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mini godhra in kerala

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Call it a 'Mini-Godhra' or 'JIHAD' or call it 'Moplah Rebellion, Part II', the

mission is always HOLY: Kill the infidels and create a "dar-ul Islam, land of

Muslims". After every such killing there is benefit both the ways.1. If the

infidels (Hindus) run away from their places, the piece of land becomes "dar-ul


2. If ever they react like Gujarat after Godhra, the Jihadi Baboons (probably

this is an insult to the Baboons) always get thepropaganda tool to spread all

over the world (Read this Islamic propaganda of blaming Hindus for the Godhra.

"They failed to pay for the tea and snacks" - hence 58 of them deserved to be

killed by burning of a train??

-http://www.paknews.org/letters.php?id=1&date1=2002-03-01)A must read by Rajeev

Srinivasan in Rediff.http://www.rediff.com/news/2003/may/09rajeev.htmThe

reported facts about the incident in Maraad, Kozhikode, Kerala, are as follows.

A group of Hindu fishermen sitting on the beach near a temple is attacked

suddenly, without provocation or warning, by a mob of Muslims armed with

swords. After a chaotic ten minutes, nine people are dead or bleeding to death

on the beach. Many are seriously wounded. The attackers vanish into the night.

A cache of swords and other sharp weapons, including blood-stained ones, as well

as powerful country bombs is recovered from a mosque in the vicinity. Various

politicians make soothing noises, 66 persons have been arrested in connection

with the crime. A judicial inquiry has been instituted. The dead are: Gopalan,

Chandran, Santosh, Madhavan, Asghar, Dasan,Pushparaj, Krishnan, and Prajeesh.

One of them had been married for just five days.I am basing this analysis on

reports in the Malayalam media (eg: www.keralakaumudi.com). I find the local

media to be far more accurate and less prejudiced than the English language

media in most cases. Consider the circumstances: the attack happened on a

Friday, and it was directed at those sitting near a Hindu temple. First, almost

all Muslim-initiated riots in India take place on Fridays, after the faithful

have heard sermons in the local mosque.Second, killing Hindus near a Hindu

temple is guaranteed to be offensive; if there is any chance of a communal riot

developing, this is an excellent way of triggering it.This was a mini-Godhra: a

murderous attack on Hindus. I have no idea who was behind it, perhaps

Pakistanis, or perhaps it was merely local Moplah Muslims. After all, the

Moplahs of Malabar did not need any Pakistani inspiration when they launched

into the terrible riots of 1921 (the Moplah Rebellion) when they, without

provocation, murdered, raped, and forcibly converted thousands of Hindus, just

because distant Turkey had abolished the Caliphate.What was the objective this

time? Possibly to create a communal riot along the lines of what happened in

Gujarat in the wake of the Godhra massacre. Perhaps to emphasise that in

Muslim-dominated Malabar, as in Bangladesh and Kashmir, it is just fine to

murder Hindus. The perpetrators -- whoever they are -- are confident that there

will be no consequences.What is likely to happen? Not much. Frightened Hindus

will move some place safer, and one more piece of real estate will become

dar-ul Islam, land of Muslims. This has been happening in other parts of

Malabar, for example Muslim-majority Malappuram district, where Hindus are

leaving for less dangerous places. Yes, the famed Nehruvian Stalinist

'secularism' in action, yet again.Hindus in Kerala have declined in numbers,

and this is what happens to non-Muslims when the Muslim population reaches a

critical mass: decimation. When Semitic religions hold sway, they brutalise

minorities. We have the examples of Muslim intolerance in Jammu & Kashmir and

Christian intolerance in the Northeast. Hindus have a simple choice: convert,

die or flee. And Kerala's Hindus are running out of places to flee to. We may

end up in squalid refugee camps like the Pandits.I have observed over the years

the changes in Islam in Kerala. When I was a child, the Muslims I knew were

relatively non-observant; the men sported no beards or skullcaps, the women

wore saris and they merely drew the pallu demurely over their heads.


Today, in Malabar there are large numbers of bearded men with skullcaps and

women in all-enveloping black burqas. Astonishingly, even in southern Kerala, I

have seen billboards advertising 'burqa fashions.'I have also watched the growth

of mosques in Kerala. In one stretch of the national highway between Kollam and

Trivandrum, there are five huge mosques within the space of just one mile, and

all but one have come up in therecent past, maybe ten years. You see scores of

young boys with skullcaps and scores of little girls with headscarves going to

the local madrassa, I imagine.Much has happened in Kerala to bring these

changes about. One is that the fragmented politics of Kerala has enabled

smallish groups to wield disproportionate influence. As an example, various

governments in Kerala, dependent on the support of the Muslim League, have

allocated tracts of public land to it: startlingly, right in the middle of the

famous Kovalambeach, there is now a large mosque on what was public

property.Furthermore, enormous amounts of Saudi and other Muslim fundamentalist

money have apparently come into Kerala. A banker I know told me of crores of

rupees in transfers for instance to the Guruvayoor area (which, despite the

Krishna temple, is heavily Muslim). He told me that nationalised banks in India

are willing to provide Islamic banking to large customers: that is, they happily

pay them no interest according to Islamic law, and are therefore quite content

to ask no inconvenient questions. These inward flows have resulted in all these

real-estate acquisitions and the radicalisation of Kerala's Muslims. They

otherwise have no particular reason to feel discriminated against or oppressed,

for they have had more than their fair share of jobs, opportunities and other


Kerala's Muslims certainly live better than Muslims in Pakistan, and they have

done well for themselves. There are plenty of well-educated and well-employed

Muslim doctors, engineers, IAS officers, lawyers, writers, teachers, etc. If

these educated and privileged Muslims turn so violently against their Hindu

neighbours, there is no hope for Hindu-Muslim amity anywhere else in India. The

two-nation theory has won, and Jinnah was right. For Kerala has always treated

Muslims well, and it is indeed God's own country for them. From pre-Islamic

times, Arabs came to Kerala to trade, their dhows following the monsoon winds

across the Arabian Sea. Islam first came to India -- and that too, peacefully

-- to Kerala, where the first mosque in India, the Cheraman mosque, apparently

built in the 7th or 8thcentury CE, stands at the great old port of Kodungalloor

(the Roman Muziris).Muslims came as sailors, married local women and stayed on:

the very word 'Moplah' means 'son-in-law.' The Zamorin of Calicut had Muslims

in his navy, including the famous commander Kunjali Marikkar. But most Muslims

in Kerala have no Arab blood, and they are the descendents of Hindus forcibly

converted during Tipu Sultan's invasion of Malabar. This alleged

freedom-fighter was a fearsome jihadi: relatives of mine have family histories

of fleeing from Malabar to the princely state of Cochin to avoid him. Even

today 'Tipu's padayottam' (march) is remembered in the racial memory of Kerala

Hindus as a catastrophe spoken of in hushed tones. Yet, relations have

generally been good between Hindus and Muslims in Kerala. So much so that at

what might be the most important temple in Kerala, Sabarimala, pilgrims visit

the patron deity Lord Ayyappan after paying obeisance at the shrine of his

friend, the Muslim Vavar. On one of my pilgrimages to Sabarimala, I met a

Muslim who was making the pilgrimage upthat steep hill with his Hindu friends.

And Vaikom Mohammed Basheer was one of the most beloved Malayalam writers of the

last one hundred years.With all this, a Maraad happens. The only plausible

reason for Muslim violence is sheer religious bigotry, an unreasoning jihad. It

is difficult to deal with this through reason. I wonder what the world's

reaction would have been if the situation were reversed and a Hindu mob had

killed nine Muslims in front of a mosque. Surely Kuldip Nayar and Praful Bidwai

would not have been thunderously silent: they would have badgered the National

Human Rights Commission. The Washington Post and The New York Times, not to

mention The Times of India, The Hindustan Times, The Indian Express and the

Hindu, would have indulged in en masse breastbeating about the end of

civilisation in India.But I bet, gentle reader, that this is the first time you

have heard of the Maraad massacre. This I call blatant prejudice and

double-standards on the part of the media. Where is the outrage? Where are the

cries for justice? Furthermore, if by some miracle, Muslim perpetrators in

Maraad are brought to book, Nayar and Bidwai will bestir themselves to defend

them, along with SAHMAT, Teesta Setalvad, and Shabana Azmi. I wonder why it

isn't clear tothem that the human rights of the outlaw and the terrorist are

not greater than the human rights of the ordinary citizen.But I forget, Hindus

are expendable. Hindus were expendable in Malabar during the Moplah Rebellion,

part I; they were expendable in Hyderabad when Razakars (armed Muslim men) went

on the warpath around the time of Partition. The Razakars were quelled with

overwhelming force by the Indian Army.It appears that Muslim terrorism can only

be averted by brute force: appeasement and turning the other cheek do not work.

The only way to prevent more Godhras is to keep Muslim terrorists in check. The

question is, who dares bell the cat? If not the government, then vigilantes will

take over; which is what happened in Gujarat, after all.India needs to put down

its home-grown terrorists with force, and it needs to help Pakistanis feel some

pain through substantial covert action. If Indian counter-terrorism blows up a

few important Pakistanis, or engineers riots against the imperial Punjabis,

their taste for adventurism will diminish. Otherwise, these poor Hindus of

Maraad would have died in vain,butchered in front of their place of worship.


Discover your Indian Roots at - http://www.esamskriti.com, 700 pictures, over

140 articles.To mail - exploreindia (AT) vsnl (DOT) net, to Un write

back.Long Live Sanatan / Kshatriya Dharam. Become an Intellectual

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Stop cribbing, ACTION is what the Indian scriptures talk aboutTake the battle

into the enemy camp, SET THE AGENDA, be proactiveIn an argument, no emotions,

be detached, get yr facts right, then attack with the precision of a missile

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