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Hindus, a Spineless Wonder?

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--- Mohan Gupta <mgupta wrote:

> "Mohan Gupta" <mgupta

> "a4India\"" <info

> The Indian Secular Press & TV

> Sun, 11 May 2003 23:06:05 -0400


> The Indian Secular Press & TV


> Welcome to India. The birthplace of the

> Hinduism, the most tolerant religion in the world.

> The most flexible spineless wonder. Born to take

> excreta from anyone. The Muslims, Christians and the

> Jews of the world are licensed to strike back with

> impunity. They have the license to defend their

> countries and their faith from any form of even a

> perceived threat. Their lip-service condemnations

> have the unfathomable powers to absolve the

> merciless killers of Hindu women and innocent

> children. Their fidayeen attain salvation. A new

> team, armed to their teeth, wait in the wings for

> the next soft Hindu target. The Bharatiya secular

> press will continue to moan that the Muslim

> minorities feel more insecure!


> Remember that the spread of Islam, the holiest

> of all religions, gained momentum with the

> butchering of millions of idolaters. To the Islamic

> terrorist, Hindus are Idolaters. So are Christians.

> This justifies each of their terrorist act against

> Hindus in India and elsewhere. Hindus in India

> better take this first lessons on Islam, the supreme

> religion that preaches brotherhood and universal

> love to a few and terrorism to most. It hardly

> matters if more terrorists who torment today's

> civilized society come out of this single religion.

> The world of Islam and its secular sympathizers in

> India will never be short of newer justifications of

> terrorist acts on Hindus, the Kafirs and idolaters.

> The Hindus be warned not to give up their famous

> tolerance. For they will earn the dual wrath of the

> secular press too, which will condemn them for

> inviting death to visit them.


> The Hindus are duty bound to exhibit their

> exemplary tolerance even in the face of the

> strongest of provocation. They should silently mourn

> the cruel fate that had befallen them. They should

> learn to consign to the flames, their hatred along

> with their dead. They should learn to diffuse their

> anger with every Islamic bomb that blasts their

> neighborhood killing scores of their men, women and

> children. They should learn to sleep peacefully to

> the deafening rattle of AK 47s. They should learn to

> protect their minority brethren with special and

> personal laws. They should learn to live as refugees

> in their homeland.


> These would gladden the hearts of the

> secularists of the print, electronic media of

> Bharat, NGO s, human rights activists and the

> citizens of Bharat and the world. To them Ayodhya

> justifies Godhra and Gujarat justifies every other

> senseless act of Islamic terrorism in India. Be

> warned, their skewed voices would cry for Streusels

> if there is an unfortunate Hindu backlash

> a-la-post-Godhra.


> Pakistan-sponsored terrorism shows no signs of

> abating. Close on the heels of the Nadimarg massacre

> of 24 Hindus, mostly women and children, come

> reports of more terrorist attacks. On April 15, 2003

> six Lashkar militants were killed in Banihal in Doda

> district. On April 17, terrorists attacked a police

> post in Gool, Udhampur district killing one

> policeman. On April 18, three militants and a

> policeman were killed in Rajouri and another three

> killed in Yaripora in Anantnag. On April 20, 11

> militants and a Superintendent of Police were

> killed. On April 22, five civilians were killed in a

> bomb blast in Tral while 17 militants were killed in

> Poonch and Rajouri.


> It looks like that the penetration of ISI in to

> our national polity is very deep. `Hindu' newspaper

> carried the Pakistani version after the attack on

> our Parliament. Ordinary citizens have a right to

> know the truth about the rumors in the Chennai legal

> circles that 25% of Hindu is owned by a Brunei

> Muslim and the rest is held by Tamil Muslims in

> benami names. Even weeklies like `India Today' had

> projected known ISI front men like Sunny Varkey who

> is under RAW investigation, and who was running

> Pakistani Schools in Dubai, employing even Pak

> counsel's wife in his management team, as a great

> global Indian in their Feb 13, 2003 issue. In Bharat

> there are many newspapers owned by Muslims like

> Asian Age, Mid-day, who promote Muslim

> fundamentalism in Muslims and hatred against Hindus.

> For them secular, pseudo-secular, communists,

> Moulvis and Christian priests are secular and Hindus

> are communal and fundamentalists. One gets the

> uneasy feeling from all these, that our nation is in

> the grip of ISI and many cities like Hyderabad have

> become a mini Pakistan."


> A naked dance of death was unleashed on the

> Hindu fishermen community by the Islamic terrorist

> elements in Marad beach near Kozhikode in beginning

> of May, 2003, Sangh workers were brutally murdered

> while many others, including women, were seriously

> injured. This incident confirms worst fears of

> Hindus that Kerala coast has of late become a safe

> haven for the anti-national Islamic terrorist

> outfits sponsored and supported by the ISI.


> Kerala province's coastline is open to

> clandestine operations from the sea. There is a

> systematic effort to clear the coastline of all

> non-Muslims. Madrasas and mosques are coming up in

> large numbers all along the coastline. And some of

> these have become hubs of anti-national activities.

> The very fact that the murderers at Marad beach were

> arrested from the local Jama Masjid and also a huge

> cache of deadly weapons was unearthed from the

> Mosque buttresses this point.


> The fact that half of the murderers reportedly

> belong to the Muslim League which is a partner in

> the ruling coalition and most of them were said to

> be owing allegiance to an Islamic terrorist outfit

> called National Democratic Front should open the

> eyes of our pseudo-secular brigade which scrambles

> for securing the support of the League for narrow

> political ends and gives certificates of patriotism

> to it.


> The bosom friends of Mr. Saddam Hussein among

> Indian politicians have decided to send 20 Million

> dollars of our poor Indian citizens to help the

> friends of Saddam in Iraq! What do they know and

> what do they mean? People of India will raise their

> voice. It seems our stupidity of APPEASEMENT knows

> NO BOUNDS. We waste so much money to show we are the

> NICE Guys. Actually we are weak, indecisive,

> unclear, wishy-washy and unable to take a stand in

> our and world's interest.


> We hear deafening decibels of condemnation,

> admonition and pontification. What an insult to a

> civilized society! What a shame to be a Hindu! To be

> an Indian! Helpless readers, unfortunately majority

> of them Hindus, are subject to tons of reprimanding

> newsprint, blaming it on Hindu fundamentalism.


> The western media tend to be pro-Christian

> tacitly because of the cultural affinity and the

> background of the people. So they tend to emphasise

> the racial aspect. If a white man is killed in

> Bharat, it is big news for them.


> The false news about the atrocities on

> Christians by Hindus has been passed off as the

> truth and it has been believed to be so by the

> masses. And as a result, it has split Bharat a

> little more on religious and caste lines.


> What one must know is that missionaries are not

> simpletons -- they divide the communities, instigate

> one against the other so as to create the chaos.

> They will tell others, "My God is real; you are

> worshipping the Devil and those who do not agree

> with me will go to hell". Besides, the missionary

> activities are generally aggressive and intolerant.

> So a Hindu backlash is a natural consequence.


> But the question is, in a Hindu majority

> country, the Christian religion still has access to

> tremendous foreign funding. It is not a fair

> situation for both Hindus and Bharat. Hindus do not

> send out missionaries. Why is that in the modern

> world, which is supposed to be tolerant, this kind

> of aggressive and negative campaign against Hindus

> goes on unchecked?


> The evangelisation programme of the Vatican is

> well - organised and well funded; the Christian

> Coalition in America, a protestant group is

> interested in Bharat and Asia, they have their

> funding, strategies and target communities, in the

> sense that Hindus are under seige by missionaries.

> The Church is leading an organised attack on the

> unorganised Hindus. Western people are not terribly

> religious nowadays yet the western church indulges

> in funding conversion activities. So when Hindus

> organise themselves to resist it, they raise a hue

> and cry.


> Missionaries are not allowed in Islamic

> countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan,

> Afghanistan and others in the Communist countries

> like China. Therefore, the Church finds Bharat a

> soft target and the missionaries enjoy a great

> amount of freedom and respect here than in any other

> part of the world.


> Christian and Muslims know how they can spoil

> Hindu religion and therefore they invest a lot of

> money in media and they hire Hindu writers to write

> against Hindus. If a Hindu writes against a Muslim

> openly then we know what happens in India. All

> Christian missionaries are the products of Kerala

> and they control most of the Newspapers and

> Magazines in Kerala, Malayala Manama, The Week,

> Mangaglam, Deepika etc. Revenue in the Mosques and

> Churches are being utilized for conversion and

> spreading hatred against Hindus. We Hindus are not

> aware of what is happening around us. If the current

> trend goes on then Hindus will be minority within a

> short period.


> "The goal of Islam is to produce a theocracy

> with Allah as the ruler of society, a society with

> no separation between religion and the state," said

> Safa, author of "Inside Islam: Exposing and Reaching

> the World of Islam. This society would have no

> democracy, no free will and no freedom of

> expression."


> Hindus should equip themselves to digest the

> reality. They should read the secular press at their

> own risk, even if it continues to bash them while

> perpetually remain blind to the rise of Islamic

> fundamentalism in their backyard. They should listen

> to the seculars speak, even if they are millionaire

> software Moguls pondering on pseudo-secular

> religious harmony in binary bits and bytes. They

> should watch the secular TV debates even if the

> anchors bash up the Hindus while quickly calling for

> a commercial break when there is an irrefutable

> statement made against the minorities. The logic

> behind their formula would become as clear as the

> daylight. Hindus will then learn to accept that only

> the religions other than theirs are peace loving.

> That Muslim terrorists don't belong to Muslim

> religion. And Muslim religious terrorists have no

> religion at all. These terrorists have no religion

> even if they are indoctrinated by the flawed tenets

> of Islam, by the misinterpretation of Islam by the

> mullahs and imams. By the rabid spread of the

> cancerous Madarsas that have become centers of such

> malicious indoctrination.


> The hearts of our country's current secularists

> are gladdened after successive gruesome terrorist

> strikes. All kinds of secularists including secular

> and pseudo-secular media instantly start craving for

> a Hindu backlash. With a diabetic's crave for sugar.

> Or an addict's pathetic longing for brown sugar.

> Backlash would make a good copy for all secularists

> and pseudo-secularists. It would sell round the

> world. Show the world how even certain banana

> republics are better than the largest democracy in

> the world.


> If a sane Hindu mind craves for a decent

> condemnation from our self-appointed media

> secularists, all one gets to read is that the Hindus

> deserved this and much more. Hindus should be happy

> that they are still alive in the place of their

> birth, even as refugees, and in the place of their

> Gods and religion, the noble way of life.


> Blame it on the Parivar if the Hindus woke up

> half as much as from their patient slumber to their

> self-respect. Blame it on Modi. On Vajpayee. On

> Advani. On RSS, VHP or the Bajrang Dal. For, the

> priests, the acharyas and the trishul-wielding

> sadhus are fundamentalists. The venom spewing

> Mullahs with their AK 47 followers and the

> proselytizing Pope are the true messengers of love

> and God.


> For the media seculars in India, Islam and

> Christianity are the two most noble religions.

> Beyond criticism and reproach. Hinduism be damned.

> Because, when in a backlash, the Hindus acquire a

> partial amnesia of their famed tolerance and the

> minorities feel insecure. That's sacrilege.


> Damned because Hindus are waking up to the fact

> that they have long since lost their sense of pride

> and dignity. Damned because they are in the process

> of restoring National pride. Restoring Hindutva.

> Because they believe that without a rejuvenated

> Hindutva, India will just be another Islamic banana

> republic.


> India has survived 200 years of the infamous

> British successful divide and partisan misrule. 700

> years of Muslim invasion, rape and plunder. India

> has survived because Hindus continue to constitute

> the majority. It has taken just 56 years of

> independent press to polarize the communities more

> than what the Ghazni s, Akbar s, Aurangazeb s,

> Mountbatten s and the Jinnahs' could not managed to

> achieve.


> Hinduism will survive and one day lead the world

> despite your partisan and continuous bad press.

> Because there is nothing in this religion that has

> remained unspoken for the peaceful perpetuation and

> co-existence of the human race.

> --"As long as the mountains exist and rivers flow on

> the earth, the story of Ramayana will prevail among

> the people"-says the Aadi kavi Maharshi Valmiki, the

> author of the immortal epic Ramayana. Since times

> immemorial, Ramayana has become the part and parcel

> of Hindu way of life-individual, social national and

> universal.









> May the God bestow some good sense on English

> and other secular Media of Bharat and pseudo-secular

> people and anti-Hindu Non Government Organizations

> and journalist fraternity.





> The Editor, The Asian Age, New Delhi


> Gujarat police & X'an NGOs



> What's wrong in the Gujarat police probing into

> Christian NGOs' funding? (Asian Age 18 March, 2003)

> Why are you making a mountain out of molehill? Why

> should it be a lead story and front-paged? Law and

> order is a state subject. We all know that Christian

> evangelists who denigrate Hindu gods and abuse Hindu

> rituals as barbaric are the root cause of tension

> between Christian and Hindu communities all over the

> country. The state government must therefore ensure

> that the money Christian NGOs receive from abroad is

> not used for creating communal tension leading to

> law and order problems. The NGOs argument that they

> file their reports to the Home Ministry and that the

> state government is "simply not authorised" to

> enquire into the NGOs' funds is infantile and silly.



> It is not out of context to tell you that during

> 2001-02 the total amount received by religious

> organisations under FCRA regulations in KARNATAKA

> was Rs.534 crores. Out of this, Rs.471 crores were

> for Christian organisations. The Catholics got

> Rs.183 crores and the Protestants, especially the

> fundamentalist, and born-again and breast-beating

> organisations that spew venom at Hinduism got Rs.288

> crores. Please do not forget that the rest of the

> organisations including the Hindu and the Muslim got

> only Rs.63 crores in total. Mind you, Christians

> constitute hardly 4 per cent of the Karnataka

> population.



> This situation is replicated all over the

> country. Can someone enlighten Hindus with the

> details of foreign funds received by various

> Christian organisations in other states, including

> Gujarat?


> P.N.BENJAMIN, Coordinator, Bangalore Initiative for

> Religious

> Dialogue(BIRD)

> Flat No. 3, Rucela Apts., 43/2 Promenade Road

> Bangalore 560 005 e-mail: benjaminpn







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Dear Sir


It is not that Indians/Hindus are a spineless wonder. We simply do

not have the negative mechanisms required to live in this age.


In Kaliyuga you need a certain amount of Rakshasik qualities to

survive -- violence, aggression, falsehood, hatred. Most Hindus

simply do not have these qualities to take on other religions.


For example look at other peace loving cultures -- Aborigines,

Maoris, Native Indians in North and South America, Hawaiians -- they

were too small in number and too weak to survive the onslaught of the



Hindus are generally very tolerating and somehow we believe other

religions are just like ours. Somehow the killer instinct is missing.

This is the reason day by day our physical resources in terms of land

coverage and population are reducing.


Regards Venkitesh (Viji)










vediculture, Vrin Parker <vrnparker>


> --- Mohan Gupta <mgupta@r...> wrote:

> > "Mohan Gupta" <mgupta@r...>

> > "a4India\"" <info@a...>

> > The Indian Secular Press & TV

> > Sun, 11 May 2003 23:06:05 -0400

> >

> > The Indian Secular Press & TV

> >

> > Welcome to India. The birthplace of the

> > Hinduism, the most tolerant religion in the world.

> > The most flexible spineless wonder. Born to take

> > excreta from anyone. The Muslims, Christians and the

> > Jews of the world are licensed to strike back with

> > impunity. They have the license to defend their

> > countries and their faith from any form of even a

> > perceived threat. Their lip-service condemnations

> > have the unfathomable powers to absolve the

> > merciless killers of Hindu women and innocent

> > children. Their fidayeen attain salvation. A new

> > team, armed to their teeth, wait in the wings for

> > the next soft Hindu target. The Bharatiya secular

> > press will continue to moan that the Muslim

> > minorities feel more insecure!

> >

> > Remember that the spread of Islam, the holiest

> > of all religions, gained momentum with the

> > butchering of millions of idolaters. To the Islamic

> > terrorist, Hindus are Idolaters. So are Christians.

> > This justifies each of their terrorist act against

> > Hindus in India and elsewhere. Hindus in India

> > better take this first lessons on Islam, the supreme

> > religion that preaches brotherhood and universal

> > love to a few and terrorism to most. It hardly

> > matters if more terrorists who torment today's

> > civilized society come out of this single religion.

> > The world of Islam and its secular sympathizers in

> > India will never be short of newer justifications of

> > terrorist acts on Hindus, the Kafirs and idolaters.

> > The Hindus be warned not to give up their famous

> > tolerance. For they will earn the dual wrath of the

> > secular press too, which will condemn them for

> > inviting death to visit them.

> >

> > The Hindus are duty bound to exhibit their

> > exemplary tolerance even in the face of the

> > strongest of provocation. They should silently mourn

> > the cruel fate that had befallen them. They should

> > learn to consign to the flames, their hatred along

> > with their dead. They should learn to diffuse their

> > anger with every Islamic bomb that blasts their

> > neighborhood killing scores of their men, women and

> > children. They should learn to sleep peacefully to

> > the deafening rattle of AK 47s. They should learn to

> > protect their minority brethren with special and

> > personal laws. They should learn to live as refugees

> > in their homeland.

> >

> > These would gladden the hearts of the

> > secularists of the print, electronic media of

> > Bharat, NGO s, human rights activists and the

> > citizens of Bharat and the world. To them Ayodhya

> > justifies Godhra and Gujarat justifies every other

> > senseless act of Islamic terrorism in India. Be

> > warned, their skewed voices would cry for Streusels

> > if there is an unfortunate Hindu backlash

> > a-la-post-Godhra.

> >

> > Pakistan-sponsored terrorism shows no signs of

> > abating. Close on the heels of the Nadimarg massacre

> > of 24 Hindus, mostly women and children, come

> > reports of more terrorist attacks. On April 15, 2003

> > six Lashkar militants were killed in Banihal in Doda

> > district. On April 17, terrorists attacked a police

> > post in Gool, Udhampur district killing one

> > policeman. On April 18, three militants and a

> > policeman were killed in Rajouri and another three

> > killed in Yaripora in Anantnag. On April 20, 11

> > militants and a Superintendent of Police were

> > killed. On April 22, five civilians were killed in a

> > bomb blast in Tral while 17 militants were killed in

> > Poonch and Rajouri.

> >

> > It looks like that the penetration of ISI in to

> > our national polity is very deep. `Hindu' newspaper

> > carried the Pakistani version after the attack on

> > our Parliament. Ordinary citizens have a right to

> > know the truth about the rumors in the Chennai legal

> > circles that 25% of Hindu is owned by a Brunei

> > Muslim and the rest is held by Tamil Muslims in

> > benami names. Even weeklies like `India Today' had

> > projected known ISI front men like Sunny Varkey who

> > is under RAW investigation, and who was running

> > Pakistani Schools in Dubai, employing even Pak

> > counsel's wife in his management team, as a great

> > global Indian in their Feb 13, 2003 issue. In Bharat

> > there are many newspapers owned by Muslims like

> > Asian Age, Mid-day, who promote Muslim

> > fundamentalism in Muslims and hatred against Hindus.

> > For them secular, pseudo-secular, communists,

> > Moulvis and Christian priests are secular and Hindus

> > are communal and fundamentalists. One gets the

> > uneasy feeling from all these, that our nation is in

> > the grip of ISI and many cities like Hyderabad have

> > become a mini Pakistan."

> >

> > A naked dance of death was unleashed on the

> > Hindu fishermen community by the Islamic terrorist

> > elements in Marad beach near Kozhikode in beginning

> > of May, 2003, Sangh workers were brutally murdered

> > while many others, including women, were seriously

> > injured. This incident confirms worst fears of

> > Hindus that Kerala coast has of late become a safe

> > haven for the anti-national Islamic terrorist

> > outfits sponsored and supported by the ISI.

> >

> > Kerala province's coastline is open to

> > clandestine operations from the sea. There is a

> > systematic effort to clear the coastline of all

> > non-Muslims. Madrasas and mosques are coming up in

> > large numbers all along the coastline. And some of

> > these have become hubs of anti-national activities.

> > The very fact that the murderers at Marad beach were

> > arrested from the local Jama Masjid and also a huge

> > cache of deadly weapons was unearthed from the

> > Mosque buttresses this point.

> >

> > The fact that half of the murderers reportedly

> > belong to the Muslim League which is a partner in

> > the ruling coalition and most of them were said to

> > be owing allegiance to an Islamic terrorist outfit

> > called National Democratic Front should open the

> > eyes of our pseudo-secular brigade which scrambles

> > for securing the support of the League for narrow

> > political ends and gives certificates of patriotism

> > to it.

> >

> > The bosom friends of Mr. Saddam Hussein among

> > Indian politicians have decided to send 20 Million

> > dollars of our poor Indian citizens to help the

> > friends of Saddam in Iraq! What do they know and

> > what do they mean? People of India will raise their

> > voice. It seems our stupidity of APPEASEMENT knows

> > NO BOUNDS. We waste so much money to show we are the

> > NICE Guys. Actually we are weak, indecisive,

> > unclear, wishy-washy and unable to take a stand in

> > our and world's interest.

> >

> > We hear deafening decibels of condemnation,

> > admonition and pontification. What an insult to a

> > civilized society! What a shame to be a Hindu! To be

> > an Indian! Helpless readers, unfortunately majority

> > of them Hindus, are subject to tons of reprimanding

> > newsprint, blaming it on Hindu fundamentalism.

> >

> > The western media tend to be pro-Christian

> > tacitly because of the cultural affinity and the

> > background of the people. So they tend to emphasise

> > the racial aspect. If a white man is killed in

> > Bharat, it is big news for them.

> >

> > The false news about the atrocities on

> > Christians by Hindus has been passed off as the

> > truth and it has been believed to be so by the

> > masses. And as a result, it has split Bharat a

> > little more on religious and caste lines.

> >

> > What one must know is that missionaries are not

> > simpletons -- they divide the communities, instigate

> > one against the other so as to create the chaos.

> > They will tell others, "My God is real; you are

> > worshipping the Devil and those who do not agree

> > with me will go to hell". Besides, the missionary

> > activities are generally aggressive and intolerant.

> > So a Hindu backlash is a natural consequence.

> >

> > But the question is, in a Hindu majority

> > country, the Christian religion still has access to

> > tremendous foreign funding. It is not a fair

> > situation for both Hindus and Bharat. Hindus do not

> > send out missionaries. Why is that in the modern

> > world, which is supposed to be tolerant, this kind

> > of aggressive and negative campaign against Hindus

> > goes on unchecked?

> >

> > The evangelisation programme of the Vatican is

> > well - organised and well funded; the Christian

> > Coalition in America, a protestant group is

> > interested in Bharat and Asia, they have their

> > funding, strategies and target communities, in the

> > sense that Hindus are under seige by missionaries.

> > The Church is leading an organised attack on the

> > unorganised Hindus. Western people are not terribly

> > religious nowadays yet the western church indulges

> > in funding conversion activities. So when Hindus

> > organise themselves to resist it, they raise a hue

> > and cry.

> >

> > Missionaries are not allowed in Islamic

> > countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan,

> > Afghanistan and others in the Communist countries

> > like China. Therefore, the Church finds Bharat a

> > soft target and the missionaries enjoy a great

> > amount of freedom and respect here than in any other

> > part of the world.

> >

> > Christian and Muslims know how they can spoil

> > Hindu religion and therefore they invest a lot of

> > money in media and they hire Hindu writers to write

> > against Hindus. If a Hindu writes against a Muslim

> > openly then we know what happens in India. All

> > Christian missionaries are the products of Kerala

> > and they control most of the Newspapers and

> > Magazines in Kerala, Malayala Manama, The Week,

> > Mangaglam, Deepika etc. Revenue in the Mosques and

> > Churches are being utilized for conversion and

> > spreading hatred against Hindus. We Hindus are not

> > aware of what is happening around us. If the current

> > trend goes on then Hindus will be minority within a

> > short period.

> >

> > "The goal of Islam is to produce a theocracy

> > with Allah as the ruler of society, a society with

> > no separation between religion and the state," said

> > Safa, author of "Inside Islam: Exposing and Reaching

> > the World of Islam. This society would have no

> > democracy, no free will and no freedom of

> > expression."

> >

> > Hindus should equip themselves to digest the

> > reality. They should read the secular press at their

> > own risk, even if it continues to bash them while

> > perpetually remain blind to the rise of Islamic

> > fundamentalism in their backyard. They should listen

> > to the seculars speak, even if they are millionaire

> > software Moguls pondering on pseudo-secular

> > religious harmony in binary bits and bytes. They

> > should watch the secular TV debates even if the

> > anchors bash up the Hindus while quickly calling for

> > a commercial break when there is an irrefutable

> > statement made against the minorities. The logic

> > behind their formula would become as clear as the

> > daylight. Hindus will then learn to accept that only

> > the religions other than theirs are peace loving.

> > That Muslim terrorists don't belong to Muslim

> > religion. And Muslim religious terrorists have no

> > religion at all. These terrorists have no religion

> > even if they are indoctrinated by the flawed tenets

> > of Islam, by the misinterpretation of Islam by the

> > mullahs and imams. By the rabid spread of the

> > cancerous Madarsas that have become centers of such

> > malicious indoctrination.

> >

> > The hearts of our country's current secularists

> > are gladdened after successive gruesome terrorist

> > strikes. All kinds of secularists including secular

> > and pseudo-secular media instantly start craving for

> > a Hindu backlash. With a diabetic's crave for sugar.

> > Or an addict's pathetic longing for brown sugar.

> > Backlash would make a good copy for all secularists

> > and pseudo-secularists. It would sell round the

> > world. Show the world how even certain banana

> > republics are better than the largest democracy in

> > the world.

> >

> > If a sane Hindu mind craves for a decent

> > condemnation from our self-appointed media

> > secularists, all one gets to read is that the Hindus

> > deserved this and much more. Hindus should be happy

> > that they are still alive in the place of their

> > birth, even as refugees, and in the place of their

> > Gods and religion, the noble way of life.

> >

> > Blame it on the Parivar if the Hindus woke up

> > half as much as from their patient slumber to their

> > self-respect. Blame it on Modi. On Vajpayee. On

> > Advani. On RSS, VHP or the Bajrang Dal. For, the

> > priests, the acharyas and the trishul-wielding

> > sadhus are fundamentalists. The venom spewing

> > Mullahs with their AK 47 followers and the

> > proselytizing Pope are the true messengers of love

> > and God.

> >

> > For the media seculars in India, Islam and

> > Christianity are the two most noble religions.

> > Beyond criticism and reproach. Hinduism be damned.

> > Because, when in a backlash, the Hindus acquire a

> > partial amnesia of their famed tolerance and the

> > minorities feel insecure. That's sacrilege.

> >

> > Damned because Hindus are waking up to the fact

> > that they have long since lost their sense of pride

> > and dignity. Damned because they are in the process

> > of restoring National pride. Restoring Hindutva.

> > Because they believe that without a rejuvenated

> > Hindutva, India will just be another Islamic banana

> > republic.

> >

> > India has survived 200 years of the infamous

> > British successful divide and partisan misrule. 700

> > years of Muslim invasion, rape and plunder. India

> > has survived because Hindus continue to constitute

> > the majority. It has taken just 56 years of

> > independent press to polarize the communities more

> > than what the Ghazni s, Akbar s, Aurangazeb s,

> > Mountbatten s and the Jinnahs' could not managed to

> > achieve.

> >

> > Hinduism will survive and one day lead the world

> > despite your partisan and continuous bad press.

> > Because there is nothing in this religion that has

> > remained unspoken for the peaceful perpetuation and

> > co-existence of the human race.

> > --"As long as the mountains exist and rivers flow on

> > the earth, the story of Ramayana will prevail among

> > the people"-says the Aadi kavi Maharshi Valmiki, the

> > author of the immortal epic Ramayana. Since times

> > immemorial, Ramayana has become the part and parcel

> > of Hindu way of life-individual, social national and

> > universal.

> >







> >

> > May the God bestow some good sense on English

> > and other secular Media of Bharat and pseudo-secular

> > people and anti-Hindu Non Government Organizations

> > and journalist fraternity.

> >

> >

> >

> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2100-611406,00.html

> > The Editor, The Asian Age, New Delhi

> >

> > Gujarat police & X'an NGOs

> >

> >

> > What's wrong in the Gujarat police probing into

> > Christian NGOs' funding? (Asian Age 18 March, 2003)

> > Why are you making a mountain out of molehill? Why

> > should it be a lead story and front-paged? Law and

> > order is a state subject. We all know that Christian

> > evangelists who denigrate Hindu gods and abuse Hindu

> > rituals as barbaric are the root cause of tension

> > between Christian and Hindu communities all over the

> > country. The state government must therefore ensure

> > that the money Christian NGOs receive from abroad is

> > not used for creating communal tension leading to

> > law and order problems. The NGOs argument that they

> > file their reports to the Home Ministry and that the

> > state government is "simply not authorised" to

> > enquire into the NGOs' funds is infantile and silly.

> >

> >

> > It is not out of context to tell you that during

> > 2001-02 the total amount received by religious

> > organisations under FCRA regulations in KARNATAKA

> > was Rs.534 crores. Out of this, Rs.471 crores were

> > for Christian organisations. The Catholics got

> > Rs.183 crores and the Protestants, especially the

> > fundamentalist, and born-again and breast-beating

> > organisations that spew venom at Hinduism got Rs.288

> > crores. Please do not forget that the rest of the

> > organisations including the Hindu and the Muslim got

> > only Rs.63 crores in total. Mind you, Christians

> > constitute hardly 4 per cent of the Karnataka

> > population.

> >

> >

> > This situation is replicated all over the

> > country. Can someone enlighten Hindus with the

> > details of foreign funds received by various

> > Christian organisations in other states, including

> > Gujarat?

> >

> > P.N.BENJAMIN, Coordinator, Bangalore Initiative for

> > Religious

> > Dialogue(BIRD)

> > Flat No. 3, Rucela Apts., 43/2 Promenade Road

> > Bangalore 560 005 e-mail: benjaminpn@h...

> >

> >





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