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Report on Hindu/India-bashing program in New York

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Report on Hindu/India-bashing program

> in New York

> Fri, 11 Apr 2003 00:01:03 +0530


> Report on Hindu/India-bashing program in New York


> On March 25, 2003, a program titled "India and

> Pakistan: Culture and

> Society", was organized in New York. Three notorious

> people with leftist

> leanings, Arvind Rajagopal, Anupama Rao, and Syed

> Nauman Naqvi, addressed the

> meeting. Of these, two Anupama Rao and Arvind

> Rajagopal are confirmed

> communists They had been touted as a

> cross-disciplinary group of balanced

> experts on India and Pakistan. In fact, none of

> them showed deep knowledge

> of the subject, and all of them were exceedingly

> partisan and biased.


> The meeting was designed to degrade Hinduism, create

> hatred about Hindu

> heritage in the younger generation by denying their

> glorious past. The

> further intent seemed to be to spread canards about

> Hindu organizations with

> a view to isolate them and tarnish India's image in

> USA.


> Anupama Rao shamelessly and deliberately postulated

> that in India minorities,

> women and Dalits are being tortured. She

> mischievously tried to create the

> impression that upper caste Hindus have plans to

> torture lower caste Hindus.

> Syed Nauman Naqvi, instead of talking about

> cross-border terrorism, proxy

> war, attack on Kashmir Legislative Assembly/Indian

> Parliament with a view to

> kill or take Indian leaders hostage, rise of Islamic

> fundamentalism in

> Pakistan, Islamic terrorism, ethnic cleansing of

> Hindus and Sikhs from

> Pakistan and Kashmir, maliciously indulged in the

> pastime of Hindu bashing

> and said that Vedas had been composed in Central

> Asia. Arvind Rajagopal did

> not say a word about 58 innocent Hindus who were

> burnt alive at Godhra by

> Indian Muslims in collusion with ISI of Pakistan.

> He never uttered a word as

> to how 350 innocent Hindus were blown to bits in

> Mumbai in 1993 by Islamists.

> Instead, Rajagopal dwelt on the dead issue of Babri

> structure and lashed out

> at Hindu nationalists. None of these prejudiced

> speakers made any mention

> about the thousands of Indian soldiers and 60,000

> Indian citizens murdered by

> Kashmiri and Pakistani Muslims. .


> Ten highly educated, informed, and assertive

> colleagues, and I attended the

> meeting. The organizers noticed our presence and

> felt uneasy at the thought

> of being exposed. Since they were working against

> the country of their

> origin, guilt consciousness was clearly visible on

> their faces. We could see

> the embarrassment in their eyes. They felt that

> their lies, distortion, and

> shallow knowledge would be exposed in front of their

> innocent students and

> the puppet masters who were manipulating them behind

> the scenes.


> They wanted to wriggle out of the discomforting

> quagmire in a hurry. Hence,

> they allowed only two questions. One of my

> colleagues Veena Shetty

> challenged the false assertion by Anupama Rao that

> minorities, women, and

> Dalits are being persecuted. Ms. Shetty said that

> there have been three

> Chief Ministers in India from minority community -

> Abdul Rahman Antulay in

> Maharashtra, Gafoor in Bihar and Anwara Tamur in

> Assam. Mayawati is Chief

> Minister in U.P. There have been three Muslim

> Presidents of India and one

> Chief Justice of India. India is the only country

> where Muslims are given

> subsidy to go to Haj. One Muslim is the richest man

> in India. Under the

> circumstances, your argument is based on false

> assumption and smacks of

> ignoble intent. There was a hush for a moment in

> the hall. This question

> left Anupama Rao in red. She tried to overcome her

> treacherous propensities

> and with a great difficulty wriggled out of it by

> giving unconvincing reply.


> Anupama Rao also made another statement that it was

> not clear who set the

> train on fire which burned alive 50+ Hindu women and

> children in Godhra. She

> again weakly slumped in her seat when Nagendra Rao

> vigorously challenged this

> blatant and malicious falsehood.


> Mr. Arvind Patel asked Syed Naqvi, whether he knew

> the name of the person who

> had codified the Vedas. Poor Naqvi felt nervous at

> his bogus scholarship and

> apologetically said no. Mr. Patel informed him that

> it was Maharishi Veda

> Vyas who had codified and divided the Vedas into

> four. Again, there was a

> flutter in hall and Naqvi's credibility was damaged.


> After the meeting was over, I complained to the

> Moderator, Leonard Lopate,

> that this panel was highly biased against Hindus and

> India. It would have

> been better, had some Hindu leader been put on the

> panel. He told me that

> Anupama Rao and Rajagopal are Hindus. I told him

> that they had Hindu

> sounding names but in fact they were really not

> Hindus, but communists who

> publicly disowned their Hindu origin. They fall in

> the category succinctly

> described by Lord Macaulay that British education in

> India would produce

> Indians, who would look like Indians but be

> Englishmen in thought and deed

> with a contempt for their own culture and heritage.

> Mr. Lopate who was

> approached by several others with the same complaint

> then beat a hasty

> retreat and immediately disappeared from the scene

> through a side door.


> The meeting was held in the assembly hall of

> Riverside Church. There were

> about 70 -80 attendees, most of whom seemed to be

> naïve and gullible. The

> quality of the sound system was so poor that, at

> times, it was difficult to

> understand to hear what the panelists were saying.


> After 9/11, there has been spurt in anti-India/Hindu

> activities at the

> campus. On March 23, 2003, a lecture was organized

> at Emory University in

> which a self-hating Hindu Professor Ashutosh

> Varshney under the façade of

> scholarship, ridiculed India/Hindus. While 70-80%

> Americans support

> President Bush on the issue of Islamic terrorism,

> some Communist Professors

> who have sneaked in this country by submitting false

> information to

> Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) are

> working hand in glove with

> Islamic extremists. FBI, INS and IB should keep

> track of these professors

> and find out the their sinister motive behind

> pro-Pakistan/Islam activities.


> This meeting has given credence to the widespread

> view prevalent in the New

> York area that some leftist/communist professors at

> Columbia University are

> acting at the instance of, and in tandem with,

> anti-Indian forces. This

> bunch of mischievous people whose vision is still

> guided by their past in

> India as members of the Communist Party of

> India/Left Communist Party of

> India are doing more harm to India than its avowed

> enemies because of their

> cunningness, and their perfidious nature.


> Narain Kataria

> 41-67 Judge Street (#5P)

> Elmhurst, N.Y. 11373

> (718) 478-5735










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