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3000-year-old ritual

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In 1975, the Agnichayana, a 3000-year-old ritual, the longest and the

oldestsurviving ritual of mankind, was performed at Panjal in Kerala, India.

The12- day ritual was performed by Namboothiri Brahmins of Kerala.

Longconsidered extinct and never witnessed by outsiders, the ceremonies

requirethe participation of seventeen priests, preceded by several months

ofpreparation and rehearsals.         This performance was instigated by the

Indologist Dr. Frits Staalof the University of California and by Mr. Robert

Gardner, with support fromseveral international agencies.         The two Vedic

Scholars primarily responsible for the 1975performance were Brahmasree

Muttathukattu Mammunnu Itti Ravi (undisputedmaster of the Jaiminiya Samaveda)

and Brahmasree Cherumukku VaidikanVallabhan Somayajipad or CV (occupies a

central position in the ritual realmof the Rgveda and YajurvedaNow Somayagam is

being conducted at Trissur, Kerala from 6-4-2003 to12-4-2003 Those who want can

participate in so many ways as follows. has been decided to conduct a

"Somayaagam" (Agnisthomam), at BrahmaswomMadhom (M.G.Road, Trissur - 680001,

Kerala, India, Tel: ++91 487 2440877).Agnisthomam, which uses 12 Sastras

(defined segments) of Rigveda, wasconducted last in 1984 April, at

Thiruvananthapuram.The 6-day Somayaagam (Agnisthomam) will begin on 7th April,

2003 withAadhanam on 6th April. The team headed by Thaikkat Vaidikan

NeelakandhanNamboodiri will perform the Somayaagam with Puthillam Ramanujan

Namboothirias Yajamaanan.The word "Yaagam" in Kerala context is the same as

"Yajna" in other states.The attractions of the Somayaagam in Kerala is that all

Rithwiks learn allManthras by heart, chanted in the traditional style, with

Vedic accents likeUdaatha, Anudaatha and Svarita as well as the special hand

gestures("Mudra") that accompany special features of Vedam recitation. This

methodof Vedic recitation is believed to release maximum positive energy

forpurifying the environment. It is well known that large quantity of

fumesarising out of burnt ghee, seeds and vast quantity of appropriate

herbals,cleanse the environment.The total expenditure of the Yaagam would be a

minimum of Indian Rs. 40Lakhs (Indian Rupees 4 million). As training and other

preparations arealready commenced, Brahmaswam Madham requires your kind hearted

financialhelp to meet all these expenses. If you wish to get more details,

kindlyread the following or write to P. Vinod Bhattathiripad, our

InternationalCorrespondent, in < vinod (AT) namboothiri (DOT) com>.Vaidikan Thaikkat

Neelakandhan Namboodiri, the Vaidikan for this SomayaagamVaidikan Thaikkat

Kesavan Namboodiri, the authority of SomayaagamA Vedic-chanting class for kids

at Thrissur Brahmaswam MadhamIntroduction to Somayaagam: It is said that when

Lord Brahmaavu (the creatoramong the Trinity) created man, he also created

"Yajnam" or "Yaagam" forman's livelihood and his attainment of spiritual

desires. The fundamentalpremise of Yajnam is derived from the Vedams, although,

according to"Purusha Sooktham", it is the other way around - Vedams originated

fromYajnam! Anyhow, Vedams and Yajnam are eternal truths having

neitherbeginning nor end, and are "Apourusheyam" (divine, not the creation

ofhumans). Karmam (work or action) is an integral part of living. Right

andwrong Karmams can hardly be discerned by human intellect, and has to

beguided by knowledge. Vedams, indeed, contain the highest form of

knowledge.The singular goal of Vedam is to guide man through the correct path.

AndYajnam forms the essence of all the Karmams prescribed in the Vedams.meeting

of Somayaagam experts held at Vaidikan Thekkat Mana (near Edappal inMalappuram

District), recently.Vaidikan Thaikkat Neelakantan Namboothiri (left) &; Kaapra

SankaranarayananSomayaajippad review the quality of a few special wooden &; mud

utensils madefor SomayaagamGoal of a Yaagam: The goal of all Yaagams is the

prosperity of the people atlarge by energizing and protecting the environment.

The Sun is considered asthe main source of energy supply, and fire is

considered as a representationof the Sun's energy. According to the ancient

texts on Yaagam, any offer toFire as a god, is actually an offer to Sun. Any

such offer is either toenrich energy in the environment or to destroy the

undesirable elements inthe environment, and thus, in both ways, environment is

protected. Attachingdivine nature to such rituals (like Yaagam) induced people

to practice them.Thus, the ancient texts proclaim that "Such Vaidika Karmams

areresult-oriented, and meant to lead to Sreyass or spiritual attainments".A

Vedic-chanting class for junior boys at Thrissur Brahmaswam Madham. Theteacher

is Chalakkudi Paduthol Neelakandhan Nambudiripad.An open air Vedic-chanting

class for kids at Thrissur Brahmaswam MadhamThe Ritual Process: The technical

procedures for such Karmams (rituals) aredetailed in ancient texts like the

Braahmanams and Sroutha Soothrams. Moreimportant than the learning and

understanding of the concepts, is the actualperformance of such Karmams. In

other words, the "performer" spreads moreSreyass to the world than the texts

(Granthhams) themselves.Yaagam and Namboothiris: Namboothiris perform only

Agnishtomam (12Sasthrams), generally known as Somayaagam, and Athiraathram

(Agnichayanam,29 Sasthrams), popularly known as Agni. While performing of

Somayaagam makesa Namboothiri a complete (Nithyam) Braahmanan, Athiraathram is

only optional(Kaamyam). In the Sangam literature (Tamil), however, there is

reference toVaajapeyam Yaagam having been performed during the second century

BC inPerinchellur Graamam near Taliparamba in the present Kannur district.

So,performances of other Yaagams by Namboothiris during the earlier

periods,cannot be ruled out.The prerequisite of Yaagam, namely, Aadhanam, is

performed on the 6th ofApril. The rituals like Naandeemukham to

Saalaapravesham, and Deekshaahassuare done on day-1 (7th April, 2003),

Pravargya Sambhaaram (Collection ofPravargyam items) on day-2, Yoopam Kollal on

day-3, Pravargyam and Upaasath(Upasaddinangal or Upasath days) on day-2 to

day-4. Most of these rituals(Karmams) are meant to purify the performer in

order to qualify him to dothe Yaagam. The most important stage of Somayaagam is

the Suthyam. Based onthe number of Suthyam days, Yaagam may be categorised into

three : Ekaaham(1 day Suthyam), Aheenam (2 to 12 days Suthyam) and Sathram

(more than 12days Suthyam). The Agnisthomam is an Ekaaham. The Suthyam day of

Agnisthomam(Somayaagam) starts on the 5th day morning and continue till the 6th

daymorning. Athiraathram has 2 Suthyam days (10th day morning to 12th daymorning

or just above 48 hours). Athiraathram needs construction of Altar(Agnichayanam),

which usually takes 4 days. Agnisthomam does not needconstruction of

Altar.Somayaagam 2003: After a gap if 19 years, an Agnisthomam (Somayaagam)

isproposed to be conducted at Vadakke Madhom Brahmaswom (Brahmaswom Madhom )in

Trissur in 2003 April. The 6-day Somayaagam will begin on 7th April,2003, with

Aadhanam, the prerequisite of any Yaagam, being performed on 6thApril.

Agnisthomam, which uses 12 Sastras (defined segments) of Rigveda, wasconducted

last in 1984 April, at Thiruvananthapuram. An Athiraathram (Agni),which uses 29

Sastras, was held in Kundoor (near Thrissur), in 1990. TheSomayaagam will be

conducted by Vaidikan Thaikkat Neelakandhan Namboodiri(Edappal, Malappuram

district).Bird's eye view of Thrissur Brahmaswam MadhamVedic experts of

Thirunaavaaya and Thrissur Madhams are engaged in highlevel discussions with

Vaidikan Thaikkat Kesavan Namboodiri at ThrissurMadhamYajamaanan: Forty eight

year old Rigvedic expert Bhatti Puthillath RamanujanNamboodiri (popularly known

as Aniyan Puthillam) will perform the yaagam asYajamaanan. His wife, Dhanya

(daughter of Vettanaattu Paara Mana) will bethe "Pathanaadi". Ramanujan

Namboodiri is the son of Bhatti Puthillath RaviAkkithiripad, the Yajamanan of

Kundoor Athiraathram. The Yajamaanan wasdecided at a simple function held in

Sukapuram Dakshinaamoorthy Temple, nearEdappal. Sukapuram Dakshinaamoorthy

Temple is the Graamam (Village) templeof the erstwhile Sukapuram Graamam of

Namboothiris. Vaidikan ThekkatNeelakandhan Namboodiri is the Vaidikan of this

Namboothiri Graamam.Yajamaanan: Bhatti Puthillath Ramanujan NamboodiriPathni

(would be Pathanaadi): Dhanya AntharjanamAacharyan (Trainer): Veteran Vedic

expert Naaras Narayanan NamboodiriAacharyan (Trainer): Bhatti Puthillath Ravi

AkkithiripadAacharyan (Trainer): Kaapra Sankaranarayanan SomayaajippadAacharyan

(Trainer): Naaraas Agnisarman NamboodiriAacharyan (Trainer): Naaraas Vasudevan

NamboodiriAacharyan (Trainer): Kaapra Parameswaran NamboothiriThe prelude of

Yaagam, namely "Thaithireeya Bhasha Chollal" (defining theYaagam in terms of

Sastrams and other factors, as per the Thaithireeyam textof Yajurvedam) was

also conducted at the same venue.Rithwiks: As you know, Yaagam needs 17

Rithwiks. Adhwaryu, Hothan,Udgaathan, Brahman and Sadasyan are called Mahaa

(great) Rithwiks. TheMahaa-Rithwiks, except Sadasyan, have three assistants

each. Thus, there areseventeen Rithwiks in all, including Sadasyan. Adhwaryu

has to reciteYajurvedam and should be well-versed in it with deep knowledge in

YajurvedaManthrams, Praishams and the Havana Kriya Manthrams. Adhwaryu

hasPrathiprasthhaathan, Neshtan and Unnethan, all being experts in

Yajurvedam,as assistants. Yajurvedam experts among Rigvedis may also perform

each ofthese duties. Hothan should have expertise in Rigvedam and its

traditionalchanting styles for Udaatham, Anudaatham, Swaritham, and

Pracharyaswaram,which are followed here too. Hothan recites all the Sasthrams

with theassistants' support. Hothan's assistants are Maithraavarunan,

Achhaavaakanand Graavasthothan, the first two being Rigvedis and the last, a

Saamavedi.Udgaathan chants Saamavedam in its traditional musical style, and

theSthuthis such as Subrahmanyaahwaanam. Udgaathan has three

Saamavediassistants, Prasthothan, Prathihaari and Subrahmanian. Saamavedam

expertsamong Rigvedis or Yajurvedis may also assume any of these four

posts.Brahman is witness to the entire proceedings and should know

Adharvavedamtoo but the Namboothiri practice is that, Brahman has to be the

sameCharanam (recension) as that of Yajamaanan. For example, if Yajaamanan is

aKousheethaki, then Brahman should also be a Kousheethaki. The only exceptionis

for Saamavedi Yajamaanan, then the Brahman has to be either Aswalaayananor

Kousheethaki. Brahman's assistants are Braahmanaachhamsi, Aagneedhran

andPothan, all Rigvedis. Sadasyan should be an expert in all

activitiesconcerning the Yaagam and has the responsibility to ensure that

everythingis done right. He has no assistant.

"Miraculous events ended on April 24th 1975 "

Heavy rain after Yagam

      Trichur, April 25

      The 12-day "Athirathra yagna" ended at Panjal, 30 Kms from here, on

Thursday with the completion of all the rites and burning of the yagnasala.


      An hour later, a heavy downpour fell over the area which the sponsors

claimed was true to tradition and marked the "success" of the yagna. Those

present at the concluding rites claimed that a "garuda"(eagle) flew over the

yagnasala as it was set on fire, in confirmation of another traditional belief.


      Trichur town too had a heavy shower last evening.

        --The Hindu : India’s leading National Daily




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