-varnyam maya srstam

guna-karma-vibhagasah. It is given by God. You cannot manufacture dharma,

religion. No. Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam: "Dharma means the codes, the

regulations given by God." That is dharma. That is dharma. Otherwise, it is not


740115SB.HAW Lectures

Real mother, from whose womb we have come to this world, real mother, atma-mata.

Then guroh patni, wife of the teacher or spiritual master, guroh patni.

Brahmani, the wife of a brahmana. Atma-mata guroh patni brahmani raja-patnika,

and the wife of the king, or the queen. She's also mother. Dhenu, the cow. Cow

is also mother. And dhatri means nurse. Nurse is also mother. Tatha prthvi, and

the earth, the earth is also our mother. That we say in country, in the country

which we take birth, we say desa-matrka. In Sanskrit it is called desa-matrka.

That is also mother. Mother land, mother language. So this... So many mothers

we have got, out of which, cow is also mother. Therefore she's addressed as

amba. Amba means mother. Still in Gujarat province, they call amba. And in

U.P., United States, er, United Province, in India, they also call amba, or in

a broken language they call amma. Still... That is from very long time, mother

is... Amba-devi. There is a... From Amba-devi, there is a big temple of Mother

Durga, Kali, in Bombay. So this Amba-devi was pronounced by the Englishmens as

Bamba-devi, and from Bamba-devi it has come to "Bombay." Actually, there is a

big temple of Amba in Bombay. From that name, instead of Amba, they have become

Bamba. Just like from Sindhu, they have called, they have designated the

inhabitants of Sindhu-desa as "Hindu." The Muhammadans, they pronounce s as h.

So from "Sindhu," it has come to "Hindu." Otherwise, this "Hindu" name is not

mentioned in any Vedic literature. It is given by the... This name is given by

the other foreigners. Especially the Arabian countries, they used to call this

nation, Bharata-varsa...

740115SB.HAW Lectures

Actually, Hindu is not a religion. Hindu is a name given by the foreigners. The

religion is, of India, varnasrama-dharma, following the institution of four

varnas and four asramas. That is varn... Or sanatana-dharma. Sanatana-dharma

means eternal, eternal religion. Religion of human being is one. That is called

sanatana. A living entity is described as sanatana. Mamaivamso jiva-bhuto

jiva-loke sanatanah. In the Bhagavad-gita you'll find sanatanah, and Krsna is

also addressed in the Eleventh Chapter as sanatanas tvam. And there is another

place, or spiritual world, which is also called sanatana. In the Bhagavad-gita

you'll find, paras tasmat tu bhavo 'nyo 'vyakto 'vyaktat sanatanah. So this

sanatana term is very important. The living entity is sanatana and God is

sanatana and the spiritual world is sanatana, and the process by which your

lost relationship with God established and you go back to home back to Godhead,

that is called sanatana-dharma.

750305SB.NY Lectures

So without such division... Therefore there is no such thing as Hindu dharma.

No. There is no such word in the whole Vedic literature. You won't find in the

Bhagavad-gita or Bhagavata as Hindu dharma. There is one word as

bhagavata-dharma, but there is no such word as Hindu dharma. This Hindu dharma

or Hindu... This is creation by our neighbor, Indian neighbor, the Middle-east

Muhammadans. They gave the name, Indian people, as "Hindu.Hindu" means...

There is one river, Sindhu. The Muhammadans, they pronounce sa as ha. So those

who were on the other side of the Sindhu River, Hindu River, they were called

Hindus. But actually Vedic religion is neither for Hindus nor for Christian nor

for... It is meant for the human being. Vedic literature. So in the Vedic

literature... This Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are Vedic literature.

So there is injunction for observing the rules and regulations of varna and

asrama, four classes and four asrama. Asrama means where spiritual cultivation

is practiced. That is called asrama. So brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha and

sannyasa. Catur-varna and catur-asrama, material and spiritual. So sannyasi is

supposed to be on the topmost of the human society. Catur-varna, four classes

then, among the varnas, there are four classes: brahmacari, grhastha,

vanaprastha, and sannyasa. Sannyasa is the topmost order of human society.

740304CC.MAY Lectures

This is civilization, varnasrama. One must observe (in) the material world. In

the spiritual world, of course, there is no such thing as varnasrama. That is

pure identity of the soul. So there is no... So long we are in this material

world there must be a scientific division of progress of life. That is Vedic

system. Brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha,

sannyasa. This is called varnasrama-dharma. I have repeatedly said that people

call us Hindu in India. Actually, "Hindu" word is not visible in any Vedic

literature. This is the name given by the Arabians to the, this part of the

world, on the bank of the Sindhu. From the Sindhu the word "Hindu" has come. So

actually, our culture is varnasrama-dharma. Therefore sastra says,

varnasramacaravata purusena parah puman. In the varnasrama-dharma, the ultimate

goal is to worship Lord Visnu, whose name is Yajna. Out of many names of Lord

Visnu, one name is Yajna, Yajna-purusa. So anything performed to satisfy the

Supreme Lord, that is called yajna.

770123LE.BHU Lectures

Prabhupada: No. He will explain in Oriya. (break) ...that is Vedic culture. As

yesterday we were talking of varnasrama-dharma, four varnas and four

asrama--brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra--so the Vedic culture means to

execute the varnasrama-dharma. Now we are known as Hindus. The Hindu word is

not to be found... (break) A little disturbance will mar the situation. So,

Vedic culture means this varnasrama-dharma. The Muhammadans from the other side

of river Sindhu, they have called us Hindu. Actually, this word "Hindu" you'll

not find any Vedic scripture. So to accept this position--brahmacari, grhastha,

vanaprastha, and sannyasa--is compulsory. It is not that one has to take

sannyasa as a fashion. No. Actually it is absolutely necessary for any person

at the last stage of life to accept sannyasa. This Ramananda Raya also retired

from the government service. He met Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and Caitanya

Mahaprabhu advised him that "Now you retire from your governorship and come to

Jagannatha Puri, your home, and let us talk together about spiritual life." So

in this way he retired. So all the associates of Caitanya Mahaprabhu--sri-rupa

sanatana bhatta-raghunatha sri-jiva gopala-bhatta dasa-raghunatha--Six

Gosvamis, the direct disciples of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they were all in

renounced order of life.

70-03-13.Sri Letter: Sriman Bankaji

Actually there is no such word as "Hindu" in the Vedic literatures. The "Hindu"

name was given by the Mohammedans with reference to the river Indus or Hindus,

from Sindhu. So the Vedic culture is not for any sect of country, it is meant

for the whole human society. In other words, Vedic culture is also known as

Sanatana Dharma which means "eternal function of the eternal living entities."

Krishna is eternal, and we all living entities, being parts and parcels of

Krishna, are also eternal. And the reciprocal exchange of love between the two

eternals is called "eternal occupational duty" or Sanatana Dharma.

I am very glad to know that you are very much anxious to cooperate with my

movement in the Western world. And if you kindly do so, it is not only welcome,

but also Krishna will be very much pleased upon you and bestow His blessings. If

your friends who are "educated and ambitious band of young workers" will agree

to follow my direction, I think they can render a great service to the human

society. We should not any more think in terms of Hindu society. If we limit

ourselves to Hindus, then there will be many competitors like the Christians,

Mohammedans, Buddhists, and so on. But if we preach the philosophy of Krishna

Consciousness in right earnest, it will be accepted throughout the whole world.

And that is practically experienced during the last three or four years. There

are thousands of my disciples, European and American; their background is not

Hindu culture, and still they are accepting this Krishna Consciousness

philosophy. Some of my students are from the Mohammedan sect also; but all of

them conjointly are chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, dancing in ecstasy,

honoring Krishna Prasadam, and happily living on Vedic principles; namely as

Brahmacari, Grhastha, Vanaprastha, or Sannyasa, not to mention their personal

dealings in the matter of four kinds of prohibitive regulations; namely no

illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat eating, and no gambling.

So we have to train the whole younger generation at the present moment by the

simple method recommended by Lord Caitanya, and then this movement, Krishna

Consciousness will spread all over the world.

70-07-09. Letter: Janmanjaya, Taradevi

Regarding your questions: Hindu means the culture of the Indians. India happens

to be situated on the other side of the Indus River which is now in Pakistan

which is spelled Indus--in Sanskrit it is called Sindhu. The sindhu was

misspelled by the Europeans as Indus, and from Indus the word "Indian" has

come. Similarly the Arabians used to pronounce sindus as Hindus. This Hindus is

spoken as Hindus. It is neither a Sanskrit word nor is it found in the Vedic

literatures. But the culture of the Indians or the Hindus is Vedic and

beginning with the four varnas and four asramas. So these four varnas and four

asramas are meant for really civilized human race. Therefore the conclusion is

actually when a human being is civilized in the true sense of the term he

follows the system of varna and asrama and then he can be called a "Hindu." Our

Krsna Consciousness Movement is preaching these four varnas and four asramas, so

naturally it has got some relationship with the Hindus. So Hindus can be

understood from the cultural point of view, not religious point of view.

Culture is never religion. Religion is a faith, and culture is educational or

advancement of knowledge.

710622rc.mos Conversations

Prabhupada: No, this Hinduism, Hindu, this word, is not a Sanskrit word. It is

given by the Mohammedans. You know there is a river, Indus, which is...,

Sanskrit name is Sindhu. Sindhu.

Prof. Kotovsky: Yes. Oh, yes, yes, yes.

Prabhupada: These Mohammedans, they pronounce "S" as "H.Hindus,Hindus."

Instead of "Hindus," they made it "Hindus." So Hindu is a term which is not

found in the Sanskrit dictionary.

Prof. Kotovsky: Yes.

Prabhupada: But it has come into use. Real, I mean to say, cultural institution

is called varnasrama, four varnas and four asramas: brahmana, ksatri, vaisya,

sudra--these four varnas--and brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, and sannyasa.

So according to Vedic concept of life, unless people take to this system or

institution, institute of varna and asrama, four varnas and four asramas,

actually he does not become a civilized human being. This... One has to take

this process, four divisions of varnas and four..., four divisions of social

order and four divisions of spiritual order. That is called varnasrama. So

India's culture is based on these four, eight system, varna and asrama.

760716iv.ny Conversations

Prabhupada: Vedic, Vedas, Vedas, that is real, the word. But they have taken it

in a different way. Actually the "Hindu," this name is given by the neighbor

Muhammadans. There is a river called Sindhu. That river is still there, it is

now in Pakistan. So outside the border of India, the Muhammadans, they used to

call the inhabitants of the neighborhood of that river Sindhu, Hindu. Because

they pronounce s as h. So this is the origin. So "Hindu" is a title given by

the Muhammadan neighbors. It is not found in the Vedic literature.

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