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the lamb that roared by varsha b

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The lamb that roaredMay 26, 2003

Wing Commander (retd) R V Parasnis, who so chivalrously defended me in the

message board, points out that "The Pakistani invasion began on the 22nd of

October 1947 and not in 1948 as you have quoted."

This is true. From what I wrote in the following paragraph -- "In December 1947,

a month after the 161st Infantry Brigade counterattacked Pakistani forces and a

month before Gandhiji was shot..." -- it's clear that the invasion of Kashmir

began in the last quarter of 1947. However, I've used the year popular in

parlance; for instance, Vice-Admiral Mihir Roy refers to it as "the Indo-Pak

conflict in 1948." Too, there seems to be an understanding that though the

invasion began in 1947, the war with the Terrorist State of Pakistan occurred

in 1948:

By the end of July 1947 -- even before Independence -- the Northern Territories

were swallowed up by Pakistan. By October 26, Pakistani regulars and irregulars

raped, killed and looted their way into Baramulla, just 50 kms from Srinagar.

That's when Maharaja Hari Singh signed the instrument of accession with India

-- only after which could the Indian Army counteract. (Do not ask me why we had

to wait; it's like asking why we had to cede the 55 crores.) In February 1948,

to capture Ladakh, Pakistan launched Op Sledge from Gilgit. In May 1948, the

Indian Army, while advancing through Uri and Tithwal to Muzaffarabad, came up

against purely regular troops of the Pakistan Army. Point to note: Till then,

the invading hordes consisted of Pakistani soldiers intermixed with "Azad

Kashmir" battalions and tribals. The pretense of a "popular uprising" and

"people's revolt" had finally been dropped.

'Raiders,' 'intruders,' 'guerrillas,' 'informal war,' 'proxy war,' etc, are an

eyewash propagated by India's ineffectual governments, and Pakistan's

godfathers. The appropriate terms are 'jihad' and 'jihadis.' Pakistan, its

namaaz-raising hands dipped in the blood of Hindus and Sikhs, began as an

Islamic terrorist State and continues to live up to its foundational values.

Take it from Balasaheb and me: nothing will emerge from the latest "hand of

friendship." Unless, of course, it is Kargil II.

On May 24, 1999, Pakistan's then foreign secretary, Shamshad Ahmed, said during

the Kargil invasion: "We reject these allegations which have been always cast

by New Delhi and mere allegations cannot make the world believe what India

says." He accused India of LoC violations by indulging in "unprovoked firing,"

saying, "Perhaps they are escalating these violations due to elections in


Ten days later, the Indian Army got hard evidence of the involvement of Pakistan

infantry in the Kargil "intrusion" when our jawans recovered three bodies of

Pakistani soldiers from Batalik sector -- with documents and army-issued arms

intact. It also became clear that at least two battalions had set up positions

inside Indian territory with adequate supply lines and sophisticated weapons.

Yet, on June 16, foreign minister Sartaj Aziz declared, "We have no forces in

Indian-held Kashmir" -- after President Clinton appealed to Islamabad to

withdraw its troops. Mr Aziz said the hostilities in Kargil were between

'Kashmiri Mujahideen' and Indian forces and were just "an aspect of the larger

issue of Kashmir."

Lies, lies, and more lies -- that's another unchanged feature of Pakistan's

State policy. Which, you'd think, Indians have sussed by now. Yeah, right...

What's happening in India after the April 18 "hand of friendship"? Here's a

highly incomplete sampling:

On May 9, the Indian Army warns that, contrary to Paki claims, more jihad camps

have come up near the LoC in PoK in the past weeks. Over 4,000 jihadis are

located on the Pakistani side facing the stretch from Jammu to Kupwara. The

same week, intelligence agencies say that India's peace initiative has come at

a wrong time, when infiltration and violence in the Kashmir valley are at their


On May 14, Pakistani troops resort to heavy shelling in Kargil and Drass

sub-sectors. They also open unprovoked and intense small-arms fire on three

Indian posts in Arnia and RS Pura sectors in Jammu district.

The same day, Lashkar-e-Tayiba's founding suar Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, declares,

"Jihad will continue and it must be strengthened."

On May 15, bearded suar Masood Azhar is banned from entering PoK. The next day,

he gives a speech in Kotli -- in PoK.

On May 18, another beard, Syed Salahuddin, asserts that Hizbul Mujahideen would

continue its jihad and no pressure, international or internal, would be

accepted. On May 20, his gun-toting guards are arrested. Not he.

On May 19, Paki jihadis behead -- ie, separate the head from the body -- 4 women

and 2 infants. All were relatives of Kashmiri Muslims serving in the Indian Army

and J&K Police.

The same week, Pakistani troops are busy firing along the International Border

from Umrawali, Uchawal, Nandpur and Kachari posts -- to disrupt India's fencing

of the border.

On May 20, a senior MHA official tells The Indian Express, "There is no

indication that infiltration is down because of Pakistan's initiatives. None of

the intercepts reveal Pakistan directing the terrorists to stop their activities

against India. Infiltration is down only because of precise intelligence inputs

and successful operations undertaken by the armed forces."

The same day, Paki jihadis slit open the throats of a widow and her daughter in

Aragam village; one man is shot dead in Paner village; one bridge blown up at

Sumlar village in the Kashmir valley.

In May 1999, Shamshad Ahmed, while denying the Kargil invasion, demanded that

India should agree to Pakistan's proposal: "The best solution is to have

neutral and impartial observers on the Line of Control," he quoth. Today,

Foreign Minister Khurshid Mehmud Kasuri, while denying Pakistan's nurturing of

Islamic jihadis, asks for neutral intermediaries to monitor the LoC. In

addition, to divert focus from India's key demand -- halt the jihadis --

Pakistan moots a totally useless no-war pact. When has the terrorist State ever

abided by pacts with India...? Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme...

In the meantime, Mufti Mohammed Sayeed, along with the 'secular,' 'liberal'

candelabra, asks for a "soft border" with the Terrorist State of Pakistan...

Isn't it enough to make you want to vomit? No? Then here's a sure-shot emetic:

According to The Economic Times of May 15, India's proposed anti-terrorism

alliance with the US and Israel, as enunciated by Brajesh Mishra at the

American Jewish Committee's dinner in Washington, "elicited prompt protests

from the Communist parties, who saw it as a confirmation of their fears that

the Vajpayee government had abandoned India's traditional policies of a

non-aligned world view in favour of a pro-US tilt."

The pinko fury has less to do with a pro-US tilt than with the anti-jihad

measure forced on us by the candelabra's beloved terrorist nation. One can

understand if Pakis get hives over Ariel Sharon's visit to India and the

US-Israel-India axis, but why Indians...? Is it debatable that India, like the

US and Israel, is under attack from Islamic terrorists? Is it a catastrophe

that US has okayed the Phalcon sale to India? Is it a crime to angle for

Israel's Arrow system to fend off Paki missiles? Israel has already supplied

India with portable battlefield radars, high altitude UAVs, human-detecting

sensors and hand held thermals ("They are responsible for almost 70% of the

'kills' along the LoC": army source in the May 15th Times of India).

Infiltration is down only because of Op Sarp Vinash and the high-tech equipment

that the Army now possesses. Why do pinkos want our jawans to be ill-equipped

and die? What has China or Cuba or -- yelp! -- Palestine done for us?

Yesterday, while watching Roman Polanski's The Pianist, I wondered about the

anti-Semitism suffusing mainly-socialist Europe and the Leftists' sham hatred

of Nazism. Israelis are now demonised as Nazis while the Palestinians -- they

of Hamas and PLO -- glorified as defenseless victims by the Islamists and

pinkos! Jews conspire to destroy Islam and take over the world. Jews plotted

9/11 and the Columbia disaster. "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is not a

forgery by Tsarist propagandists. Yasser Arafat does not support and arm

jihadis; he has never celebrated the 'martyrdom' of fidayeens... Such fiction

is legitimised by the Islamist-Pinko axis to dehumanise the Jews and paint them

as terrorists.

In November 2000, at a rally organised by the Indo-Arab League in Hyderabad to

express solidarity with Palestinians, the "participants carried Palestinian and

Iraqi flags and repeatedly interrupted the speakers as they stood up to shout,

'Death to Americans' and 'Death to Israelis.' Slogans calling for 'jehad

against the US and Israel' rent the air as the audience joined the speakers in

condemning Israeli atrocities on Palestinians." (People's Voice, Nov 1, 2000).

In May 2002, the League -- along with the Congress' Mani Shankar Aiyar, CPI's A

B Bardhan, CPI-M's Sitaram Yechury -- gathered to celebrate the Intifada -- a

purely terrorist movement! Who are these people???

India's beards go to Iraq to act as human shields! Have they ever carried

medicines to Jammu & Kashmir...?

In September 2001, Maulana Syed Al-Haaj Barkati, of the West Bengal chapter of

Jamait-e-Ulema, threatened, "We will start a jehad if India participates in the

American attack [on Afghanistan] or lends any type of support to it... They have

no concrete proof against Osama." A jihad in India in support of Osama... but

against whom, exactly...?

Two months later, just after the boycott of Coke/Pepsi by Muslim-owned

restaurants, doctors -- doctors! -- of the Muslim Medicos Association boycotted

American-and British-manufactured drugs. But, do they want a boycott of anything

from the country that has constantly been bleeding us...? Oooh nooooo... they

are our "brothers."

On May 20, one "secularist" wrote in Lebanon's Daily Star, "There is nothing

surprising in the tone and tenor of [brajesh] Mishra's speech. India's

right-wingers had always displayed clear sympathy for Zionism, though Mishra

gives it liberal gloss of 'democracy, pluralism and tolerance.' But this is not

the view shared by a majority of Indians right from Mahatma Gandhi, who led

India's freedom movement. Gandhi had warned the Jewish settlers in 1938 that it

was immoral on their part to hope to build a state under the shadow of British

military might."

Ahh... there it is. In June 1946, after millions of Jews had been slaughtered,

Gandhiji counseled thus: "Hitler killed five million [sic] Jews. It is the

greatest crime of our time. But the Jews should have offered themselves to the

butcher's knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs."

Louis Fischer, his biographer, asked Gandhiji: "You mean that the Jews should

have committed collective suicide?" Gandhiji's response: "Yes, that would have

been heroism."

Which sane Indian won't sympathise with the Israelis?

Tell me, do you see the Islamist-Pinko-"Secularist" axis demanding the return of

the Northern Territories and PoK to mainly-Hindu India...? Why not? Because,

even when grabbed illegally, it's irreversible, a fait accompli...?

In which case, Israel, too, is a fait accompli. Besides which, the Jews are a

nation since Biblical times; for over 3,300 years, Jerusalem -- founded by King

David -- has been their capital. Jews pray facing Jerusalem; Arabs pray with

their backs to it. There was no such thing as "Palestinian" before 1967, when

Syrians, Iraqis, Jordanians, Lebanese and Saudis living in Israel began

identifying themselves as "Palestinian." Why should Indians -- if, indeed, they

are only Indian -- seek Israel's destruction...?

Europe's Jews went like lambs to Hitler's death camps, I never could understand

why. But when they finally rose from their inertia, boy, how the lambs roared!

I have unadulterated admiration for Israelis and groups like the AJC, and no

bullshit angle of "communal harmony" can shake that. On May 14, 1948, David

Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of Israel. On May 15, the War of

Independence against the armies of Egypt, Syria, Tranjordan, Lebanon and Iraq

began. On July 20, 1949, the war was formally ended -- with the Arabs winding

up with less territory than before. For a tiny country to crush the surrounding

Islamic nations, face internal jihad, and yet become developed -- it's an

unparalled achievement. India yet can't surmount Pakistan alone. Guess, thanks

to which ideology...

Postscript: The Hindustan Times reports Saturday: "Pakistani terrorists were

occupying about 100 sq kms of Indian territory, 35 km inside the LoC around

Hilkaka in J&K. In terms of the occupied area, this is similar to the

incursions into Kargil in 1999... Major General Hardev Lidder, GOC of the Romeo

Force which spearheaded Operation Sarp Vinash, says that though he did not

encounter Pakistani regulars, there were signs of their involvement. 'There

were field fortifications of the type which you don't expect from guerrilla

bases,' says Maj Gen Lidder."

I rest my case.

Varsha Bhosle

Discover your Indian Roots at - http://www.esamskriti.com, 700 pictures, over

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back.Long Live Sanatan / Kshatriya Dharam. Become an Intellectual

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rahe or Shubh dinam astu or Have a Nice DayUnity preceedes Strength Synchronize

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Happiness are meant to be sharedBe Open Minded, pick up what yu like from the



Stop cribbing, ACTION is what the Indian scriptures talk aboutTake the battle

into the enemy camp, SET THE AGENDA, be proactiveIn an argument, no emotions,

be detached, get yr facts right, then attack with the precision of a missile

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