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--- Bhakti Ananda Goswami <bhakti.eohn


> "Bhakti Ananda Goswami"

> <bhakti.eohn

> "Vrin Parker" <vrnparker



> Wed, 21 May 2003 17:25:35 -0700



> Wednesday, May 21, 2003 4:43 PM







































































> Wednesday, May 21, 2003 11:32 AM

> ICKE, COOPER,NEXUS, and more.



> Following their rediscovery of the notorious English

> conspiracy

> theorist Nesta Webster (1876-1960), the John Birch

> Society and other

> groups identified European secret societies and

> Freemasonry in the

> eighteenth century as the ferment behind the French

> Revolution and

> subsequent challenges to traditional authority in

> modern times. At

> the center of these speculations were the Bavarian

> Illuminati, a

> secret society founded at Ingolstadt on 1 May 1776

> by a young Jesuit

> professor, Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830). The social

> vision of the

> founder was rational, egalitarian and anti-clerical.

> By targeting

> existing Masonic lodges for penetration, the order

> successfully

> spread its revolutionary ideas through Germany,

> Austria, Italy and

> into France. The Illuminati were dramatically

> exposed when the

> Bavarian authorities banned the order, and hundreds

> of papers and

> Weishaupt's letters were seized in 1786. A flood of

> confessions, self

> justifications and official protocols ensued. Once

> the French

> Revolution broke out, a mass of circumstantial

> evidence already

> existed to link this watershed event of European

> history with the

> activities of secret societies.

> Without the influence of Nesta Webster who came to

> write about this

> because she believed to have had a past incarnation

> during the

> French Revolution, it is likely that few Americans

> today would have

> heard of the Illuminati. Due to the republication of

> her books and

> the popularization of her ideas among the radical

> right, the

> Illuminati became a major theme of American

> conspiracy literature

> from the late 1960s onward. Here, it is widely

> believed that the

> Illuminati had a malign influence on the founders of

> the United

> States through Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson

> and John Adams,

> who are alleged to have been members. Their

> influence is alleged to

> be visible in the occult symbols of pyramid and eye

> on the reverse

> side of America's Great Seal and on the dollar bill,

> originally

> designed by the Founding Fathers.' The Illuminati

> even entered

> popular culture through such underground classics as

> The Illuminatus

> Trilogy (1975) and The Illuminati Papers (1980) by

> Robert Anton

> Wilson. By the 1980s, the pre revolutionary

> Illuminati of Bavaria had

> metamorphosed into supranational insiders bent on

> controling all

> national money systems and governments.

> From the 1970s onward, revelations about Jewish

> banking families, the

> American ruling class, and the secret goals of

> private and state

> agencies created a flood of books on conspiracy

> theory's. Gary

> Allen's book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy (1971),

> discussed the

> Rothschilds, the Warburgs; and the Federal Reserve

> banking system

> before pinpointing the Council on Foreign Relations,

> a private

> foreign policy think tank founded in 1921, as the

> prime mover for an

> unelected world government. Des Griffin, another

> leading American

> conspiracy theorist, traced the Illuminati up to

> Cecil Rhodes, the

> Round Table and the Rockefeller family in his highly

> influential

> book, Fourth Reich of the Rich (1976). These ideas

> were extended

> through new combinations in the books, bulletins and

> periodicals of

> conspiracy buffs. The National Security Agency,

> Central Intelligence

> Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Inland

> Revenue Service

> were obvious targets. More attention was paid to the

> idea of elites

> behind the scenes, with expos6s of the Council on

> Foreign Relations

> and the Trilateral Commission and their interlocking

> memberships with

> the boards of the Federal Reserve, leading energy

> companies,

> industrial multinationals, banks, media groups and

> top personnel in

> government departments and academe. The prestigious

> Bilderberg Group

> under the chairmanship of Prince Bernhard of the

> Netherlands, which

> has been convening discreet international

> conferences for

> policyrnakers and industrialists from America and

> Europe since 1954,

> is another object of deep suspicion. According to

> conspiracy

> theorists, the covert aim of all these secret elites

> is a "New World

> Order" that will manipulate and control the whole of

> mankind."

> Cooper.

> In the early 1990s, student of "The Ascended

> Masters", Milton William

> Cooper of St. Johns, Arizona, wrote a compendium for

> the conspiracy

> millenarian movement with the apocalyptic title

> Behold a Pale Horse

> (1991)

> While serving on a submarine in the Pacific, Cooper

> had his first

> sighting of an enormous flying saucer, which emerged

> from the ocean

> and flew into the clouds. Although the saucer was

> repeatedly seen by

> other crew members and officers, Cooper alone was

> allegedly

> threatened with imprisonment for any future

> disclosure of what he had

> seen. From 1968 onward, he was assigned to Naval

> Intelligence with a

> high security clearance. Here he discovered the

> existence of a high-

> level conspiracy against the citizens of the United

> States. He was

> convinced that Naval Intelligence had participated

> in the

> assassination of John E Kennedy, and by 1972 he had

> amassed

> disturbing classified information on UFOs, the navy,

> the secret

> government, the coming ice age, Project Galileo, and

> the plan for the

> New World Order.I

> Following his honorable discharge in 1975, Cooper

> attempted to leak

> this kind of information to the press. He claims

> that the hidden

> powers were quick to suppress him. His car was

> forced off a cliff in

> California by a black limousine, after which two men

> climbed down to

> the wreckage. As one bent to feel his carotid pulse,

> the other asked

> if he was dead. When the first replied that he soon

> would be, the

> other expressed satisafaction that the job was done.

> A month later,

> Cooper was forced into another accident by the same

> mysterious car.

> This time he lost a leg. He was visited in hospital

> by two men who

> threatened him with a final accident if he persisted

> in trying to

> publicize secret information. Combined with his

> shocking discoveries

> of covert actions on the part of the military and

> the government,

> these near-fatal encounters utterly convinced Cooper

> of the realities

> of global conspiracy and cover-up. While continuing

> to collect

> material, he determined to expose the truth of this

> plan to enslave

> mankind in a New World Order. This intention was

> realized by the

> publication of his book, described by Cooper as

> "closer to that truth

> than anything previously written."

> Behold a Pale Horse is a chaotic farrago of

> conspiracy myths

> interspersed with reprints of executive laws,

> official papers,

> reports and other extraneous materials designed to

> show the looming

> prospect of a world government imposed on the

> American people against

> their wishes and in flagrant contempt of the

> Constitution. The first

> chapter comprises an allegedly secret government

> memorandum

> entitled "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars." First

> discovered in an IBM

> copier at a surplus sale in July 1986, this document

> has become a hot

> favorite among the conspiracy cults.

> Here we learn that the elite decided in 1954 to

> exploit operations

> research, computer technology and finance to model a

> wholly

> predictable and manipulable society in order to

> transfer wealth from

> the undisciplined and irresponsible many to the

> worthy and

> intelligent few. Inferior mass education would keep

> the people

> undisciplined and ignorant, while the trivial

> concerns of media and

> banal entertainments would render them confused,

> disorganized and

> distracted. The piece is written in a technical

> jargon that likens

> social and economic engineering to electronics to

> suggest that all

> individuals in a society can ultimately be

> programmed, for "people

> who will not use their intelligence are no better

> than animals

> [without] intelligence. Such people are beasts of

> burden and steaks

> on the table by choice and consent:"

> Bill Cooper identifies the document as a formal

> declaration of war by

> the Illuminati against the citizens of the United

> States. He asserts

> that peaceful citizens are justified in taking any

> measures,

> including violence, to identif~ counterattack and

> destroy the

> enemy. " The second chapter, "Secret Societies and

> the New World

> Order," represents Cooper's own investigations and

> reflections on the

> global plot against independence and liberty. The

> roots of the

> Illuminati conspiracy are traced to an ancient

> Brotherhood of the

> Snake and thence through the Templars and the

> Freemasons. Cooper

> believes that most modern secret societies are

> really one society

> with a single purpose. A monolithic conspiracy to

> enslave mankind is

> masked by their apparent variety and plurality:

> The Order of the Quest, the JASON Society, the

> Roshaniya, the

> Qabbalah, the Knights Templar, the Knights of Malta,

> the Knights of

> Columbus, the Jesuits, the Masons, the Ancient and

> Mystical Order of

> the Rosae Crucis, the Illuminati, the Nazi Party,

> the Communist

> Party, the Executive Members of the Council on

> Foreign Relations, The

> Group, the Brotherhood of the Dragon, the

> Rosicrucians, the Royal

> Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral

> Commission, the

> Bilderberg Group, the Vatican, the Russell Trust,

> the Skull & Bones,

> the Scroll & Key, the Order are all the same and

> work towards the

> same ultimate goal of a New World Order."

> Following Gary Allen's lead, pride of place is

> accorded to the

> Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg

> Group. According to

> Cooper, theCouncil on Foreign Relations (CFR)

> controls the U.S.

> government. Its members have infiltrated the entire

> executive branch,

> State Department, Justice Department, the CIA and

> the top ranks of

> the military. Every director of the CIA and also

> most presidents

> since Roosevelt have been members of the CFR.

> Most top American journalists and press barons are

> members of the CFR.

> With traditional nativist American distrust of

> Britain, Cooper traces

> the CFR to the Royal Institute of International

> Affairs; he is also

> deeply suspicious of Oxford University and All Souls

> College.

> However, in his opinion, the most powerful secret

> organization in the

> world is the Bilderberg Group, whose three

> committees comprise

> members drawn from the Illuminati, the Freemasons,

> the Vatican and

> the old aristocratic families of Europe: "These are

> themen who REALLY

> rule the world . "

> Cooper attaches Illuminati significance to the

> numbers 3, 7, 9, 11,

> 13 and 39. He finds these repeated in the number of

> articles of the

> U.S. Constitution, the original number of states,

> the number of

> members of the Constitutional Convention and the

> date of the

> Declaration of Independence. He detects further

> cabalistic evidence

> of Illuminati influence on the foundation of the

> United States in the

> Great Seal. The all-seeing eye in the pyramid

> represents Lucifer and

> is also the ancient symbol of the Brotherhood of the

> Snake. The

> motto "Novus Ordo Seclorunf'betrays the project of

> the Illuminati for

> a New World Order, while the incidence of 13 in the

> number of leaves

> in the olive branches, the bars and stripes, the

> arrows, the letters

> in "E pluribus unum,' the stars in the green crest,

> the stones in the

> pyramid and the letters in "Annuit Coeptis" indicate

> the signature of

> this most powerful of all secret societies. Worst of

> all, he also

> discovers that these numbers are repeated in the

> three groups of

> thirteen members in the committee structure of the

> Bilderberg Group,

> thus proving beyond all doubt its Illuminati

> inspiration.

> Cooper finds extensive evidence of the U.S.

> government's

> plans to impose totalitarian socialism in the abuse

> of presidential

> powers. He alleges that much legislation is

> introduced by the

> executive power through secret National Security

> Decision Directives

> that are neither reported nor made avail able to the

> public. By means

> of these "secret laws' " the president (then George

> Bush) assumes the

> power to initiate covert actions, declare war,

> combat terrorism and

> suspend the Constitution in a state of emergency

> without reference to

> Congress." Cooper passes on to the Federal Emergency

> Management

> Agency (FEMA), which in any national emergency is

> authorized to assume

> control of the media, food, energy and

> transportation, while

> mobilizing all citizens into work brigades under

> government

> supervision. William R. Pabst of Houston supplies a

> paranoid report

> on the Department of Defense's plans for a total

> takeover, on the

> police state, and details the location of a dozen

> concentration camps

> already established for the detention of political

> prisoners. "When

> your family is split up and spread across the United

> States to do

> slave labor and you never see your loved ones again,

> it will be your

> fault because you did nothing to prevent it ."

> The ruling elite believes that only covert and

> totalitarian

> government can solve the problems of the age.

> Apparently, their

> paramount concern is overpopulation. In order to

> control population

> growth, the US. government continues to wage war on

> its own citizens

> through the introduction of diseases, harmful

> chemicals and

> radioactive substances among the population. The

> ruling elite

> specifically decided to target undesirable elements

> of society,

> including Negroes, Hispanics and homosexuals. The

> smallpox vaccine

> was introduced to Africa in order to decimate the

> black population.

> The hepatitis B vaccine was used to infect the U.S.

> population. The

> AIDS virus is a government weapon; tobacco fields

> are dusted with

> nuclear wastes to induce lung cancer; dioxin and

> other pollutants

> proliferate in the face of official denials." A

> secret federal

> installation known as Mount Weather near Bluemont,

> Virginia, is

> described as an underground city for the shadow

> government-inwaiting,

> ready at any moment to take over the United States

> in a self-

> proclaimed emergency. Patriots, nationalists and

> right-wing groups

> are the primary targets of these repressive

> measures. Cooper warns

> patriots of their impending roundup and advises all

> right-thinking

> men to stay away from their homes over holiday

> periods (when arrests

> are presumably made)."

> UFOs and extraterrestrials play an apocalyptic part

> in William

> Cooper's writings. Alien spacecraft are alleged to

> have visited the

> United States with increasing frequency between

> early 1947 and the

> end of 1952. Crashed U170s, dead and live aliens

> were recovered at

> Roswell in New Mexico and elsewhere and studied by

> top scientists

> under USAF and CIA auspices, while a massive

> security blanket,

> confused rumors and disinformation still keep the

> public in

> ignorance. Cooper appears to believe that the

> extraterrestrial

> humanoids came to Earth in search of genetic

> material to bolster

> their own dedining species. President Eisenhower is

> supposed to have

> met the aliens officially in February 1954, and a

> formal treaty was

> signed between them and the U.S. government: in

> exchange for their

> advanced technology, the aliens were granted

> permission to abduct and

> examine limited numbers of humans for their genetic

> project. All

> covert state relations with the aliens are subject

> to a committee

> known as MAJESTIC- 12, whose secret briefings Cooper

> allegedly read

> as an intelligence officer with the U.S. Pacific

> Fleet in the early

> 1970s.

> Huge joint alien-government airbases for flying

> saucers were secretly

> licensed at Dreamland or Area 51 near Rachel in the

> Nevada desert."

> Area 51 has since become a prime destination for

> both ufologists and

> conspiracy cultists. Anthony Hilder has recorded an

> audiotape, The

> Panic Project, about UFOs stationed at the Dreamland

> base.21 The

> ruling elite has secretly allied itself with

> extraterrestrials

> against the rest of the human population.

> Bill Cooper's millenarianism is quite literal. By

> the year 2000,

> secret government measures against the people will

> escalate into

> overt hostilities. At the same time, the UFOs and

> extraterrestrial

> presence will be officially revealed as a kind of

> Second Coming. A

> spacecraft called Galileo, presently on its way to

> Jupiter, will

> deliver a plutonium payload into the heart of the

> giant planet,

> generating an atomic reaction and the birth of a new

> star, which is

> to be called Lucifer. A massive program of media

> manipulation will

> interpret this phenomenon as a sign of immense

> religious

> significance. The whole world will expect the

> fulfillment of ancient

> prophecy. At this point, a vault containing the

> ancient records of

> Earth will be opened at the Great Pyramid of Cheops

> in Egypt, where

> George Bush will be present for an occult

> celebration of the

> millennium and proclamation of the New World Order."

> Bill Cooper is motivated by an anarcho-libertarian

> spirit of

> rebellion against a government he identifies as

> unconstitutional,

> criminal and despotic. The same applies to Anthony

> J. Hilder, Linda

> Thompson and many other spokespersons of the U.S.

> conspiracy-

> millenarian cults, Given that the cults frequently

> identify German

> National Socialism inter alia as a precursor of the

> New World Order,

> one may wonder what any of this has to do with

> esoteric Nazism. The

> answer lies in the cults' obsession with secrecy and

> conspiracy. By

> declaring war on a secret ruling elite that enslaves

> innocent people,

> the conspiracy theorists invoke a lethal projection.

> The elite is

> identified as totalitarian, anti-democratic,

> contemptuous of the

> people; the people are portrayed as helpless,

> unsuspecting victims

> ofvicious plots, alien abductions, implantations and

> all manner of

> personal violations. The accusation of such an awful

> occult tyranny

> vindicates a corresponding explosion of violence to

> demolish the

> massive edifice of lies, deception and oppression.

> The formerly

> docile victims are justified in fighting and

> destroying the elite by

> any means necessary. Covert actions, violence,

> terrorism-all the

> means the elite stand accused of employing

> themselves-are permitted

> to the victims as well so they may exterminate the

> conspirators and

> recover their lost autonomy.

> The close psychological parallels between the U.S.

> conspiracy cults

> and Nazi patterns of thought become obvious when one

> finds that a

> complete reprint of the Protocols of the Wise Men

> ofZion forms the

> fifteenth chapter of Behold a Pale Horse. The text

> is taken from the

> first English-language edition, translated by Victor

> E. Marsden,

> which was originally published by the Britons

> Publishing Society, a

> notorious anti-Semitic group, in 192 1. Although

> Cooper quotes Mayer

> Amschel Rothschild (1743-1812) as saying, "Give me

> control over a

> nation's currency, and I care not who makes its

> laws," he does not

> attribute the Protocols exclusively to a Jewish

> world conspiracy. He

> suggests that any reference to the "Jews" as the

> conspirators should

> be replaced with the word "Illuminati," while the

> word "Goyim"

> denoting the Gentile dupes and victims should be

> read as "cattle"-the

> preferred term of contempt for honest but naive

> people.

> Despite their late-nineteenth-century prose, many of

> the Protocols

> offer disturbing evidence of the conspiracy

> cultists'fears and

> anxieties about secret government and the New World

> Order. The Jews

> (Illuminati) create ferments, discords and hostility

> between states

> to increase their indebtedness and provoke wars

> against their

> opponents (Protocol 7): hence constant minor wars

> since 1945. The

> Jews (Illuminati) aim to bewilder public opinion

> through

> contradiction (Protocol 5); the Jews (Illuminati)

> will distract the

> masses from their real objects with amusements,

> games, pastimes,

> passions, people's palaces (Protocol 13). These

> strategies reflect

> the artificial party-politics and futile consumerism

> of the present.

> The Jews (Illuminati) will appoint a puppet ruler

> from among their

> slaves. He will have the right to propose emergency

> laws, to vary the

> constitution and declare a state of war (Protocol

> 10): hence the

> National Security Decision directives and the

> mobilization of FEMA to

> establish a police state. The Jews [illuminati]

> shall create an

> intensified centralization of government in order to

> control all

> mankind (Protocol 15): hence the New World Order.

> Alice Bailey/Master DK, "Today the law [of racial

> karma] is working,

> and the Jews are paying the price, factually and

> symbolically. They

> have never yet faced candidly and honestly (as a

> race) the problem of

> WHY [her emphasis] the many nations, from the time

> of the Egyptians,

> have neither liked nor wanted them.... Yet there

> must be some reason,

> inherent in the people themselves, when the reaction

> is so general

> and universal. The evil karma of the Jew today is

> intended to end his

> isolation, to bring him to the point of

> ...renouncing a nationality

> that has a tendency to be somewhat parasitic within

> the boundaries of

> other nations." (Esoteric Healing, p. 263ff). And

> The "Masters" then

> met to decide the fate of these rebellious disciples

> who refused to

> enter the "Path." Since they "loved the possessions

> of the world more

> than they loved the service of light," they were

> cursed to "know no

> peace." (Esoteric Psychology I, p. 397)

> It is intriguing that Holocaust denier David Irving

> parroted these

> very sentiments in an interview with The Guardian

> (March 19, 2000)

> during his landmark lawsuit against Deborah

> Lipstadt: "Jews should

> not be asking who pulled the trigger, but why? When

> the Nazis asked

> the Slovaks, the Hungarians, the Czechs, and others

> to give over

> their Jews, everyone did so gladly. Why did the

> Americans and

> Roosevelt refuse to let the [Holocaust refugee ship]

> St. Louis dock?

> What is it about these people that no one wanted

> them?" He also

> names various Jewish bodies as "some of the

> traditional enemies of

> truth," and although he never elaborates which

> "tradition" he

> embraces for his "truth", he identifies the "Jewish

> problem" with a

> word high on Bailey's list of Jewish racial traits:

> "Greed."

> Conspiracy theories always flourish when people feel

> excluded from

> the political process. The worldwide growth of big

> government, the

> rise of a political class, and the widening gap

> between elites and

> electorates all work to stimulate conspiracy

> beliefs. The new

> American vogue in conspiracy beliefs rapidly found

> audiences in

> Europe, due to the advancing integration of the

> European Union and

> its federal institutions in the 1990s. In

> particular,

> the "alternative" movement, with its suspicion of

> powerful

> government, big business, and orthodox medicine has

> proved

> susceptible to conspiracy theories. The magazine

> Nexus (not to be

> confused with The Nexus of Kerry Bolton), a major

> success on the New

> Age scene, offers striking proof of this trend.

> Founded in Australia

> in 1990 and now commercially distributed in both the

> United States

> and Britain, it already claims a worldwide

> readership of more than

> 130,000. Nexus offers a fascinating mixture of

> "prophecies, UFOs, Big

> Brother, the unexplained, suppressed technology,

> hidden history and

> more." Articles on macrobiotic cooking, aromatherapy

> and the ozone

> hole jostle with expos6s on fluoride treatment of

> water, CIA mind-

> control experiments and pharmaceutical drug rackets.

> Here it is

> already noticeable how alternative concerns with

> health, environment

> and right livelihood are tinged with fears and

> anxieties about secret

> abuses and government plots.

> Nexus Magazine popular expecially among Theosophists

> in Australia and

> Europe is also a journal for the concerns and

> conspiracy theories of

> the U.S. militias. Earlier issues have included a

> call by Linda

> Thompson for a march on Washington to arraign

> congressmen for

> treason. She demanded that militia members wear

> insignia and be

> armed, in order to be treated as prisoners of war.

> Her video on the

> Waco siege, which allegedly influenced McVeigh, was

> distributed by

> Nexus in Europe. In June 1994 the magazine published

> an in-depth

> analysis of the film and a prophetic review: "There

> is a very big

> underground movement building up in the United

> States at the moment.

> Every night somewhere in the USA, someone is showing

> this video to a

> bunch of friends. Nobody remains unaffected after

> seeing it. It is

> contagious, so beware! "21 Nexus also published an

> article on FEMA by

> Linda Thompson. Here she dilated on the black

> helicopter traffic and

> the wideranging responsibilities of FEMA in the case

> of an emergency.

> However, she states that only 6 percent of the FEMA

> budget is spent

> on emergency management; the bulk of its funding is

> used to construct

> secret underground government facilities and new

> detention centers.

> She lists fourteen executive orders authorizing FEMA

> to take over all

> aspects of civilian life once the Constitution is

> suspended.

> Mark Koernke, a senior member of the Michigan

> Militia, has also

> written for Nexus on America's secret police forces.

> Claiming a

> background in military intelligence and command

> experience in special

> warfare units, 21 Koernke brings apparent authority

> to his account of

> FEMA, MJTF (Multi Jurisdictional Task Force) and

> FINCEN (Financial

> Crime Enforcement Network) and their widespread

> deployment around the

> United States for search and seizure; separation and

> categorization

> of men, women and children; and transfer to

> detention camps. Koernke

> asserts that these special forces use street gangs

> and thugs as law

> enforcement agents; UN and foreign military

> personnel are deployed

> across the country pending the declaration of an

> emergency; the

> government anti-gun and drugs campaigns and actions

> are a foretaste

> of the general mobilization against the populace.2'

> The BBC

> television program Panorama showed a film of Koernke

> gloating at the

> prospect of lynching politicians. After the Oklahoma

> bombing, he was

> sought by the FBI and went on the run before being

> questioned and

> released.

> In Britain, David Icke, the former professional

> soccer player and'1V

> sports presenter, achieved star status in the New

> Age movement with

> the publication of his book The Robots'Rebellion

> (1994). Here he

> praised Nexus as incomparable and excellent for its

> provision

> of "hard-to-get information on the trans- formative

> changes in

> society" His book combines an anti-elitist,

> ecological and spiritual

> gospel with the complete battery of far-right

> conspiracy theories and

> militia concerns: secret societies and Freemasons,

> banking and hidden

> elites, the New World Order, microchip mind control,


> extraterrestrials and gun control. He has also

> resurrected the

> Protocols of the Elders ofZion with an extensive

> quotation of each

> protocol and a commentary on how its terrible plans

> have been

> realized in current political developments. Icke

> recognizes that

> Hitler used the Protocols to incite anti-Semitism in

> Nazi Germany,

> but his belief in their authenticity is

> unassailable: "Just because

> Hitler used knowledge for negative reasons doesn't

> reflect on the

> knowledge itself." Moreover, Icke notes the irony

> that "Hitler and

> the nazis were brought to power by the very

> Brotherhood plan which

> the Protocols so powerfully predicted . ' '9 Icke's

> speaking tours

> take him to all major U.K. cities. The Robots'

> Rebellion went through

> its third reprint before it had been out a full

> year, and he appeared

> at the October 1994 Nexus conference in Amsterdam,

> which also

> featured militia leader Linda Thompson.

> While preaching a spiritual message of global love

> and enlightenment,

> The Robots' Rebellion repeats the familiar beliefs

> and paranoid

> clich~s of the U.S. conspiracy cults. The American

> Federal Reserve

> was a creation of the Illuminati. The Brotherhood

> elite (Icke's

> alternative term for the Illuminati) includes the

> Rothschild and

> Rockefeller empires. It has six front organizations,

> namely the

> Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral

> Commission, the Club of

> Rome, the Bilderberg Group, the Royal Institute of

> International

> Affairs and the United Nations. The aim of the

> Illuminati is the

> introduction of a world government to which every

> continent would be

> subject. John F. Kennedy was assassinated because he

> opposed

> the.Brotherhood's critical interests: the CIA, the

> Federal Reserve

> and the Vietnam war. The American Gun Control Act of

> 1968 is word for

> word the Nazi gun control law of 1938. Humans are to

> be bar-coded, in

> order to be "read" at supermarkets and banks. There

> are passages on

> FEMA, MJTF, FINCEN and the role of

> extraterrestrials. Icke quarries

> much of his material on the New World Order from

> Bill Cooper and

> expressly acknowledges Behold a Pale Horse as his

> source.

> It is clear from Icke's book again, who incorporates

> a lot of

> information that derives from the SD, that like

> Blavatsky's earlier

> claim he is a transmitter of this information rather

> than its

> originator. Throughout the process of his spiritual

> awakening, Icke

> feels "[he is] being guided to an area of knowledge

> that needs to be

> made public. This is particularly true in the case

> of the New World

> Order. With disarming honesty he admits that he had

> only vaguely

> heard of this term until, over a period of three

> weeks, all the

> information about it in his book was put into his

> hands by a variety

> of different people. "Those on the higher levels who

> are guiding me

> wanted this information put in the book, and made

> available to the

> public. Who is then guiding Icke and his New Age

> following toward the

> beliefs of the millenarian-conspiracy cults? How

> does Icke come to be

> quoting extensive excerpts from Bill Cooper and U.S.

> militia sources?

> Who are the people who put this information into his

> hands? Recent

> investigations by Matthew Kalman and John Murray of

> Open Eye magazine

> suggest that far-right and neo-Nazi groups are

> pursuing a strategy of

> entryism by targeting the credulous Icke for the

> dissemination of

> their own ideas within the Green and New Age

> milieus.

> The London-based New Age magazine Rainbow Ark

> maintains a close and

> influential relationship with Icke. It has printed

> conspiracy

> excerpts from Icke and also helped to organize his

> lectures and

> meetings. The magazine also betrays a surprising

> range of far-right

> supporters and links. These include its former

> landlord, Mary

> Stanton, a British-Israelite; Anthony Chevasse, a

> pro moter of C. H.

> Douglas's Social Credit movement; and Donald Martin,

> the anti-

> Semitic publisher of Bloomfield Books and leader of

> the British League

> of Rights. Martin has a long record of running

> ultra-right groups,

> including the British Federation for European

> Freedom and the U.K.

> arm of the World Anti-Communist League. British

> National Party leader

> John Tyndall regards Martin and his organizations as

> allies in

> opposing the immigration of alien peoples, and

> Martin has published

> in Tyndall's magazine, Spearhead. The editor of

> Rainbow Ark has

> steered Icke toward meetings with militant U.S. pa

> triots, organized public meetings on conspiracy

> theories and

> rebellion and recommended Bloomfield Books for

> information. The same

> editor has also boasted of their manipulation of

> Icke's

> interests. "Icke's not ready for this yet; he

> commented on a spoof

> document entitled Further Protocols with outlandish

> plans of "secret

> Zionism" for the "Goyim.

> Nexus has two years ago started to publish articles

> on the U.S.

> militias. Formerly a Green alternative magazine with

> an interest in

> New Age, health and Third World issues, Nexus took

> up the present

> line under its new editor, Duncan M. Roads. Roads

> visited Qadaffi in

> Libya in 1989.

> Among his contacts is John Bennett, historical

> revisionist and

> president of the Australian Civil Liberties Union.

> Bennett is an

> associate of David Irving and Willis Carto; he

> serves on the

> editorial committee of Journal of Historical Review,

> which is

> concerned with Holocaust denial. Nexus's British

> agent is also a

> devotee of the Protocols, an admirer of David Irving

> and he denies

> the existence of gas chambers in Auschwitz not

> unlike the TS FOHAT

> editorial.

> The impact of American conspiracy beliefs has been

> even more dramatic

> in Germany, where the Protocols enter a discourse

> ofNazi occult

> societies, extraterrestrial aliens and time travel.

> In 1993 Jan van

> Helsing published Geheimgeselischaften und ihre

> Macht im 20.

> Jahrhundert [secret Societies and Their Power in the

> Twentieth

> Century), backed by a massive publicity campaign in

> esoteric

> magazines. The book quickly proved to be a

> best-seller, selling over

> 100,000 copies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

> Helsing finds the modern roots of the conspiracy in

> 1773, when Mayer

> Amschel Rothschild met twelve wealthy Jews (the

> Elders of Zion) at a

> secret meeting in Frankfurt. Here they devised a

> plan to control the

> entire wealth of the world. Helsing then reprints

> the Protocols of

> the Elders of Zion with extensive reference to Bill

> Cooper's comments

> on their current plausibility." The Rothschild bank

> commissioned "the

> Bavarian Jew" Adam Weishaupt to found the secret

> order of the

> Bavarian Illuminati, which taught the "New Testament

> of Satan" and

> swiftly recruited leading figures in finance and

> industry. As the

> sworn enemies of monarchy and the Church, the

> Illuminati made a pact

> with the Freemasons to work for a "New World Order"

> through the

> American and French Revolutions. The First World War

> was engineered

> to bring Russia under Illuminati control; the Second

> World War

> exploited "differences of opinion between German

> nationalists and

> political Zionists" to expand the Russian sphere of

> influence and legitimize the state of Israel; the

> Third World War

> will lead mankind to embrace the "Luciferic doctrine

> " a clear

> reference to the SD (the TS periodical was called

> "Lucifer") as again

> a lot in Helsings books is inspired by the SD.

> Helsing's breathless survey of Illuminati progress

> through the ages

> is extensively sourced from Gary Allen, Des Griffin

> and Anthony C.

> Sutton. Short chapters on Freemasonry in America,

> the City of London,

> the Russian Revolution, and the Federal Reserve pile

> up alarming

> details of Jewish ownership and control behind the

> scenes. Zionism

> calls the tune to which the powers dance. The

> Rothschilds were behind

> the British declaration in support of a national

> Jewish home and the

> United States' entry into the First World War. In

> 1919 Rothschild

> agents Colonel House and Bernard Baruch attended the

> Versailles peace

> conference, which gave birth to the

> Rockefeller-controlled Council on

> Foreign Relations, "the most influential background

> organization in

> the USA today." During the 1920s the Dawes and Young

> Plans were

> instigated by Jewish and American interests to

> facilitate German

> reparations but their monopoly capital served only

> to build up the

> German arms industry. Despite his confused account,

> Helsing reassures

> the reader that "everything was planned down to the

> last detail,

> but only the Insiders knew."

> Turning to National Socialism and the Third Reich,

> Helsing borrows

> heavily from Jargen-Ratthofer's Das Vril-Projekt

> with its fantastic

> account of links between the Thule Society, the Vril

> Society and

> extraterrestrial intelligences. Sebottendorff

> learned from the

> Gnostic Marcionite Templars that a world

> transformation was imminent

> according to the movement of the zodiac around the

> Black Sun. The

> Kingdom of God would be taken from the Jews and

> given to the Germans.

> According to the Thule Society, the Old Testament

> god, El Shaddai,

> commanded the Jews "to make hell on earth , ' which

> is why the world

> is always consumed by war and conflict. The Thule

> Society, Helsing

> claims, knew all about the Jewish world conspiracy

> and the Protocols.

> As the forerunner of the Nazi Party and the SS, the

> Thule pledged

> itself to fighting the Jewish banks and lodges and

> creating a "realm

> of light" on earth. According to the Babylonian

> revelation of Isais,

> Thule initiates believed in the coming of a messiah,

> the "Third

> Sargon," who would restore Germany to greatness with

> a new Aryan

> culture. Helsing adds further colorful passages on

> Hitler's search

> for the subterranean realm of Agarthi in order to

> make contact with

> the heirs of the Aryan aliens from

> Aldebaran-Hyperborea.

> Helsing expands on Karl Haushofer's links with Tibet

> before claiming

> that the SS and its inner Black Sun circle was a

> religious order,

> dedicated to the practical realization of the Thule

> Society's

> esoteric ideas. "Countless young men were trained by

> the Black Sun at

> the Wewelsburg and sent to Tibet, where find

> evidence of Illuminati

> direction. The links of the United Nations with the

> Rockefeller

> family and the CFR evidently indicate its strategic

> importance in the

> constantly overlapping elites behind the plan for

> world domination.

> The Knights of Jerusalem are close to the English

> royal family~here

> Helsing uses John Coleman's

> Conspirators'Hierarchy-and supply the

> leadership of the Committee of 300, whose innermost

> circle is the

> Order of the Garter. Circles within circles and

> names are named: for

> instance, Lord Carrington, former British foreign

> secretary, is a

> Garter Knight, head of NATO, and chairman of the

> Bilderbergers.43

> In 1995 Helsing published Geheimgesellschaften 2 in

> the form of

> extended responses to interview questions. Here he

> denies the charge

> of anti-Semitism, claiming Jewish friends and

> colleagues, before

> making the disingenuous distinction between Semitic

> Hebrews and

> Ashkenazi Jews or Khazars, who are his real

> antagonists in the

> persons of Rothschilds, Warburgs, the English royal

> family (!), Marx,

> Lenin, Stalin, etc. This ploy recapitulates the

> progressive

> disqualification of Jews from their Israelite

> heritage in Christian

> Identity doctrine. He then reprints several pages of

> Dr. Johannes

> Pohl's vicious translation of the Talmud that was

> published by the

> Nazi Party in 1943 as anti-Semitic propaganda. On

> the Protocols,

> Helsing simply denies that their authenticity is an

> important issue:

> they exist and they are being applied, exactly the

> claims that were

> made severral times on theo-talk by more then one

> person.

> For a complete postin of the Protocols on theos-talk

> see:



> To complete his anti-Jewish rotomontade, he reveals

> that former

> Chancellor Helmut Kohl was born Henoch Kohn and

> shows how George

> Soros is ruining East European economies through his

> liberal economic

> writ.4' Helsing's dubious sources, his constant

> repetition of Jewish

> names as members of private and public

> organizations, and above all

> his emphasis on the assets and powerbroking

> influence of the

> Rothschilds as the top Illuminati family leave no

> doubt that his

> conspiracy theories are aimed at Jewish targets.

> Helsing's breathless search for conspirators

> continues among

> the "Black Nobility"-the aristocratic and royal

> families of Europe.

> Given their landowning interests, they are supposed

> to be working to

> create a new feudalism through deindustrialization

> and the reduction

> of the human population.46 This leads to the Club of

> Rome, described

> by Helsing as a secret Rockefeller circle founded at

> the private

> Rockefeller foundation in Bellagio, Italy. Its

> membership comprises

> the oldest European families of the Black Nobility

> and top Illuminati

> families in America, all dedicated to a world

> government run by the

> elite.41 In order to reduce the population, Club of

> Rome founder Dr.

> Aurellio Peccei, former chairman of Fiat, proposed

> the secret

> introduction of an epidemic. Helsing copies Bill

> Cooper's account of

> how the AIDS virus was artificially produced for

> this purpose at Fort

> Detrick, Maryland. The they are preparing for

> Armageddon at the end

> of this century." At this point, Helsing dilates on

> the Vril

> Society's telepathic contacts with the alienworld

> domination. The

> Knights of Jerusalem are close to the English royal

> family~here

> Helsing uses John Coleman's

> Conspirators'Hierarchy-and supply the

> leadership of the Committee of 300, whose innermost

> circle is the

> Order of the Garter. Circles within circles and

> names are named: for

> instance, Lord Carrington, former British foreign

> secretary, is a

> Garter Knight, head of NATO, and chairman of the

> Bilderbergers.

> s in the solar system of Aldebaran, sixty-eight

> light-years distant

> from earth in the constellation of Taurus. The

> extraterrestrials

> reveal that their master race of fair god-men began

> colonizing other

> planetary systems over 500 million years ago. Within

> our own system,

> they settled on Mallona (now forming the asteroid

> belt), Mars (as

> evidenced by the great pyramids and the Face at

> Cydonia), and on

> earth in Mesopotamia, where they formed the ruling

> caste of the

> Sumerians. Similiarities between the

> Aldebaran-Sumerian and German

> languages attest to the extraterrestrial origins of

> the Aryan

> Germans. Aided by the Aldebarans, the Vril Society

> built a time

> machine on anti-gravitational principles. This

> technology led to the

> amazing German flying saucers of the Haunebu and

> Vril classes built

> under SS auspices.

> Helsing's postwar account closely follows Des

> Griffin's bestselling

> Descent into Slavery (1980), which documents how the

> power-crazed

> Internationalists are steering all nations toward

> social and

> financial ruin in preparation for their ultimate

> absorption into a

> worldwide dictatorship. Unsurprisingly, we learn

> that only Illuminati

> elites benefited from World WarII, but Helsing

> introduces a

> revisionist theme. He reproduces familiar neo-Nazi

> material about the

> 1933 Jewish declaration of war on Germany, Polish

> provocations, and

> the Morgenthau plan to pastoralize a defeated

> Germany." He alleges

> that German and Japanese offers of peace were

> systematically ignored

> so that both countries could be reduced to rubble.

> The resulting

> destruction created enormous investment

> opportunities, and global

> reorganization signposted the New World Order.41

> Helsing's account of

> Germany's postwar experience in this process of

> internationalization

> is strongly nationalist. Under the guise of

> democracy and liberalism,

> the Illuminati planned the denationalization and

> moral degradation of

> Germany. Postwar "reeducation" (democratic and

> liberal instruction)

> to de-Nazify German attitudes and institutions

> defamed a parental

> generation, encouraged youth revolt and fostered

> moral relativism.

> Egoism, consumerism, and the neglect of history in

> the school

> curriculum has created a German youth ignorant of

> their past .

> Page after page addresses controlled media,

> newspapers and

> parapsychological methods of indoctrinating civilian

> populations.

> Helsing supplies membership lists of his key

> Illuminati

> organizations, including the Committee of 300,

> Council on Foreign

> Relations, Skull & Bones, the Round Table, the

> Bilderbergs, the

> Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and the

> United Nations

> Organisation (UNO). At their apex stands the

> Rothschild family. Seals

> and symbols of organizations and companies are

> analyzed numerologi

> virus was introduced to the African population under

> cover of a WHO

> pox vaccination program in 1977 before being used to


> target "undesirable" groups in the United States

> such as blacks,

> Hispanics and homosexuals from 1978 onwards.

> Helsing knows Bill Cooper personally and also

> reprints his entire

> account of the MAJESTIC-12 material and secret U.S.

> government

> treaties with evil aliens. The CFR and Trilateral

> Commission have

> complete control over alien technology as well as

> the economy. This

> joint human/alien power structure aims at the

> enslavement of the

> human race.

> Helsing's Illuminati-Jewish world conspiracy is

> extensively borrowed

> from the American patriot movement, but is applied

> to German

> nationalist concerns. He argues that this cosmic

> plot can be foiled

> only by a restoration of the German Reich. Helsing

> quotes Mattern and

> Landig's accounts of the Antarctic "phantom convoy'

> and the fruitless

> American attempts to subdue the Germans on

> Antarctica in 1947 and

> 1958. Helsing repeats the neo-Nazi adage that the

> German Reich did

> not capitulate, but only the German armed forces

> under Grand Admiral

> Dbnitz. The German Reich is still legally in

> existence and the

> present regimes of Poland, Austria and the German

> Federal Republic

> are merely provisional governments. The German Reich

> presently

> controls huge areas of sovereign territory in

> Antarctica and the San

> Carlos de Bariloche province of Argentina. Helsing

> also claims

> contacts with members of the Black Sun. One such

> interviewee was

> allegedly born in Neuschwabenland and lives today

> with three million

> other Reich Germans in a subterranean city. Further

> bases exist on

> the Canaries, in the Bermuda Triangle and in the

> Himalayas. In all,

> the Reich Germans today have a standing army of 6

> million soldiers,

> including immigrant Aldebarans, and an armada of

> 22,000 flying

> saucers. This "Third Power" may prove mankind's only

> defense against

> Illuminati enslavement.

> Helsing regards the United Nations intervention in

> Iraq and the

> ensuing Gulf War as another major instance of the

> Illuminati

> offensive against any remaining opposition to its

> New World Order.

> As "the Germans of the Orient , the Iraqis are

> long-standing allies

> of the German Reich, which built the country's

> defenses and maintains

> flying saucer bases there. Sustained UN air attacks

> against Basra and

> Nedschef had the main purpose of destroying German

> saucer bases. It

> is no accident that Helsing should admire

> fundamentalist and pariah

> states that pursue the politics of identity with

> ethnic cleansing

> against national minorities (e.g., Iraq, Serbia), as

> these states

> have no stake in a global economic order of liberal

> capitalist states

> under American hegemony.

> Helsing quotes the free-energy books of Nikola Tesla

> and David

> Hatcher Childress. Helsing is also especially

> interested in the

> Montauk Project, a literary invention of Preston B.

> Nichols, Peter

> Moon and Alfred Bielek. These American authors have

> developed a

> series of time-travel books on the basis of the

> "Philadelphia

> Experiment . ' The latter concerns a destroyer, USS

> Eldridge, said to

> have disappeared in August 1943 from its dock in the

> Philadelphia

> Naval Yard for several minutes, materialized at

> Norfolk 250 miles

> away, and then reappeared in Philadelphia through

> the practical

> application of Einstein's unified field theory. 12

> In 1989, Alfred

> Bielek introduced himself at Timothy Beckley Green's

> UFO-New Age

> conference in Phoenix, Arizona, as a surviving

> crewman of the

> experimental ship. His account involved two parallel

> biographies in

> time. His story was quickly taken up by Beckley

> Green's Inner Light

> Publications, which publishes books by himself, Brad

> Steiger and

> Commander X on UFOs, alien earth bases and secret

> government cover-

> ups."

> From 1992 onward, Nichols and Moon authored a series

> of books about

> an imaginary research program at Montauk Point, Long

> Island, between

> 1969 and 1983 for investigating mind control

> techniques. Subsequent

> discoveries in telepathy and interdimensional

> transfer led to the

> manipulation of time and matter. Eventually, a time

> travel vortex was

> opened back to 1943 and to the original Philadelphia

> Experiment.14

> This sensational interface between secret research,

> official

> suppression and alternative realities fit perfectly

> with Helsing's

> wonderland of cosmic conspiracy. Following his first

> meeting with

> Bill Cooper in Hawaii, Helsing attended Timothy

> Beckley Green~s 1991

> conference in Phoenix, where he met Alfred Bielek

> and was deeply

> moved by his account of time travel. Following the

> publication of The

> Montauk Project (1992), Helsing acquired the German

> publication

> rights and met Peter Moon and Duncan Cameron,

> another alleged

> survivor of the Philadelphia Experiment. Helsing

> became close friends

> with this circle, who claim United Nations

> Organization (UNO) and

> Rockefeller agents have threatened them with death

> unless they keep

> silent. Undeterred, Peter Moon has now extended the

> Montauk mythology

> with Nazi and Tibetan connections based on Helsing's

> information

> about the Thule Society and the Black Sun."

> By presenting secret societies and Jewish world

> conspiracy as an

> extraterrestrial struggle over the destiny of our

> planet, Helsing

> succeeds in reaching a New Age readership with his

> Manichaean anti-

> Semitism. For example, more than sixty new

> esoteric-conspiracy titles

> appeared in Austrian bookshops during the first

> quarter of 1995

> alone. The success of his conspiracy books also

> coincides with a

> widespread reaction among many Austrians against the

> European Union

> since the country joined the EU in 1992. As in the

> case of the U.S.

> patriot movement, bigger government and foreign

> interference greatly

> increase the demand for conspiracy theory. This

> reaction has been

> exacerbated by the EU boycott of Austria in 2000

> over the electoral

> success of J6rg Haider's populist Austrian Freedom

> Party. As already

> noted, Helsing's books remain best-sellers in

> Germany through the

> Andromeda mail-order bookshop and similar New Age

> outlets. The Swiss

> authorities have since banned Helsing's books for

> infringing the new

> anti-racism law of 1995. Following complaints from

> German Jews, the

> Mannheim public prosecutor arraigned author and

> publisher for

> spreading anti-Semitic propaganda in September 1996

> but dropped the

> action in January 1997 as neither reside within its

> jurisdiction.

> Meanwhile, the Ewertverlag set up shop on Grand

> Canary Island as a

> precaution and published a new book dismissing the

> charges. Helsing

> has since published further best-selling books on

> the Third World War

> and German contacts with Aldebaran.

> The endemic spread of conspiracy theories in the New

> Age milieu is a

> disturbing phenomenon. An anarcho-libertarian

> interest in tracing CIA

> mindcontrol experiments, federal government covert

> operations and

> links with UFOs and aliens can suddenly switch into

> a pessimistic

> discourse of hidden elites, the Council on Foreign

> Relations,

> Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergs and

> Rothschilds, leading to

> reprints of the Protocols of the Elders ofZion. How

> can one explain

> the drift from an open, anti-authoritarian,

> egalitarian outlook to an

> anxious myth of hostile elites and hidden threats?

> Some New Agers may

> well feel contempt for a society that has failed to

> transform itself

> spiritually in line with their aspirations in the

> 1970s. At that

> time, the secular social critique was Marxist, with

> rational

> explantions of capital concentration and corporate

> power. New Agers

> eschewed this in favor of inner transformation, but

> now, after

> Thatcher, Reagan and Bush, many may wonder what is

> holding up the

> arrival of the New Age. The pressures of

> globalization and

> automation, the escalating export of jobs, the

> backlash against

> affirmative action and political correctness all

> evidence a growing

> strain on the middle classes. Spiritual fixes via

> candle burning,

> tarot, runes and Druid workshops to calm the inner

> world can easily

> mix with "anti" fantasies about what (or more often

> "you know who")

> is spoiling things out there.

> The compatibility of conspiracy theories with

> Theosophy and the New

> Age ideas is not new. The voelkisch-racist movement

> and Wandervoegel

> groups of interwar Germany mixed nature worship and

> ecological and

> health issues with anti-Semitism, racism and

> national revival. Today

> many New Age groups rehearse the nativist aspects of

> v6lkisch thought

> in a eulogy of the primitive: Native Americans,

> African bushmen and

> Australian aborigines are credited with a natural

> wisdom long lost

> among the rational, technologically advanced peoples

> of the West. As

> long as the idealized groups were perceived as

> marginal, foreign or

> oppressed, such New Age sentiment was generally

> left-wing or liberal.

> However, once the models were sought closer to home

> in the

> prerational, mythical past of Western culture,

> Olkisch ideas could

> make a fashionable return. In the New Age movement

> numerous groups

> and workshops are now devoted to reviving the lore

> of the ancient

> Celts and Teutons. Books on ogham, runes, prophecy

> and pagan gods

> proliferate. Shamanism, magic and superstition are

> in. Nostalgia for

> a lost golden age and apocalyptic hopes of its

> revival recall the

> ideological foreground of earlier demands for

> fascist renewal.

> The U.S. militias, conspiracy cults, and New Age

> cultural pessimism

> represent varied strands of popular radicalism that

> are deeply

> hostile toward liberalism in modern politics and

> society. Some New

> Age ideas eulogize nature and primitive peoples in a

> gilded vision of

> the ancient past, while environmental extremists

> question the value

> of human civilization. These ideas originally had

> their roots in left-

> wing dissent, but their increasing tendency toward

> conspiracy beliefs

> and despair indicate their susceptibility to

> mdlenarian and mystical

> ideas on the far right. Discouraged by the

> impervious advance of

> modern technological society and the global economy,

> many have

> retreated to mental subcultures in which all manner

> of fantastic and

> threatening plots seem plausible to the extent that

> enables the

> Protocols to find new readers and believers. As yet,

> the New Age has

> little room for Hitler worship or Nazi UFOs, but it

> is noteworthy

> that Rainbow Ark has already speculated that many

> old Nazis have

> reincarnated in the bodies of modern Israelis as a

> way of karmically

> balancing former hatreds. Among such marginal

> beliefs, A kinds of

> revaluation are possible.

> As we have seen, conspiracy theory may be traced to

> ancient religious

> ideas involving humanity's thrall to an evil, lower

> god who created

> matter and the inferior realm. Only the intervention

> of a higher,

> merciful god can enable man to attain spiritual

> redemption. These

> dualist ideas were integral to Gnosticism,

> Marcionism, Manichaeanism

> and other heretical movements in the early history

> of Christianity.

> Within a religious worldview, all suffering,

> disorder and strife

> posit the existence of evil. Personified as the

> Devil or AntiChrist,

> with the Jews often cast as his representatives on

> earth, such

> dualist dynamics offered a powerful demonology in

> medieval

> Christianity. The patriot movement discourse of the

> Illuminati

> spreading AIDS, negotiating with evil

> extraterrestrials and enslaving

> mankind through microchip mind control in a demonic

> New World Order

> openly proclaims its inspiration in the Protocols of

> the Elders of

> Zion, the modern nineteenth-century rendition of

> medieval anti-

> Semitic fantasies. just as the Protocols found a

> massive readership

> among the displaced and the disinherited in a

> changing world before

> and after the First World War, this new conspiracy

> discourse finds

> new converts among those bewildered and frustrated

> by the results of

> globalization at the beginning of the new

> millennium.

> From the Oklahoma City bombing in April 1995 in the

> context of

> conspiracy beliefs, to the 11 September 2001,

> Islamic militant

> suicide pilots that flew into the World Trade Center

> in New York and

> the Pentagon in Washington D.C. we see this rising

> tide. Osama bin

> Laden and his al-Qaeda group have their own

> conspriracy theorie,

> based on the believe that Jesus died in Pakistan and

> that considers

> imminent the final fight between the Antichrist (the

> Dajjal of the

> tradition Muslim) and the new mahdi (Bin

> Laden)imminent, and call for

> a jihad (holy war) against the "Great Satan" of

> America, the

> supposedly demonic representative of secularization

> and materialism.

> I hope these ten parts answerred some of the

> questions put to me

> regarding this subject by severral theos-talk

> members.


> Bri.











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