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Genocide Against Hindus in East Pakistan

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"Pranawa C. Deshmukh" <pcdeshmukh> wrote:


--- Bhalchandrarao C Patvardhan

<kurundwadsenior@e...> wrote:

> Thu, 29 May 2003 20:20:04 +0530


> Thursday, May 29, 2003


> Namaskar!


> This is a veritable monograph a friend wrote with

> the intention of 'educating' an influential American

> acquaintance about Islam's true colours and the

> state of our bankrupt political leadership.

> Unfortunately, I sought but was denied permission to

> disclose my friend's identity. The friend wishes to

> remain anonymous - at least for the time being. It

> is likely to be widely circulated in the US.


> Anyway, the want of identity does not in any way

> affect the facts, thoughts or sentiment expressed by

> the author. Those are universally true and each one

> of us can identify with them quite easily.


> It is hoped you will spare some time to read through

> it, including the postscript.


> It is a remarkable document, to say the very least!


> Regards

> Bhalchandrarao C Patvardhan

> <kurundwadsenior@e...>



> Tuesday, May 27, 2003 12:30 PM

> Genocide Against Hindus in East Pakistan


> Dear xxx,


> Do take your time over this, and the interesting

> links that follow. Since you are also concerned

> with what is happening in the US right now, this may

> interest you with the parallels in India in the

> context of the threat of looming terrorist attacks.

> The latest available info points to an interesting

> potential alliance between the US, Israel and India

> in fighting the global menace of terrorism as the

> most directly affected parties! What I have written

> here is on the basis of considerable interchange

> with concerned scholars and reading a wide range of

> source material, including first hand media reports

> emerging from within Bangladesh, and other

> historical reports.


> Something to ponder over, why Hindu Secularists

> (there are no other kind in India, since all

> religious minorities, including the Parsis, are

> extremely communal and racist in relation to their

> own faith and community, with rare exceptions), are

> increasingly reviled by the general population, for

> playing footsie with hard evidence! People on some

> kind of an ego trip, with very little to do with the

> ethics and primary ground rules of journalism.

> There are no Woodwards and Bernsteins or even

> intrepid journalists like Daniel Pearl seeking out

> the truth beyond ordinary media doublespeak and open

> bias. Only mediocre 'opinion-makers' (even cub

> reporters priding themselves in that role) and the

> paparazzi. Nobody reports plain news any longer.

> There's got to be an insidiously motivated secular

> slant given to it!


> Nothing wrong with Secularism per se, a very high

> ideal indeed. But pandering to obvious biases and

> untruths against one group of citizens alone, while

> condoning the unconstitutional behaviour of fanatic

> minorities is simply distasteful. Our journalists

> have begun to fancy themselves in the role of an

> extra-constitutional opposition to a rightfully

> elected and responsible Government that is sure to

> last its full tenure. This, despite the 'best'

> efforts of irresponsible splinter groups of corrupt

> politicians in fractured opposition groups from the

> traditional 'secular left', and to cover up for the

> obvious failures of the Italian Sonia Gandhi (with

> the Maino family links to Mussolini) as the Leader

> of Opposition from the Congress Party. A

> pro-Vatican Italy-born lady married into the 'ruling

> family' of India, fancies her chances as the Prime

> Minister of a nation of over 1 billion people,

> without any qualifications, training or experience

> in the political brasstacks. This could only happen

> in India, right?


> British colonial archives reveal that conversion of

> Hindus to Christianity was official policy to

> facilitate the loot of India by the British East

> India Company and then by Imperial dictat. Jesuit

> Missionaries are among the largest landowners in all

> of India, because of the lands gifted to them by

> military or administrative awards, and these too are

> a matter of record. On the other hand, there were

> pre-European West Asian Christian groups settled

> peacefully in the coastal regions of India, and also

> the earliest of West Asian Jews (the Bene Israelis

> with a now proven DNA link to the earliest

> descendants of Moses), fleeing the long-standing

> Islamic Jihad in West Asia! As did the Zorastrians

> who fled Persia.


> As an aside, the same minority religious groups that

> found hospitable shelter in India for centuries,

> escaping Islamic pogroms in West Asia, are now

> making short-sighted (and without any sense of

> history) common cause with the Islamists! Is that

> not a cruel twist of fate? Not to mention

> disloyalty? The reason being that Hindus, belonging

> to a non-proselytizing religion, are for the first

> time in an assertive mood, saying 'enough is

> enough'! This last, especially, coming from the

> younger generation with little exposure to the

> deliberate lies and subversion of its culture by an

> insidious British colonial rule, followed by nearly

> 50 years of hangover. With India literally

> suffering on a daily basis on the 'cutting edge' of

> Islamic jihad, in 2 decades of undeclared war by

> Pakistan that has resulted in untold deaths and

> suffering of the majority Hindu population, and

> betrayed by its corrupt and spineless leaders in

> politics and administration, the Hindus are now

> beginning 'to spoil for a real Mother of all fights'

> against the terrorists and those who shelter them in

> urban enclaves.


> The other 2 disabled prongs of Indian society being

> the multinational 'development agencies', called

> NGOs, mostly with Missionary funding from the West

> and a dishonest media slavering for Western

> approbation. The West, quite naturally, is

> hard-nosed about its own geopolitical interests, as

> well as its unstated theological bent in favour of

> Christian conversions is a major force in this

> unfolding drama, in continuation of the previous

> policies of Western colonizers, now under the garb

> of 'globalization'. (Interestingly, it is this very

> doctrine of globalization and allied geopolitical

> stratagems of the USA and the Western-Christian

> powers, which is the greatest threat to the Islamic

> dream of a global conquest. So the Cold War is now

> replaced by Hot Jihad).]


> Continuing on the previous theme, British education

> in India was particularly designed to creating deep

> schisms amongst the natives, as revealed by archival

> data (including Macaulay's letters; esp. after the

> great display of unity amongst all Indians

> irrespective of caste and creed in the first Indian

> War of Independence in 1857, ruthlessly and

> violently crushed by the British). It became the

> Imperial policy, stated in as many words in official

> correspondence, to undermining the Hindu majority

> culture at every turn, its being the biggest threat

> to British anti-people stratagems in India. See the

> results now. It is imperative to understand what is

> happening in the context of a true historical

> perspective, if only to avoid being unwitting

> collaborators in the repetition of a very painful

> chapter of Indian history, vis-à-vis Islam.


> Nearly all conflicts (and 'partitions') around the

> globe are a legacy of the insidious policies of

> European colonisers and especially the British! Not

> to mention Islamic savagery continuing down the

> ages! They -- the last mentioned -- are meek and

> accommodative when in small numbers. But the minute

> they attain critical mass, they speak a different

> language, because that is enjoined as religious

> duty. Book after book published both in India and

> the USA, interpreting the behaviour of Mohammad the

> Prophet and his injunctions, authenticate this

> observation. And there can be no independence of

> thought or dissidence permitted in Islam, cf.

> Satanic Verses! Both Adam and you are tres familiar

> with that controversy.


> They hanker back to the days when Islam ruled over

> the world as a blood-thirsty superpower, extending

> from Spain, North Africa, India, all the way to

> China, under the Mongols, Turks, the hated Afghans

> and Arabs. (It is true that Islamic 'renaissance'

> was basically an usurpation of the art and culture

> of the subjugated populations, and Islam per se is

> such a desiccated and vicious doctrine that it

> cannot permit creativity of the Soul, whether in

> literature, music, art or architecture)! When did

> illiteracy, crude violence, bigotry and incessant

> warmongering serviced by opium and debauchery create

> great works of Art? Even the 1001 Arabian Nights

> were lifted from the Indian tales of Panchatantra

> and the Ocean of Story (Kathasaritsgara)!


> The bottomline Islamic injunction is that Islam must

> be the ruling doctrine in the World, without

> exception. Its adherents must not rest until this

> goal is achieved, and it is considered shameful to

> be ruled by non-Muslims. It doesn't recognize

> democracy. There can be only a theocracy, and women

> are to be treated as chattel. The Islamic heaven is

> a place of great sensuous pleasures where the true

> believer can have upto 72 virgins and young boys for

> his enjoyment. Anyone who kills a Kafir, i.e.

> people from outside the Judeo-Christian tradition,

> including pagans, Buddhists and Hindus in

> particular, is bestowed with the special title of

> Ghazi! This is easy to verify from the Source. The

> Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) -- I

> prefer to call them simians -- are closely linked

> with the Al Qaida and funded by it too. They are

> now banned in this one State in India. Their

> official website proclaimed in its very first

> caption, in bold lettering: "Our goal is to

> Islamize India." All such groups around the World

> are now centralizing and modifying their tactics,

> fine tuning for the ultimate jihad that is to come.

> And Pakistan is at the very epicentre of this

> centralizing force as of now.


> There is only one meaning of jihad, as we know well

> in India, which is "Holy War" against the

> non-believers. In jihad, you are allowed to

> convert, or be killed, and sometimes allowed to

> survive under an exceptional tax called the jizia,

> which is a crippling levy combined with an utterly

> humiliating package of conditions. This emerges

> from the reading of Islamic texts, and is common

> historical experience in India and in other

> subjugated lands, including those of Christians and

> Jews! Despite strong historical evidence in the

> propensity of Islam to destroy civilization after

> great civilization in the name of Allah, (witness

> the latest gleeful destruction of the Bamiyan

> Buddhas in Afghanistan, something that even Chengiz

> Khan and the fanatic Moghul Aurangzeb were unable to

> achieve despite strong efforts), the leftists and

> secular apologists all over the world are today in

> fact serving as collaborators in the whitewash of a

> very violent doctrine. This, despite the fact that

> Islam recognizes neither the left doctrines,

> democracy, pluralism, nor secularism! In addition

> to being extremely repressive to women and

> minorities.


> As if the very finest flower of non-Islamic

> civilization everywhere, with fair humanitarian

> values, is hell-bent on self-destruction through

> falsely expansive notions of peaceful co-existence

> in the face of total barbarianism, as prematurely

> displayed by the Taliban! The nature of such

> barbarism, with denial of any kind of education for

> women, along with chopped hands and feet for minor

> misdemeanours and public executions of veiled women

> as adulteresses, has been well-documented in

> Afghanistan by the feminist RAWA archives also. The

> secular apologists of Islam seem unaware that the

> Taliban are not the exception but the general rule,

> speaking for the entire Islamic world -- adherents

> of the Book -- which was in readiness in

> anticipation of the fall of the Western citadel. It

> is only after the boomerang of 9/11 that they are

> using newly gained sophistication in trying to

> convince the world of their peaceful intentions in

> contrast to the terrorists who espouse the cause of

> militant Islam. Only a temporary strategic

> necessity.


> The previously referred to critical mass in terms of

> demographic strength of adherents to Islam in all

> non-Muslim countries of the world, (akin to that

> necessary for a nuclear chain reaction), is what the

> Al Qaida miscalculated. They expected that

> post-9/11, the entire Islamic 'diaspora' would rise

> in jihad against non-Muslims, from Australia, Asia,

> Europe, all the way to the US, as religious duty

> enjoined upon them by their Holy Book. These were

> their official pronouncements, on record. The fact

> is that the Muslim diaspora (and also the Islamic

> countries) stayed silent because it was obvious that

> the timing of the 9/11 attacks went awry, and the

> whole plan misfired in the end.


> They expected 30,000 (mainly Jews) to die in the WTC

> attacks, in addition to the total crippling of the

> American State through the decimation of the White

> House, Capitol Hill and the Pentagon (and God knows

> what else). There was also a critical

> miscalculation in the timing of attacks by

> additional planes readying to be airborne in the US,

> Europe and Australia! Now, they are thoroughly

> regrouping in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and also in

> other countries like Bangladesh and Indonesia! And

> they are bending over backwards, using smart

> propaganda, to convince the world that the

> terrorists have nothing to do with Islam, which is

> such a fine, peaceful doctrine! The very milk of

> human kindness. Ask the Israelis, and those among

> the Hindus who have adequate training and commitment

> to documentation research, plus the courage to face

> the unvarnished historical Truth! Crying in

> wilderness...


> My brief e-mail exchanges with Agha Saeed

> (all-too-brief, that too, 2 years ago; he now

> teaches at the CSU, Fremont and is President of the

> American Muslim Alliance) and the Palestinian (an

> un-named friend), have not gone in vain. You know

> the ruckus caused by the former, through his

> published anti-Israel remarks, so Hillary Clinton

> had to return campaign funds she got from the Muslim

> lobby in the US?! And the latter, tell me, how does

> a stupid Palestinian refugee (deported from Kuwait

> in the first Iraq War for supporting Saddam

> Hussein), become a multi-millionaire with

> international holdings within a brief decade, that

> too with a wife and 5 kids and a big extended family

> to support in Gaza and in Jordan?? A peripatetic

> salesman of scientific laboratory equipment

> travelling abroad every few weeks.


> Child of the times, did I say? I may be misreading

> the situation, so tell me where I may be wrong.


> Also, the news of a concerted official pogrom

> against the remaining Hindus in Bangladesh since the

> fundamentalist-backed Begum Khaleda Zia government

> coming to power about 2 years ago, has been

> completely self-censored (blacked out) by the Indian

> media! The widespread rapes of Hindu Bengali women

> across the border can be of no concern to the

> self-serving Indian feminists either. This carnage

> preceded what happened in Gujarat following the

> deliberate provocation offered by terrorists, in the

> burning of innocent women and children in the train

> in Godhra. Unlike Israel, the Indian State is too

> weak and corrupt to give a fitting reply, and the

> majority community is now left to its own devices.

> I am not justifying what ensued, but pointing out to

> the historical compulsions behind the event, which

> must be taken into account in any unbiased

> investigation. The atmosphere is so extremely

> vitiated by the media that the truth will never be

> known. Just as the on-going pogrom against Hindus

> in Indian Kashmir for the last 55 years (the only

> State in India with a Muslim majority population) is

> almost completely blacked out except when major

> terrorist attacks happen. Not to mention the high

> death toll in the ranks of the Indian security

> apparatus. This kind of stupidly self-serving

> manipulation of news is possible because few Indians

> out of the overall population have access to the

> Net! Not to mention the all-pervasive apathy in

> such a soul-corrupting environment. And the media

> is more concerned about pandering to its market

> concerns than even elementary national interest,

> unlike in the USA.


> Some 5,000 get killed in the USA as a result of the

> Islamic attacks (yes, with an incredible cascading

> effect on the entire economy), and the whole world

> gets stirred. Indian lives and suffering come

> cheap. And yet, this is one country that has borne

> the harshest consequences of Islamic jihad for over

> 1000 years, not to mention British-Missionary

> chicanery, and continued to hold on to its singular

> identity as a non-theological, non-Muslim State with

> great tenacity! (With secular Rulers from ancient

> times allowing all religions to flourish without

> interference).


> We have lost over 30,000 people as a result of

> Pak-sponsored terrorism in the last decade alone,

> and are constantly exhorted to exercise restraint,

> because Pakistan clandestinely acquired nuclear

> capability under the benign eye of its greatest

> ally, the USA. When Iraq built a nuclear reactor,

> the same USA permitted Israel to destroy it with a

> single accurate aerial bomb attack. And the

> Taliban, is entirely the creation of the USA and its

> Defence Industry, arming it to the teeth against the

> Soviets, unmindful of the fact that most of the

> weaponry went into the hands of Pakistani terrorists

> acting against the democratic State of India.


> There will hardly be any Hindus left (to protect its

> national interests out of pure love for this ancient

> land and its compassionate, all-encompassing culture

> of great knowledge and wisdom), should at this point

> we cease to question media doublespeak, in tune with

> the so-called leftists! In India, most unlike in

> other countries, it is the Hindu way of life that is

> respectful of cultural diversity, tolerance,

> vegetarianism, spirituality and ecological living as

> well, which is in fact the agenda of the 'leftists'

> in Western countries. In direct contrast, the left

> in India solely consists of Hindu-baiters and

> discredited multiple splinters of the Communists and

> Socialists, people who formerly took their cues on

> official policy from Moscow, Beijing and Albania

> even.


> Interestingly, Gandhi was a practising Hindu in all

> that he did, and a woolly-headed thinker in the

> politics he espoused. And all-too-adamant rather

> than consensual or accommodative about it. (Other

> Indian leaders including Jinnah, Netaji Bose and Dr.

> B. R. Ambedkar turned away from him in great despair

> until the bloody course of history was rendered

> unstoppable). He was most unlike hard-nosed

> Statesmen of the time like Churchill, Eisenhower and

> Stalin, who wisely and non-sentimentally put

> national interest above all else. Also, and this I

> say with great responsibility, because I have it

> from several people who attended on him and stayed

> for long periods in his ashrams, his sexual

> experiments bordered on debauchery and paedophilia,

> something that would never pass muster in

> contemporary times under the intense gaze of the

> media!


> Less said about Nehru, the better. Becuase Kashmir,

> a long-festering wound for India, and the conflict

> with China are solely Nehru's legacy. Just like

> terrorism in Punjab was that of Indira Gandhi,

> Nehru's daughter (and no relation of the elder

> Gandhi). And, pardon me, unlike motivated British

> propaganda, it was not Gandhi alone, but innumerable

> leaders of great stature from all of India who,

> along with their followers, made it impossible for

> an impoverished Imperial state to continue ruling

> its distant colonies after the destruction of the

> 'Mother Country' wrought by WWII. It was

> increasingly unable to defend itself in the face of

> bloody attacks on its 'garrisons' and administration

> throughout India by revolutionary freedom fighters.

> No doubt the nonviolent 'boycott' and

> non-cooperation movement led by Gandhi helped, but

> it was not the whole truth as is projected in the

> West and by vested interests in India.


> Even the fallacy that India 'won its freedom'

> without a drop of blood being shed, is such a vile

> lie. Hundreds of thousands of people, especially

> Hindus, were massacred directly as a result of the

> Partition of Imperial India into the 2 Pakistans

> (East and West) and the rest of India (leaving out

> Burma, Ceylon, Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim, which were

> historically always a part of India).


> Like a friend, a former refugee, who personally

> experienced the systematic slaughter of Hindus in

> village after village in Pakistan told me the other

> day, the truth about what happened in the aftermath

> of the Partition of India is largely an untold

> story! This did not happen in India, which is why

> we have the second largest Muslim population in the

> world, following Indonesia. The Hindus got punished

> both ways by their exalted leadership that was

> swindled by its British masters. They lost huge

> portions of territory, getting slaughtered in the

> bargain, paid ransom to Pakistan at the insistence

> of Gandhi, and then, had to contend with a massive

> Muslim minority population that refused to leave

> their homes and hearths in India. And this, by a

> remarkable sleight of hand by the incompetent

> Congress leaders, was passed off as the victory of

> Secularism over theocracy! The Muslims were in the

> main safe and sound in India, so a relatively few

> migrated to Pakistan despite the partition being

> purportedly executed on a purely religious basis.

> They would have flourished even more but for their

> short-sighted and fanatical leadership which

> prevented them from taking recourse to the tools of

> modernity, including a secular education!


> To cap it, Pakistan provoked its tribal leaders to

> attack Kashmir and bit off huge chunks of its

> territory, cutting India off from its traditional

> northern access to Afghanistan, China and Russia!

> Three bloody wars were fought, draining the

> resurgent pacifist nation of its vitality, with no

> resolution in sight yet, and may be another

> partition due unless we wake up soon to the hard

> reality out there.


> The bloodiest partition in human history was

> achieved by the British a split-second before they

> quit the governance of India, leaving the fledging

> (and flummoxed) Indian leadership with the bleeding

> baby. And Nehru, dear Nehru, even invited Lord

> Mountbatten to be the first 'Indian' Viceroy

> post-independence, a bland admission of his

> inability to govern as the chosen heir of Gandhi!

> It is on record that he wished to refer Hyderabad --

> now in Andhra Pradesh in the South -- the State

> ruled by the Nizam -- to the United Nations, in

> addition to Kashmir. This was disallowed by his

> sagacious colleague Sardar Patel, who quickly

> enforced the dissolution of the Princely State in

> modern and secular India.


> The Ruler of Kashmir had already seceded

> legitimately to India, but the State was attacked

> and partially occupied by the Islamic State of

> Pakistan immediately after the Partition, while the

> Indian leadership was in total disarray. The Ruler

> of Nepal, the only Hindu Nation on earth, now

> considerably beleaguered by its Maoist terrorist

> groups, also wanted to merge his State into India,

> but this was disallowed by Nehru with the comment,

> "What will the world think of us?" He had to live

> up to the glorious halo settled on his head as

> leader of the 'non-aligned' (pro-Soviet) movement,

> always a thorn in the flesh of Israel since its

> inception! Now Nepal too is a beehive of Al

> Qaida-ISI operatives using it as a base for

> launching anti-India initiatives. So much so that

> the US Government has had to actively engage in some

> arm-twisting there, although in an apparently

> low-key manner! And believe me, a major proportion

> of its population live, work and even own property

> in India, because it is such a pitifully

> impoverished State.


> When Communist China was a paraiah country,

> unrecognized by majority of nations in the UN, Nehru

> sponsored the case for its admission, and the

> bestowal on it of a permanent Security Council Seat,

> something which India does not have to-date!!! And

> then, we fought and lost a bloody war with China in

> 1962 over border conflict in the Himalayas, during

> the Prime Ministership of the same Nehru... (India,

> perhaps, being the only 'expansive' nation on earth

> that treats its dead soldiers as chillar, i.e. loose

> change, wholly dispensible)!


> These are the hard facts, open to documentary

> verification, unlike manufactured history encouraged

> by the colonisers, and now their heirs in the

> mercantile 'psecularist' (read as pseudo-secularist)

> media of independent and fast globalizing India.


> All the western concepts and biases are turned on

> their head when confronted with the Indian-Hindu

> reality. But we have so few original thinkers or

> Statesmen left. Will we survive the next wave of

> attacks when they come, as they surely must?


> Regards,


> aaa




> Hindu Genocide in East Pakistan

> By Shrinandan Vyas






> This article deals with slaughter of about 2.5

> million Hindus in East Pakistan in 1971.

> This article refers to information provided by Dept.

> of Planning of Government of Bangla Desh,

> Encyclopedia Britannica, Senator Edward Kennedy's

> report to the U.S.Senate Judiciary Committee,

> Newsweek, New York Times,etc. This information and

> elementary math are used to show that indeed

> millions of Hindus were killed in East Pakistan in

> 1971.







> It is well known that the 1971 army repression in

> Bangla Desh (former East Pakistan) resulted in an

> influx of 10 million refugees into India. Most world

> renowned relief and news agencies put the number of

> dead at 3 million. However the fact that is glossed

> over in these statistics is that THE ENTIRE HINDU



> IN 1971. Using the population statistics from Bangla

> Desh Government and US Government publications this

> article PROVES that 80 percent of the refugees from

> Bangla Desh were Hindus and that 80 percent of the 3

> million killed were Hindus. THUS IT WAS A HINDU



> 10 References - Encyclopedia Britannica, Bangla Desh

> Government - Ministry of Planning (for statistics),

> Newsweek, New York Times, Senator Edward Kennedy's

> report to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee.







> In the December 1970 general election in Pakistan,

> Awami League won 167 of 169 seats and over 80 % of

> popular votes in East Pakistan. Numerically Awami

> League had an absolute majority of seats in the

> Pakistan National Assembly (167 of the total 313

> seats)(1). Historically, East Pakistan was allocated

> only 36 % of the total resources and East Pakistanis

> occupied only 20 % of the positions in the federal

> government in the United Pakistan (2). The Pakistani

> government's apathy towards East Pakistan after a

> terrible cyclone in November 1970 in which over

> 250,000 people died, had alienated East Pakistani

> people. The solid outcome of the 1970 elections for

> Awami League created an alternative power center for

> an already alienated people. The differences between

> the East and West Pakistani politicians snowballed

> into a major international crisis. On March 25, 1971

> Pakistani army on President Yahya Khan's orders

> initiated a campaign of terror which was to last

> till its final surrender to the Indian army on

> December 17, 1971. This terror campaign by Pak army

> resulted in 10 million Bangla Deshi refugees

> crossing over to India (per Senator Edward Kennedy's

> report to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee (3))

> and 3 million killed (4,5) based on reports from

> most relief agencies and official Bangla Desh

> government estimate. However the religious mix of

> both the refugees and the dead is nowhere emphasized

> anywhere. This significant information has

> particularly been absent in the reports from Indian

> News Media. This selective news dissemination has

> kept a more sinister truth of Hindu genocide in East

> Pakistan hidden from the world in general and

> Indians in particular.








> In the summary of his report dated November 1, 1971

> Senator Edward Kennedy writes (6):

> 'Field reports to the U.S. Government, countless

> eye-witness journalistic accounts, reports of

> International agencies such as World Bank and

> additional information available to the subcommittee

> document the reign of terror which grips East Bengal





> All of this has been officially sanctioned, ordered

> and implemented under martial law from Islamabad.

> ..' (emphasis added by author of this article).

> Sydney Schanberg, pulitzer prize winning journalist

> (of 'Killing Fields') was New York Times

> correspondent in Dhaka in 1971 at the time of army

> repression and during the 1971 Bangla Desh war. In

> his syndicated column 'The Pakistani Slaughter That

> Nixon Ignored' Mr.Schanberg writes:

> "I covered the war and witnessed first the

> population's joyous welcome of the Indian soldiers

> as liberators .. Later I toured the country by road

> to see the Pakistani legacy firsthand. In town after

> town there was an execution area where people had

> been killed by bayonet, bullet and bludgeon. In some

> towns, executions were held on a daily basis."

> This was a month after the war's end (i.e. January

> 1972), ... human bones were still scattered along

> many roadsides. Blood stained clothing and tufts of

> human hair clung to the brush at these killing

> grounds. Children too young to understand were

> playing grotesque games with skulls. OTHER REMINDERS



> MUSLIM ARMY." (7) (emphasis added by the author of

> this article).

> Thus two independent observations one dated prior to

> November 1, 1971 and other in January 1972 confirm

> that Hindu houses in East Pakistan were marked with

> yellow "H"s and that Hindus were particular targets

> of the Pakistani army. The situation thus bears an

> uncanny resemblance to the predicament of Jews

> targeted by Nazis from 1939 to 1944, with similar

> out come.







> Senator Edward Kennedy in his report gives following

> details about the the refugees from Bangla Desh in

> 1971. As of October 25, 1971, 9.54 million refugees

> from East Pakistan had crossed over to India. The

> average influx as of October 1971 was 10,645

> refugees a day (3). Hence the total refugee

> population at the start of Bangla Desh war on

> December 3, 1971 was about 10 million (5).

> Sen. Kennedy further mentions that Government of

> India had set up separate refugee camps for Hindus

> and Muslims where possible, i.e. refugee camps of

> Hindus were located in Hindu majority areas and

> similarly Muslim camps were located in Muslim





> WERE HINDUS (8). Other fact that corroborates this

> is that when Sen. Kennedy had asked several Chief

> Relief officers in charge of refugee camps what was

> needed most urgently, their reply was

> "crematoriums".







> Several agencies indicate that the brutal Pakistani

> army repression killed 3 million Bengalis. This

> estimate is even given by the Government of Bangla

> Desh (5). However no religious mix of the dead is

> easily available.

> Let us therefore look at the population demographics

> for Bangla Desh which is given in Table I.


> Source : Based on Information from Bangladesh

> Ministry of planning, Bureau of Statistics (9)

> YEAR Total Population in Millions Hindu

> Population as % of Total Hindu Population in

> Millions

> 1941 42.00 28.0 11.76

> 1961 50.84 18.5 9.41

> 1974 71.48 13.5* 9.655

> 1981 87.13 12.2 10.633


> * Encyclopedia Britannica (10) gives 13.5% figure

> for 1974, where as Government of Bangla Desh gives

> 13.5% for 1971 and total population of 71.48 million

> for 1974 (9).

> Since Hindus and Muslims in Bangladesh have similar

> socio- economic and educational backgrounds, the

> birth and death rates for these two groups must be

> very similar. This means that the Hindu population

> must grow at the same pace as the total population

> growth rate. Hence any unusual drop must be

> accounted for by influx of Hindu refugees and

> mortality rate from non natural causes. The expected

> Hindu population, the emigration to India from E.

> Pakistan and actual populations are listed in Table

> II.

> Table II

> YEAR Hindu Population of East Pak/BD Actual

> (9)

> (millions) Expected Hindu Population in

> Absence of Strife

> (millions) Refugees from E. Pakistan to

> India(8)

> (millions) Hindus Missing

> (millions)

> 1941 11.766 - - -

> 1961 9.41 14.24 4.12(1947-58) 0.711

> 1974 9.65 13.23 1.11(1964-70) 2.477


> Thus if 1947 partition had not resulted, the Hindu

> population of East Pakistan area should by 1961 have

> increased proportionally from 11.76 millions in

> 1941, to 14.24 millions (11.76 * 50.84 / 42 =

> 14.24). The official Indian Government records

> indicate that between 1947 and 1958, 4.12 million

> (Hindu) refugees crossed into India from East

> Bengal(3). This means the Hindu population in East

> Pakistan in 1961 should have been 10.12 million

> (14.24 - 4.12) compared to the actual 9.41 million.

> The missing 0.7 million Hindu population can be

> accounted by several hundred thousands killed in the

> riots in 1947 on the Bengal border, plus the refugee

> influx from 1958 to 1961. 1961.

> Let us now look at Hindu population in East pakistan

> from 1961 to 1974. With proportional increase the

> Hindu population of 9.41 million in 1961 should have

> increased to 13.23 million ( 9.41 * 71.48 / 50.84 =

> 13.23 ) by 1974. However the actual Hindu population

> as per Bangla Desh Census data for 1974 was 9.65

> million. Of the 3.58 million shortfall only 1.11

> million can be accounted for since Government of

> India's record indicate that 1.11 million (Hindu)

> refugees crossed into India between 1964 and 1970

> (3) i.e.PRIOR to the 1971 crisis.

> THUS 2.47 MILLION (13.23 - 9.65 - 1.11 = 2.47)










> Since the 80 percent of the refugees in 1971 were

> Hindus,a similar proportion of the dead are likely

> to be Hindus also. The official Bangla Desh

> government estimate puts the number of Bengalis

> killed at 3 million. 80 percent of 3 million put THE


> close to the number of Hindus missing calculated

> comes above.







> 1. Independent

> accounts indicate that Hindus from East Pakistan

> were special target during the 1971 army repression.




> 2. 80 percent of the

> refugees to India in 1971 were Hindus, THUS IT WAS A












> 6. In any internal

> political problem of an Islamic country, Hindus (or

> minorities of other religions) become the scapegoats

> and will be liquidated at the first chance the

> Islamic Government gets.










> This is just the tip of the iceberg. The ethnic

> cleansing of Hindus in Bangla Desh did not end in

> 1971. Since 1974 to 1981 the Hindu population as a

> percent of total Bangla Deshi population decreased

> from 13.5 % to 12.2 %. This slide has continued over

> the last decade. Same is true about Hindus in

> Pakistan and in Kashmir valley.

> There is a genuine need for systematic record

> keeping and documentation of the history of Hindu

> genocides & Hindu ethnic cleansing, so that we don't

> repeat it again (and again and again..) There is

> also a need to build a memorial of this Hindu

> holocaust similar to the Jewish Holocaust memorial

> in Washington DC.

> This topic is extensively dealt in a book 'Genocide

> in East Pakistan/ Bangla Desh' by S.K.Bhattacharya.

> However the present author has verified the findings

> of S.K. Bhattacharya based on completely independent

> sources. For detailed descriptions and news reports

> of 1971, reader should refer to the original book.







> 1. Bangladesh: The

> Birth Of A Nation, A hand book of Background

> information and Documentary Sources Compiled by

> Univ. of Chicago Group of Scholars, by M.Nicholas,

> P.Oldensburg, Ed.W.Morehouse, M.Seshachalam & Co.,

> India, 1972, p.7

> 2. Same as reference

> 1, p.73

> 3. Crisis in South

> Asia - A report by Senator Edward Kennedy to the

> Subcommittee investigating the Problem of Refugees

> and Their Settlement, Submitted to U.S. Senate

> Judiciary Committee, November 1, 1971, U.S. Govt.

> Press, pp.6-7.

> 4. Newsweek, August 1,

> 1994, p.37

> 5. Same as reference

> 1, pp.44-45

> 6. Same as reference

> 3, p.66

> 7. The Pakistani

> Slaughter That Nixon Ignored , Syndicated Column by

> Sydney Schanberg, New York Times, May 3, 1994.

> 8. Same as reference

> 3, p. 19

> 9. Bangladesh A

> Country Study, Ed. J.Heitzman & R.L.Worden, 2nd Ed,

> Federal Research Division, Library of Congress,

> Publisher U.S. Army, 1989, pp.250,255

> 10. Encyclopedia

> Britannica, 15 th Ed, Micropedia, Vol.1, p.789 Desh.







> Back To Islamic Ages

> Back To Modern Hindu History

> Back To Library Of Hindu History

> P.S. from 'aaa': The first article on the Taj Mahal

> (under the 'Islamic Ages' link) made me very sad.

> It is true that Mahal means Mansion, and no lady is

> called a mansion! Besides, all it takes for the

> Archeological Society of India is to frankly and

> honestly verify the truth by opening up the sealed

> chambers! But the pressure of the Muslim minority

> adamance against any verification of truth using

> latest technology is such, that neither the

> scholars, administrators, nor chicken-livered

> political leaders are capable of doing a thing to

> settle the issue once and for all! And as far as

> the mediocre media is concerned, it is these very

> dogged researchers who are rendered the objects of

> ridicule (always by reporters / editors from the

> minority community, mind you).

> If the Dead Sea Scrolls could be brought into the

> public domain under rigorous scientific inquiry to

> settle long-standing inter-religious controversies,

> why not do the same with the Taj? The barbarians

> converted nearly all Hindu places of worship into

> mosques and sepulchres, against the very tenets of

> Islam. And the loot was of such incredible

> proportions, by both the desert tribals who had

> nothing until the discovery of oil 3 decades ago,

> and the plague and pox-ridden British society, that

> the once-richest empire on earth was reduced to

> abject poverty. It is not an exaggeration to say

> that all the 18th century scientific and

> technological advance in Europe was bankrolled by

> the loot of its colonies! Especially the fabled

> riches of the Ind that in fact accidentally led to

> the discovery of Columbia!!! Right?


> Bhalchandrarao C Patvardhan

> ______________________________

> "Until the lions have their own historians, the

> history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter"

> (Attributed to a black African leader)






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