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Witch hunt of Hindus by English Media of Bharat

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--- Mohan Gupta <mgupta wrote:

> "Mohan Gupta" <mgupta

> "a4India\"" <info

> Witch hunt of Hindus by English Media of

> Bharat

> Sun, 18 May 2003 23:36:42 -0400


> Witch hunt of Hindus by English Media of Bharat


> There has been a relentless witch-hunt, the

> likes of which we have never seen before; a witch

> hunt orchestrated by the major English newspapers of

> Bharat in cahoots with the opposing political

> parties and so called secular groups; a witch hunt

> that knows no logic and sees no reason; a witch hunt

> so consumed by a blind hatred for the Hindus and BJP

> (Bharatiya Janata Party) that fraud and deceit are

> considered appropriate weapons in this mad orgy; a

> witch hunt in which even national interest is of no

> concern.


> Bharatiya media people err by misrepresenting,

> fabricating or otherwise falsifying information, By

> their such act the foundations of readers, viewers,

> listeners trust and confidence is immediately

> imperilled. There have been examples of journalistic

> malfeasance over the last many years that have

> raised questions about the paucity of courses on

> ethics and journalism, the maniacal culture of

> anti-Hinduism, anti-Bharat and pro-Semitic

> religions. Beginning in the late 90s, Bharatiya

> newspapers reported on a rash of so called

> anti-Christian incidents perpetrated supposedly by

> Hindu extremists. Close scrutiny, however, revealed

> that these incidents were deliberate falsehoods

> spread by vested interests to further their

> political agenda.


> Take for example the incident in Jhabua, MP, in

> which four nuns were brutally raped. Even before any

> details of this crime were available, the major

> English, communist and secular newspapers of Bharat

> had conducted trial, established the criminal guilt

> of the Hindu extremists and communicated this

> message to the country and whole world at large by

> splashing this news across their front pages.


> It was finally left to Francois Gautier, the

> correspondent in South Asia for Le Figaro, France's

> largest circulation newspaper, who personally went

> to Jhabua, to unearth the truth. This is what he

> wrote in the Hindustan Times (Feb 1, 1999). "This

> massive outcry on the atrocities against the

> minorities raises doubts about the quality and

> integrity of Bharatiya journalism. Take for

> instance, the rape of four nuns in Jhabua. Today the

> Indian press (and the foreign correspondents) are

> still reporting that it was a religious rape. Yet I

> went to Jhabua and met the four adorable nuns, who

> themselves admitted, along with their Bishop George

> Anatil, that it had nothing to do with the religion.

> It was the doing of a gang of Bhil tribals, known to

> perpetrate these kind of hateful acts on their own

> women. Yet today, the Indian press, the Christian

> hierarchy and the politicians continue to include

> the Jhabua rape in the list of the atrocities

> against the Christians by Hindu fundamentalist

> groups.


> About another incident that occurred in Kerala

> province, Francois Gautier wrote, "In Wyanad in

> northern Kerala, it was reported that a priest and

> four women were beaten up and a Bible was stolen by

> fanatical Hindus. A FIR was lodged, the communists

> took out processions all over Kerala to protest

> against the atrocities and the Press went gaga. Yet

> as an intrepid reporter from the Calicut office of

> The Indian Express found out, nobody was beaten up

> and the Bible was safe. Too late, the damage was

> done and this lie still is being made use of by the

> enemies of India."


> The reporting of events about Gujarat is another

> example of hyperbole, which is all malicious

> dissemination of falsehoods. Writing about the

> Gujarat riots, Arundhati Roy had this to say

> (Outlook, May 2002).


> "A man surrounded the house of ex-Congress MP

> Iqbal Ehsan Jaffri. His phone calls to the director

> general of police, the police commissioner, the

> chief secretary, the additional chief secretary

> (Home) were ignored. The mobile police vans around

> his house did not intervene. The mob broke into his

> house. They stripped his daughters and burnt them

> alive. Then they beheaded Jaffri and dismembered

> him."


> The description is graphic, the veracity of

> incident taken almost for granted coming from a

> writer of Arundhati Roy's reputation. But alas,

> that's where we make mistake. Fame and honesty are

> not inter linked as the following paragraph clearly

> indicates.


> Jaffri was killed in the riots but his daughters

> were neither stripped nor 'burnt alive'. T.A.

> Jaffri, son of Iqbal Ehsan Jaffri in a front page

> interview titled 'Nobody knew my father's house was

> the Target' (Asian Age, May 2,2002, Delhi edition)

> says, "among my brothers and sisters, I am the only

> one living in India. And I am the eldest in the

> family. My sister and brother live in the US. I am

> 40 years old and I have been and brought up in

> Ahmedabad."


> So if Ehsan Jaffri had only one daughter

> (singular) who was safe and sound in US, from where

> did Roy get her facts about not one, but daughters

> (plural) being stripped and burnt? Was it the fancy

> of a writer's mind? Or was it wilful deceit aimed at

> maligning her ideological adversaries?


> Even in States a reporter Jayson Blair 27, has

> been exposed who, "misled readers and Times

> colleagues with dispatches that purported to be from

> Maryland, Texas and other states, when often he was

> far away, in New-York. He fabricated comments. He

> concocted scenes. He stole material from other

> newspapers and wire services. He selected details

> from photographs to create the impression he had

> been somewhere or seen someone, when he had not.


> A news item from New-York


> A dog went wild and attacked a young boy in

> Central Park, New York. A man was able to grab the

> dog by the neck, pulling it off the boy and choking

> it to death. A reporter from the NY Times calls the

> man to interview him, congratulating him on his act

> of heroism. He suggests the head line: "New Yorker

> saves the life of a young boy!" But the man tells

> him: I am not from NY." Ok, then how about:

> "American hero saves the day". "But", the man told

> him, "I am not American.Then, from where are you

> from?" asked the reporter. "I am from India," the

> man replied. The next day the head lines which

> appeared in NY, read: "Hindu fundamentalist

> strangles dog in Central Park. FBI investigating

> possible links to fascist Hindu organisations."


> Mr. Tunku Varaddarajan is deputy editor of

> features section of 'The Wall Street journal'. He

> has had got several publications in the New York

> Times which are all against Hindus and Hindu

> orgainsations. Those kinds of writing create hatred

> and poison among the minds of American peoples

> against Hindus and Bharat.


> Christopher Jaffrelot, the man is most

> responsible for the bad image of India in France (he

> is the world specialist on "Hindu fundamentalism",

> something which does not even exist. Why many

> western media people are against Bharat and Hindus?)


> The Congress party of India had divided India

> along caste and religious lines to survive in power;

> India's minorities had taken advantage of a secular

> Government by getting more privileges than the

> majority community; Hindus are probably the most

> tolerant people in the world, not only accepting

> that God manifests Himself as Krishna, but also as

> Christ, Buddha, or even Mohammed; Hindus have

> ironically been the target of one of the most

> horrible genocides ever perpetrated upon mankind in

> the name of religion. Even today Hindus are falling

> prey to jihadis: Witness the ethnic cleansing of the

> Kashmiri Pandits, far more horrible than the one of

> the Bosnians; Hindus have given shelter to all

> persecuted minorities in the world: Syrian

> Christians, Armenians, Parses, Jews, in history, and

> the Tibetans today.


> Hindus, who have such a long tradition of

> tolerance, gentleness, spirituality and hospitality,

> needed a Government which reflected these qualities;

> not the successive governments which have come in

> since Independence, and have divided India along

> caste and religious lines, instituted corruption,

> provincialism, stateism and bureaucracy.


> Blind adherence to any ideology whether it is

> Hindutva or anti-Hindutva will lead Bharat and

> Hindus nowhere. Truth, honesty and justice must

> surmount all ideologies. Double standards and

> hypocrisy especially the type practised by Bharat's

> so called eminent personalities will only destroy

> Bharat's democracy and society. Truth must be the

> basis of any ideology. Truth and honesty must be the

> foundations of Bharat's society.


> It is due to English press of Bharat that India

> /Bharat has a bad image in the whole world. It is

> only when the Indian English language press will

> become a little less negative, a little more proud

> of its roots, then the Western correspondents will

> be positively influenced. Because the first input

> they get when they open an Indian English language

> newspaper or switch on television, news is negative

> about India: Everything is hopeless about this

> country, when India is a much better bet for the

> Western world than totalitarian China, or Islamic

> Pakistan.


> What do these incidents suggest? The so-called

> secular groups (or more appropriately labelled

> pseudo-secular) are willing to go any lengths to put

> across their point of view, even it involves

> duplicity, spreading lies or half-truths or

> indulging in hyperbole. How one can believe people

> or the philosophy they espouse when trickery is an

> indispensable item in their mode of communication?

> Or in other words can an ideology that requires the

> crutches of deceit and distortion sustain itself.


> The lies created by English press of India

> appear to be calculated machinations aimed at

> achieving a specific goal of tarnishing and

> destroying Hindu society.


> Christian and Muslims know how they can spoil

> Hindu religion and therefore they invest a lot of

> money in media and they hire Hindu writers to write

> against Hindus. If a Hindu writes against a Muslim

> openly then we know what happens in India. All

> Christian missionaries are the products of Kerala

> and they control most of the Newspapers and

> Magazines in Kerala, Malayala Manorama, The Week,

> Mangaglam, Deepika etc. Revenue in the Mosques and

> Churches are being utilized for conversion and

> spreading hatred against Hindus. Hindus are not

> aware of what is happening around them. If the

> current trend goes on then Hindus will be minority

> within a short period. Some media people like Dilip

> D'Souza are slave forever and ever to the Christian

> nation and a disgrace to our Motherland Bharat!


> It is shame on Bharatiya media people who give

> worldwide coverage to false and anti-Hindu, and

> anti-Bharat news. Even Los Angel Times has got

> better idea what is happening in Bharat and what is

> true news.


> -


> "Los Angeles Times Website"

> <latfeedback


> "mohan gupta " <mgupta


> Tuesday, April 29, 2003 6:13 PM


> English Media people in Bharat are crazy

> people (Ticket# 04272003T40100003:AR0003)


> Greetings,

> >

> > We appreciate you writing.

> >

> > Our Los Angeles Times editors and reporters in the

> U.S. and in our foreign

> > bureaus all over the world have access to many,

> many resources and

> > publications so they are privy to news events

> happening throughout the

> > world before they are even usually published.

> >

> > They probably know about the events you've

> mentioned but thanks for sharing

> > anyway.

> >

> > Take care, and thanks for reading the Los Angeles

> Times.

> >

> >

> > Sincerely,

> > James Bigelow

> > latimes.com



> It seems American papers have more true picture

> of situation in Bharat than the Bharatiya English

> and secular papers. Looking at the anti-Hindu,

> anti-Bharat behavior of secular, pseudo-secular

> papers of Bharat, it seems the publishers and

> editors have no integrity at all, which matters

> greatly in media field. Bharatiya media people not

> utterly lack the ethics of journalism and morality;

> they lack their duty to the Bharatiya nation and to

> its readers. Bharatiya media people have sold their

> souls to devils or are possessed by devils.

> Bharatiya media people, especially English, secular,

> pseudo-secular and communists media are devil

> incarnate from Bharatiya and Hindutva point of view,


> These secular and pseudo-secular papers, which

> are mostly English papers be burnt and removed

> forever from Bharat. Along with secular papers some

> other kind of media people like Hindi films and TV

> producers, who give cast of Hindi films and Hindi TV

> programs in English be burnt alive. All sorts of

> media people who put filth in Hindi in the form of

> English and Urdu words should be put out of

> business. There are very rich Hindus in Bharat.

> These rich and patriotic people should start new

> papers and TV channels, which should give unbiased,

> ethical and pro-Hindu news and views and should use

> pure Sanskritnist Hindi free from Urdu and English

> words..


> George Thundiparambil, from Germany has written

> in the article "The Source of Bias against Hindus"

> (April 09, 2003) The Indian ethos is characterized

> by an ability to accept you just the way you are.

> That is why every faith and sect has found a home in

> Indian soil. There is a need to foster a positive

> image of India and of the Hindu culture (not merely

> the faith) which underlies the Indian's ability to

> accept even the stranger as family.









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